Waking up as Cinderella's Ste...

By thexboox

28.1K 497 16

Was Cinderella's Stepsister really a villain? A love story with the charm of a villain in a fairy tale. --- [... More



2.3K 43 0
By thexboox

The next day, the Prince invited us all to the palace.

I didn’t know why we were invited, but it was also true that I was excited about the rare opportunity of visiting the royal palace.

The royal palace we visited again welcomed us armed with extreme splendor. It was so intimidating that it could not be compared with what I had seen for a while at nighttime during the ball.

Each room with marble and golden decorations showed the splendor and absolute power of the monarchy. The beauty indescribable in words made my mouth gape at every sight that caught my eye.

I had never been able to visit Europe because I was busy with life, but I thought that I could relieve my regret like this.

But even the most beautiful things can only be enjoyed in small amounts. As I continued to observe, I became suffocated by the atmosphere of being overwhelmed.

Coming out for a while to get some fresh air, I was tongue-tied at the garden, which was much larger than I had seen through the window.

A maze garden that I had only seen through photos was right in front of me. It was made up of trees much taller than my height, so even though it was only a tree, I felt tremendous intimidation.

I was curious to explore the inside of the maze, but I did not have the courage to take a step in the fear that once I entered, I would never be able to get out.

You shouldn't spend money on this, you should look back on the hard lives of the serfs.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the courage or the guts to speak bitterly against the royal family. I didn't want to die by having my head cut off by the guillotine.

The moment I fidgeted with my neck with a shudder, a human figure suddenly appeared through the trees.


I was terrified to the point that my shoulders shook because I was imagining something that wasn't pleasant.

I was relieved by checking his face, but without realizing it, the strength in my legs that had been stepping backwards was released. I lost my focus and staggered as I stepped on my skirt.


A strong hand reached out and grabbed my body that was staggering in surprise.

As Drake’s arms tightly wrapped around my waist, his face came close.

“It seems that you have a hobby of disappearing without a word.”

His heart was pounding, as if he had come running. His face, slightly stiff, was filled with anxiety.

“I didn’t know you were here so I was looking for you for a long time.”

I asked him nervously, wondering if something had happened.

“Did something bad happen?”

“I was looking for you just in case.”

As he looked into my eyes and spit out his words, I tightened my lips and quietly swallowed my breath.

Uh. What’s with this guy?

Even the cheesy words which passed through the man’s mouth shook my heart strangely.

The Prince seemed to be like that too. Is everyone in this place like this?

Everyone seems to fall in love easily here.

“I just came out to get some air.”

I straightened my body up and looked as if it was nothing. He tilted his head and asked if he didn't like my attitude.

“Even if it was once a hunting ground for the king?”

I turned my gaze to look at the expansive garden. Beyond the beautifully landscaped garden, I could see trees densely packed like a forest. It was a landscape that would not be strange if an animal appeared. However, if you think about the use of the expression ‘once’, it can be interpreted as meaning not now.

“The Royal Palace is a more dangerous place than you think.”

At his warning, I shrugged my shoulders.

“But Sir Drake looks more dangerous to me?”

I smirked and made a joke. I said it with the intention to tell him not to be so serious, but a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his lips as he looked at me.

Apparently he took it in a different way.

“That’s true.”

He rubbed his chin and muttered. I was a little terrified, but I smiled without showing off.

“Are you going to eat me?”

Wait. I am a noble girl.

I bit my tongue, thinking I had picked the wrong joke. It was a joke that could be taken in a completely sexual sense.

“May I?”

A gentle voice was heard in my ear.

Why are you so polite when you are saying an obscene joke?

I looked at him with round eyes, forgetting that I had to take care of my expression.

Originally, I was the type of person to say everything I wanted to say, but in front of this man, I couldn't spit it out.


Breaking the awkward silence, he laughed. It wasn't a loud laugh, but it was enough to break the tension that had been narrowing.

When I came to my senses, I coughed.

"Well. I'm not thinking of getting easily caught....”

With a slight tug at the corners of my mouth, I looked around for no reason.

“By the way, when can I go back?”

It hasn't been a day since I came to the palace, but I didn't feel like staying any longer. It was beautiful and nice, but somehow it was cramped and boring.

However, I could not dare to express this sentiment.

Don't tell me you noticed. Slowly looking into my eyes, he gently closed his eyes and held out his hand.

“Probably now.”

It was unintentional physical contact.

It was closer to ‘placing on top of’ rather than ‘holding’ my hand, but when I thought about how long it had been since I had walked side by side with a man in a beautiful place, I felt strange.

A carriage was waiting for us where he followed me. I wasn’t sure when they came, but Trimaine and Drizella were already in the carriage.

I felt embarrassed and a little betrayed when I thought this was the reason why he desperately looked for me.

I thought we were going home, but he said we were going to a villa outside of the royal palace. Drizella was delighted, but Trimaine looked worried with her mouth closed.

I too was a bit confused. I really wanted to ask, but my wounded pride didn't allow it.

The carriage, which had been running for a long time, arrived at the villa only after the sun had set. As I was about to get off the carriage, I looked at Drake's hand that was out to escort me out, and hesitantly grabbed his hand.

In my mind, I wanted to shake his hand off and go down alone, but I thought it was more ridiculous, so I didn't express it on purpose.

“Come this way.”

Whether he knew my heart or not, he said it with a smile on his face.

I followed him silently and looked around. Although the size of the garden and building was much smaller than that of the royal palace, the charmingly decorated scenery felt much more intimate.

Even so, there was still an awkward feeling.

Suddenly, I was worried about Ella, who was left alone in the royal palace.

What awaited us when we were ushered into the kitchen was the carefully prepared meal. It was a different atmosphere from the royal palace, where it was left uneaten and then taken away.

After having a full meal, I went for a walk in the garden to digest. It was dark, but thanks to the densely hung lanterns, it was rather a beautiful night view.

As I walked while admiring the beautifully landscaped flowers and trees, I found myself in front of a maze garden.

I thinking that m there was also a maze garden here too, but Drake suddenly approached me from behind.

“It would be fun to try.”

Just like before, by some chance, I kept seeing myself in front of the maze garden.

Maybe that's why I thought I was hesitating, because of fear.

“There is nothing to be afraid of. Because there is no maze without an exit.”

A low voice rang in my ears.

The maze has an exit. If I fell for this man by mistake, I would not be able to get out and I would struggle.

I confidently moved my legs into the garden as if I was not afraid. Coming up next to me, he went into the maze with me.

“It seems that the Royal Guard Corps is a pretty leisurely workplace.”

He shrugged at my thoughtless mumble.

“No way.”

Ah. There's no way that would be the case so he’s just hanging out in the garden like this.

I smiled quietly and didn't say anything on purpose.

I thought he was a pretty decent person, but it seems that he only had a sleek appearance, but he was a bit of a troublemaker who abandoned his duties.

As I slowly pouted his mouth at the rush of disappointment, he turned to me and said,

“I guess it looks like I’m a troublemaker who abandons his duties.”

I looked at him with a startled expression on my face as if he had read the words in my head.

I guess they use that word here too.... Oops!

I tried to fix my face belatedly, but it was only after I had already revealed it all with my face.

Seeing me biting my lips, he smiled with his hands behind his back.

Grasping only the hem of my skirt, I stared straight ahead and walked faster.

“You may not believe me, but I am on a mission.”

He followed my footsteps and said so. But I made my way through the maze like a deaf person.

Then he stepped forward and stopped in front of me. Unlike the smirk before, his face was serious.

I was a little startled by his behavior, which seemed to be somehow inconsistent.

“At this place far away from the royal palace?”

“I am with the royal family, but I made an oath specifically to the Prince.”

“So why does that matter….”

“Because I had to protect you.”


At the unexpected word, I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. He sighed softly at my eyes asking for an explanation, and he opened his mouth.

“Actually, the Prince and the royal family have a conflict over the marriage issue.”

“A conflict?”

When I asked again as if to check if I had heard something wrong, he looked at me and nodded his head.

I blinked in confusion and touched my forehead.

It was because I expected a happy ending such that they lived happily ever after, just like an ending of a fairy tale.

Even in this seemingly fantasy-like place, harsh and irrational reality exists.

The thought that there are walls of reality everywhere made me feel very bitter.

According to Drake, from generation to generation, the royal family had arranged marriages with princesses of neighboring countries for the sake of the national interest.

Everyone took it for granted that the Prince would do the same as well, but he suddenly decided to marry the lady of the count, whom no one had never heard of.

In other modern words, the heir of the No. 1 conglomerate in the business world was about to marry an unemployed woman who had nothing.

Perhaps it was only natural for the royal family to be turned upside down.

Fearing that the family would use their hands secretly, the prince invited my family to the royal family to draw the attention of many people. It was calculated that if there were many eyes to see us, there would be nothing more that the royal family could do.

But that was too naïve to stand up to absolute power. The royal family were people who would do everything to maintain and strengthen the royal power.

Since various interests were intertwined, not only the king, but also royal blood relatives had no choice but to move secretly.

Maybe the Prince had caught some unusual energy and rushed us to escape.

‘The Royal Palace is a more dangerous place than I thought.’

It seemed that I now knew why he suddenly said that.

“So, what about Ella?”

I asked about Ella with a worried face.

“She is with his Highness the Prince. He is not someone who will put the safety of the woman he loves in their hands.”

He seemed to be a man with a pretty heart as well as his handsome looks. Indeed, in the current situation, it could have been more unbearable to be apart.

Anyway, their ending was going to be a happy ending.

I was praying that it would be resolved without any problems, but I opened my eyes at the thought that suddenly came to my mind.

“You have violated the king’s order.”

No matter how much blood he swore to the Prince, it was the King who held power. Depending on the interpretation, it was a situation that could lead to treason.

The main characters may have a happy ending, but there is no guarantee that the others will be like that too.

“We have put the uninvolved Sir Drake in trouble. I'm really sorry."

I apologized to him in a muffled voice. I knew it was not something that could be solved with just an apology, but there was nothing I could do about it now.

“There is no need to apologize as this is a voluntary decision.”

“But you couldn’t have ignored the Prince’s orders.”

“The Prince had no orders. He just acquiesced.”


Not knowing what he meant, I blinked with my eyes wide open.

“I am here, because of my own will.”


“I told you before. I had to protect you.”

That's the mission he gave himself.

His brief explanation made me even more confused.

Is it because of me? Why?

"I don’t… understand. Putting me second, it could become dangerous for you Sir Drake."

The eyelids looking at him trembled. He took a step closer and gently caressed my cheek.

“I know, but that’s not what my head tells me to do.”

He pursed the tip of my lips as if to reassure me.

How could he make a romantic confession in this type of situation.

I shook my head, trying to calm myself down.

“How long has it been since we met? It’s absurd.”

“I thought I was crazy too.”

He raised one eyebrow slightly, then smiled and continued.

“Nevertheless, I ended up doing it. If I had gone back to that time, I would have made the same decision.”

He said with a face that I had nothing to worry about.

I was thankful for him, who had not shown any signs of being in an urgent situation, but I was worried that I might have a bad effect on his life, perhaps even on his family.

In the worst case, he could lose his life for violating the King's order.

I was suddenly terrified.

I got goosebumps all over my body when I thought that I might really be decapitated by the guillotine.

When I came to my senses, I spoke to him with my eyes wide open. I couldn't help but want to save him.

“Go back to the palace right now. Go ahead and beg for that you did wrong.”

As if to please go back, I grabbed his arm and looked at him eagerly.

He gently placed his hand on mine as I grabbed his arm. Warmth seeped through my trembling hands.

“That will never happen.”

The blue eyes staring at me were determined without wavering.

My heart was pounding, but I had to make up my mind and convince him. It was because I'm not the 31-year-old Jinyoung Kim who can brag in the neighborhood by saying that such a handsome man was clinging to me.

“This is a passing wind. It becomes nothing after a while.”

“Wait and you will know.”

"Why are you doing this? I’m nothing....”

"Now I can understand my father who fell in love at first sight and proposed three days after they met."

I looked at him, forgetting what to say. I told him to go back, but I actually wanted him to stay by my side.

But I didn't want him to get in trouble either. Conflicting thoughts collided in my head.

“You might regret it.”

As I mumbled in an unconfident voice, he whispered as he wrapped his hands around my cheeks.

“If you don’t kiss me now, then maybe.”

He tilted his head over and touched my lips softly.

I accepted his lips without resistance even though I knew it was not time for this. I thought that maybe this would be the the last time, and that the situation where I was pushed to the limit might have led me to more affectionate emotions.

He slowly sucked in my lower lip and shoved his hot tongue between my gaping lips.

The tongue glided into my mouth, tasting my mouth, and scouring every nook and cranny. Even though I had no hesitation, the infinitely smooth movement made me gasp for breath.

I closed my eyes tightly and wrapped my arms around his neck. Perhaps because my visual information was limited, the rough bumps on his tongue that swept through my tender flesh felt more vivid.

The tongue, which penetrated me deeply, coveted my mouth as if to suck everything up. With a wet noise, our soft and hot flesh intertwined together.

“Huh, eung.”

At the dense kiss, I let out a thin moan and hugged him as if clinging him. My legs were trembling and I couldn't stand on my own.

I could feel the heat of desire from his tight body. The strange sensation that came from him was heating up deep in my body too.


Our lips parted and the intense kiss stopped. In a maze that perfectly surrounded the two of us. He held my face and exhaled a rough breath.

The moment I saw his eyes fixed on me even in the dark, I felt a sense of relief that could be described in words.

“I want you.”

As I stood while gasping for breath, I moved my lips like a hypnotized person.

I thought I was crazy about the situation where I might die tomorrow, but I didn't regret it.

I wanted to be honest with him without hiding anything. Just as he acted without considering his own well-being, I realized that there are no set rules or principles for how to feel about each other.

“Do you know what you are asking for?”

He looked into my eyes and asked me, biting his teeth so much that his temples lit up. Although I had already experienced everything, in his eyes, I looked like an ignorant aristocratic young girl.

However, it was common to get married around 15 here, so if you were 17, you were not young here either.

“I’m too honest to pretend I don’t know.”

His heart pounded at my reckless response.

He looked at me like he was going burn a hole through me and grabbed my hand. And then he quickly began to escape the maze.

Recalling his words that there is no maze without an exit, I followed his lead.

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