Old Pictures Of Memories To L...

By YourLocalTheraphist

7.7K 448 39

Novel spoiler (My au) Slight WS X Cale (White Star isn't ancient, instead White Star is only a title) (Canon... More

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1.2K 75 3
By YourLocalTheraphist

Time past and the battlefield was meant to be clean up..

Cleanse out of the ground misery, and the traumatic events bestow upon the ground.

Millions liters of blood was shed, flowing deep into the earth crust.

But to clean and cleanse the ground out of its misery, a group of people have a job for it.

They are called....

The Cleaners

Not a surprising name, but to fit the requirements of being 'Cleaners', is a lot, One must have good connections and knowledge about death, to bestow the fallen with a proper burial.

Not only that, they must be selectively pick..Pick by their emotional scores and mental stability.

And their fear and trust to not leak any crucial information that the public must not known.

For instance.

The death of Cale Henitsue and The White Star..

Caw Caw!!

'Aikha, the crows are starting to return again, how many bodies are left to be inspected?'

A woman with untame greenish hair, yellow eyes and a gap tooth, wearing a black uniform and a blue mask, was cleaning up the major area of the battlefield.

'Hm, judging by the amount ,not near as much as the other wars, comparing this to the other places we clean up, this is very surprising..'

A more mature but calm voice decorated, a beautiful women with brown and white eyes..She wore the same attire as the lady with a green hair.

The women continue again

'Well, Qas, I have been wondering...'

The green haired women name Qas glance at her adopted sister.

'Whatcha, wondering about?'

Aikha, the one with black hair change the direction of her head towards a familiar looking coprses..

'Haish...So i been wondering, the commander..And .. The evil redhead dude, The way that they die.. It's almost too symbolic.'

Qas stop whatever she was doing and looks at the direction where Aikha is looking.

After a few days from the end of the war, The commander dies in the embrace of the enemy, but the corpses were told to not be deal with until everything has been clear up..

But for bodies that age more than 3 days, the bodies dindt smell at all, infact the bodies have more of a chemical to a flowery smell.

And on this dying land with no grass and water to be seen, surrounding the two readheads in a circle-like manner there were a patch of green lush grass with random shades of white flowers..

Its is very weird, the moment The Cleaners came the two redheads stick out like sore thumb, it is understandable for the redhead commander, Cale Henitsue, to die surrounding by nature as he called to be the one natures love, and was favour by the gods..

But The White Star!?

Attacking and hurting, humans and also GODS FAVOURITE!? Cale Henitsue also was rumor to be a messanger of a god.

The white star, received a death the same as the commander.They both dies in a serene and beautiful death..

But what did White Star do to deserve such death!?

Aikha than felt a tap on her shoulder.

'Dont think to much about it, its not our problem.'

Aikha nodded at Qas response and stands up.

'Where are you going!?'

Ask Qas.

'The two redheads, I wanna check then out.'

Before Qas could respond Aikha already runs over there.

'Haihs!!! Aikha!! Wait for meee!!!'

The two arrived infront of the corpses.

Qas eyes squinted as she saw the sight.

'They are... Smiling..'

Her eyes observed the corpses, The coprses are definitely dead but not to malnourished.

Aikha then squad down to have a closer look.

She tugged, touch, move the limbs in attempt to separate the two.

'I see now, why the commander burial have to be put on hold..'

'The evil dude hold him so tight, that even a small wrong move, the skins on these parts would peel and fall off..'

Qas finish the sentence for her.

Skin peeling and the corpses being damage is extremely common, but the commander family doesn't want anything to happened and wish to intact every last bits of Cale Henitsue.

And thats why they use a custom made dome, that are use to separate the two readheads without damaging the corpses.

The process took a bit while, so the heroes party took time to recollect themselves..

The dome also cleans up the dry blood on the commander corpse, it is to avoid any damageble outcome.

Aikha sighs.

'Nothing we could do right now, The dome would be done in another 30 minutes and the heroes party would be arriving in 30 minutes..'

Qas smiles.

'Ooo! Does that mean we could go home early!! Grandma's is in towns and she making her specials!!'

Aikha ears perks up and her lips parted to make a wides smile.

'Really!? Oh damn! We need go gome early! Granny doesn't like latecomers!!'

Qas giggles as she remembers a faint memories..

'HAH! Alright lets finish this quickly!! I wanna go home so bad, my back is built like shrimp from all the working!'

The two smiles happily from the thought of going home and enjoying a hot meal without having to answer to a flying sellipers at the door.



The two flinched

The sound of sand pouring next to them quickly send shivers up their spines.

Aikha and Qas heads snaps a turn and they saw what was the source of the sands pouring came from..






'Qas, Am i seeing thin-'




The two ladies stare in horror as they saw the melting body of White Star, the corpse melts like sands, drips down to the earth crust.

Qas has her hands on her mouth while Aikha eyes were starting to go crosswide.


Aikha tries to scoop up the remaining and falling sands but the sands are so fine, that it  basically falls and absorbs into the ground..

Qas was frozen and her issues of overthinking and making her sister more panic quickly shows up.

'Hahh...Ha! Aikha! The heros party is coming in the next 25 minutes!!! They are gonna suspect us as the evil dude SUBORDINATES!!'



Qas hands was place on both of her cheeks and a panic plus horror expression plaster across her face.

For Aikha, she has a dead "I just want to go home and read cringe romance stories on my bed and giggles like I am 20 years younger..".  Basically she is internally panicking..

More than 30 seconds have past and all the sands have dissolves onto the ground.

There left on the patch of grass, a beautifully angelic of a dead human lays there.

And 25 centimetres from the corpse is a two curled up ladies, whos life just flash before their own eyes.

'Aikha, we are gonna die and lose our jobs right?'

The solem up lady raise her head up to look at her sister eyes.

The calm and collected eyes if her sister stares back at her.

'Criminals have last meal right?'


'Defitnitley, but atleast i dont wanna go hungry.'

Qas just sigh.

'I would trade mom slipper's headshot just to not be here.'

Aikha nodded.

'For once, I want to eat grandmas weird dish made out of pencils.'

The two ladies than sigh in sycn.

'No one, is dying today..You both do an amazing job, yours overnight shift has ended, please return home and have a rest...'

A satisfied smile was plaster onto Qas lips.

'Really!? We appreciate that!, But dam our shift actually ended when on of the heroes party came up, and we are in some dipshet right now..


'Oh? Really what happened?'


Qas didn't let her eyes travel up, infact she still have her eyes close and having a chat to some stranger.

'So basically, we check up the commander corpse, peace to  him, and the evil other dude suddenly!! The evil redhead dude disintegrating into sand RIGHT INFRONT OF OUR DAMN EYES!'

Qas finish with a huff.

'So, my guy, this place isn't somewhere bystanders often comes, and tonight is the last shift, I do-'


Qas eyes jolted forward to where her sister is sitting.

She felt a shiver when she saw the scared expression of her sister.

'Aikha... Please dont tell me, that i just done something really stupid, we both knew damn well i don't know what i did..'

Aikha lips quiver before slowly open.

'Yeah, you know the heros that fight White Star?'


'You are talking to one..'

The stranger gave Qas her answer.

The two flinched as the sudden voice intervene..Qas finally looks up and to her right, and she was scared and mesmerized at the same time.

The stranger eyes were lock onto the both humans but his long golden hairs, piercing golden eyes and pearly skins is what caught Qas attention firts.

This man beauty could even be better than an elf..Tho this man is a hero too,therefore making it disrespectful to even thought of comparing this man to a mere elf.

Qas and Aikha was stunned and frozen both did not make a sound until Aikha mutter a word.

'A dragon...'

'You are correct, I am a dragon.'

The golden haired man responded towards Aikha mutters.

The two flinched.

'The name is Eruhaben, and since the look of the time, the two of you should head home...Now..'

His eyes were clearly looking down onto the two, maybe because of the fact that dragons are mighter than humans or is it because he is standing and we are sitting..

Eruhaben words struck the two like lightning and they quickly stood up.

'I- Ah! Yes! We will be going now! The dome would be finished in another 23 minutes!'

Aikha says with urgency.

'I know, i made the dome.'


'Right, we will be going now!'

Aikha bows and took her stuff with Qas but before they left they turn around to face Eruhaben back.

The two bow and says in a loud but stern voice.

'Thank you! For fighting for our hometown! We appreciate your sacrifices! Thank you sir Eruhaben and Thank you to the heros party!'

The two than quickly left.

Eruhaben just stood there unmove.

'Ha... Look you done soo much, yet you didn't be able to look at the outcome..'

'tch, unlucky bastard...'

His voice were low and soft..But a hint of sadness and grieve also mixed in.

Eruhaben than walks towards the body of the commander.

Cale Henitsue body lays there, nicely on the patch of grass with two of his arms folded onto his chest.

Eruhaben squad down to look at the dead corpse of someone he thought of to be his own child.

Eruhaben, The golden dust dragon who fought alongside Cale Henitsue, A mighty and selfish dragon, felt sad and grieve for this particular human.

The memories they share are now only be remember by only one.

The regrets and guilt, will be remember by only one.

Eruhaben almost shed a tear when he looks at Cale face, his expression is smiling, and Eruhaben could feel his heart being clench just looking at this man face..

Eruhaben uses his long slender fingers to take some hair on Cale face and put it aside.

'Haaa..You look better like this..'


The battleground is quite

Too quite.

The quitesness let Eruhaben drowns in his thoughts.

'Cale, you are like my son, all my years of being a dragon never one meant so much as this year and time...I am dying aswell but maybe in another 1-2 years.. But i promise to take care of your son Raon till he atleast mature enough..'

His voice were empty and shallow.

'You suffer greatly, you never truly tells people how you felt..This wars on such a young child like you!..Haa . What cruel fate..,,'

Eruhaben bits his lips and his voice grows a bit vicious.

'Cale you are smart and strategic, you cherish the people around you...You tell secrets but not all of them..'


'What are you to the White Star!?'

'Are you fated enemies!?'

'God messenger fighting evil!?'

'Or just heros and villains;?'

Eruhaben than quite down.

'I just wished i know...Your death brings others great sadness..And your secret or .True Story..With White Star..Is even worse ..'

'I am very sorry Eruhaben..'

Eruhaben jolted towards his back and his eye turns awfully wide..

His eyes were felt with dread, fear, lost and joy(?)..



Sorry readers! But the True Story would start on chapter 3 😭😊😰🤔! Don't worry i am working on it, The chapter would probably came out in 3-4 days!? If i fast enough!'

Thank you for reading and i see your next chapter! 🥰🥰🤌

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