The Gay Project

By larrypie69

1.4M 52.3K 153K

"I feel like I should suck your dick." "That's the point." Reached #1 in Larry Stylinson au ❤️ December 2020 More

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Author's Note


46.8K 1.8K 5.1K
By larrypie69

Louis sat in the office during his seventh period, highlighting the lines of the lead role. Not to brag or anything, but Louis was already assured by the drama teacher that he would get the lead role as Aladdin.

Louis always got the lead.

He was excited for this period because he was an office aid this year. It was the first day, so he had to run the front office while the real office ladies did stuff around the school, but any other day, Louis would be allowed to sit in his very own office in the back, occasionally filing papers. The ladies of the office preferred doing things themselves, so Louis would spend most of his time running lines. The ladies in here loved him, anyways.

"Excuse me," a deep voice spoke.

Louis jumped, dropping his highlighter on the book, almost messing it all up. He looked up to see the new boy.

"Louis, right?" he asked, smirking right at Louis.

"That's my name," Louis said, looking back down and capping his highlighter.

"Are you the sweet office lady I'm supposed to talk to get my schedule changed?" Harry asked, tapping the countertop.

"No, but I'm a close second. Tell me why you'd like to change and I'll hand you the form."

"I'm shit at art," Harry said bluntly, laughing a bit.

"I'm sure you aren't-"

Harry held up a piece of print paper. On it was a little stick dog.

"My baby cousin could draw a better dog than you," Louis said while laughing.

Harry merely chuckled and Louis's heart skipped because Harry had adorable dimples and deep teen eyes and a backwards SnapBack was pushing his curly hair back to reveal slight acne but Louis still thought he was gorgeous.

"Well, I s'pose that's good enough reason. Is it your current class?"

"Yeah. Any recommendations? Can I laze around like you're doing?" Harry asked, smirking.

"I'm not lazy! I'm running lines," Louis defended himself.

To be honest, Louis was relieved Harry hadn't brought up the earlier incident so far, but he was out of luck when Harry turned serious.

"I had just met that Ian guy at lunch, right before he did that to you. It was wrong of him."

Louis shrugged as a blush crept onto his face.

"Louis," Harry said softly. Louis looked up and met Harry's eyes. "I'm serious. I don't like when things like that happen. He has no reason to judge you only because you prefer your own gender. Besides, there are attractive lads in the world. Me, for example."

Louis blushed harder, because, yeah, Harry was pretty hot.

"Don't flatter yourself, sir," Louis giggled.

"Oh, babe, don't worry. I get told it plenty of times."

Louis smiled down at his script.

"I'll catch you later, Louis."

"Yeah," Louis agreed.


Louis sat in his bedroom, doing homework for that stupid health class, sighing occasionally. He pushed up his glasses, eyes scanning the page. There was a knock on his door and he looked up.

"Hey, Lou," his aunt said, smiling brightly.

"Hey, Aunt Delilah."

"Good first day?" She asked, watching him as he flipped the page in his book.

"Yeah, it was fine."

"Your mom called. You should call her later and tell her about your day."

Louis shrugged, glancing at his aunt and back at his book.


"I'll call her."

"Thank you," Aunt Delilah said with a forced smile.

Louis shrugged again and she left.

Don't get Louis wrong, he loved his aunt. It was his own choice to live with her. His mom had remarried and moved to Manchester but Louis had just started high school and didn't want to leave Doncaster, so he stayed behind with his Aunt Delilah, his Uncle James, and his cousins.

He loved his mom, honest. In fact, the problem was that they were so close. It was hard for her to be so far away from him. He didn't like the name-calling. He didn't have Mummy here to protect him, and, as dumb as that sounded, Louis had always been a 'mummy's boy'. He had been spoiled by that woman.

It hadn't been long after he came out to her that she left, so she wasn't there for any of the bullying that had happened when he just came out to the school at the end of last year.

Louis sighed, closing his eyes to ward away his bad thoughts. His door creaked open and he fluttered open his eyes to see his youngest cousin, Aleena. She was only three years old and her favorite person in the world was Louis.

"Hey, Lee," Louis cooed. The girl giggled, running over to climb into the bed.

"What are you doing, Lou?" She asked, her voice high and curious.

"Only homework. Do you want to play?"

"Yes! Come play games with me and Chissy!" The small girl requested. Louis nodded, going to play Candy Land, Aleena's favorite game.

Louis's other cousins were out there as well. Chelsea, or Chissy, who was seven, Genevieve, or Genny, who was eleven, and Derren, who was fourteen and just started high school with Louis.

Louis was literally the only boy in the family, but he didn't mind. He had four sisters anyways, so he grew up with girls. Louis had been heavily influenced by girls all of his life.

Louis couldn't help who he was.

And no one could change him.


Harry opened the door to his new house, glancing around the foyer. It was quiet.

"Mum?" He called, peering into the den. She wasn't there. "Muuuum?"

"I'm upstairs! In the attic!" Anne called to her son, who went upstairs and found the latter to the attic, which he climbed up.

"Careful, there's ghosts in the attic," Harry joked, watching his mom. She was going through a giant box. "What's that?"

Anne smiled a sad smile and Harry tensed up. "Oh." Anne wiped her watery eyes and Harry just stood there, staring at the box. "Mum..."

"Don't worry, Harry. I am okay. She called this morning. She's okay, too," Anne assured her son, placing the photo back into the box.

"She's not okay. Don't let her lie to you," Harry said bitterly. "They ruined her."


"I met a gay guy today. He was being picked on!" Harry blurted, clenching his fists.

Anne watched Harry speak, knowing she couldn't interfere when Harry was on a roll.

"I want to help him, Mum. I want to help so bad. I want to let him know that he isn't alone in the struggle because he's really a good person. I can tell," Harry continued. "I want to help him."

Anne stood up when Harry's voice cracked.

"You barely know him. Harry, he could be fine."

"I watched him cry. I want to help," Harry insisted.

"Show him friendship, Harry."

"I just want to let the world know that sexuality doesn't make the person."

"Then show them."

And, boy, would Harry do just that.


Okay, so I know this chapter was confusing. It's meant to be.

Above is Harry in this story. He going to wear a lot of Snapbacks like all of the time and you're gonna deal bc he's sexy af

QOTC: You've got an intake on the boy's lives. Any theories on what's to come?


Ninja Turtles!!!! Who's your favorite?!?!


Mikey is the pizza!!!

Lol if you got that you're my new friend

Goodbye I'm weird xxx

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