By Aryan0987654321

16.5K 619 279

Grey(Arthur Leywin) is the last preson remaining in the world. He mastered Fate to defeat Kezess and Agrona t... More

Prologue - 2
Prodigy of Xyrus
Back to home
Helstea Auction - II (The other side)
Helstea Auction - III (Preprations)
Helstea Auction - IV (The one who 'Heroes' fear)
Helstea Auction - V (First Assualt)
Helstea Auction - VI (True Dread)
Helstea Auction - VII (Consequences And Aftermath)
New Elemental Affinities
A Contract
The 'Empire'

Helstea Auction - I (Weapon Manifestation)

1.1K 38 15
By Aryan0987654321

Arthur Leywin POV

It's almost been a week since Cynthia took me as her disciple, while this week wasn't that productive since she was busy in testing my powers as mage I have learned some basics about sound magic. She has also been helping me improve my wind magic because I wasn't really versatile with it, wind and sound magic can be used in many ways that I didn't had even imagined like speeding up the power of my attacks by spinning it or using it to control air around me.

Tricks like these were really hard for me because it took so much mana and focus, as an augmenter I was more confident and comfortable in close combat rather than long ranged spells so I didn't get chance to use and practice these spells too, atleast for now.

I can also see these purple particles which Grey called "Aether" and also tried to use them ignoring Grey warning when curiousity got better of me but they didn't react to me at all, it was a wierd feeling like they were close but distant at the same time. I also tried to see how they react to mana but they didn't of course this was my assumption considering I can't see mana particles like Aether.

I sighed pushing away these thoughts too tired to think about anything now. I was currently in my personal training ground that Cynthia had assigned to me. It was beautiful and vast with mana rich crystals laid there all way to the room. Many tress were planted there with 2 massive and beautiful fountain on the both sides of the entrance. The atmosphere here is mana rich and clear and the cool air brezze touching my sweat covered skin taking the fatigue away from my well built body.

I stood up taking my training accessories and packing it in my bag preparing to leave the room. After Cynthia tried trained me I always spent some time in the training room alone trying to come up with more techniques myself or revising what Cynthia has taught me.

I opened the the massive door of my training room by passing my mana in it, the lock of this training room worked in way that it allows only me and Cynthia to pass by scanning our mana signature considering you don't want to destroy it of course. I looked at the gaurd and gave him a meaningful nod, he nodded back as he opened the gate for me.

I got out of my training room and started walking towards Cynthia's room, the school was still active as there are many students waking in the halls. They stared at me with jealousy or envy and some even with anger but that didn't bother me. All the students of Xyrus academy knew about my tittle as disciple of Director of this academy so they always looked at me like that at first it was wierd for me but after a whole week I was getting used to it right now. It's not like everyone was here like that though like Claire and Prince Curtis were really welcoming and I had met them once or twice.

I kept walking towards Cynthia's room with these thoughts in my mind until I arrived in front of the door.



"Who is it?" a familiar voice my mentor called from the room.

"It's me Arthur." I answered her when I heard faint footsteps coming towards me as the door opened revealing my mentor with a smile on her aged face.

"Oh! Art come inside I was waiting for you" she responded gesturing for me to come in. I did as she requested and sat on the sofa with Cynthia facing me giving me a cup of tea.

"So Arthur what did I do to owe the pleasure of you to visit my room directly?" Cynthia asked me with a wry smile. I just shrugged off her teasing and replied.

"I just wanted to ask that you are going to attend Helstea Auction or not?" I asked her waiting for her response but she gave me a apologetic smile.

"Sorry Arthur but I am quite busy for this week so I will not be able to attend the Auction."

I sighed in disappointment because this time the auction is different due to the unification of the three races. According to Uncle Vincent all the leaders and representative of their race are going to attend the Auction so for me it will be exciting and tiring at the same time.

"So how about that old friend of yours, Elder Virion was it?" I asked, apparently Cynthia is friends with former king of Elenior at first I was really surprised but then seeing how much influential she is I just dropped the thought. She has also told him about her 'Little prodigy' that was me because she can't contain her excitement. Thankfully she didn't told him about my all powers which was good enough for me.

"Well he probably will be there seeing the whole royal family is invited." I just nodded praying that Elder Virion doesn't recognise me because I don't want to draw that much attraction of myself atleast for now.

"I think it's time to go or mom will be worried. See you tomorrow Cynthia." I got up from my seat finishing my cup and waving her goodbye. She waved back at me as I made my way towards exit of this vast institution.


I exited Xyrus academy and went in my carriage to go back home, I was already exhausted by my mentor training so I didn't bother changing my training suit. I closed my eyes and started meditating to purify my core because as a light orange core mage I didn't have much large mana pool so it's hindering my growth now. Because of Grey advice I didn't purify my core very much but now mana pool wasn't able to keep up with the ideas of spell I had in my mind. Fortunately my control over mana is really good because of my training with Grey and it helps me hide my mana from someone whose mana core is above me. Of course they can still sense my mana core but thought of a 7 year old child having mana core with enough control to not leak a trace of mana from his body sounds pretty much impossible so they didn't bother checking whether I am mage or not.

"We have arrived at Helstea Manor." The voice of my carriage driver snapped me to reality as I got out from the carriage and started walking towards the gate. I saw my father training some mages in the lawn so I waved my hands in their sides, they gladly waved back at me with enthusiasm clear in their actions. Due to a big event like Helstea Auction is so close and it's better and more important than ever my father was working really hard to train the mages who are supposed to be guard at the auction house.

I entered the Manor and saw Lily meditating to create mana core, in first stages I have to help her meditate myself by using my quadra-elemental mana but now she is capable enough to meditate on her own. Whenever she achieves anything it made oddly fill with pride, is that what teachers feels seeing their students group. When she noticed me she suddenly got up and started walking towards me.

"Oh! Art sorry I didn't notice you. Welcome Back." She welcomed me covered in sweat because of intense meditation.

"Its good to be home, so how's your training going."

She puffed her chest proudly before answering.

"I won't say I am close but I have made considerable progress. I will probably awaken at age of 10 without any problems." Her statement didn't surprise me because I have predicted this much so I just patted her head with a proud look on my face.

"What about you? It must be nice learning from Director Goodsky herself."

"I guess" I shrugged nonchalantly, to be honest her training wasn't that special for someone like me who have been trained by a being like Grey, but I didn't want to pull this topic further.
She crossed her hands and looked at me with a 'Are you serious' look.

"You are wierd you know that." She said with that expression. I smirked widely before responding.

"People has been saying that since I was awakened." She just rolled her eyes at my statement with a dismissive look.

"Whatever you say you pretty boy."
I sighed in defeat not wanting to argue with her more. We walked towards drawing room together where I find my little sister playing with a doll. When she saw me as always she ran towards me with the doll in her hands. I took her in my embarace and hugged her for some time before putting her down.

"Welcome back Arthur, come on I have made beef stew for you today" My mother said to me with a warm smile on her face, I returned it and then sat on the chair beside Lily with Ellie on my lap. She as always asking me about training so I told her how amazing I am so I can brainwa-..ahem encourage her to admire me. She listened to me with excitement when I brag to her about my achievements, Lily also listened to me with concentration so she could take notes for how to train when she awakens.

After some time Aunt Tabhita, Uncle Vincent and my father joined us in the dinner. My father was talking with uncle about something with serious look on his face, 'must be something about auction'. I was eating and feeding my sister at same time while chatting cheerfully with Lily. The adults were busy in their own talks and with the look on their faces it seems serious as well, that's why I didn't let my sister and Lily bother them making them busy.

"So Arthur are you excited about the Auction?" Aunt Tabhita asked me with a curious look on her face.

"Yes maybe a little but I am still anxious because there will be some strong mages there. What if they found about my powers? I am almost at dark yellow stage now." I responded.

"It will be alright Arthur there are not so many mages who are at dark yellow stage in the Auction house." My father reassured me.

"I hope you are right."

We continued chatting in the dinner until it's time for us to rest, I wished them good night and started walking towards my room. Once I was in my room I started meditating to purify my core. After 45 or more minutes layer of light orange started cracking and a layer of dark yellow is shining from the cracks, I focused too hard until it finnally break. I was officially a dark yellow mage now. I rested my back on the wall beside my bed satisfied by my progress and an idea came in my mind.

I took out the crystal that Grey has given me and started channeling my mana in it. I continued channeling it and patiently waiting for anything to happen, when my core is almost half on mana reserves cracked started to appear in the crystal. I channeled mana more harder as I started sweating hard, I was having hard time controlling my breath and my heart was pumping harder against my ribs.

Finnally! The crystal broke and started forming purple particles, I was excited to see what kind of amazing weapon is going to be made even with the state of body. And it finally formed into an orb? What is that? Is this some kind of joke that Grey played on me?

The orb started becoming incorporeal as it formed into a puppy type creature, it has bright amethyst eyes with purple-back horns? on it's head.

I felt a burning sensation on my right hand as some runes and letters which I can't read at all started forming on it.
It's covering more that half of my arm.
My eyes widened on the lavender runes as I watched them in awe. The amethyst glow slowly started fading away leaving behind some black runes. Those runes didn't disappear but was looking like some kind of cool tattoo design.

(A/N: Imagine it in Arthur's arm, I know it's from scar)

But how am I supposed to hide this from my parents, should I wave it off saying that this is just a normal tattoo. Yeah! It should be alright there are many children in my age who have tattoos...... right?
It's not right at all Arthur!! Ah! What a pain in ass.

"Would you please shut up, your chaotic thoughts are leaking in me." I heard a gruff voice from my left side, not alarmed by the voice for some reason I turned to the side to found the familiar puppy looking at me with a expression which I would call 'Annoyed'. Oh right! I was so focused on runes I forgot about it.

"How rude I am sentinent weapon that most of people kill for yet you dare ignore me."

I-.I.... It talks! It really is a intelligent weapon. But how is this possible? I've never seen anything like this? I am not dreaming am I?

"Yes I am really amazing but for now, Greetings my pitful master I mighty weapon Regis the sentinent weapon forged to serve you and save your ass has finally manifested." The puppy said leaning his head dow almost as if bowing.

"Ye-..Yeah Regis it's nice to meet you." I said nervously at loss of words, while I reached his head with my hand to pet him, he seemed to be enjoying this. Is this runes are because of Regis? I wondered to myself.

"Yeah it works as the connection between you and me although I don't know about it's other properties though." Regis cleared my doubt as if reading my mind.

"Well that's because I can literally  read your mind effeminate one."

Wait he can read my mind? I don't know If like it very much, and he is calling me Effeminate one no less. How rude! No no Arthur you have to calm down.

"So What else you could do then?" I asked him curiously aside from his extremely rude behaviour he could become my greatest ally in future.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance perhaps because of my lack of reaction.

"Hell if I know I was technically just born right now, it's like you are asking a new born baby to call you by your name. Pretty stupid isn't." He replied with a smirk.

(A/N: Reynolds left the chat)

I laughed awkwardly at his bad humour but nodded my head, but I can't help but compare him to a living being by the way he behaves. He has purple flames surrounding him moving and looked pretty cute in this form but I can already imagine how much magestic weapon he is going to be in future. I can't sense any mana from him so he is probably created from aether. The problem is I can't see mana particles like Aether so I can't really understand the relationship between them.

"So Regis do you know anything about Aether." I asked he expecting an answer but he shook his head.

"I can't grasp the memories about Aether at all, I just know it can manipulate space, time and exsistence and it's only rough answer." he answered matter of factly. I pondered for a moment so if Aether can manipulate space, time and exsistence it's like it can bend reality to it's will. Is that why Grey was this strong? Because he was able to manipulate Aether? I can't control these aether particles at all but it sometimes feels like something is straining myself and rendering me uncapable to move these particles.

"No thanks it helps" I smiled to him with a gratefully.

"You know you are unnaturally smart for your age it almost make my head ache when I read your thoughts." Regis said with a distasteful expression. I couldn't decide whether frown or smile at his statement. I just sighed thinking about how am I going to explain this to my parents. Regis is helpful but irritating at same time so I can't ask his help either.

"Hey" Regis shouted retorting, "Just don't go judging people by their first impression, I can help in this matter."

"Can you really?" I asked him pleading to save me from my mom warth.

"Ofcourse who do you think I am, I might be created from Aether but I can use mana as well" he said proudly.

"But how? You don't have a mana core do you?" I asked him in confusion.

"Yes I don't have a mana core but you have" he responded pointing towards my solar plexus. My eyes widened in realisation as I held my sternum.

"So you can utilise my mana pool devouring it like a leach with our connection through the rune." I asked him.

"Yes, yes I-.... Wait! Did you just call me a leach" he snapped at me glaring draggers at me with his shining eyes, I just laughed hardly pointing my index finger at him. He just started pouting that looked cute but his appearance doesn't suit his personality at all.

"Ahem Anyway if I can use mana from your core and intentionally leak some mana around me I will look like a normal mana beast, less suspicions."

This is a good option it might waste my mana but seeing that I am already a dark yellow stage augmenter it wouldn't be much of a problem.

"And second I can become incorporeal and hide inside your core if you want to hide me even from your family."

I was shocked by this statement but recomposed myself immidietly after realising this is Grey's creation, and said the words which seemed fitting for this situation

"You are really a leach aren't you" I stated nonchalantly. He looked at me with a furious scowl formed on his puppy face.

"That's why I can't stand kids" he added with a smirk on his face.

"I thought you just said you are just born" I accepted his challange with a similiar smirk on my face.

"Yes! Yes I was just born by sucking your mana for two years so that does make you my mother doesn't it"

"Sh-..Shut up you jerk" I said flustered not being able to come up with response.

"Roger Mama" he added exaggerating  a salute and a vein mark appeared on my head. 'Calm yourself down Arthur' I told myself. I sighed in defeat pulling my hands up in surrender as a look of accomplishment appeared on Regis face.

Come to think of it it's my first time to be open up to someone else this much aside from my family, aside from his irritating behaviour maybe he isn't that bad either.

I laid down on my bed and held my hand straight forward to the ceiling above me, me and my parents had now gotten used my new appearance but when I looked at my milky pale hands I can't help but wonder how different and soothing it looked and felt. I started drifting in sleep after saying good night to Regis with a thought.

Tommorow is going to be a exhausting day.

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