Dreams with you - Jinjoo

By -Euzu-

4.8K 215 97

and they asked her, "why do you want to be an engineer?" "because I want an architect girlfriend." a Jinjoo... More

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By -Euzu-


"This is so pretty." Minju mumbles, eyes were sparkling because of the beautiful view she's seeing.

She can see the city view and the sun setting down.

Yujin just stood there behind and found herself admiring the sunset and a certain someone.

When did sunsets become much prettier?


"You like sunsets?" Yujin asks as she sat beside the latter.

"Yeah, it shows that the day can end beautifully even if my day doesn't end with one." The girl smiled and continued staring at the sun that's slowly setting down.

"Okay, continue smiling." Minju was still smiling and before she could ask why, she already heard a click.

"A perfect view with someone's perfect smile?" Yujin smiled looking at Minju who's obviously has her face reddening now.

The girl just took a picture of her and she went all flustered.

Luckily Yujin brought her camera with her or else she would've not captured this.

"Can I keep it?"


"Your picture, your permission first. If you don't want I can delete it. It was a good shot, look." Minju leaned forward.

And wow, they're so close to each other right now. It caught Yujin off guard, she even flinched but decided to ignore it.

"It's okay. I don't really mind" She smiled, "I'll send this to you." Yes, they have each other's contact now too. There's process.

In the end Minju was brought home by the latter and after hours..

Yujin found herself smiling, she can't even fall asleep.

What's wrong with me?

The girl sat up after she heard a notification from her phone and yes, it's no other than the one she's expecting.

That night they talked comfortably through texts until they fell asleep.

Probably dreamt of each other too.


A certain girl was walking through the hallway as she saw 2 familiar figures.

Her eyebrows narrowed, soon the two people looked behind and saw her.

"Oh gosh, I forgot. The text I sent.. they'll probably interrogate me today these fools! Ahh!" Yujin ran away and she's now being chased by her friends. Great. "Y-yah Ahn Yujin!!"

In the end her phone was bombarded with her friends' messages.

She just laughed at them, she's an athlete after all epecially back in highschool. She managed to get them out of sight and went directly to her class.

She'll just explain later, her nosy friends can't last another day without asking her who she was with.

And just as soon as her class finished well.. her friend's are outside her classroom, waiting.

Okay she can't escape now.

"You big doggo! You'll go with us."

"Unnieee" She whined but in the end she just sighed and went along.

She sat down and saw her friends intensely staring at her.

They're outside the building, in the café where they always hang out. The two finished their first class and went to Yujin's since they want ask her about things.

"So you're with who?" First question, expected already.

"Kim Minju" she answered.

"Oh Kim Minju.."

"Wait Minju?!" Yena and Minjeong was surprised, it wasn't expected at all.

And after that they went on and on with questions, some Yujin didn't answer and some she did.

"You'll meet her later?"

"I want to, we didn't see each other yesterday. But maybe she's busy so I don't want to bother her, I'll just text her later." Her friends just nodded and where exactly is Hyewon? She's having another date time with her girlfriend.

"What happened to you two yesterday? I thought you're with Rina unnie and Yuri unnie?"

"We went to the mall and such, she was happy after her stressing day at school so I'm glad I saw her smile."

"We did, she enjoyed it so it's more than enough"

Both of them answered with a smile, they really are foolishly in love.

They talked until the two realized the time already "Well then goodluck Yuj." Yena patted her shoulder, goodluck? What for?

"What for-"

"You like Minju right? Oh we know, now we have to go because me and this duck have the same class bye!" Minjeong pulled Yena as they started running. Yujin has her eyes widened, she was frozen. What when did I-

"I don't-" She was cut off when Yena shouted this time. In a more teasing way rather.

"Oh Ahn Yujin, if only you saw the hearts and sparkles in your eyes while you were talking about her earlier!~"

"Bye!!" Both of them waved and completely disappeared. What..

Yujin and Minju went busy that day, but they did chat and talked to each other through the phone while doing some works they have to finish. It wasn't a distraction, more like doing school works became fun.

They didn't hang up even after finishing their works, they stayed up and talked to each other till they fell asleep again.


Yujin sat by the bench on the park near their school. She texted Minju earlier and the girl probably have classes.

She sat there, observing the people. It's Saturday today and they have classes. Which also means it's family day for some.

Some are buying their child ice cream, some are walking while having talks with their kids. Seeing their smiles with their parents.

She misses that too.

She remembers the day, this exact date and today.. it was raining too just like that time.

// Flashback, 6 years ago.

Yujin curled up in her bed, silently crying.

She was still in her uniform she haven't changed yet and went straight to her bedroom because..

Her parents are fighting again, and it was more like everyday.

She has her earphones on and her parents' fighting voices still echoes in her head.

It hurts to see them break apart. To see our family breaking apart.

The girl felt a hand caressing her shoulders. She wiped her tears and looked who it was.

"Darling, we have something to say.." Her mom mumbled while she stood up and followed her through the living room.

Seeing her dad with a serious face, sitting on his chair as she sat infront of him.

After some few minutes of silence.. her dad decided to clear his throat.

"Dear, I know you are aware of what's happening and we are deeply sorry."

"Your mom and I just.. we can't handle it anymore." He continued.

"We're divorced now, Yujin-ah." This time it was her mom and now she felt her tears flowing down.

"We finally got the papers and you have to decide which to go with-"

She stood up and ran towards the door.

Thinking about so many things, she doesn't know what to think anymore.

"Yujin! Yujin-ah!" They kept shouting but all Yujin wanted to do was run away.

I expected it already but why does hearing it now hurts so much more?

Instead of waiting for the elevator she ran through the stairs and went down their apartment.

And freak, does she have a bad luck today that it was even raining.. but she ran and ran until she found herself in the park.

She sat by a bench, hanging her head down as she let her tears drop.

It hurts.

Yujin was still crying and the rain made it worst. She could feel the rain droplets on her head and she would probably get sick tomorrow.

It was until she felt no rain anymore, she could hear the rain drops though.

That was when she looked up with her teary eyes, seeing a person offering her hand, offering a handkerchief. Holding an umbrella above her head.

She was looking at her with a concerned face.

"Are you okay?"

And that was when Yujin felt another lone tear escaped her left eye.

The girl was wearing a uniform too, her shoulder is wet by the rain and she didn't seem to care because more than half of the umbrella is covering the latter. She's not the type of person who cares a lot for someone, especially strangers but she was worried because she heard sobs.

That day, Yujin felt better. The girl was quite taller than her and seemed like she's from a higher grade level. She didn't ask why she was crying.. she was just there to comfort the younger girl. "It'll be fine."

Three words that comforted Yujin through the years.

"My dad will get mad.. okay whatever, it's alright.." the girl whispered before she took another bill from her wallet. Yujin of course heard it, she tried to stop her but the girl insisted.

All she did was treat me to different foods that day and smiled at me. To make me feel better until her wallet was empty.

To be honest, I don't think she knows how to comfort. But it did work, she did made me smile.

And I know that once I see her again, I'll treat her like that everyday.

// End of flashback

"Ahn Yujin"

"..are you okay?"

She blinked and the next second, it was just like 6 years ago.

A person was standing now at the same position and holding an umbrella to prevent the rain from hitting Yujin.

Kim Minju, that same girl who tried her best to comfort and make me feel better that day.

Who's now standing infront of her with that same concerned look.

Yujin stood up and suddenly hugged her, Minju was caught off guard. She didn't expect that but it seems like the latter needed it and she doesn't mind.

"Thank you, you don't know how much you comforted me that day and how much those 3 words comforted me all this time."


"You don't recognize me, do you?"

It wasn't raining that hard anymore and Minju was still confused.

"Ahn Yujin? Of course I recognize-"

Yujin pulled away from the hug and smiled. "The one you spent all your money that day. This place where you saw me crying.. 6 years ago."

Minju went frozen, what? No way.

"You probably don't remember-"

"N-no I do! But.. that girl.. she has glasses! Then her hair is short and she has bangs and she's shorter than me-"

"She grew up."

"See?" Yujin added with a smile, pointing at herself.

Okay, Minju can see resemblance now but wow..

That girl is Yujin who's now all taller than her, has a long and kind of wavy hair and doesn't seem cowardly anymore like that day. She's not wearing those glasses anymore too.

"Why didn't you told me right away?"

"Well I thought you know and.. I guess it's a perfect timing to tell it to you here and you did find me here so.."

"It's the same date too." Minju utters and went to sit. "Yeah, it was better you saw me here today"

The older girl looked up, there's still some droplets falling.

"Do you want to go?"

"Huh?" Yujin was confused so she stared at the older girl, really pretty.

"You cried earlier just like that day."

"I didn't!" She exclaimed, well she did. It was embarrassing did she really saw me crying again?

"Yes you did, today is a sad day for you I know and I won't ask. You can tell me about it anytime but I know you don't want to yet so instead come on." Minju held her wrist and pulled her to stand up.


"To buy the things that comforted you on that day, 6 years ago."

But what comforted me that day.. was you.

It wasn't the things, it was how Minju managed to comfort her even though Yujin knows she doesn't know how to.

She smiled that day and felt better not because she got free treats but because she felt comforted and safe. Minju made her feel that.

She just let herself be pulled by the latter and she ended up smiling on this day instead of staying in her room and crying.

Kim Minju, I'd love for you to always stay by my side.


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