Second Life

By Celeswind

113K 4.2K 2.6K

Jonathan is an average college student who is an introvert. His classmates and professors don't notice him wh... More

Chapter 1 New Professor
Chapter 2 Cursed you, monkey!
Chapter 3 You know what...I hate him.
Chapter 4 What are you planning...
Chapter 6 All in the day work
Chapter 7 What a day
Chapter 8 Looking
Chapter 9 Camping
Update & Title Cover
Chapter 10 Banana Bus
Chapter 11 Name
Chapter 12 Party
Chapter 13 Morning after
A wonderful invitation
Chapter 14 Adventures much?
Chapter 15 Murphy's Law
Chapter 16 Why me
Facts about me
Chapter 17 Halloween
Chapter 18 Someone call me?
Chapter 19 Let's the chase begin
Chapter 20 I spy with my little eyes
Chapter 21 Is this a quest, really?

Chapter 5 Bet & Deal

4.4K 178 54
By Celeswind

Thank you, everyone who continue to support my story. I'll continue editing all the other parts. School and life are keeping me busy. I couldn't help myself to write a one-shot earlier. This chapter is a bit longer than the last chapter. Here is the next part. The characters are a bit out of character.

Warning of a corny moment, cursing, and grammar.


Last chapter:

Vanoss what the fuck are you planning...


Still in Jonathan POV as always:

I continue looking Vanoss, thinking what the fuck is going in his idiotic fucking brain. I thought he was, well, the smartest member out of the group and the anonymously chosen leader. I'm starting to regret following him.

"Oi?" Pig b!tch tilts his head and looks at Vanoss who continue to smirk. I swear this bastard would be the death of me or Lui will do it; unless, I kill everyone before they do. I move closer to Vanoss and lean near his ear.

"What the hell are you planning?" I harshly whisper to Vanoss. I'm wondering what the hell is going on in that head of his. I don't trust this pig b!tch especially with his high-and-mighty-than-you posture.

"Don't worry I got this." Vanoss confidently whispers back. I don't like this situation. I move away from him and Nolga slaps my back. I staggered from the impact; I could hear Lui laughing beside me.

"Yea, don't be a pussy, Delirious." Nolga said aloud, hearing my private conservation with Vanoss. Cursed his wolf ears and hearing abilities. I gave him a glare, take out my dagger, grab his robe, pull him in front of my mask, and place my dagger under his throat.

"Want to say that again, Nolga?" I whisper deadly and watch Nolga shudder away, pull away from me, and hide behind Lui's small frame. I huff at him and Lui still laughing with Vanoss and Pig b!tch watching us.

"Haha! Delirious show you, Nolga!" Lui continues to laugh at Nolga or could be both of us, don't how the hell he could find any amusement from this. I glared at Lui who continued to laugh.

"SSS-hhhuuuttt up!" Nolga shutters out behind Lui, looking like some scared puppy hiding away from something frightens him. Me. Even though Nolga crouched behind Lui, his height towering over Lui. Vanoss continued to stand at the sideline, chuckling at our behaviors while Pig B!tch was shaking his head either he wanted to be somewhere else from here or he was just angry at us. Yea, I felt your pain, but I hate you and don't care. So stay there and suffer for our amusement!

"Want some too, monkey?" I sneer at the monkey. He just smiled mischievously at me. I felt some hair standing up. That monkey has something up his sleeve or cloak. Oh, yea...He could summon...In his avatar...Yea, that phrase works.

"You're mom already did." Lui childishly responded, he smirked at me. Eww! Oh, someone was glaring at us. Before one of us could say something, Pig B!tch 'ahem' loudly in the clearing.

"The bet, asshole?" Pig b!tch interfered, he couldn't take our antics anymore. Weak. He walks closer to the group, but far enough in case we decide to attack. Hell, I do it even if Vanoss said not to.

"If we find the bounty and kill it, you'll join us," Vanoss stated looking squarely at Pig b!tch. I heard him 'tsk' at this and turned his head. You want that b!tch to join us?

"And if I win?" Pig b!tch looking back at Vanoss.

"What do you want?" Vanoss questioned him. Pig b!tch darkly chuckles at this. How can you ask so freely, Vanoss!

"None of you hold nothing really valuable, so I want all of your costumes" He stated "then a public announcement telling everyone how fucking awesome I am in every town I go to and you will be my servant and rest of you too and will be my practice dummies in my team." then he look at me "except for fucking noob, I bet you already level 1 so just quit the game already." That Son of B!tch I'll kill you!

"B!tch" I growled at him about to show him no one mistreated Delirious like that and get away for it. Vanoss holds me back. Let me go, you bastard! I hear Lui and Nolga move closer to me. Ready to hold me down or defend if shit goes down. C'mon, I just want to kill him.

"We agree to those terms." Vanoss quickly stated. I freeze, looking that bastard in shock. I see in the corner of my eye that Lui and Nolga look grim, yet nod at well. WHAT THE FUCK? How can he so easily agree to a life of servanthood? Well, he's making me quit the game, but the others...

"Then you better start fucking looking." Pig b!tch sneer, turn around and walk into the forest. Vanoss waited a moment after Pig b!tch left then he let go of me. I scowled at that bastard.

"HOW THE FUCK you agree to this?!" I shouted at him. That bastard continues what that damn smile toward my reaction. I could kill him just to remove that damn smile. How could he? HIS fucking freedom? HELL, I wouldn't do it for that price. I shouldn't worry for him and anyone else. This is a reality game. A fucking game with people, I could easily stop playing. Less, than a week I feel worried for them... My body was shaking. I notice the others surrounding me, but wary of my reaction. I shouldn't feel worried. I shun most everyone in the real world and only let a few in. It boggles my mind how I care for them. How many emotions I feel, I shouldn't feel this. I hate these feelings. I could g-Breathe, Delirious. Take a deep breath and calm down. You don't want to snap and on a rampage. I force myself to relax.

Vanoss waited for me to calm down and stop shaking. "Because I know we will win." He said confidently and smiled, for that moment, I believe we could win. I smile within my mask. I'll rub that kill against the Pig B!tch and show him who the noob now.

"Yes, we need all of us to do this together." Lui said and Nolga nodded beside him.

"Yea, we're a team," Nolga said. "Group hug!" Everyone joins in a corny hug. Ugh, this feels bubbly in my chest. This is bullsh!t. I squeezed myself out the hug and glowered at them from my mask. Ugh, this emotional moment is killing me. They smile and chuckle at my glowering.

Vanoss stood silent and looked at the forest for a moment. Quickly he looks at us, "Lui and Delirious, both of you are the fastest members in the group. You two scout ahead and keep the chat open. Nolga and I will follow behind." Lui and I nod at him and rush ahead into the forest.


Trees become blurry as Lui and I speed in our top speed through the forest. Still can't believe Lui is a summoner and he is that fast. We search every nook and cranny at the direction we pick in the forest for at least wolves so we know we're in the right direction. We killed some enemies that get in our ways. I know there is probably a huge distance between Vanoss and Nolga. The bet Vanoss agreed to was serious business not to get too off in track.

I heard some shuffling not too far from us. Suddenly, I stop to look at the direction of the sound. Lui stops too. I see him in the corner of my eye wondering why I suddenly stop. The shuffling sound was still going and I heard someone weeping. Lui was looking at the direction of the sound as well. Lui and I run to the sound to see the strangest sight I've seen in the game. Someone in a blue and red fancy clothes outfit with a red cap was hugging the tree for dear damn life with skeletons surrounding the tree and that person. What's with everyone wearing red? Why couldn't someone wear blue? Blue is awesome! I stood there silent and Lui sniggering at this.

The person who stuck in the tree twitched from the sudden noise and he notices us below. His black rim glasses, brown eyes, and brown curls cover his fearful tearful face. He has normal human-like ears tell me, at least, he's a human. Looking closer at his back, I notice some white wings design on his back. Weird.

"HELP!" He shouts in a British accent, now looking angry when Lui still snickers at him "GET ME DOWN!" I could hear Vanoss and Nolga question what the hell was going on. "I BEEN STUCK HERE FOR HOURS!"

"Oh, really?" Lui childishly asks him, looking innocent at him. He is planning something... The scared one nods his head rapidly. "How BADLY you want to get down?" Lui's childish question makes him continue to look innocent. I hear Vanoss asking, is he an enemy? Strangely, I hear Lui saying he's going to handle it and ask me to follow his lead.

"Badly, you asshole!" He yells, then Lui just smiles at him. Immediately, I froze watching Lui so did the scare bastard. My eyes narrow, wary of that monkey who looks so innocent for one moment suddenly shifted to a devilish smirk. Lui...with that twinkle in his eyes that spells disaster. Lui waited for a moment and tilted his head and continued looking at the scared bastard. His smile widens more. I stood my ground next to him eyeing his movement. A ping entered my ear, I could hear a 'Don't worry' through the chat. What're you doing? I watch a scared bastard struggle to keep his grip on the tree branches.

"How about a deal?" Lui's voice turns back to normal and continues, he bemused at the scared bastard who looks shocked at his voice. No more deals! "If we help, you'll join us...and some other things, agree?" What? Another person joining?! And what's other things? I didn't hear Vanoss or Nolga talking anymore. Maybe they are too busy?

"What?! Why do we need him?" I yelled at Lui. We have too much to worry about right now. He looks at me with a strange look in his eyes and cheerily smiles. That twinkle in eyes disappears and a cheeky smile appears.

"Because we need more members, Delirious, he's here so we'll start with him." Lui stated and his smile widened "and it's going to be fun." What fun?

"Wait, what?" The scared bastard shouts from his position on the tree, both of us turn to look at him "NO!" He refuses and shakes his head in a negative manner. Lui just pouted and sighs.

"Aww that too bad." Lui sadly says then turns his head to me "C'mon Delirious; we can't afford to waste any more time then." The Scared bastard appears alarmed when we are about to leave him on the tree and those skeletons.

"Alright, alright!" He hurriedly agreed to Lui's demand. "Help me!" I hope that something else isn't too demanded and possibly demented, but this Lui it might as well be. I'm quite glad I'm not one agreeing to his deals.

"With cheerios?" Lui question in a bright cheer. The scared bastard huff and sigh.

"Yes, with cheerios!'' The scared bastard yelled to Lui who smirked at him, and the scared bastard almost lost his grip.

"With color sprinkles on top?" Lui's childish voice requests him. I hear scared bastard's whine at Lui as he struggles to a better angle to support himself. "And gummy worms?"

"Yes, with cheerios with color sprinkles on top and damn gummy worms, for THE LOVE OF GOD. PLEASE HELP ME!" He mumbles at the beginning then shouts at the end.

"Glad to do business." Lui smirk and nod for me to help kill off the skeletons. Poor bastard. I start to attack the skeletons, with Lui help. Lui is definitely stronger than me. It might have to do because he's a hidden GM. Once they were killed. The scared bastard carefully climbs down the tree.

"Thanks, I'm Mini Lad, prefer to call Mini," Mini says then looks sheepish and uses his hand to rub the back of his neck "My fire magic was useless against those skeletons and I was close to level up." He bashfully stated.

"So, you're a mage?" Lui stated Mini nodded at the question. "Good, good." Lui childish chuckles evilly at this and hum. I don't want to know what he's thinking and they can Me Delirious." Though I found it ironic for your race and class" What is ironic?

Vanoss and Nolga run toward us from the forest and stop to look at the new guy and us. For a second, I saw Vanoss's eyes sharpen for a moment then back to his idiotic normal expression. I wonder if he does that to me too.

"So, he's our new member?" Vanoss stated. How did he know? Nolga tilts his head and looks curious at him too.

"How?" I question, I know both of them weren't here, and it's strange for them to know.

"Delirious, there are different types of chats," Lui stated, "I used a private one for Vanoss and Nolga to get them up to date. Didn't you know?" He tilts his head looking at me innocently confused. There is nothing innocent in that gesture!

"Shut up" I mumble, feeling embarrassed I look away. Fucking smart ass monkey.

"What the fuck is going on?" Pig B!tch appears from the forest with his weapon raised then he looks malicious at us. "Oh, it's you guys," He grumbles at us. B!tch came too. What's this? A fucking party? Nice to see you too, b!tch! "I see..."He looks at Mini and lowers his weapon. "He is in your fucking group as well?" He claimed, "Then the deal applies to him too." Pig b!tch walk away somewhere else. I'm going to kill him if that's the last thing I do.

"Ok...That was weird." Mini started looking where the pig b!tch had walked off to then look back to us. "What's the deal?" He questions us. Lui smiled at him.

"Oh, just if lose the bounty all of us except Delirious who will quit, become his b!tch" Lui cheerily stated. Mini's jaw drop and shock looking at us. I know, it's a PERFECT deal. "Hey, at least, you didn't become my b!tch" He laugh and Mini turn white looking at us as we're crazy. Probably are.

"Why me?" Mini mumble and sigh while everyone except for me else looks cheerful. How could they be so happy? Bet and deal, Mini. Bet and deal. I sigh too.

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