By Lancelot1864

284K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 79

1.3K 67 23
By Lancelot1864

Arthur Leywin POV

"Ugh." I woke up grumbling as I lay in my bed in the palestra barracks. I lay there just staring at the ceiling, getting myself mentally prepared for my next training session.

I looked over to the empty part of the bed next to me and let out a sigh. I subconsciously grabbed the necklace around my neck and closed my eyes. A smile graced my face as memories of Tess, and I together flooded my mind. Both of us running in the courtyard at the castle in Zestier. Going through dungeons in the beast glades. Both under grandma's tutelage bored out of our minds. Laying down in the training room.

Then, the memories of the attack on Xyrus academy flooded my mind. All the death and destruction around us. My eyes shot open as I shook my head, trying to forget the attack.

"You ok, princess?" I heard Regis ask as he lay on the floor.

"Ya. I just remembered the attack on Xyrus academy. Not something I exactly want to remember." I said.

"Perhaps not. But, it's not something you shouldn't forget." Regis said as he stood up and walked over to the side of my bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked as Regis sat down next to the end facing me.

"What I mean is, as long as you remember the attack on Xyrus, you'll remember why you're doing this. You're training to get stronger to protect the ones back home, to protect the ones you love. Use all the motivation you can to push forward." Regis said.

I looked at Regis, a little surprised. "You know, you can give some good advice sometimes," I said with a smirk as I sat up.

"Ah, that's just the majestic side of me," Regis said, getting a laugh out of both of us.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in," I said, responding to the knocks on my door. I watched as the door opened, and mom looked inside.

"I was just making sure you were up. Come on, get out of bed and get washed up. We need to start the next part of your training." Mom said.

I nodded. "Hey, Mom," I said, getting her attention as she began to walk out. She looked back at me with a questioning look.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Mom asked.

"Is there any way to see or talk to anyone back home? Just to see how everyone is doing?" I asked.

Mom gave me a sympathetic smile as she shook her head. "That's not a good idea," Mom said.

"Let me guess because you need me to focus on my training," I said with a frustrated tone as I looked to the side.

Mom let out a sigh, "Yes. I know it's tough being away from everyone. But once the training is over, the results will be well worth it."

I just sat there in bed looking down. I just wanted to know how everyone was doing. I wanted to know how Tess was doing. I let out a sigh and nodded my head. "Alright, I understand,"

"Good. Now get washed up and dressed. I'll make some breakfast, so come over to my room once you're ready." Mom said as she walked out.

"Well, Regis, let's see what they got in store for us this time," I said as I got out of bed.

"I'm guessing no massage and spa day," Regis said, getting a laugh out of me.

I proceeded to take a shower and get washed up. I got dressed in the normal white shirt and black pants apparel. Afterward, Regis and I walked over to my mom's room, where she made breakfast.

"Ok, you ready?" Mom asked as I took the last bite of my breakfast.

"Ya, I'm ready," I said.

The three of us made our way to the palestra, where Regis and I stood in the middle. As we took our place, I watched as the crystals glowed, and the seven Djinn appeared before me.

"Good morning," I said as they stood around me in a circle.

"Greetings, prince Arthur. We hope you rest well. It is now time for the next part of your training." Ducard said as he looked to his left and nodded.

I followed his gaze and watched as one of the Djinn walked forward. "Hello, prince Arthur." The Djinn said in a soft female voice. I watched as the Djinn walked over and stood right in front of me. "I will be your next instructor. Please, take a seat." She instructed.

Regis jumped into my body, and I did as I was told. I sat down cross-legged as the Djinn did the same. We sat across from each other, and I watched as she waved her hands in a circle, creating a two-layered circle around us. She waved her hands up as an Aether dome appeared over us. I took a breath as I placed my hands on my lap and closed my eyes. A bright amethyst light shined through my eyelids. Once the light died down, I opened my eyes.

I looked around and noticed we were in a valley. There were no trees or plants of any kind. We were standing on fresh soil that looked ready to begin planting. In the middle of the valley was a crystal clear lake, where you could see an assortment of different colored rocks at the bottom.

I watched as Regis leaped out of my body and stood next to me. "So, are we going to be playing farmer out here or something?" Regis asked as he looked around.

"Kind of." We heard a cute female voice say. We both turned around, and I heard Regis give a soft whistle.

Standing in front of us was a beautiful girl who had to be around my age. She was a little shorter than me, with a petite frame and flawless skin. She had bright red hair that she kept in a side ponytail that went down to her shoulders. Her eyes were ruby red, and she gave off a soft smile. She wore a gray tank top that accented her assets, with black leather pants and black leather boots.

"Don't forget to blink; your eyes will dry out if you keep staring." She said teasingly with a smirk as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Aye, princess. You already have a fiancé. I call dibs." Regis said.

"What? I wasn't even thinking about... oh, never mind." I said as I mentally facepalmed. I looked back at the girl and gave a nod. "Hello, I would assume you're my next instructor," I said with a smile.

She smile back and nodded. "You would assume right, prince Arthur. My name is Lyanna. I will be teaching you on the Vivum edict, or also known as the edict of life." Lyanna said as she started to walk around me in a circle. "Tell me, prince Arthur, what do you see when you look around this place?" Lyanna said as she motioned to the valley.

I looked around and saw nothing but soil and the lake. "Dirt and water," I said as I looked back to Lyanna. My eyes widened as I saw her standing right in front of me, smiling, while her hands were at the small of her back. I took a step back, getting a giggle out of her.

"You need to broaden that mindset of yours, my dear prince. But don't worry, that's why I'm here." Lyanna said with a wink. "Opportunity," Lyanna said as she motioned to the valley.

"What?" I said, confused.

"It's what's around us. Opportunity. The opportunity for life to flourish. You have soil beneath your feet which will allow you to plant seeds and watch them grow." Lyanna said with a bright smile.

I watched as Lyanna gracefully lowered herself to the ground on her knees. Her back began to glow, and aether wrapped around her hands. She gently placed both hands on the ground, with some space between them. I watched intently as a small plant began to grow from the area between her hand. Lyanna smiled softly as she lifted her hand and gently tapped the plant with her right hand. Aether wrapped around the plant, and my eyes widened as it began to grow rapidly. Lyanna stood up, still holding the plant as it got taller. I watched in amazement as a large tree formed before Lyanna, Regis, and me.

"I wonder if she can make anything grow," Regis said with a snicker.

"Regis!" I whispered to him as I slapped the back of his head.

I saw Lyanna give Regis a side eye and giggle slightly with a smirk. "Only one way to find out. Right, Regis?" Lyanna said with a wink.

Regis and I looked at each other surprised. "I did not expect that answer. She's definitely mine." Regis said as he sat down. We both looked back at Lyanna, who let out another giggle as she let go of the tree.

Lyanna walked over to us and stopped in front of me. "This is the work of the Vivum edict," Lyanna said as she motioned to the tree.

"It can create life?" I asked.

Lyanna shook her head as she looked back at me. "No," Lyanna said as she knelt down and reached into the soil with her thumb and index finger. She pulled out a seed, which she showed us as she stood up. "Seeds are laid throughout here. It's not like I grew the tree from nothing. The Vivum edict cannot create life; it can only influence it." Lyanna said with a shrug as she dropped the seed back into the soil.

I nodded my head. Thoughts of the Xyrus attack popped into my head, where Mom used aether to heal the wounded. "So this Vivum edict, it can also be used to heal people," I said.

Lyanna looked at me, surprised. "That's correct. Through Vivum, we can influence the human body to repair itself. Your runes and spell forms already act as an automatic healing spell. So you will always heal, but with your dragon body, you already heal faster than most." Lyanna said with a shrug.

"Can it be used to bring someone back from the dead?" I asked curiously.

Lyanna's smile faded, and she gave me a dark look. "That is forbidden. The only race who have achieved such feats without consequence is the phoenix race of the Asura. We are not gods, prince Arthur. We have no right to bring one back from the dead." Lyanna said in a dark tone while glaring at me. "Do I make myself clear on that?"

"Y-yes," I said as a shiver ran down my spine.

"She's kind of hot when she goes full dominatrix," Regis said. I just ignored him as I looked at Lyanna. Lyanna stared at me for a few more seconds before returning to her energetic self.

"Good! Now, let's go ahead and practice. Why don't you go ahead and try to grow a tree." Lyanna said as she pointed to the soil at my feet.

I let out a sigh of relief, and I knelt on the ground. I did precisely as Lyanna did and placed my hands on the ground, with a space between them. I pushed aether into my Vivum rune and felt it grow warm on my back. Aether coursed through my body and wrapped around my hands. The aether flowed into the earth, and I watched the soil with anticipation. I sat there for a minute, then two, then three. I looked at the soil in confusion as nothing was happening.

"How long are you going to stay like that?" I heard Lyanna ask teasingly.

I looked in her direction and saw her looking at me with a smirk and crossed arms. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"There's more to it than just activating the rune, isn't there?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Correct," Lyanna giggled.

I sighed as I stood up. "Ok, so what do I need to do?" I asked.

I watched Lyanna as she smiled and slowly walked up to me. She reached out and grabbed my right hand with her left.

"What are you going?" I asked as I tried to pull my hand away. Lyanna had a tight grip, though, and wouldn't let go.

"Just trust me," Lyanna said with a smile. I looked at her for a second and nodded.

"Fine," I said as I relaxed.

Lyanna lifted my right hand, and placed it on her chest, right about her left breast.

"Hey, what are yo-"

"Shhhh. Listen, and feel." Lyanna said, cutting me off.

"What do you mean feel??" I said, flustered.

"*sigh* I'm not trying to bed you, prince Arthur. So stop thinking like that. Feel my heartbeat." Lyanna said in a soft voice.

I looked at her confused before I nodded and relaxed. I closed my eyes and focused on my hand. I could feel her steady heartbeat.

"Now, push some aether into me with the Vivum edict," Lyanna said.

I complied and sent a short burst of aether into her with the Vivum rune active. I heard Lyanna give a sharp breath but ignored it. I was more focused on what I saw. As the aether flowed through her, I could see the makeup of her body.

I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me with a smile. "So? What did you see?" She asked.

"Your body," I said before going wide-eyed. "The inside, I mean... I mean the makeup of it!!" I said, getting flustered.

Lyanna let out a small giggle as she let go of my hand. I took my hand back as I looked to the side, as my face grew warm.

"Correct, prince Arthur. The edict showed you the workings of my body. When using the Vivum edict, you can't just shoot aether into something and expect it to work. You have to visualize the living thing you are trying to manipulate. Then, once you visualize it, you can use the edict of Vivum to heal, or as I did, grow a tree." Lyanna said.

I looked at her as I processed what she said. "So I have to visualize both the aether and the living thing simultaneously. Make them one." I said.

"Precisely," Lyanna said with a smile.

I nodded. "Ok, let's go again." 


Tessia Eralith POV

"You are to follow her every order. And please, be careful." Mom said as I shared one last group hug with Mom, Dad, and Grandpa at the floating castle.

"I will," I said as we broke the hug.

"I love you, be safe. We gave you a couple of communication scrolls. So make sure you call every now and then. Ok?" Dad said.

"I will, Dad," I said with a smile.

I looked to Grandpa, who looked at me with a sad smile. "I should just lock you in your room and keep you safe. But this is what you want. Please be careful little one." Grandpa said.

"I will, Grandpa," I said.

I turned to see Grandma, Father, and Ellie standing to the side. Ellie was looking down, while Father and Grandma gave me sad smiles. I walked up to them, and they brought me into a group hug.

"I don't want you to go," Ellie said through sobs.

"I know. But I will visit when I can, and I'll be safe." I said as we broke the hug.

"Be careful out there. Helen knows what she is doing. Trust her judgment." Father said.

"I will, Father, thank you," I said.

"I love you, dear. You're strong, and I know you can protect yourself. Please be careful out there." Grandma said.

"I will, Grandma," I said.

I took a few steps back and looked at everyone as they gave me a sad smile. "I love you all. I'll see you when I can." I said, getting a nod from them.

I turned to Aya, who volunteered to bring me to the trailblazers. Aya smiled at me, "You ready?"

I nodded. "I'm ready."

"Good. Let's get going." Aya said.

"What? No, be careful?" I said with a smirk.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm going to talk your ear off on the way there." Aya said with a smile as I chuckled.

I turned back and gave everyone one last nod. I turned back to Aya and followed her through the portal.

'Trailblazers, here I come.'

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