House of Mikaelson and Potter...

By JasonKelly7

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Based on I am Creative's Old Daisy Potter and the Originals and Watching Legacies. What if Gaea seeing the fu... More

Chapter 1
Cast look
Chapter 3
Untitled Part 5
Powers and Abilities of the Originals

Untitled Part 4

952 21 2
By JasonKelly7

It's daytime. In the living room, Klaus is being creative working on an abstract painting on an easel. Rebekah/Esther enters.

Klaus: What took you so long? Rebekah/Esther:

Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. [Shows him a stake.] Luckily I'm quite the charmer.

Klaus: That's it?

Rebekah/Esther: The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us. Do you want to do the honors or shall I?

[Klaus puts the paintbrush down, takes the stake from Rebekah/Esther, and throws it into the flames in the fireplace. The flames flare up around the stake.]

Rebekah/Esther: Well that's that then.

Rebekah/Esther: But tonight is the decade dance.

Klaus: So?

Rebekah/Esther: So, I'm head of the committee, we have to go.

Klaus: I'm not going to any dance.

Rebekah/Esther: Caroline will be there.

Klaus: That means nothing to me.

Rebekah/Esther: Please, I have big plans for tonight. Just go for me.

Klaus: Okay, fine.

Klaus walking behind Rebekah/Esther says: Did you know that when you have a distinct walk?

Esther/Rebekah tenses quickly trying to turn crumbles when Nik quickly reaches out and snaps Esther/Rebekah's neck.

Rebekah screeches '' NIK''!

Rolling his eyes Klaus says '' Sister, you are being possessed''.

Rebekah pouted upset she couldn't see it murmurs'' Oh, thanks Nik''.

Kol and Elijah clench their fist at the thought of Rebekah being possessed while Finn frowns slightly having been told about the sire lines, that Sage still loves him, and seeing that Freya was alive he was no longer willing to die. Even his hatred for his family was gone as he knew he's been suicidal and that they only kept him daggered because they didn't know how to help him.

Looking at the unconscious body of Rebekah Klaus sighs as he flashes to the weapons room.

Jaw-dropping the vampires see a room filled with all kinds of weapons. Weapons that were both modern, medieval, and ancient.

With a quick look at the room, Klaus grabs a small golden dagger and flashes downstairs.

Hearing Rebekah/Esther's neck snap back into place Klaus quickly stabs the blade into Rebekah's heart making Rebekah's eyes snap open and a flash of Blue goes through her eyes and a scream escapes her lips as Esther Mikaelson breathes her last.

Rebekah groaning in pain at Esther's spirit being banished groans: God that hurt stupid bitch''.

Curious Klaus asks: So, who possessed you sister and why?

Rebekah grabbing the dagger in her heart gasps in pain as she pulls it out.

Taking a breath Rebekah answers: Mother used my body planning to turn the teacher into an Original Vampire 2.0 capable of hunting us.

Smirking amused Klaus replies: Then I guess it's lucky that I had that New Orleans witch upgrade our Original spell making it where we become 5x better each year we lived. 100 years ago.

Amused as well Rebekah states: If you didn't know me so well Alaric would have still been 10x weaker than you. Needing 20 years to catch up to us and by then you would have killed him.

Chuckling at Rebekah's statement Klaus says: As of three weeks ago Abby Bennett lost all knowledge of the spell she used on Mikael and now serves us completely. I also compelled her to kill Lucy Bennett, and Bonnie then herself should Bonnie Bennett or her ancestors act against us again.

Bonnie cries out '' NO''!

Klaus chuckles as Caroline slaps his chest making Klaus smirk and state '' That's a good idea I'll do it and Bonnie I'm making it where Abby will die by burning herself alive''.

Instantly Bonnie went silent knowing that she wouldn't stand against Klaus now.

Everyone knew the same making Elena give a brief look of rage at Bonnie which no one but Caroline saw.

Caroline enrage at a possibility she just thought of and no matter how much she wished to deny it she knew that Elena had a dark side. Causing her to shout '' Elena, no you will not blackmail Bonnie ''.

Giving her wide-eyed doe eyes look Elena goes to deny it when Danielle flicks her wand at Elena a single time making Elena say '' Of course, she should I'm better then her... Wait I meant to say that but I was going to manipulate her into doing it. Why am I telling the truth ''?

Danielle snorts '' Truth spell ''.

Damon, Tyler, and Alaric look at Danielle not believing it but everyone else looks at Elena in anger except Katherine who smirks amused.

Stefan's face changes to one of heartbreak knowing now that Elena was exactly like Katherine.

Katherine pouts '' Aw, what's wrong Doppelbaby upset that everyone knows you are a bitch ''.

Growling Elena goes to jump at Katherine when Daphne sighs and with a quick flick Elena has blasted back into her seat with a quiet shriek 12 empty bags appear and Elena is forced to drink a potion that appears above her.

Daphne states '' That is a blood replenisher potion which will for the next hour allow you to give blood continous with no problems to your health''.

Growling Elena is bound to her chair as blood started to be taken from Elena.

Klaus excited smirks at this Caroline has questions '' Klaus what if Elena spends the entire viewing giving blood''?

Thinking how much blood that would be Klaus nods '' If she does so and I have at least 600 blood bags then I'll consider it done but exchange I'll no longer let things go should Elena, Damon, Tyler, Alaric, or Stefan attempt to make a move''.

Watching the 5 pale Klaus smirks then Kol asks '' Nik, if they try anything can I have the Puppy Hybrid and Dick Vampire''?

Laughing Klaus says '' Yes, Damon and Tyler will be yours''.

Clapping Kol says as he leans forward '' Yay, please try something''.

Caroline worried leans over and whispers asking '' Please don't kill them ''?

Looking down at Caroline Klaus looks up to Harry asks '' Harry, do you mind placing silencing wards around the couple so that no one can hear us unless we are talking to them"?

Amused Harry waves his wand silently casting the spell causing a dome to surround everyone then vanished.

Snorting at the spell Klaus turns to Caroline and states '' I'll keep them alive but Damon and Elena will be banished to an island to live forever, both vampires. Stefan will have his mind erase everything dealing with Elena and our weakness. Then force to serve my family for 400 years. Tyler will be forced to turn every full moon and most of his Vampire side bound. But he'll have enough that he'll be able to be compelled to be loyal to me forever. Alaric will have his mind erase of Mystic Falls and the supernatural and be forced to live in Mexico as a teacher''.

Caroline snorting at Alaric's punishment nods her agreement making Klaus smile as he felt that the punishment was perfect.

Seeing the smile on Klaus's face everyone shudders in fear except Katherine and the Mikaelsons all of whom looked amused.

Curious Stefan asks '' What was that dagger''?

Klaus smiles '' That was a Possession killing Dagger. And before you even think of trying it on me the Blade would only send an original back to their body with the abilities of those who died. Meaning Rebekah is now a Hybrid of a Witch-Vampire nature''.

Frowning annoyed that the plan would not only not work but turn Klaus from an Original Hybrid into an Original Tribrid the 4 went silent.

Hearing the front door open again Klaus turns and smiles slightly seeing Finn and Sage walking in Klaus asks: Well?

Finn smiles at Klaus: You're right I may be a monster but I can do some good.

Looking at Sage Klaus nods to Sage making her grin as Klaus asks: How will you be doing that?

Finn with a smile answers: Simple, Sage pointed out that the world has so many monsters and some of them aren't even human. As such, I'll be joining Elijah and Kol in eliminating our enemies overseas and out of state while hunting down those very monsters.

Chuckling at that I nod and state: Don't forget to call once in and while.

Finn smiles gently: Alright I'll call every week.

Nodding at that Klaus says:

Before you go Rebekah says there is one last white oak stake I want you and Sage to go get it. Take 10 hybrids with you to make certain the Teacher's alter ego doesn't try anything.

My witch shall be going with you to cure his mind after Finn I want you to drain the vervain from his blood and remove all his knowledge of Mystic Falls, the supernatural, and his wife.

Elena, Damon, Tyler all scream: NO!

Laughing Klaus says: If you don't want that all you have to do is obey and not going against me.

Alaric clenches his fist wishing he could do something against Klaus but it seems Klaus is 10 steps ahead.

Alaric defeated and broken nods whispers to the 3 '' Enough it's hopeless we can't beat him''.

Watching the hopelessness appear in the 3's eyes Klaus smirks.

Rolling her eyes Caroline was amused with Klaus as she knew Klaus could be a lot more cruel based on what she's read on him.

Smirking Finn nods in agreement and asks: What about you?

Amused I smirk and reply: Well, I'm going to play Hybrid distraction.

Amused Finn follows Rebekah and Sage as they and 10 Hybrids and a witch head down to the basement where Esther had Alaric hidden.

[Damon is on the phone with Alaric who is in Klaus' Family Mansion.]

Damon: Where've you been? I've been calling you all day.

Alaric: Yeah, sorry about that. I just needed to get my head together.

Damon: So I take it Rebekah got the stake?

Alaric: I don't know. I woke up alone. There's no sign of it.

Damon: Lovely. What now?

Alaric: Well I think I need to get out of town. Somewhere secluded. I keep blacking out which means I'm still a threat to everyone.

Damon: I don't know if right now is the best time for you to be going on a spirit quest, Ric.

Alaric: It's just for a couple of days. I'm stocked up on Bonnie's herbs, so I should be fine. I gotta go. [Alaric hangs up.]

''Well, that's cute''.

Quickly looking into the entrance way Alaric tenses as he sees the group instantly he knew Esther was dead.

Before he could even move the Hybrids whooshed over grabbing Alaric's arms, legs, and head.

Chuckling Finn watches Alaric struggle.

Walking over Finn notices a bulge in Alaric's sweater.

Grabbing it Finn pulls it out.

Please he sees it's the last white oak stake.

'' I'll take that ''.

The Witch steps forward takes the stake and walks over to Esther's coffin.

Opening it she places the Stake and from her pocket the knight and places them into Esther's body.

Casting a spell to cloak the Stake and Knight in her body.

Casting seven more spells she places a preservation spell on Esther's body, summons Esther's spirit to the body, places Esther in a sleeping spell binding it to Klaus's life, A Nightmare curse, a Nightmare pain feeling curse.

Then using Klaus's blood she makes it where no one without Klaus's willingly given blood can remove the White oak from her body, and finally a Locking spell closes and locks the Coffin which already has Protection, Cloaking, and preservation on the coffin while making it where only Klaus can open the Coffin with the blood of a Bennett, Elijah, and her blood.

Feeling tiredness creeping up the witch sighs walking over and handing Finn 2 Potions seeing his confused look the witch says: The first will cure his mind if ingested and the other will remove the vervain in his blood if the potion is poured on his head.

Pleased with the potions Finn nods already seeing that the witch was tired.

Walking over to Alaric Finn watches as the vampire hunter has his jaw forced open.

The Crowd watches the scene annoyed at losing the only weapon needed to kill an original but none of them say anything about it knowing that the Mikaelsons were just wanting an excuse.

Back in the gym hall, Caroline and Tyler are slow dancing. Klaus walks in and stares at them.

Tyler sees him.

Caroline: What is it?

Klaus: Where've you been mate?

Tyler: I just got back in town.

Klaus smiles as he smells the scent of a wolf smirking

Klaus says: So you broke the sire bond.

Tensing the two stare at Klaus who smirking at Tyler asks: Tell me did you know their is a loyalty and obedience spell"?

Instantly Caroline understood while Tyler taking a moment freezes as he says: And Hybrids has that don't we.

Smirking at Tyler Klaus answers: Yep, now answer me honestly did you cheat on Caroline while breaking the sire bond.

Caroline freezes in Tyler's arm as his body goes slack and he's forced to answer: Yes, with a wolf name Hayley Marshall.

Caroline hurt yells: YOU BASTARD, Tyler how could you?

Pushing Tyler away Caroline slaps Tyler in the face and stomps off towards Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Matt.

Tyler standing at attention smiles as Klaus says:

Well, that's one relationship done. Now, your punishment for cheating on Caroline. You are to travel to packs telling werewolf packs how great it is being a Hybrids and all the advantages and make certain they can see you not turning. The entire time you'll be texting your mother and Caroline telling them what's happening. Along with telling the packs about the sire bond and that it's like an Alpha ordering his packs.

Tyler's fist clenched turns and slowly walks out feeling the spellbind him completely as he heads out.

Tyler watches himself stomp off heartbroken learning that even breaking his sire bond wouldn't free him.

Watching the fear that appears on everyone but Caroline's and the Mikaelsons' faces Klaus just gets a wider smirk.

Klaus seeing the heartbroken face holds out his hand and offers: Would you like to vent?

Giving a teary laugh Caroline shakes her head and takes Klaus's hand slowly dancing Caroline as brightly as possible and says: I want to get drunk and not care about tomorrow.

Klaus giving a little smile replies: Well, we can do the drunk part but no sex if you are.

Snorting a little at that Caroline asks: And why not?

Klaus giving a gentle smile answers: Because Caroline I don't want you for one night. I want you every night for as long as we live.

Caroline's eyes fill with tears and as a slow song starts to play the two dance.

Klaus as he dances with Caroline could hear Rebekah dancing with Matt and Rebekah laughing.

Smiling gently Klaus offers: So to the Grill or my place?

Caroline whispers: Your place.

The Mikaelsons all were shocked at the humanity Klaus was showing.

Katerina sighs quietly in her head knowing that this will make Elijah move back desperate as he is to bring back his brother's humanity.

Cursing in her head Katerina also knew she would follow him.

Trying to think how to do that Katerina's eyes land on Caroline for a split second then back to the screen as she realizes what she has to do.

Katerina would have to become a real friend to Caroline.

Which means it has to be real.

Luckily what Caroline wants she can give Loyalty, Honest, Protection, and having her back.

Leaning into Elijah she kisses his cheek making Elijah hold her tighter.

Watching the two Klaus grimaces inwardly as he sees Caroline with hearts in her eyes watching the two along with a look of pleasure as she openly smirks at Tyler who was completely broken. Knowing he would never be free.

Bonnie seeing Caroline's bitch face snorts Caroline was a girl who absolutely destroyed her competitors by turning her opponents' inner circle against her and then opened using the information to destroy their reputation.

And secretly she compelled her enemy to serve her making her give two bags of her bag per week.... Damn maybe she is the perfect match for Klaus.

The 4 Assholes all look at Caroline with rage seeing the smugness on her face.

Harry watches amused watching his godfather completely play with the Mystic Falls gang while also gaining the love of the one he most desires.

Narcissa watches with amusement still more then please watching the one who acts as father-in-law prove that Slytherins are better. As not only does he get the woman he desires but watching as the rest of the Mystic gang quickly follow Klaus believing that Klaus was playing her.

Was masterfully done.

The words the next day flashes on the screen.

Groaning awake Caroline's eyes slowly flutter open frowning Caroline whimpers covering her head.

Smelling blood Caroline turns her head and sees a still warm blood bag.

Quickly grabbing it Caroline quickly drains it moaning as her headache disappears.

Headache gone Caroline slowly stumbles to her feet grimacing at the smell of Alcohol coming off her.

Confused Caroline looks around and notices she was in an unfamiliar remarkable wealthy looking bedroom.

Eyes wide Caroline understood where she was instant.

Quickly flashing around Caroline sighs in relief at being alone.

Confused Caroline's eyes lower as she tries to remember what happen after arriving at the grill.

Cursing quietly Caroline slowly walks out of the bedroom and hums as she notices she was in a long hall of rooms.

'' Mrs. Forbes''?

Jumping Caroline turns her head noticing instantly that a hybrid was standing there in a butler's suit.

Raising her eyebrows Caroline asks '' What''?

The hybrid smiles '' My name is Weniford Butlerford my clan of wolves has to serve the Mikaelsons for 400 years and when Klaus learned all about Hybrids he offered my clan of 400 Wolves the chance to become Hybrids along with 4 other clans most bigger than my own''.

Stunned no one could believe how many hybrids Klaus made.

Gulping Caroline asks '' How''?

Amused Klaus smirks '' I found out about Nadia Katherine's daughter in the 18th century learning that she had 3 children before she was turned into a vampire. Using her I tracked down 12 Bloodlines capable of producing the doppelganger and has taken steps to insure it.

I found Elena when she was 12 and compelled her parents to drain 1 Bag of blood per week gifting Elena a trust that would be hers when she turns 18.

The Trust is worth 45 Million $ and it has 3 Beach Houses, and a Manor a part of its estate.

To make certain she was alive I compelled John into thinking the spell I gave him was from a gilbert journal.

I also learned that it only takes a small medicine cup to turn a hybrid and I left with bags''.

Shocked everyone couldn't believe how well prepared Klaus was.

Caroline her mouth dropping whispers to herself: No wonder we never won. Klaus has always been 8 steps ahead.

Amused the Butler says: Yes, I've been asked to show you around the guest floor, Library, Main Floor, Theatre, Game room, and Klaus's bedroom.

And I've been told to tell you that you didn't have sex even though you tried to and that you made Klaus make a promise to take you on 13 Dates''.

Groaning Caroline falls into her head as Bonnie laughs curious Klaus looks at Bonnie who smiling says '' When we were younger Caroline would watch this movie and in it, this guy had 13 dates to earn her love. Caroline always fell for the guy during date 3''.

Smirking at that Klaus leans over to Caroline whispering '' Good thing I don't need to do that here''.

Gagging Kol says'' My god you are whipped''.


In a whooshed faster than everyone but Elijah could see Kol's neck was snapped.

The various enemies of the Mikaelsons in the theatre felt fear in their hearts knowing instantly that Klaus has been playing with them while the allies and those who know the Mikaelsons smirked in amusement.

Those who had already decided not to stand against a Mikaelson felt that not standing against the Mikaelsons ready was for the best.

New Mexico

Inside a hospital, Alaric lays in a hospital bed looking out at the world:

How is it possible my wife died and I've somehow lost my wife and my memories of the last 10 years are gone?

Alaric takes a breath tears falling from his eyes: But the Mikaelsons have decided to pay for everything and offer me a job working for them.

Giving a quiet snort Klaus looks at the reaction of the Mystic Falls gang and everyone but Caroline felt the punishment was too much.

Bonnie seeing it asks '' Caroline do you not think that the punishment is to much''?

Caroline looking at Bonnie with nothing showing on her face answers '' Bonnie, Alaric is alive. His memories may be gone but the Mikaelsons could have spent the rest of Alaric's human life torturing him and then turning him only to torturing him again. Them removing his memories and then making Alaric work for them is actually mercy and quite frankly a lot kinder than I was expecting.

The 4 close their own eyes to be enraged to admit that they agree but know what Caroline said to be truthful.

Bonnie sighs and nods.

Jeremy and Matt look at each other recognizing that the Mikaelsons are a foe they can't beat.

The only reason none of the 4 were speaking was Harry had bound and silenced them.

Sage with a smirk on her face'' You know if it was Kol you could suspect 1000 years of torture. Klaus may have been willing to just forgive and forget if Caroline had to ask. Elijah, you would have seen Alaric get his heart ripped out. And Rebekah you would have seen her emotionally and mentally torturing Alaric. Until Alaric believes with all his being that Alaric serves the Mikaelsons''.

Hearing Sage's smug tone Elena clenches her fist but nods seeing it Finn and Sage smirk at each other.

Pastor Young's Safehouse

Walking into the Safehouse Pastor Young frowns in confusion as every member of the council except for Liz Forbes and Carol Lockwood were in attendance Pastor Young asks: Why was the Council called without Carol Lockwood and Liz Forbes?

In confusion the council stare at Pastor Young then Alex Fell slowly says: You summoned us.

Pastor Young's eyes go wide and the camera shifts outside of the Safehouse where Kol with a smirk pushes a button.

Inside the Safehouse went up in flames.

Kol pulling out his phone says: It's done.

'' Good Kol then I want you to remove Carol's Vervain and with our most trusted Vampires compel the people of mystic Falls until everyone is under our Command. Have everyone but Carol Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes compelled to obey our command and give us 3 Pints of Blood per week and go with Carol Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes to take you to the nearest Prison then Compel prisoners of Rapists, Serial Killers, Child Molesters, Child Killers, and Child Abusers freed into our care. I've decided to turn our dungeons into a thrall dungeon so we can kill and torture them to our pleasure''.

Kol pleased with the mission Klaus gave him replies: With pleasure.

Silence rangs from everyone but The Mikaelsons, Sage, and Katerina all of whom smirk.

Elena murmurs '' Oh god, the Mikaelsons rule the town ''.

Laughing Marcel says'' Idiot the Mikaelsons rule the world everyone in a position of power that his human is compelled by Klaus and his witches to serve him. They even own the UN.

Harry says'' In every state in the world their is a Supernatural community that answers to the Mikaelsons. The only Government entity not in their control is the Ministries of Magic, Gringotts the Goblin Nation, and The ICW and that is only because core magic makes it easier for us to resist compulsion and Nature magic''.

Caroline's expression changes as she gasps '' Oh my god, you've been playing with us having you ''.

Laughing Klaus says'' Oh, love I've been playing my father for 500 years I could have beaten him anytime but I wanted him to think I fear him''. 

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