from another realm

By ribshot

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a average person who lives in one world encounters people who are from another world, now he's responsible to... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10

from another realm

14 0 0
By ribshot

It was a average day for me, same sky, same faces, same lap of life, i had been walking to my boring job i worked at 5 days a week, just to turn my hobby into a living. Im marvin luckman, im 20 years old, im a cashier at a convenience store, my hobbies containing writing, playing video games, and shooting at a shooting range to blow steam.
But today was a boring, boring, same day.
I walked into the store where I was greeted by an employee, Jenna lattle.
Morning, you hear the news? She asked with a straight face.
She was a goth girl, i wasn't a guy who didn't care about ways of life, only the one that was stupid or life threatening.
Only the weather, another night with no rain, I said.
As I walked in the back to punch myself in, I was greeted by the manager, he was a jerk to me and jenna.
Are you here to do your job? He asked.
Of course, I'm here for money, I said with an unfriendly tone.
Lose the attitude, the manager scolded.
I hated him more than Jenna did, I had the urges to snap at him, but this was the only job I had, so I held my anger in to avoid being fired or worse sued for assault.
I then changed into my uniform to prepare for my day. I used to get happy when I started work, but I wasn't myself this time. I've been down ever since I moved into my new house. Trying to keep my bill from cutting my house down.
Writing was the only type of work I enjoyed doing, but the majority of companies refuse to take my books, so I choose this job to create stories from people's looks.
As i was doing my job, i had a talk with jenna, she told me that she had found a boyfriend, she told me he was a technician guy who fixes machines.
It seemed that you chose the right guy, I said.
Kinda, he often gets caught up with his work, Jenna said.
Yeah, life does that, I said.
In truth, I had a love interest, but i never told her where i lived cause i was on the bottom of the list, i didn't want her to think i was a loser in life. I felt ashamed of reality, I don't want to be homeless.
As I continued work I noticed a homeless guy enter the store. He seemed like he was trying to survive like I was, I couldn't blame the guy, I was trying as well.
He soon walked to the counter and placed a handful of beef jerky in front of me.
As i checked it, they came to a total of 7 dollars.
That'll be 7 dollars, I said to the man.
He then looked down to count his money, and I noticed that he was short on cash. I honestly felt bad, so I pulled out my wallet and gave the man a 10.
You are a saint, the man said.
I then rang him up and gave him his change.
There you go sir, i know how it feels to try to survive, i said.
It's tough, but I'll get through it, the man said.
He soon pocketed the beef jerky and walked to the door to where he stopped.
If only the world was full of people like you, the man said.
I then noticed that Jenna was surprised to see me do such a kind act.
You did that for him? Jenna said.
Yeah, it's something I like to do in my freetime, I said.
After a couple of hours of work, we were given our break.
Me and Jenna were outside, Jenna was smoking a cigarette, while I crouched along the street like a street thug.
You know, your legs will hurt after getting up from that, Jenna said.
Yeah, but it's my way of living, I said.
She then took a breath of her cigarette and exhaled it which flew in my face.
Eugh, I grouched.
Not into smoking? Jenna said.
Nah, not even drinking, I said.
We then watched as a delivery truck stopped in front of our sight.
Looks like we got some goods to sell, Jenna said, stomping on her cigarette.
After a long day of work, I walked home at night, the sky was dark, cars were louder, it was partially fine, I'd love to drive but i never used it to save money.
As I reached my house, I felt relief to be back, it was a paradise for one, just for me.
When I entered the house, I flipped the switch to turn the lights on. It was just as it was, I looked to see my laptop on my table full of unrespected, dismissed, good stories I created. What a waste those companies thought.
I went straight to bed, feeling hungry was occasionally okay, it always made my meals better.
As i layed in bed, I grabbed my remote to watch tv to tire myself out.
Today was something ordinary, I said.
Just then out of nowhere the house began to shake.
What the heck!? I screamed.
I then quickly fell out of bed and dashed out of the house to see a bright glowing light crash into the forest far past my house.
I was completely shocked by the event, I had to find out what that glow was.
I grabbed a shovel from my shed and ran in the forest.
It was something I was looking for, something to free me from the life cycle.
The light from the thing was getting brighter as I got closer and closer, it was something I never thought it would be, a spaceship.
It was like a ship from star wars, but smaller, its circular form was like part of a common ufo i'd seen on the internet, and it's light circling around the top of the ship.
Just then the hatch of the ship opened, causing me to hide behind a tree.
I held the shovel close to me as tight as I could.
Just then I heard... Someone coughing?
Nice one max, you crashed the ship, a woman said.
You try flying in a crowded ship! Someone said.
I don't blame you, I could barely move my suit, another one said.
Eh, ow, Shaun, why did you have to hit me? A young girl said.
It was a weird conversation I would hear. I looked around the tree to see that they looked human, there was a small girl, a young woman, and two men, one with a ducktail beard, one with no beard, the thing that was off was that they all had some weird exo-suit on them.
As I watched them, I forgot to stand in which fell to the ground.
Oof, I grunted as I hit the ground.
The four unknown people looked at me on the ground.
Ah! They followed us, the little girl screamed.
Just as I got up, one of them pointed a gun at me point blank.
Who sent you? The bearded man said.
No one, I saw your ship, I said.
You saw it, what colony are you from? The woman said.
Colony? I don't think that works here in 2022, I said.
2022? It's 4843 in our world, the man with no beard said.
I don't want problems with you aliens, I said.
Aliens? Oh, our evac ship does look alien-ish, the bearded man said.
Evac ship? Care to explain where you're from? I asked.
Alright, up soldier, the woman said.
I then got up and held my shovel.
Abigail, he's fine, he's not part of the prialle wolves, the bearded man said.
Soon the little girl hiding in the ship peaks out.
I then handed the man with no beard my shovel and walked to her.
It's okay, I'm on your side, I said.
The little girl then peaked her head out of the ship.
I then made a face which caused the girl to laugh.
Guess you have a way with kids, what's your name soldier? The bearded man asked.
I'm Marvin Luckman, and did you call me a soldier? I said.
Well in this world you're a civilian, but in our world most people are soldiers, the bearded man said.
World? You mean you're from another world? I said.
Of course, I'm Shane Chandler, group captain, the woman said.
Maximilian Conner, Flying officer, the man with no beard said.
Shaun Foster, Squadron leader, and that's Abigail Rolla, Lieutenant junior grade, said the man with the beard.
Come on shaun, i wanted to say my name, abigail said.
Hey, respect your rank, Shaun said.
Wait, she's part of your military team? How? I asked.
We'll tell you later, soldier, now you have a base we can stay in? Max said.
Follow me, I got my house, I said.
We then ran through the forest to my house.
We soon entered through the back door into my kitchen.
So this is your base, not too familiar with this type of home, max said.
I soon turn on the fan light in the living room.
Well, at least they have a living room, Shaun said.
We took a seat in the living room but I started to close some curtains.
So marv, you have questions? Shane asked.
Alright, first off what are you wearing? I asked.
Oh these are our soldier uniforms, built to withstand fire, electric, and laser, Shaun said.
What about the suit on your uniforms? I said.
These are power skeletons, they're built to enhance our strength, shooting, and our endurance, Abigail said.
Okay, hmm, what about your evac ship? I asked.
About that, that's not ours, we stole it from another army, max said.
Stole, who did you steal it from? I asked.
The prialle wolves, these people are heartless people, Shane said.
Shit, I'd feel that too, I said.
Yeah, we were tasked to take down a bio-suit, Max said.
What's the difference between that and your suits? I asked.
Our suit's neurons enhance our abilities, Shaun said.
This biosuit we don't know, but it's sure bigger than our suits, Abigail said.
Okay, well it's late, we need to hit the hay, I said.
I then set everyone's beds up and rested for the day.

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