Carnells in another universe

By Chayma22chou07

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Let's imagine the Carnells in another universe when their mother didn't die, when they are actually brothers... More

Ch 1: Motherhood
Ch 2:
Ch 3:
Ch 4:
Ch 5: Tree house
Ch 6:
Ch 7: Pets
ch 8: You are already a baby
ch 10: Luke's birthday
ch 11: Fucking! Shit
Ch 12: Baby
ch 13: Just come fast
Ch 14: I can't stop his heartbeats
Ch 16: The bike
CH 17: Meow meow
Ch 18: Perfect baby

ch 9: Playing inside

260 31 27
By Chayma22chou07

Luke's pov

I said goodbye to mama as she went with aunt for shopping, and I was home with my bubbas and dad

Bubbas were doing their vacation homewok while daddy was doing some work. I wanted to pway out in the garden, but they said it's too hot today today to be there.

So, I called Atimis inside without telling them and pwayed with him with the ball. I would have called cawamel too, but she was sleeping.

" Don't go near dada or bubbas, they are woking, we just pway in here, okay?" I asked and woofed

I threw the ball, and he went to catch it then came back to me with the ball. I was throwing the ball and suddenly Linda appeared with a cup in her hand. The ball hit her hand. I gasped in shock. The cup fell down and broke

" Sowry Linda, are you okay?" I asked, I was worried if she was hurt and also worried if my dada heard!

" Yep, I'm good, baby, go to the living room, I'll clean the place." She said

I went away to the glass room area. Here, dada meets the outsider or his assis-tant for work sometime.

" Let's pway here but don't woof a lot and I will slowly throw the ball, okay?"

He woofed again

" Shh! We will get a corner!" I hushed him

" Luke! What did you do?" I heard Nino's voice as he entered the glass room with a big paper

" Hey Nino." I said innocently as Artemis stood with me

" Hey, what are you doing, here?"

" I was teaching Artemis to catch a ball."

" Here? In the glass room? To break all the glass?" He scolded

I hung my head down. " No, sowry. We will play elsewhere."

Artemis woofed in my support

" Not elsewhere, Come with me, let's color."

" I wanna pway with the ball and with him, I don't wanna color now."

" Lucas, don't make me mad, put the ball there and come inside."

" Pwease?"

" Ugh, come play in the basement but be careful."

" Thank you!! Let's go Artemis!!" I said and we ran to the basement together

Time skip™

I was throwing the ball and he was catching it and we were pwaying with so much fun.

" Catch this Artemis!!" I said and threw the ball higher

He went to catch it, this time, the ball landed on the big TV screen we have for special movie nights and it broke down. Artemis was only a few steps away fwom me.

I took him. " Are you okay? Hurt anywhere?"

He woofed that he is fine, my brothers came running

" Lucas!!! What did you do?" Cole asked

" I... threw the ball......wind hit it .. it went higher and hit the TV"

" Ohh goodness, Dad will be so mad!" Cole said

" First, come here." Nino called me

I went to him slowly

" You are okay?" He crouched down and checked me

" Yes I am okay. Check Artemis pwease."

" Okay." He took Artimis in his arms and checked him, " He is good."

" Ohh Fuck, we are dead, the Tv is totally broken."

" What means fuck?" I asked Cole, it's a new word but sounds so cool

" Fuck? Ohh no... It's a bad word, don't say it." Cole told him

" But you said it."

" I was wrong." He explained

" Oh fuck!" I grinned

" Luke, don't say it, I'm warning you, you will get spanked if dad hears you."

" Really?"

" Yes." They affirmed

" Oh fuck oh fuck OHOO FUCKKK" I danced with Artemis not believing him, if it's bad and dada spanks for it then Cole won't say it!

" Boys, what happened?" Linda came to the basement

" Fuck happened!!" I told her

" What? Luke, this is a bad word." Linda scolded

Oh it's really a bad word!

" Sowry Linda."

" And what happened to the TV?"

" It broke."

" How? Your dad will be so angry."

" Ball hit it."

" Ohh!"

" Linda? What was this noise?" Dada called

" Don't approach it, I'll go see your dad." She said as she went upstairs

" Bubbas, I'm scared." I told them as I was hugging my friend

" Why did you do that? Why did you play here? Dad warned us to not play inside." Cole asked

" Artemis was bored."

" He wasn't Luke, the puppy wasn't bored and you better don't lie." Cole scolded

" Sowry, I was bored so I called him to pway." I was pouting

" Good, now you totally deserve the punishment." Cole said

" No pwease, don't give me to dada, pwease." I give him the best look

" Boys!" Dadda came down angrily," Oh my God!"

I hid behind my brothers and hide Artemis behind me

" Dad calm down please... It wasn't on purpose." Nino said

" Of course it wasn't by purpose but playing the house is by purpose. Who did that?" He asked

Don't woof Artemis pwease I don't want angwy dada!

Nino and Cole looked at each other and nodded

" I was playing with Cole just taking a break and it happened." Nino said

They hide on me? But dada will punish them! But if I tell the truth then dada will punish me! But I don't want my bubbas in twouble!

" What? Really now? You must be kidding me... Go to your room and stand in the corner."

" Yes daddy!"

" Don't say anything." Cole whispered to me

Both of them walked upstairs then Dad picked me up," Loulou, having fun with the puppy?"

I nodded, I was feeling so bad for my bubbas, they took my twouble to them and got the corner time. It's not fair!

" Let's put Artimis in the garden and now is your eating time, you must be hungry."

" No dada am not."

" But mama said it is your time to eat."

" I don't want. Dada can you let bubbas go pwease?"

" Shh don't interfere in this." Dad smiled and tapped my nose

" No actually dada, I was pwaying with the ball with Artemis and broke the TV and I got scared so bubba just pwotected me, pwease let them go" I requested

" What? You did that, Lukey?"

" Yeah, I was bored so called Artemis and pwayed with him, sowry."

" How many times have I said don't play with the ball in the house?" He asked sternly

" Many, sowry daddy." I looked down

" I know you are, but you have to serve me some time in the corner, let's go to my office after putting Artimis in his house."

" Okay daddy." I said

We took Artemis to his house, I hugged him and pwomised him to see him later. Dada took me to his office with him

" Stay in the corner, I'm coming, okay baby?"

" Okay, daddy." I said and stood in the boring corner, I hate the corners a lot!

He walked out and I stayed alone here. I smelled the wall, it smelled so basic. Cole smells nice, Nino smells good too but Mama smells the best.

How do I smell sweet? Do I smell like chocwate or candies? I sniffed my wrist, no none of it smelled like that.

Mama must have a super nose, she smells everything nice!

Why is Dada's office so dark? Where is this cooling coming fwom? I don't see the AC anywhere.

Why dada have such a big desk? Taller than me? Is it taller than my bubbas? No, I don't think so. I want dada to get my bubbas out of the boring corner soon so I can pway with them.

I should have just colored with Nino, then no corner time for me. I could have hurt myself or Artemis today too. It wasn't very nice! Playing with the ball can hurt people and give me a cornertime.

Next time I will only pway in a space with no glass things.

I heard the door open then close. " Lukey, come love."

I came out and looked at him. " Sowry daddy."

" It was dangerous Luke, so dangerous! I'm not mad for just the damage of the TV but for not listening to me and doing what your little brain told you... When I say no playing at home then no playing, you could have got hurt or Artimis. Baby please be careful next time and don't do this again."

" Yes daddy I won't do it again."

" Good, stay with Daddy here, let's color?"

" Can we let bubbas join too, pwease?"

" Bubbas have homework, Loulou, so let them solve them calmly."

" Okay, let's color."

" Great." He put me on his lap

He carried on working as he gave a coloring book and crayons. I colored my book and got bored of coloring, I wanted to draw on my own. I found a paper on the desk, and I made a pretty drawing for Artemis and Cawamel on it

" Wow, Loulou, nice drawing." Dada said

" Thank you, dada, I will hang it in my house."

" Yeah later, but baby, this is daddy's paper, so I'll need it for a while then I'll give it to you... This is another paper to draw more."

" Okay dada thank you!" I gave him a kiss and drew ahead

" Draw daddy working." He said, kissing my hair

" Okay dada!" I said and tried drawing my dada working

" Lukey, it was nice that your brothers wanted to protect you but that was lying... And lying isn't good."

" But dada I told them to not give me away that's why they did it. They didn't mean to lie."

" But they lied, Loulou... And I didn't like that... Daddy feels hurt when his sons lie to him, whatever is the reason."

" Sowry daddy pwease don't feel hurt, next time if I do wrong I will tell you myself, not make bubbas lie for me."

" Good baby, I know you will understand and take responsibility for your mistakes, daddy will be proud and won't punish you hard." He kissed my head

" Okay, daddy."

" I love you baby boy."

" I love you too daddy"

" Hungry?"

" Yeah, I want mik."

" Let's get your bottle." He took me to the kitchen and made my mik then gave it to me

I started having my mik. We went back to his office. He opened the TV, put on a Tom and Jerry movie and sat me on his lap while he was working. I kept drinking my mik till I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. The last thing I remember is that Dada patted my butt then kissed my head.

Dominic's pov

I was frustrated when I saw the TV was broken. Luke was scared and he was hiding behind Marco the whole time. I sighed, I shouldn't scare the kids.

I asked them calmly what happened to the TV and Malik told me that He and Cole were taking a rest and decided to play with the ball in the basement and suddenly it hit the TV.

" Okay, go to your room and stand in the corner, I'm coming shortly."

They obediently walked upstairs and I turned to Luke, I should calm the baby. I picked him up and out of the blue he told me that he broke the TV and he didn't mean it.

I grinned, the baby is courageous, altruistic and responsible. I feel proud of him but he should learn to listen to me so I just explained to him my concern then I put him in the corner of my office then went to my big boys' room.

I found them, standing in the corner like I asked. I smiled and called them out, " Marco, Malik, come here."

" We are sorry, Daddy." Malik said as he looked down

" Why are you sorry?" I asked

Will they carry on with their lie?

" We lied to you, daddy." Marco said

I feel relieved now!

" But we can explain."

" Then explain." I smiled at my baby boys

I already know what they will say but I like to let them explain, talk and express themselves

" We did that to protect Luke, he was terrified and we couldn't just hand him to you without calming him... So we said that we did it."

" Yep, but Dad we were going to tell you the truth once you come to punish us."

" Now I guess we will get punished for lying."

" Nope, there is no punishment, you know what I feel about lying it hurts me and especially if it's from my sons but if it's this is the case, I feel proud of you that you were protecting your little brother and I loved how he relied on you."

Their eyes lit up happily

" Really? Are you proud?"

" Yes, I am."

" Thank you daddy."

" You're welcome." I hugged them both and kissed their forehead," Let's sit, I wanna explain something."

" Yes daddy." They said together and sat on the Malik's bed while I sat on Cole's facing them

They looked at me patiently

" You protected your brother but in the wrong way, lying isn't a solution... You could have calmed me and Luke and convinced him to tell the truth and that you will try your best to lessen his punishment."

" That's the right thing, I guess... We just choose the wrong way."

" Yep, you know Luke idolizes you, and he is learning from the things he sees and learns, so it's wrong when he sees his brothers lying because he can imitate you."

" That's true."

" We didn't think about it that way."

" Please think with me, when you lied, you made Luke's mind process that lying in cases is okay, you made Luke's mind process that he can get away from his punishment anytime."

" Instead of making him learn to take responsibility for his actions." Marco said

" Exactly!"

They nodded in agreement

" We won't do it again daddy." Cole said

" Yep, we will think about how our decision will influence Luke next time." Nino added

" Thank you boys. I will appreciate that."

" Where is Luke?"

" In my office, giving his time-out."

" Ohh, okay."

" Two minutes have passed, I need to get him out. Carry on with your homework then I'll take you to the amusement park." I told them

" Yeyyy." They cheered

" Thank you for this nice talk."

" Always." They said together

I chuckled and went to my youngest baby, I took him out of the corner then I sat working as Luke was sitting on my laps coloring on his sketchbook. I was focusing on my work till I couldn't find the paper of the financial report, I looked around and finally I found it under Luke's hands, he is doodling on it... Wow! My baby wanted to gift me a drawing!

I chuckled and thanked God that he is doodling with the crayons. I took it from him after taking permission and gave him a white paper so he can doodle on it.

" Draw daddy working." I gave him this mission and he accepted it

And here, he will try till he gets tired!

I wrote down what's important to me from the financial report then gave Luke the paper back. He started to lose his power and agitation so I gave him milk.

He leaned on me as I played with his hair while studying another report and shortly he drifted to sleep, I corrected his position of sleeping and I kissed his head, patting his little butt softly.

Sweet dreams, little baby!

I looked at the calendar and noticed that tomorrow our little baby Lucas will turn 2 year old. Tomorrow we will celebrate the baby's birthday. I called Jess to tell her

" Hey honey."

" Hey love, how are you? I hope the kids didn't give you a hard time."

" No they were angels, love you know what tomorrow refers to?"

" Of course, the third best day in my life, Lucas' birthday."

" I thought you forgot."

" There are some details I can't forget. Actually, Rebecca and I went out to buy the necessary stuff for his birthday party."

" Perfect, my baby will enjoy his surprising party."

" Yep. I ordered his favorite cake and they drew lighting mqc from the movie cars. He will like it."

" I'll buy a gift tomorrow with Cole and Nico." I said sadly that no one told me beforehand

" Cole and Nico bought their gifts already."

" This is not fair and not done." I said frowning

She laughed," Bye bye, love."

" It's not funny, no one of you bothered to tell me. I'm sure it's your idea or the other two would have been nagging the whole week about Luke's birthday."

" Sorry, Domy."

" Yeah yeah, let's see who will help you with the decorations."

" Okay, I'll make it up to you when I come, bye love you."

" Bye." I was about to hung up

She seethed," I said LOVE YOU."

" I love you too, calm down." I said as my heart was about to burst

I hung up and lay next to Loulou to have a nap too. I couldn't sleep while he was beside me so I just put him on my stomach and slept after smiling at the little figure fondly.

To be continued...

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