Unconventional Love

By ejamerson

602 52 6

Montez Williams is a 33 year old lawyer working for a top law firm in California. He is very arrogant and a... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 12

15 2 0
By ejamerson

Darrin makes his way back to his office. He opens the door and slams it. Thank goodness he doesn't have an assistant yet to witness the state he's in. He paces back and forth in his office, trying to calm down. Montez has managed to do something no other person could, but his father brings out his dark side. His ex-wife's affair didn't get him this angry, so how could this bastard. Darrin almost felt bad about the comment he said regarding his father, but he was quick to realize he started it. Even though Tiana is a cheating bitch, he had no right to make that statement about her.

He underestimated Montez. The prick succeeded in retrieving information about his personal life. He definitely lives up to his reputation. It's funny, because Darrin was actually looking forward to working with him. He has to admit that his background as a lawyer is impressive, but his personality is another damn story. All the women he slept with will vouched to that. Just like Montez, he dugged into his personal life. His mother a nurse, a younger brother who's 18th and a high school senior and last a deadbeat father. Marvin William, a so called handyman who spends his days in bars getting drunk and having one night stands with multiple women. Now you see who he gets it from.

Darrin sits down at his desk and rubs his forehead. He needs a distraction from todays events. He takes his wallet out and pulls out a card. Then he picks up the phone and dials the number. "Hello handsome, took you long enough."

Montez POV:

Montez didn't know how long he sat at the table after Darrin left. It was like his body was frozen and he couldn't move or talk. How did he know about his father? He supposed the same way he found it about his. His father Marvin Williams, has been M.I.A for the last five years. The only reason he came around then; he found out Montez had finished law school and got his first job as a laywer. Jason was so excited only to be crushed later when he learned, that his father only came home to reap the benefits of his older brother's money. The piece of shit left soon as he learned he wasn't getting a penny from Montez.

Montez made his way upstairs and stops at Gracie's desk. "Hi, going to leave early today. If anyone needs me tell them to call me on my phone."

"Is everything ok?" Gracie asked "You don't look too good."

"Yes, I'm just a little stressed." He goes to his office and gathers up his things. "Have a good evening Gracie, see you tomorrow" and gets on the elevator. Montez makes his way to the car and calls Ron. Ron answers the phone and before he can get a word out, "I swear it wasn't me."

"Huh, what the hell are you talking about," confused about his outburst.

"Oh shit Montez, didn't know it was you. I thought you was ole girl. Anyways, what's up with you. Don't you supposed to be at work?"

"Don't you?" Montez threw back at him.

"I'm working," Ron said.

"Sitting on the couch watching talk shows with your grandmother is not working, I'm headed to the spot for a drink."

"Will meet you there," hearing keys in the background. "See you later grandma."

He knew that fool wasn't working. Montez then calls Malcolm. "So what do I owe the pleasure, Mr Williams."

"Will you gone on with that bullshit. Going to the spot for a drink, since you say I never invite you anywhere."

Malcolm replied, "well you don't. Wait a minute, don't you supposed to be working? Oh shit, what happen. You know what nevermind, I will be there after work. Please don't get too wasted with Ron before I get there."

"Can't make any promises," he laughed. "Just try to get there as soon as you can."

Couple hours later....

Malcolm and Ron listen as their best friend tell them everything that happen today. Now they understood why he needed a drink. They most definitely have to meet this Darrin McMillan guy. In all the years they been friends, never had they known anyone to get under Montez's skin.

"I can't believe he jacked your ass up, Ron blurted out laughing along with Malcolm. I would have ran down the street butt naked, dick swinging to see that shit."

"I glad you two find this shit entertaining," glaring at them.

"Seriously, what did you do Montez," asked Malcolm. Montez gulps his beer down and refills his glass.

"Why do you assumed I did something?"

Malcolm leans closer to the table and takes a sip of his beer. He exhales then looks at Montez. "Because we grew up together and you can be an evil son of bitch sometimes." Montez was caught off guard with that statement and turns to look at Ron, who nods his head in agreement. "The bad thing about it, you don't recognized the foul shit you do or say. Look, I'm not saying this to hurt your feelings. You my brother from another mother and I love you. But if you don't change your ways, karma going to come back and bite you in the ass hard."

The next few minutes, they sat in awkward silence drinking. "I'm hungry," Ron blurted out. This cause Montez and Malcolm to laugh. That's Ron for you, he always tends to make light of a situation.

Malcolm shakes his head, "dude you just ate two basket of chips and salsa."

"That's a snack. It's not real food," he pointed out. "I'm a growing boy," showing them his muscles. "I need plenty of food to keep this body going."

"Too bad, the part between your legs stop growing," Montez said grinning.

"Are you implying my dick is little? Well, excuse me. Everyone is not blessed to have an anaconda dick like you asshole. Some of us are average size, thank you very much."

"You called that average, more like a toddler size." Malcolm spits out his beer and starts coughing. "Hey, you ok?" asked Montez.

"Yeah, could you two stop talking about penises?" Montez and Ron looked at each other.

"Penises, who the fuck says penises," said Montez. "Yeah, with your lame ass," Ron threw in.

Malcolm stands up, "you two are bugging. Going to the bar to get something stronger to drink to calm your asses down."

"Order some wings and fries while you up there," yelled Ron. A few minutes later, their drinks are brought to the table. Montez stares at the drink in front of him. "What the fuck is this?" looking at Malcolm.

"Oh, it's a Tequila Sunrise. Lana turn me on to this drink. It's really good." Ron and I looked at each other. He knows he's thinking the same thing as him. Weak ass.

Lana is Malcolm' wife. She doesn't like Ron or him....especially him. They been married for three years and have a 8 month son named Jamal. She tries to control every aspect of Malcolm's life. Hence the nickname Warden. Suddenly, he is pulled from his thoughts when he hears a certain deep voice. No, it can't be. He turns and looks around the bar area and sees his worst nightmare in another booth with a woman....Darrin McMillan.

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