Fantastic! (Frank West X Male...

By EccentricPoetic

1.5K 41 20

*This takes place during Dead Rising 2: Off The Record. So this is non-cannon to the main events.* (y/n) and... More

Chapter 1: Zombrex 1
Chapter 2: Case 1 (1-4)
Chapter 3: Case 2 (1-2)
Chapter 4: Case 3 (1-2)
Chapter 6: Case 5 (1-3)
Chapter 7: Case 6: The Getaway
Chapter 8: Case 7 (1-4)
Chapter 9: Case 8 (1-3)
Chapter 10: THE FACTS
Chapter 11: OVERTIME
Author's Note

Chapter 5: Case 4 (1-2)

105 3 1
By EccentricPoetic

Thrid-person pov:

(Case 4-1: Boom Town)

(y/n) and Frank got back to the surveillance room, Rebecca and Stacey were in there with them. They stood in front of them. "I don't know what TK's up to, but he's the one behind this." Frank told them.

"TK? Are you sure?" Rebecca responded to them in a sceptical tone.

Frank looked at them. "He paid that poor sap to do it for him." Frank responded. 

Rebecca stood up. "But that's not possible. Why would he let his own zombie supply loose? Sabotage his own show?" Rebecca said while crossing one arm, putting the other hand by her face.

Frank and (y/n) turned around to face here. "I'm sure he's got his reasons." Frank said.

Rebecca tuned around. "So you say." Rebecca said in a sarcastic manner.

"Wait a minute. Is he the one who fed you that tape?" Frank asked her. Frank seemed unsure himself. (y/n) did too.

Rebecca chuckled. "Don't be ridiculous, Frank." Rebecca said while turning back around. Suddenly, something rattled the Safe House. Possibly the whole city. Everyone looked around.

"Oh man, not again." Frank said. 

"It sounded like it came from outside." Stacey said while sitting back down in her chair. Everyone huddled around the monitors. "Looks like someone might be messing with the casino vaults. I can't tell who it is though." Stacey said again while playing back the footage.

Rebecca spoke up. "Then I'd better get out there and find out for myself." Rebecca said. Everyone looked at Rebecca while she ran out the door.

Everyone turned back to the monitors. "Now who's ditching who?" Frank mumbled to himself.

Stacey rolled back in her chair slightly. "I don't know if she's really brave... or just really stupid." Stacey said to Frank and (y/n). She turned back to the monitors.

(y/n) then spoke up. "Come on, Frank. That girl's gonna get herself killed." (y/n) said while he and Frank ran out the door.

(y/n) pov:

(Case 4-2: Run for the Money)

Frank and I went to the vents and climbed out the Safe House and into the maintenance hallway. We ran out and we walked up the stairs. I grabbed a nearby baseball bat, and Frank made himself a spike bat.

 'Why didn't I think of that' I thought to myself. We continued to the Royal Flush Plaza. 

Before we got to the door, Stacey called. Frank picked up. "Hey, any leads?" Frank said. 

Stacey then said "Those men have set up at the vaults in the Americana, the Slot Ranch Casino, and the Yucatan." Frank then hung up. 

We exited out into the Plaza. We turned right to see the entrance to the Americana Casino. We pushed through the zombies in the way and we got to the doors. Then there were about six zombies blocking the entrance to the Americana Casino.

There weren't many. There are just a few here and there. I took a swing at the zombie in front of me, hitting it in the head. Knocking it down. I turned around. One grabbed me, trying to bite me. I shoved it back and hit it clean in the torso, knocking it on its ass. 

Frank then took his spike bat and eliminated two of them with a single swing. Then the third one he took his bat and poked it in the gut knocking it back. He then swung the bat to the zombies head. Jamming the nails into its skull. Frank then pulled the bat back and blood flew all over the place. The zombie fell dead.

After we got the zombies outta the way, we entered the Americana.

There we heard gun fire. We walked through the zombies and took a left. We then took cover behind the slot machines. There were about two mercenaries covering the door. 

Frank looked at me. He motioned me to take out the guy on the left. 

I nodded and sneaked on the guy. While he was busy shooting zombies approaching, I took a swing at him with my baseball bat. I smoked him right in the head. He yelled and fell down unconscious. The other mercenary looked at me. He pointed his gun at me ready to shoot.

"You little-" He said before he got cut off by Frank nailing him in the head with his spike bat. The mercenary fell dead and dropped his gun. 

Frank and I picked up the guns and loaded them. Frank and I looked at each other and nodded in unison. Then we charged in the room spraying any mercenaries in the way. Once the room was clear, Frank picked up a sludge hammer and started wailing on the drill. After thirty seconds of Frank smashing the drill, it blew up and shut down.

Frank threw the hammer down and sighed. Then Frank got a call from Stacey. He picked up. "Nice work on that drill, you two. But I'm still seeing TK's goons out there. Be careful." Stacey informed us. Frank then hung up.

I looked at Frank. "We still gotta take down two more drills." I told Frank.

Frank and I walked out of that room. "I know, kid." He said exiting out of the Americana. We went through the Royal Flush Plaza again, but this time we went to the opposite side of the mall to the entrance to Fortune Park. When we got to the end of the mall we took a turn left. We saw the entrance to the Slot Ranch Casino and ran to it. We entered the Slot Ranch. 

We got inside the Slot Ranch, and we kept our heads down ready for anything. Frank put is arm in front of me, putting me behind him. "Get behind me, kiddo." He said while we continued to walk in caution. 

As we walked through the Casino, we heard gun shots coming from the stage area. We hid behind the slot machines. Frank charged at the goon, attacking him. In a split second, Frank stole his weapon and shot him with it. The goon didn't last too long after that. 

Frank turned to me. "Stay close and keep your head down." He advised me.

I nodded and did what he said. We took cover behind the slot machines on the far side of the casino. We looked out front. There were two goons like before, guarding the entrance. One noticed us and began shooting at us. We immediately put our heads back in to cover. 

"Shit. How am I supposed to fight these guys without a weapon." I told Frank, whispering in annoyance. 

"Shut it." Frank whispered to me in an angry fashion. Then a goon came to us. Right when he turned the corner. Frank shot him dead. He fell on the floor and dropped his gun. 

At that moment bullets started flying everywhere. Frank and I sat down and put our hands over our heads, protecting us from the bullets. After thirty seconds, but what seemed like forever, I grabbed the gun and immediately went back into cover. 

I checked the barrel to see if it was full. There were about thirty shots still left. I put the barrel back in the gun and cocked it. "Lock and loaded." I whispered. 

Frank looked out and in that second. He shot the guy who was guarding the door. Now with those two gone we moved into the cashiers office. 

There were about three guys in there. Frank and I went in and shot them down. They went down surprisingly easy. Then Frank and I went to the vault and took out the drill. 

After that, Stacey called us again. "TK is still moving heavy equipment, and more of those thugs are showing up as well. I'm worried, Frank." She said before hanging up.

 Frank and I ran outta office and through the food court and into the Yucatan. We entered.

We got inside and cut through the casino, and through the bar. We then took cover behind the slot machines for the third time. There were now three goons guarding the door. I got the one on the far left. Frank took out the last two at the door. 

We kept our heads down, and entered the office. Another goon walked through the door. I shot him in the head, before he could shoot us. We entered and we shot the last two guys in the office, guarding the vault.

We went to the vault and Frank did the same to that drill like he did the other ones. After he destroyed it, Stacey called us again. "Frank, this is getting dangerous. There are still more of TK's goons in the city." She then hung up. 

Frank and I walked out and Stacey called right again. Frank picked up. "What is it, Stacey?" He asked.

"Frank, those men have already drilled through the wall outside the Atlantica Casino. You have to stop them. Hurry!" She hung up. 

Frank turned to me. "You should head back to the bunker, kid." He told me.

"But I-" I tried to speak up. He then cut me off. 

"Look, (y/n). You've been a big help so far, but this is getting serious. I don't want you to get hurt." Frank told me.  

I looked down then back up at him. "Are you sure you'll be fine?" I asked him.

He then said. "Of course I will." He said with a warm smile. He then walked off into the Sliver Strip.

I walked back to the food court and worried for Frank. 'Will he be fine? Of course he will. He's Frank West.' My thoughts ran through my head while I walked back.

Frank pov:

I got to Fortune Park and hid behind a pillar. There were about seven of those thugs surrounding the truck. I took my machine gun and sprayed about three of them. The four of them turned to me. 'Oh shit.' I thought to myself while diving back into cover.

They continued to shoot at me until their guns ran out of ammo. I then took that chance to act quickly. I then gunned the remaining four down. Once they were gone, I ran to the van. I then picked up the barricade and started bashing it against the van mercilessly. My back started to hurt after that. After it was shit-canned. I hid behind the pillar again. 

Third-person pov:

TK and his bodyguard walked to the edge of the Atlantica rooftop to see the van destroyed and the mercenaries dead. TK then picked up his walkie-talkie "Dammit! What do I pay you people for? We're staying a little longer than planned, boys." He motioned his guard to come with him.

Rebecca arrived at the scene, filming everything. "Fan-tastic!" She said. Then the van exploded. 

Frank then came to the rescue. He grabbed her and as they were falling. Frank let Rebecca fall on top of him. They grunted. Frank looked up at her. "You really need to watch yourself there, kiddo. I hope I don't have to do everything for you." Frank told her.

"Touche, Frank. You need me to stick around and stay on top of the story." Rebecca got off Frank, and assisted him back on his feet.

"You do come in handy. Look they're robbing the damn city. That's why TK started this. For money. We sure got our story now." He told Rebecca. 

Rebecca went to pick up her camera. "Our story? Hmm. I've got a meeting with my source tonight. I think maybe it's time you met." Rebecca said while inspecting her camera. 

"Oh yeah? I guess I'm not such a burden anymore." Frank said. 

"I think this is kind of a special case, Frank. I'll meet you and (y/n) at Bennie Jack's in the Americana." She said before walking off.

Frank then turned to her. "Wouldn't miss it."

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