Healing Through Touch

By theWhaleandtheWolf

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After years have passed since the Battle of Hogwarts, all fear and tragedy seemed to disperse. Hogwarts rebui... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Two

178 1 0
By theWhaleandtheWolf

As I made my way down the corridor to the great hall, I was overcome by the oddest sensation, optimism. The heels of my shoes met with the floor creating a sound that echoed off the walls, and with each of those steps the pit in my stomach began to rise with power and confidence. The doors to the great hall were opened. I smiled and looked up in awe at the candles that hung above me. So many lovely memories flooded back into my mind, and for once, seeing Ron in those memories did not bring me down. I glanced around the room ahead of me, trying to make out any familiar faces. Professor McGonagall was ahead talking to someone whose back was turned to me. Although, I would recognize them anywhere.

"Neville"? I asked as I approached him and McGonagall.

He turned around and his eyes met mine, a smile quickly grew across his face.

"Hermione" he shouted in disbelief as he quickly pulled me in for a hug.

"It's so great to see you"!

"It is great to see you to Neville! What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Neville will be teaching herbology. We are looking forward to having him join us, considering the work he has done since the battle seven years ago" Professor McGonagall added in.

I raised an eyebrow to Neville, questioning all the work she speaks of, and why I have not heard of it.

He smiled shyly, "I just helped put around the castle. I wanted to help rebuild Hogwarts to how I knew it to be. Hogwarts is my home after all."

"He did more than that Ms. Granger. Professor Longbottom has been so gracious in assisting with the remodeling of Hogwarts. We even named the garden after him. Longbottom Garden is a beautiful sight to see and Professor Longbottom's second classroom." McGonagall said patting him on the shoulder.

"That is great to ear Neville. I can't wait to see it" I said in excitement.

"I am glad you two have reunited. Please do enjoy yourselves. We should start momentarily." Professor McGonagall squeezed both out shoulders then excused herself.

She began to walk away towards a group of Professors making their way through the door. I turned to Neville and began discussing our classes we will be teaching.

"So, you are teaching arithmancy? Geez, I was never good at that subject." Neville said, rubbing the back of his neck. Neville Longbottom, the man who stood up to Voldemort at the great battle, and spoke his mind suddenly seemed like the subject of arithmancy had the best of him.

"Yes, I am" I said confidently. "It was my favorite when we went here. I was never sure why, but it was. When I got the letter asking me if I wanted to become a professor, I was shocked, but now seemed like a great time to start something new and be back at the place I love."

"I am sorry to hear about Ron". He said, his eyes hesitating to meet mine.

"Okay everybody, please take your seats. We will be starting in just a moment". People began to shuffle around as McGonagall finished her statement.

"Oh" I said, feeling my attention focus on the loss of Ron. "It's fine Neville. Thank you though. We should find our sea-. Neville, what is he doing here"?

As a crowd of professors next to the entrance of the great hall disperse, that is when I saw the blonde hair on the body of a man in an all-black suit. He didn't need to show me his face for me to know who it was.

"Draco? He is the defense against the dark arts teacher".

"What?" I said, possibly a bit too loud. I felt the volume from the others decrease as they all looked my way, still making their way to their seats. Draco kept his eyes straight ahead as he walked down the walkway between the grand tables.

"Trust me, I wasn't too happy about it either. I have been doing work here for seven years now. And they just let him in here? I was shocked to, but McGonagall assured me that he won't be an issue." Neville said, trying to reassure me, and maybe himself as well.

I slightly touched my left arm, bringing my awareness to the scar Draco's aunt had given me seven years ago. No spell could remove the scar of mudblood engraved in my skin.

As I took my seat, I was amazed at the butterflies in my stomach. Here I am, sitting at the professor's table. In a week's time I will be facing the next generation of witches and wizards that will be learning under my hand. I used to be on the other side of this, just a first year, half-blood whose intentions were to take in as much information as I could. McGonagall tapped her glass and stood tall in the middle, with professors to her left and to her right. There were many new faces here, wizards I have heard of but have never met, old friends, like Neville, and then there is Draco. I was confused as to how he was able to teach here, but I was not going to be distracted, I need to shift my focus to myself.

"I am so grateful that each of you are here. Your knowledge and wisdom will guide the next generation to greatness, for all of you have done great things yourselves. Please enjoy this feast, for the next week will be preparing yourself for the school year of endless possibilities. Hogwarts may be different in some areas, but it is still the home to so many. We welcome all of our new professors and thank you for the contribution you will make to Hogwarts and its students". McGonagall continued to express her gratitude for the progression of Hogwarts the past seven years, and just by being in the room I could feel I was grateful too. 

"I am your headmaster of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall. I want us all to have a safe, progressive year at Hogwarts. Not only for the students, but for yourselves as well". She spoke of each and every person who has impacted Hogwarts to this day, Dumbledore being one of them. Hearing of him brought a tear to my eye, and hers a well. 

Hours had passed and all of the eating and talking I had done began to wear me out. I could feel it was time for me to settle in for the evening. Part of me was awaiting the quiet walk back up to my dormitory, to find solitude. Goodness, I'm not even in a dormitory anymore, but calling it that just feels, right. I began to say good evening to those around m, when suddenly, I made eye contact with Draco. His eyes met mine before he turned to his right, and out of the great hall he went.

Once in my room, I put on my nightgown and sighed as I looked at the large bed in front of me. 'Try it, try it' I thought to myself. I sighed again, as my eyes met the floor, and I began to walk to my great room. I made my way to the sofa, repositioned one of the pillows and laid down. "Goodnight Hermione" I said allowed to myself, attempting to reassure myself I am not alone. 

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