Caught in a Mousetrap OVA: Mi...

By Gameboycolor242

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Nine years after the tower rose into the sky. Sarah Garcia is called by a familiar name to help Odin out wi... More

A Wild Goose Chase
The Blind sheep
The Might Of The Subconscious
Deep Breaths
Old wounds
Bad Memories
Wake up
Accept it
Hold your grudges

The Last Straw

98 2 0
By Gameboycolor242

Important Note to Readers. Please Watch the videos after Divine Hate. There not background music, and they do provide context behind some scenes. Thank you, and enjoy

You did WHATTTTTTTTRRRR! Unbelievable, I leave you alone for a second and this is what you do. Because of you, They left.......

It was for the better.

For the better..... Do you not even realize how bad this is.

No it's about time this came to an end.

An end? No fucking way, not after everything I been through.

I understand but

Understand? I know you do. Your me after all, but this. No, I can't have you doing this again.

Again, the disc is destroyed along with the main frame. This place is going to fade away.

Is that what you believe now? Maybe if our time travelers didn't come here. Then, that would be a possibility.


Did you forget, I have more power than before.

No, you can't.

Shush, that's enough of your rambling. You see let me get something clear too you

We maybe the same person, but you aren't the one in total control here. I won't let you continue to ruin this for me. I'm disappointed in you. All these years, and now you start to worry about Morality.

You don't we think we crossed the line at him.

That boy isn't your flesh and blood.

But he was....

He was what? Your son...... Your dead! You don't have any sons. The way how I see it, this is punishment for Lily. She forgot about us, and she got a rude awakening to it. She never cared about you and I, so why should we care about her.

That's not.......that's not.....

Don't worry, Just like you said. I'll take care of it.

Kyle: What are you reading?

Athena: It's a book an old friend gave me.

Kyle: An old friend?

Athena: Well, more like some guy who prevent me from being God, but yeah an old friend.

Kyle: It looks weird? What's that on the front? Guidepost.... Guide post for what?

The Last Straw
"The World will guide the star to new beginnings. The cycle of madness ends with no man to hear it's cries." ~Guidepost for Detectives Chapter 15 Cause 4

Athena: I always knew something was weird about Julius.

Kyle: Who's Julius?

Athena: It would take me Five hours and Nine minutes to explain.

Doctor: Are two done?

Athena: Can't you see, I'm trying to find out more information about this place. You can't expect us to jump head first into the gateway to the afterlife and not know what it does.

Doctor: Well, I'm sorry. I'll wait until the computer witch comes back for seconds.

Athena: You could do this by yourself if you want you know.

Doctor: I'm sorry, but right now. We don't have time to think. If she leaves that world. This town is fucked. It will be her own playground.

Kyle: Why not just tell the police or the military about this? This seems like something they would care about.

Doctor: You sure about that?

Athena: That's not a wise idea. Besides of the fact of them not believing you. If they found out there was a way to bring someone back from the dead

Doctor: Or worse. That person could have a pocket dimension of their own. They will do anything in there power to find out what makes it tick. Even if that means, they need to recreate the extract situation to cause it to happen....... Anyway.

Doctor picks up both Athena and Kyle and throws them into the computer screen.

Athena: DOCTOR!

Doctor: Thirty Minutes! That's all you have.

Kyle catches his fall on a branch. He chuckles a bit right before Athena drops right on him.

Kyle: You couldn't...

Athena: No I could not have moved Mr.Henderson. Gravity still exists.

Kyle: Can you get off me?

Athena rolls off of Kyle's metal body. She picks herself up and helps Kyle up. When the two finally collect themselves. Nothing, but darkness and red surrounds them.

Athena: I've never seen it this bad before......

Kyle: You'll get used to it.

Athena: You've only been in here for a week and now your a professional on being dead.

Kyle: Ouch.

Athena: Now, where are we?

Athena looks at the sky and is able to tell something.

Athena: This isn't good, we're stuck on this level.

Kyle: How are we stuck here? We can just teleport.

Athena: She'll see you if you do that.

Kyle: What does that matter again?

Athena grabs Kyle's pointy ear.

Athena: Don't think because your more stronger now. You can take her head on, might I remind you. She took some of my powers and you saw the shit she did. The element of surprise is what we need.

Kyle: But we can't wait around. We need to take care of her now.

Athena: Listen, If you fail. All of this is for nothing. Everyone has this riding on you, and if you just throw it away. What did Luther gave his powers for then?

Kyle doesn't respond to Athena.

Kyle: Move.

Athena: Kyle.......

Kyle: I said move.

Athena: This isn't the time now....

Something is hanging out the back of Kyle's head. A spirit it seems.

Kyle: Fucking Move!

Kyle hits Athena in her stomach sending her back abit.

Athena: He got possessed. Shit...

Kyle: It was all your fault... Everything was fine until you showed up.

Athena: Kyle, I need you to listen to me okay. Just calm down.

A yellow figure comes out Kyle. Standing right above him.

Kyle's Entity: Are you going to let her get away with what she did to Thomas.

Kyle: No....

Kyle walks towards Athena. The look of bloodlust is all over his face. Athena throws a rock at him........................... Well, how does that even help her Kyle thought as he catches the rock. That's when, the rock turns into a spider and runs into his mouth. Fun Fact: Kyle is afraid of spiders........Very Very Afraid of spiders.

Kyle: Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Get it off me!

Athena: That actually worked.

Kyle: Huh? What happened?

Athena: You got possessed. Almost went ape shit on me a moment ago. Are you alright?

Kyle: Yeah, I'm fine.... You said something?

Athena: No?

Kyle: I could have sworn, I heard something.....

Athena's Mind: He doesn't see his entity.

The entity disappears a few seconds after Athena brings it up. Strange.

Kyle: Anyway, what were we doing?

Athena: Trying to get out of this level. Based on the sky, this place has been disconnected.

Kyle: How can you tell?

Athena: Because.

Athena points to other levels floating above them. However, their glitching out, disfigured, or have no textures.

Athena: See, that happens when you have no engine. No files can be open, no textures can load, and no codes can be ran.

Kyle: You sound like Tom. How do you even know about this?

Athena: Well, torture got boring and so I just started to talk to people who knew about game design.

Kyle: You talked Luther

Athena: Yeah, that's exactly what I did. Ok, so.... Were probably in.......

3-4. Yeah, 3-4. I think?

Kyle: Ok, and we need to be on 1-1. Green Hill. Ok, I starting to see where we are heading. Only problem is, how do we get off this level.

Athena: Simple.

Sv_Cheats 1

Kyle: Um, Athena. That won't work...

Athena: Why?

Sarah stood next to Kyle Henderson, wondering where was that voice reading their exact location is coming from.

Athena: What?

Sarah had thought, that because this is a video game. She could have easily just use console commands to get to the next level.

Athena: Who said that?


Athena: Where are you?

Well, obviously. You can't see me because I'm the narrator.

Kyle: Narrator of what?

This story. You see had your friend not. Just activated those cheats. We wouldn't be having this conversation. Anyway, that doesn't matter. Because you just completely broke the fourth wall.

Athena: What are you talking about?

Ah see, you ruined it. It was going to be some cool monsters you going to have to fight, and then one of them were going to lead you to the way off this level. Then, there was going to be some cool character development. It would have been perfect. Great, now I have basically scrap this entire part. Way to go buds.

Athena: Hey, that isn't our fault. Your writing this story........... Wait a second, that means you wrote everything that happened to us earlier.

One of the beautiful things about being a writer is that you can just easily do this.

Kyle: Do what?

Athena: Are you alright?

Kyle: Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'm getting a hang of this axe.

Kyle almost tips over putting the axe on his back.

Kyle: How did Luther even lift this thing?

Athena: He must have put a spell code on it, or he was just that strong naturally.

Kyle: Hey, where did you how to fight like that?

Athena: Somewhere....

Kyle: Like?

Athena: Just somewhere ok....

Kyle: Ah huh alright then. We're off that level now.

Athena: Well, almost there.

The two walk through a factory. Machinery moves around them, creating different noises. It's loud, you can't even hear your own thoughts. Maybe it's for the best......... Unexpectedly, Athena trips on a piece of wire. The poor girl can't catch a break.

Kyle: Do you need help?

Athena: No, I'm fine.

Athena gets up and continue on their path. A water section approaches them.

Kyle: Looks like we have to swim...

Athena: Alright, you go first...

Kyle leaves Athena behind believing she is following his tail. Except... Athena is having an anxiety attack.

Athena's Entity: Water is still not your best friend.

Athena: Shut up. Don't you have anything to do?

Athena's Entity: I don't. I'm literally attached to you. I can't do anything else.

Kyle: Are you coming?

Athena: Um.....

Kyle: ?

Athena: Water is not fun for me.

Kyle: But you were taking a shower earlier.

Athena: That's different! I'm not going underwater.

Kyle: You never been swimming before? It's not that bad.

Athena: I died the last time, I went for a swim.

Kyle: Sorry, I didn't know, but you can't stay here.

Athena: I know.. It's just Woah!

Kyle pulls Athena into water against her will.

Athena: Why! Did you! Do that! I can't breathe..... I can't breathe.

Kyle: Relax.

Athena: I can't move. Something is holding me down.

Kyle: There's nothing holding onto you.

Athena: Kyle? Where are you?!

Kyle: I'm right here.

Athena: What!? Hello?! It's cold.

Athena is having a panic attack. Mostly likely because of her past experience with water. She never out came that fear. Kyle grabs Athena and carries her. She'll panicking, but at this point. Kyle doesn't care anymore. He throws her onto the surface, and she flops around like a fish.

Kyle: Was it really that bad?

Athena: Yes! I have really bad anxiety ok!

Kyle: Well, we weren't going to get across if we just waited on you.

Athena: Ok... Your right. Just let me catch my breath.

Kyle: Hey... Um

Athena: Kyle, I'm not interested in another question. Alright.

Kyle looks disappointed.

Kyle: Ok.

Kyle: Then there wouldn't be any dialogue.

Athena: Kyle!

Kyle: Look, there isn't anyone else to talk to. My best friend and his father is dead, I can't see my mother, and now I'm supposed to stop all of this. I have many questions and there will never be a chance to hear an answer for them.

The two goes silent.

Kyle: Why did Sarah wanted me dead. Why did she wanted Thomas. Why did she had his father in here. Along with the rest of them.

Athena: He didn't tell you? That's a bit rude of him. Ok, how do I explain this without...

5 minutes later

Kyle: That explains that, but she killed me because I saw her?

Athena: Yup.

Kyle: See this is why I told him we should have just done Modern Warfare 2 clips. Yet, that doesn't explain something. Luther seemed to mention something about me. My last name. Henderson, What makes my mother's name so special.

Athena: Henderson, isn't your mother's name?

Kyle: Pardon?

Athena: Let me put it this way, the past has a very.....very fucked up way of catching up to you, and unfortunately you happen to get caught in the cross fire of that.

Kyle: What are you talking about? I don't know that woman. How is she important to me or my mother's past?

Athena: When you find that out, you'll have the answer to your question.

Kyle: What? Why won't you just tell me?

Athena: Like I said, when you find that out. You'll have your answer.

Kyle: I deserve to know. I'll never the chance to know.

Athena continues walking away.

Kyle: Henderson....... Henderson...... Nothing.

Kyle: We moved further away from it.

Athena: We'll end up there eventually.

Athena and Kyle walks towards a building. It's seems normal enough until a group of statues appear. They look alot like chess pieces. Now, that they have a closer look at it. Those statues are lined up like actually chess pieces.

Kyle: These statues look out place. To humanoid to be in a sonic game.

Athena: Their Chess pieces. Their even lined up the same way.

Athena walks towards the board and reads a sign.

"One must complete the test of intelligence and Strategy in order to pass"

The pieces eyes glow read and starts to move towards them

Athena: Great, Chess pieces that try to kill you. I must give the gyal props. I couldn't even come up with something like this.

Kyle: So, how do get pass this? I've never played chess before.

Athena: Me neither.

Kyle claps very slowly as he realizes Athena is no use here.

Athena: What, I'm not an all-knowing being.

The pawns tries to slice Kyle's face off. However, they stop when he moves one square. He breaks it, but he hits by an another piece. The strongest on the board.

Athena: Stay back!

Kyle fixes his neck back after the queen nearly broke it.

Athena: Your not going to brute force your way out of this. The sign did say intelligence and strategy.

Kyle: I don't know, how Chess works.

Athena: I don't know either, but we have to think of something.

Kyle: Like...

Another pawn tries to attack them, Kyle punch the pawn and it breaks.

Kyle: That's one.

A pawn tries the next side of the board and now becomes another queen.

Athena: I don't think, that's a good sign.

The queen laughs before attacking Athena. She moves out the way, but the queen tries back around for another go at her.

Athena: Shit..... How are we going to get pass these things.

Kyle: Maybe that one...

Kyle takes notice of the pawn guarding the king.

Kyle: It must be important if their protecting me.

Athena tries throwing a spear at the king but it switches it's place with and a rook.

Athena: It's that one indeed.

One of the queen try to attack Athena, but Kyle manages to kick it away. A knight tries to ambush them. Athena punches a hole through it causing it to fall to the ground in pieces. The room creates another Knight just to throw it right at them.

Athena: That piece these things will keep coming unless we destroy that.

Kyle: How?

Athena: Just think for once Kyle.


Kyle: Ok, just keep pressure on it.

Athena walks in front of the hoard of pawns. They each attack her, but it takes their attention off of the king. Kyle throws his silver axe at it. However, another room comes in it's place. The bishop sends a ball of fire towards Kyle for his attack. It hits him point blank in the face sending him back. It strings him for a bit. Through the sharp pain in his face. He gets an idea.

Kyle: Sarah, that square next to you. Stay on it!

Athena: Um, ok.

Athena follows his orders.

Kyle: This better work....

Kyle throws his axe at the king again. The king switches with an rook as same as before. Kyle moves to the square next to the king. The queen moves to attack him, but he moves out the square. Trapping the king in the wall of pawn he set up. Athena is completely open to take the king, and no other pawn can't prevent that happening. The king explodes along with it's other pieces.

Kyle: Checkmate.

Athena: That's corny.....

Kyle: Let me have this.

This is it

Yup, this is it.

Athena: so, um shouldn't she be here.

Kyle: no, she always does this. Give it a moment.

Athena: Huh.... I don't think, she's coming.

Kyle: Yeah, this is strange of her.


A Purple hedgehog floats in the red sky above them.

Sarah: Oh, you guys came back quick. I was expecting you guys around 5000 words.

Kyle: You! Sarah!

Sarah here.

Athena: You!

I'm still right here.

Kyle: This ends. Today.

Sarah floats down to the floor, and walks towards Athena. She stares Athena down.

Sarah: Honestly, your interrupting our bonding time, and I can't have that.

Athena: Bonding? This isn't what I expected bonding to look like.

Sarah: Looks can be deceiving. Just like this.

Sarah tries the same fingernail trick, but Kyle slices her arm off before she could even do it.

Sarah: Your no fun.

Kyle: This isn't about fun. This is still some kind of game to you.

Sarah: Yes, and guess who's winning. Me.

Athena: How are you winning? There's no disc, plus no one else is here.

Sarah: Who said I needed a disc to keep this going. Yeah, Martin, Michael and Luther may be gone, but I'll have new replacements in no time.

Athena: Oh no.

Sarah: Oh yes, I found a way out of this mess. That means, I could finally get my hands on him. The one who started that fight, and the best part is

No one will even know it was me.

Kyle: I can't let you do that.

Sarah: I know, that's why I came prepared to end this too. All of your hope. I want to see it slowly drain away from you, and the only way to do that is too.

Give you an asswhooping you'll never forgot. This won't be like last time. Your going to be begging me to have mercy on you.

Athena and Kyle laughs at this statement.

Kyle teleport right beside Sarah and swings his axe at him. Athena grows a sword out her hand and tries to cut Sarah's throat.

Sarah: Oh, you guys are serious now. Ok, Keep that same energy.

Sarah grabs both of their items. She breaks Athena's sword and throws Kyle's axe right back at him. Athena tries to grab Sarah's legs to throw her onto the floor. Surprisingly, Sarah saw this coming and throws Kyle at her. She catches him without any problems. Kyle goes for another blow towards her head, but Sarah knocks his axe out of his hand again.

Sarah: It's not your turn yet.

Sarah kicks Kyle in his chest, but he doesn't moves. Kyle grabs onto the hedgehog's purple hair and throws her towards the ground.

Kyle: I learned a lot from the last time we fought.

Sarah picks herself up, and dusts off her fur. The purple sonic waving her hands. Almost in way of taunting at them.

Athena accepts Sarah's invitation. Sarah forms a crystal out her hands and holds it towards Athena. Athena stops in here advance towards her.

Sarah: You stopped. That means you know what this does.

Athena: Crystals don't work in here.

Sarah: Your right. They don't, but with a spell. They can act the same way.

Kyle fires a beam knocking the crystal out of Sarah's hands. He then grabs Sarah's face and drags it across the ground. Weirdly enough, she isn't mad by this act. In fact, she is laughing at it. This is just joyride to her.

Kyle: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Sarah sends her foot into Kyle's face. Turning him on his back and she starts to drag him around. Athena grabs her leg and close lines her into the green grass.

Sarah: That actually hurt, but your not making sure my nails aren't getting to you Athena.

Athena observes her body and finds multiple scratches across it. She didn't even feel when Sarah did that. Sarah rises into the air with Athena looking at her.

Sarah: Hey, guess what I just learned. Fall.

Athena faints as soon as Sarah says this. Kyle watches as Sarah basically made his ally fall asleep by just saying one word. Sarah's head slowly turns all the way around to look at Kyle.

Sarah: Now, it's your turn.

Kyle holds Luther's axe close to him to prepare for an attack......

It doesn't go well for him. Kyle is able to block some of Sarah's punches, but that isn't enough. Every hit he blocks another one hits him at the same time. That's when


Luther's axe breaks right in front of him. The look of desperation now fills Kyle's one blue eye, and the smile on Sarah's face is only making it worser.

Sarah: What's the matter? Aren't you going to end this.

Sarah punches Kyle in the face.

Sarah: Where is all the power you had before?

Sarah does it again.

Sarah: Don't tell me, After Luther even gave the last of his strength.

Another fist runs across Kyle's face. This one sending him to the ground.

Sarah: You still failed.

Sarah stomps on Kyle's chest and blood fills out the hole on his face.

Sarah: I told you this over and over again. You didn't stood a chance.

Blood splatters over Sarah's foot from the next stomp she puts on Kyle.

Sarah: You let Luther fool you into thinking you had power, and look where that got you.

Sarah kneels down and grabs Kyle's head. She continues to punch him in the face constantly. Blood is just draining from his eye socket. Every drop is falling right on top of Sarah.

Kyle: S..t..o...p

Sarah: Sorry *punch* I can't hear you *punch* Your going to have to speak up *punch*

Kyle can't even feel his face anymore. All he can see is red, and a grin shining through the other side of it.

Kyle: Y....o..u w...i..n. ....L..e...a..v...e m....e a...l..o...n..e.

Sarah drops Kyle's head.

Sarah: You can't even hold your promises. I'm disappointed. I think you disappointed everyone here today.

Sarah kicks Kyle's head one more time before walking away from him.

Lily: What did you do this time?

Sarah: Some guy....... He was being weird.

Sarah wipes some tears from her face.

Lily: The rumors again?

Sarah: Yeah..... Said some hurtful shit.

Lily: Well, just ignore them.

Sarah looks up towards in a depressed state.

Sarah: Lily, people can only take so much before it gets on your last nerve.

Lily: I feel ya, but you can't let people get into your head sis.

Sarah: And how am I supposed to do that when that's all I hear?

Lily: Then filter it out. Only care for the good things. People will always try to break you down because they're miserable themselves. They want someone to share their misery with. Like Crabs in a bucket. If one tries to get out, another one will pull it back down.

Sarah: That's a weird way of putting it, but I kinda understand. Man, that guy was dickhead.

Lily: Don't hate him for it. We all are still young.

The sound of Kyle grasping for air seeming to be pulling her back.

Sarah: What are you doing.... We can't do this..... Shut up..... Don't act as through this isn't necessary.... But it wasn't.... I'm not having this discussion with you right now.

Sarah looks towards Kyle, and sees him starting to lift himself off the ground. Sarah rushes over to him and kicks his head down again.

Sarah: What! What about it don't you understand!? You lost! Your friend is dead, you are dead! And yet your still trying to fight for what! The same thing is going to happen, Kyle. You can't beat me, You can't escape no matter how hard you try. I let my guard down with Luther and the rest, but you? That's not happening.

Kyle: I.....I.....w.a.n.t t..o kn..o..w w...h..o a..r.e y.o.u

Sarah: It doesn't matter, it won't do you any good now.

Kyle: H...en..der..son, M..o..m always ....w..o...r.e a r...i..n..g t..h..a..t h..a..d On it. W....h..e..n, I a...sked about it...*cough* She i...mportant gave it to her w...i...t..h same name. That was you wasn't it. Your last name is Henderson... Your the woman she was looking for.

Sarah: She's alive? Stop your lying. She moved on.... I'm sure of it! Your just stalling for time.

Kyle: I'm ....n...o..t.

Sarah: Why...... Why out of anyone. It had to be you. It had to be her son..... You wouldn't be be here if you just kept quiet about this. All you had to do was just mind your business, leave Thomas alone, and you would have be safe, but no.... You had to dig deeper, you had to keep looking even after I warned multiple times in your sleep. You still didn't listen.

Kyle: T..h...en wh..y it to him......... My death..... Yo...u h...i..m....w..atch it.

Sarah: You don't forgot anything do you? Fine, you caught me. I showed it to him because I wanted to

Kyle: Y...o..u..r s..ick

Sarah: Am I supposed to feel bad? Kyle, I enjoyed every minute of what I did to you. Every second of it. This rush, This feeling, Every scream. It makes me feel so alive. I want to feel this feeling to last FOREVER.

Sarah wraps chains around Kyle.

Sarah: Let's start from the beginning shall we. I still have some time left.

Kyle: W...h...a...t from me?

Sarah rises her hand towards Kyle. Let she is offering him something.

Sarah: Join me.

Kyle: H...u..h?

Sarah: Join me. You have the exact same powers as me. Anyone who want you want. You can have your way with for all eternity. With no one to stop you.

Kyle: I.....would never...

Sarah: That's what they all say, then......

Sarah reverts Kyle to his human form and rips off one of his arms.
Kyle screams in agony.

Sarah: They give into their desires.

Red: It follows you. Always hiding in your shadow.

Kyle: I'm not....

Red: Kyle, you have it.... All you need to do is take it. Do you know how many people do terrible things to others , but never get into any trouble for it. As long as, you have enough money. You could get away with anything, and with Money comes Power.

Kyle: No, that's true.

Red: Then, how could people walk over you Kyle? How could they get away for it?

Kyle: I know what your trying to do and it's not going to work.

Red: They all hated you didn't they. All because you hanged out with him.

Kyle: Get out of my head!

Red: Yes, I could tell. I could see every last one of your secrets............... But what is this Rabbit doing in your memories. It

Kyle: Ah, and it was just getting so good.

Sarah: What?

Kyle: You truly believe your actions have no consequence, Ms.Henderson.

Sarah: Your not Kyle. Who are you?

A white rabbit with patterns like Christmas wrapping paper is all over him walks out from behind Kyle.

??: The consequences of any man's actions.

The Rabbit places it's right on his chest and bows towards Sarah as a greeting.

I am Mortality, and you have to be the most interesting person. I've seen in a long time. You might even give Boozoo a run for his money.

Sarah: This is getting ridiculous now.

Sarah tries to attack Mortality with chains, but he grabs her hand before it can. Mortality is able to break Kyle off those chains with just a snap of his fingers. Kyle looks confused to who this creature is.

Mortality: Ms.Henderson, I'm afraid your powers will have no use on me.  You can't kill Mortality. It's an idea, and you can't kill an idea without getting rid of those who believe in it.

Sarah: How did you get in here?

Mortality: I am just like you. A spirit wondering through an endless plane. I was enjoying my time until I saw a small opening. Curiosity got the better of me, and now I'm here.

Sarah: You should leave. You getting in the way of my work.

Mortality: Work? This is what you call work. It looks like a prison from my perspective.

Sarah: Are you going to try and guilt trip me as well?

Mortality laugh at Sarah echoing throughout the entire world. It sends a chill up everyone's spine there. Mortality speaks a passive tone, almost comforting to Sarah.

Mortality: No, I'm not here to guilt trip you. The time for that has long passed. I'm just simply the messenger.

Sarah: Messenger for what?

Mortality: I was sent to tell you the truth about yourself.

Sarah: I'm not interested.

Mortality: It's not your choice to make. They want you to see it.

Sarah: Who's they?

Mortality claps his hands and Sarah is sent into a void of darkness.

Sarah: Not this again.

A white door with Sarah's face appears in front of her. Sarah opens the door and finds a past version of herself sitting down at a table in a restaurant. Martin walks up to Sarah.

Sarah: Hey Martin? Can you-

Martin: I'm not covering your ass again.

Sarah: I wasn't going to ask that..

Martin: Then what is it?

Sarah: Can you ask Michael to cover for me?

Martin: Sarah, this is the fourth time this week. Why did you even get this job if all you were going to do is just bail on it?

Sarah: Well, History has been killing me so..

Martin: Bullshit, we know you've ditching to hang out with Lily. I know you guys can't be spotted together with around people, but you have to choose better times to meet.

Sarah: There are no better times....

Martin: Then, make up some.

Sarah: How?

Martin: Sarah?

Sarah: Yeah?

Martin: You have class in thirty minutes, and your drinking straight rum in a big ass cup.

Sarah: It gives me energy.

Martin: Your going to be stumbling into that classroom. Didn't you say your easing up off of this. The admin is going to chew your ass out again for this.

Sarah: I could handle it. Trust me.

Martin: I'm taking this away from you.

Martin grabs the bottle from Sarah's table.

Sarah: Hey! Put that back!

Martin: No, you can't be doing this Sarah. Your going to get yourself hurt.

Sarah: Martin, hand it over now.

Martin: No, I can't do that. As your friend

Sarah: As my friend, you should hand it over.

Martin: I'm not giving you this. This is for your own safety.

Sarah: Fuck you...

Martin: Let's not emotional now.

Sarah: Fuck you, That's why I honestly can't stand you fucks.

Sarah leaves the diner.

Martin: What a bitch....

Mortality lowers a newspaper from his face. He is sitting down in the diner.

Mortality: It seems you already had a rocky relationship with your friends. The poor boy was just looking out for you. Martin!

Martin walks over to Mortality and hands him a cup of coffee. Mortality starts a dialogue with Martin, wise Sarah stands there and watches.

Mortality: Is she always like that?

Martin: Almost every day. Honestly, things started to fall apart every since she met Lily. All she does now is drink.

Mortality: Really?

Martin: Yeah, all she does is blame us for not covering for her. I don't why Luther keeps taking up for her. She just walks all over him.

Mortality: Hmmm, some friends.

Mortality disappears when Martin walks away fromhim.

Sarah: What the fuck?

Another white door appears in front of her. The door still has her face it, but it is little bit more distorted. Going the through door, Sarah finds herself in her dorm. Another version of her is putting on make up for some event.


Sarah: Come in.

Luther: Hey, do you still have those notes?

Sarah: Yeah, it's in my bag. Hey Luther?

Sarah: I'm going out with some friends. You sure you don't want to come.

Luther: I don't get along with people that well.

Sarah: Oh stop being a baby. It will be fun.

Luther: It will be fun?

Sarah: Yeah.

Luther: Look, I have work to do. I can't go....

Sarah: Pretty please.

Luther: No..... Stop doing that. Your an adult now.

Sarah: It's working isn't it.

Mortality: Alcohol seems to a running pattern here.

Sarah: Why is this so important all of a sudden? Who doesn't drink alcohol that much in college?

Mortality: You'll see.

Sarah: Are you just messing with me or something.

Mortality: Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.

A small Mortality wine up toy appears in front of Sarah and when she picks it up. The toy starts to speak like her father.

Sarah's Father: Sarah, I'm worried about you. You can't keep drinking like this. Alcohol isn't something to play around it.

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah's Father: Look, I know your doing this because of stress and school, but you can't keep drinking it away.

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah's Father: I don't have a problem with your relationship with Lily. If that's what you to do that's fine by me,but knowing how people are. It isn't a good idea to be around people alot with her. They'll start up somethings

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Student Admin: Ms.Henderson, Don't you think your drinking a bit too much. This is the last time. I'm warning you about this. Get your act together.

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah: I need this. I won't be able to get through the day without it.

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah: I don't have a problem. I could handle it.

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah: Ease up, I only had a couple beers.

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah: Friends? What friends don't want to get drunk with you?

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah: It'll a feel better soon, just one more.

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah: Why isn't it working anymore?

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

Sarah: I need it to work. I need more.

Sarah: I know what I'm doing.

What do I mean, I'm an addict?

Sarah, this is the fifth time this month. Your friends had to carry you home pissy drunk. Is there something going on? You could tell me, you know

"Sarah, what you said last night. Really hurt my feelings. I think it's best we take a break. You have a serious drinking problem, and I think it's because of our relationship. Take care of yourself please."

I understand

Please call me back


I'm sorry


Don't do this to me

I need you


Just answer my calls

I didn't mean it


Please don't leave me

Mortality slowly back away from Sarah into the darkness. Another white door appears before her, except the face on is unrecognizable. It's so dismembered, blood from the eyes and mouth. Another door Sarah enters. This time, it shows the night she died. Sarah's dead body lays on the floor before her. Sarah doesn't even seemed disturbed by it. However, what happens next truly shocks her.

The body floats up to it's feet and slows moving backwards. Actually everything is moving backwards. The body walks out the room and heads past a group of people. It wasn't it arrived at the kitchen. Things resume back to normal. Sarah drinking multiple shots at the table.

Michael: Sarah, your really enjoying those aren't you.

Sarah: Damn straight.

Sarah drinks another shot.

Lily: Jesus Sarah. I didn't know you could have handle that much.

Sarah: Well, I was the professional drinker in high school.

Lily: No, they called you the Kidney Destroyer.

Sarah: It means the same thing.

Lily: No it doesn't Sarah...

Sarah: Whatever....

Lily: Oh shit, I forgot my bag upstairs. Can you get that for me?

Sarah: Sure no problem.

Sarah walks in the direction she took when coming in backwards. Sarah opens the door and trips. Her body stops mid air before it hits the edge of the door frame.

Sarah: This isn't real, this is some illusion. A fight broke out between us. I remembered it clear as day.

Mortality: What you see is no illusion. This happened, What you see, is the truth. You were so drunk. You stumbled on a wire and hit your head on the door frame. Your friends thought the sound of you falling was someone beating you. Who could blame them though. They were just as drunk as you. Maybe if they were sober. They might have saw you were still alive. However, your caused your own death. You drank, until it costed you your life.

Sarah leans back and she falls off a hill into a lake. Sarah looks up and sees Her friends looking at her as she goes down. Wailing her hands at them.

Mortality: And they have no idea, you were still alive down there. All of your cries for help when on deaf eyes.

Mortality grabs her leg and pulls her deeper into the lake.

Mortality: You aren't done yet. There's such more you need to see.

Sarah wakes again in a void coughing out water. Another door is in front of her. This time it's blue. Sarah has no choice but to enter this door. She comes face to face with a voice recorder on a desk. Sarah presses play on the recorder.

Hi, and welcome to the Sega family. My name is Luther Jamie Artwright, but you could just call me Luther. I'm the project manager for-


Um, Good Afternoon, Mr.Artwright. This is Dave from management. Ah, I I'm calling to let you know. You've been fired. Your mental state at this time is making many of us in the office uncomfortable. Especially after what happened this morning. We can't afford for that to happen again. Don't ever come back here again. We'll have someone clear out your office and send your items to you. Also, why do you have a firearm in your draw-


Honey, it's me. Look, I love you, but. I can't be around you anymore. The man who I married and the one who stands here today. Isn't the same person. Your scaring me and Thomas. I'm filing for a divorce. I really sat down and thought about what you said. I'm your wife and you can't even be one hundred percent honest with me.


Hey, This is Theresa. Sarah's Mother. Luther, you don't have to keep sending us money. We really don't need it. I know you feel bad about what happened to our daughter, but we all want to put this behind us.


Hey, this is Detective Benson. Mr.Artwright, we need you to come down the station for questioning. It's about your friend's disappearance last week. We believe you may know something about it.

Thank you for coming in.

We really appreciate it

No problem, so.... What is that you wanted to ask me?

Well, when was the last time. You saw Ms.Henderson.

Yesterday at the party.

Ok, did you notice anyone strange around Sarah?

No, I didn't.

Alright, so Mr.Artwright. Sarah came to the party with you guys right.

She actually came with Lily.



But your friends said she came with you, so why did you leave knowing she was supposed to come back home with you.

They did? I mean we were drunk off our asses.

Who drove you back home if you guys were drunk?

I went with someone else.

Hmmm ok. Tell me did you ever saw Ms.Henderson after she went up stairs?


But Lily said all of you went up there to check on her. You guys came back down and said you didn't see her. That wouldn't be possible, because everyone reported no one came back down those stairs after you went up.

That's strange.

It is, you can't tell us about that.

Like I said, we were drunk. I don't know if she went back down.

Ok, Mr.Artwright. Thank you for your time.

Are you-

You could leave now....

Sir, your not

Wait for him to leave............

Ok, you could speak now.

That man knows what happened to that girl. Without a doubt, his story doesn't match up one bit.

I know.

Then, why didn't you arrest him just now.

Number one: We don't have enough evidence to say it's him.
Number Two: Do you know, who that man's father is...... Even if he does go to court. His Father can make Jack the ripper look innocent. He'll get right off the hook for this. Plus, we'll lose our jobs.

So, what do we do now?

Look for evidence, that's all we could do.

The recording cuts out. Sarah puts the tape recorder down and looks at a piece of paper that wasn't there before. A death certificate.

Death Certificate
For Luther Jamie Artwright
Main Cause of death: Suic- You killed him

Mortality: Many people believed Mr. Artwright killed himself, and they wouldn't be too far off that point. The only person who didn't believe it was his son.

Sarah: No one was there at the time. I was sure of it

Mortality: You'll be surprised what can hide out of your line of sight.

Dad! Dad wake up! Mom!

Mortality: Thomas saw what you did, and it traumatized him. All at the age of the age of seven. That boy didn't believe for a second, his father killed himself, but he couldn't get anyone to believe him.

I'm increasing your son's medication Ms.Artwright. He keeps mentioning someone come out of the t.v and grabbed his father. It must be some copping mechanism for him. Right now, that's all he seems to believe.

The desk lights on fire, burning both the recorder and Death Certificate.

Another door lights up behind Sarah, and this one she doesn't want to enter. The door has Lily's face on it.

Mortality: Hesitation? This one must have you thorn if you don't want to enter it. You know what's behind it don't you.

Sarah: I'm not entering that room.

The door slides right in front of Sarah.

Mortality: It's going to open whether you like it or now. It's screaming, and it's not going to stop until you open it.

A loud noise fills the void. Mortality's statement holds true. If you don't open it. It will force you to do so.

Sarah opens the door to stop the screaming, and she sees Lily. The woman is sitting down in a chair.

Lily: Did you find anything?

Police Officer: Ms. Henderson, that's not why we called you here today. We're sorry, but. After one year someone gets missing. We have to assume that person is dead.

Lily: Don't say that... She has to be out there.

Police Officer: Ma, we tried everything. There's nothing else we can't do. We're closing this investigation. There's other things we have to invest our time and resources into. We're really sorry.

Mortality: Her face. That's the face of someone who's world just crashed. You can even see the exact moment her eyes went dull.

Lily's isn't moving, she went stiff. No blinking, No breathing. She's lost.

Sarah: Lily...

Mortality: That pain stayed for years. She had no reason for living. That was until he showed up.

A boy holding a plush is crying on a bench nearby a bus stop. Lily walks up to the kid.

Lily: Why are you crying?

Kyle: My mom, she left me.

Lily: What? Where did she went?

Kyle: I don't know, she just... She just..

Lily: Ok, ok. Just wait right here. I'll be right back.

Mortality: I'm sure you know how the rest of that goes on.

Sarah doesn't reply back to Mortality.

Mortality: Now, after everything I just showed you. How do you think a mother will sound when she finds her only child dead. What will that sound like. An agonizing cry, one to pull every last piece of your soul out.

Mortality puts his hands and the younger version of Kyle and he melts away. Wise the screams of Lily blare off in the background.

Sarah: Stop Stop it.

Mortality body grows more bigger and his voice gets more distorted.

isn't this what he deserved. Isn't this what Lily deserved. This the symphony you created. This your masterpiece. Aren't you proud of it.

Luther: I know what I'm doing

Michael: I know what I'm doing

Martin: I know what I'm doing

Kyle: I know what I'm doing

Thomas: I know what I'm doing

Yourself: I know what I'm doing

Mortality: You know what you're doing right? Then explain this. Futures, Families, and yourself was all destroyed for what? Justice? Or your own ego.

Sarah: This isn't... This isn't... I couldn't do anything about it. I just want this to be over..... No, it's not over until I say it is.

Mortality: This is over, your already here. Like I said, I'm only the messenger. Your time is up. We all turn into nothing eventually.

Sarah: I'm not a monster.

Mortality: All humans are.... Some just do a better hiding their shadow. Unfortunately for you, your denial, your ignorance. Allowed yours to consume you. Sarah, You can't allow your demons to control you. If you do, they end up doing things like this.

Sarah: Then, what am I supposed to do. I'm not strong, I can't control this thing.

Luther: You have all the tools you need. It's up to you to deal with it.

An alarm clock goes off.

Sarah: What? Where am I?

Sarah is standing right back to where she was a moment ago. Kyle and Athena are still knocked out.

Sarah: That was strange...

Get out.... What?.... I said get out..... Be quiet..... No...... It's time for you to stop, I can't do another forty years of this...... How dare you.... I said enough.... Enough?

Sarah raises her own hand and grabs Luther's axe.

Sarah: Something is holding you back..... No.... I see now..... Maybe with Kyle dead.... You start to realize how stupid this little rebellion of yours is.

Another version of Sarah stands in front of Kyle's body.

Sarah: I'm not letting you hurt him.

Move, I have no problem cutting you both in half!

Sarah: Stop, this is insanity. Don't you see how wrong we are. All we did was the same thing. They did to us. We ruined their lives. What would Lily say if she saw us?

Sarah: I don't care what she sees.

Sarah: You don't mean that.

Sarah: No, I do mean that. She is dead to me.

Sarah: I can't believe it... I've allowed you to do all of this. This wouldn't have happened had I just let it all go.

Sarah: Let go for what, they killed you.

Sarah: No, they did. It was an accident, and they spent years believing it was their fault.

Sarah grabs herself and starts to choke her.

Athena: Wait!

Sarah: What do you want now?

Athena: I know.....

Sarah: You know what?

Athena: I know how you feel.

Sarah: Please, you don't understand a bit of it. You

Athena: Don't know what it feels like to loss everything. That's what you were going to say right?

Sarah stays Quiet.

Athena: Everything, your going through. I've already experienced.

Sarah: No! No you didn't!

Athena: I'm you remember.

Sarah: Then if that is so, you understand why I'm doing this. You understand why they don't deserve to leave. Why aren't any of you giving Luther a monologue about he did to me. He's the reason. He's the cause behind all of this. He's a murderer. A coward. This is all his fault.

Athena: Because Luther realized what he did to you. There's not one day, he doesn't think about that mistake. It ate him alive, so much too the point were blaming himself was the only way to make the pain of it go away. Hiding it from his family and friends, so they wouldn't see him as a monster. In his final moments, he did his best to protect his son and Kyle. He moved on. What about you?

Sarah: How, How I supposed to move on. They had everything. They had their lives, and I was.......I was stuck in darkness. Listening to all of it. Every birthday song, Every wedding, Every graduation. I heard it all. I heard mother looking me, I heard..... I heard all of them. Why me? Why was I punished for one fucking mistake. One. Why did Lily had to suffer. Tell me that!

Athena: I can't tell. I still don't know why to this day.

Sarah: Then, why are you so happy. Why are you helping them. You should understand more better than me.

Athena: Because I was miserable. Eventually, after 59 years of the same thing. You start to question your own mortality. You start to wonder. Had the roles been reversed, would you have done the exact same thing had you been in the same situation. It took me years to realize that none of them were the problem. It was me. I couldn't let my pride and ego go.

Red: And didn't that make you more stronger.

Athena's Entity: It made me a fool. A fool who spent so much time trying to avoid the inevitable.

Athena: You can't cheat death. It comes when you less expect it.

Red: But what about them. They forgot about me.

Kyle: No, she didn't. Mom would always pass an empty house. She would stay for hours just staring. Waiting for someone to come out of it.

Athena: Her last name being Henderson should tell you she still cared. She didn't forget you.

Red lets go of Sarah. Red is frozen still. Wise Sarah drops to her knees in tears.

Sarah: I need to leave this place. I need to let her know........ I need to tell her. I need to see her....... Lily......Lily! I need to tell her how sorry I am.

Sarah turns to her entity which is frozen in place.

Sarah: We were wrong..... Can't you see that. We not doing this anymore. I want us to move past this. Please..... If our sake.

Accept it


Hold your grudges

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