imperfect love | soulmate au

By rockmahead

29.2K 818 124

seventeen ff. in a world where red writing develops on your skin at the age of eighteen, signifying the names... More

coffee & cigarettes
cupcakes & organs
hangovers & cursing
jack rabbits
bloody knuckles
♤ chinese enchantress ♤
♤ catastrophe & wotsits ♤
♤ yogurt & denial ♤
pompeii & waterfalls
hot stuff
♢ boba & chaos ♢
blue's blues.
♢ breathing exercises ♢

♤ whiskey & whines ♤

1.9K 49 8
By rockmahead

it was around seven and you were at home, adding the finishing touches to your makeup. you were ridden with nerves, taking all the product off your face completely and restarting, adamant that it wasn't perfect. hyemi sat on your bed, watching and humouring you as to make sure you didn't go berserk.

"blue, honestly, you look so pretty. absolutely gorgeous. stop wiping your face." the girl snatched the wipe from your hand before you could redo your brows, causing you to pout at her in frustration.

"i can't look just gorgeous, i need to look perfect, breathtaking."

she sighed heavily, disappointed in your weak resolve. the woman then went on a tangent, ranting about 'if they're good people, they'll like you for you', but you argued that men 'feast with their eyes.'

"come on, let's get you dressed."

hyemi hopped out your room to hers, scouring for something dazzling for you to wear, as your clothes where just an accumulation of hoodies, sweats and shorts. when she returned, she thrusted a piece of clothing into your arms, ushering you into the bathroom to try it on.

"mimi, where's the rest of the clothes?" you shouted from behind the closed door, "i think you dropped some."

"oh shut it, just put it on!"

you inched into the clothes, it almost being a workout as hyemi was a smaller size to you and the material was so hugging.

when it was on, you gasped, completely taken aback at how stunning the dress was. it was black and glittery, captivating your attention. it hugged to your figure, accentuating your curves as it was skin tight, and stopped right at your butt, with enough leeway so that if you were to bend over, you wouldn't flash.

you hoped anyway.

hyemi, being the impatient individual she was, swung the door open when she thought you were taking too long and gasped dramatically.

"holy shit. you look so fuckable."

when you turned round to face her, her eyes wandered down, fixating on your cleavage, "yo, mommy milkers for real, share the fuck?"

"this is too much, i can't wear this! my boobs are about to spill and any wrong move, you'll be able to see my whole world!" you complained while tugging the hem of the skirt down.

"you look breathtaking, as you wished for. fuck, i think i'm falling for you," hyemi leaned forward, puckering her lips, "marry me?" she tried to kiss you, causing you to laugh and push her head to the side.

"does it really... look that good? on me?"

"what kinda fucked question... yes! i know for a fact, if they can't keep their eyes off you, they'll definitely struggle to keep their hands off you."

she began to tickle you in an attempt to ease your nerves, and it worked. having grown up together, she knew the ins and outs of your personality; how to cheer you up, what upset you, and her expertise had come into play.

your phone chimed from where you left it on the side of the sink, a message from none other than choi seungcheol.

'need a ride?'

you quickly shot back a text saying that you'd already ordered an uber, which was obviously a lie.

"why did you decline!"

"hello, i'm not gonna be enclosed in a small space i cannot escape from with choi seungcheol of all people. i'd probably piss my pants or pass out."

"...fair point." she shrugged in agreement, before her eyes ballooned out of their sockets.

"you said you're getting an uber! hurry you gotta go! they're waiting for you!"

you blinked.

you blinked again.

then the panic set in and you frantically began scrabbling for your items: keys, lipgloss, perfume.
honestly you were a mess.

you hopped around on one leg, shoving your trainers on while hyemi sorted your stuff out, stuffing a wad of cash in your purse and condoms for 'just in case'. when you frowned at her she argued that it was better to be safe than sorry.

"have you booked your uber?"

"who says i'm taking an uber?"

"um, you?"

"duh, i lied? get with the programme mi," you stomped on your other white shoe, sighing in relief when your foot went in, "i'm taking the bus, it isn't that far."

"that's a stupid idea."

"nah, it's the cheaper idea. bye, i'm gonna miss the bus!"

you bounded out the apartment, running down the stairs, a firm grip on your chest so you didn't whack yourself in the face, the other hand tugging the dress down. you were very glad you'd chose to wear your trusty air force's, because no way in hell would you ever get to the house in one piece wearing heels.

you got to the bus stop with minutes to spare, huffing and panting, desperate to get your breath back.

soon the bus pulled up causing you to grin; even though you were scared shitless, you could help but to be a tad bit exited.

resting in the back corner, you almost fell asleep as your adrenaline died down and the ride was much longer than you anticipated. though you didn't catch much sleep as a stranger decided to seat himself by you, making you self conscious.

"where 'ya goin' all dolled up, pretty lady?" the man spoke, voice heavy and thick.

you whined quietly, slightly frightened, shifting closer to the window and looking out through it. suddenly the closed shops seemed amusing to you.

"did you not hear me babe? i said where 'ya goin'"

this time you were terrified, the anger blatantly building up in his tone. you were afraid, so you decided to answer him, in hopes that lying would deter him.

"i'm going on a-"

"look at me when i'm talkin' to 'ya," you turned your head slowly to face the brute, lower lip trembling ever so slightly, "that's a good girl."

"i'm going on a date with my boyfriend. scrap that, boyfriends...yeah." you ended confidently, hoping that it would fool him.

"'ya not lyin' to me are 'ya?" he grinded his teeth, his muscles working hard.

as much as you'd hate to admit, he was an attractive man. obviously much larger than you, though you were quite tall for you gender's demographic, a broad build, large shoulders filling out the black leather jacket he wore. his tank top stretched across his chest, almost begging for mercy as it was pulled taut.

luckily for you and the god's above, your phone rang at that exact moment, and you began blessing and thanking the individual that called, coming to see that it was your best friend, hyemi.

"sorry, i need to take this call." you answered, choking back screams while you listened to the taller woman chatter away, in a way to boost your morale.

it seemed that after a few minutes, the man lost interest, turning to his phone, and you swore that you'd go back to church because you'd never want to face this punishment again.

your stop came up and you scrambled to leave, jumping off the bus with joy, then using google maps on your walk to the place.

the six minute walk felt like years, but you couldn't complain as you got lost in the masses of large houses, the view also being spectacular.

in this moment you were quivering, stood in front of the large black gates, pushing them open and walking up to the house. this was the worst part, in your opinion; the walk was daunting and the house seemed to loom over you.

you took a deep breath as you stood on the door step, plucking up the courage to press the doorbell.

the door was swung open, allowing for all the sound waves of the blasting music to escape, coming to you as a shock as you couldn't hear anything from the outside.

you looked at the person who opened the door, completely awestruck by his handsomeness. he had thick black brows, with matching luscious hair that tousled upon his head. his eyes were a light brown and you swore they were the prettiest things you'd ever seen. his pink lips looked so kissable, you thought that if you stared too much, you'd end up kissing the life out of them.

"long uber ride, huh?" he inquired, unimpressed and a hint of annoyance underlying in his tone.

"yeah, uh, traffic. a, uh, cow fell in the, uh, road..."

you stuttered foolishly, completely intimidated by the man before you. 'this must be seungcheol. shit.' you thought to yourself.

"uh huh," he nodded, not buying into your blatant lie, "come on in. we were expecting you."

once you stepped in, you realised the house was much more than you had imagined, leaving you gaping in awe at the home of your soulmates. the interior was of a beige colour, the marble glistening in the piercing light. a gold chandelier hung from the high ceiling in the centre, a set of stairs on either side, winding round to the landing. on the walls hung paintings of which you had no idea what time period or artist.

"this way, we're in the living room."

you followed the taller male as you walked straight ahead, through the crisp white double doors, the music getting louder as you approached.

when seungcheol said 'living room', you expected, well, a 'living room'. not a damn hall. the room was huge, the grey couches a great distance away from each other, taking up space, yet there was so much surface area uncovered.

upon said couches were the boys, some making out, some playing games, and the others turning their head at your entrance.

"blue! you came!"

"hi, seokmin," you let out a cheshire grin; the older male's smile was contagious, "of course i came. happy birthday!"

you handed him a small gift bag, only a little gift inside as you and hyemi didn't know what they'd like, so you'd just bought a watch and some cologne. the same thing for his birthday twin.

"hi everyone, sorry i'm late." you waved apologetically while walking over. well trembling over; you felt as if your legs would give out.

"yea, cow fell in the road." seungcheol said from the bar as he sipped on whatever concoction chan had made hours prior, before setting it down on the bar table and strolling over, hands in his front pockets. he raised his brow at you before walking over to sit by seungkwan, who was busy sucking mingyu's face off.

you shuffled awkwardly, as eyes turned to you, almost cracking under pressure. your attention turned to the bag in your grasp, walking over to vernon, "happy birthday vernon," you spoke, shoving the gift bag forward.

"yo, thanks. you look, so hot by the way."

you flushed at the compliment, whispering a shy thank you while tugging your dress down.

you sat down in an empty seat, putting distance between you and the boys, this definitely not going unnoticed.

"you scared? don't be shy. we don't bite." wonwoo coaxed you to come out of your shell, which you knew was impossible without alcohol. you inched closer to the man you didn't know beside you, almost jumping when he turned to face you.

"we haven't met, i'm joshua." the man was so pretty, ethereal if you will. he had the prettiest smile, with the prettiest eyes, the cutest nose, perfect hair. he looked like an angel.

"hi joshua, i'm blue." you croaked out, air trapped in your lungs.

"you look amazing, i don't know if it's you or the dress, but you look amazing."

"thank you. you're so pretty." you spoke without even processing, snapping your mouth shut when you'd realised, eliciting the cutest laugh from the angelic man.

"blue!" you hear someone call your name in a sing song voice, "time for drinks!" chan walked over to you, swaying his hips to the music, handing you a red cup of a dark liquid.

"what's this, chan?"

"i call it 'the dark truth'. great, right?" he grinned at you, hoping for your agreement.

"why's it called the 'dark truth'? you inquired, throwing quotation marks in the air.

"because it's dark, and you always spill the beans. it's like a truth serum, duh."

"i call it the 'dark death'. this shit leaves you with a hangover for a week and i'm being deadass. why the fuck did we leave drinks to chan, again?" seungkwan sassed, rolling his eyes at the younger.

chan mimicked him and crashed down on the love seat beside you.

"chug it." wonwoo suggested. you shook your head frantically at his absurd idea, but soon the others joined him, chanting for you to down the murky liquid.

"fuck it."

you began to chug the drink, the familiar burning erupting in your throat, only this time, stronger. some alcohol escaped from the cup, leaking down your chin to your cleavage, but you were more focused on not throwing up.

in seconds the cup was empty, so you held it over your head, wiping your chin, your soulmates erupting into cheers.

jihoon eyes a droplet that rolled down your chest, the bead soon getting lost and he felt something light within him.

you coughed slightly, in aftershock of the ghastly drink, the alcohol in your system heating you up causing every cell in your body to buzz.

your eyes locked with someone you were unfamiliar with, a cold chill running over you as you participated in a staring contest.

the man had a small face and a slightly larger nose, small cool eyes and coral coloured lips, a beauty mark above the right corner. he practically glowed like an ice god, enticing aura luring you in.

"oh! that's junnie hyung! i forgot to introduce him." soonyoung spoke causing you to break eye contact.

"uh huh. hi, jun." you turned to look back at him, and this time he had a smirk plastered on his handsome face.

"hi, blue." his words sounded ominous, like there meaning or motivation behind them, but you were damn sure you didn't want to find out.

♤ ♧ ♢ ♡

the night rolled on, you backing more drinks than you knew you could handle, your alcohol tolerance being moderately low, but you kept to yourself mostly, joining into conversations here and there, answering questions when you were asked.

you had been seated for the entire three and a half hours that you had been there, the alcohol completely taking control of your body, so you'd opted to stay seated.

"let's play some games! okay, okay. let's start off with a simple game of never have i ever. you have? you shot. whoever loses has to drink all remaining vodka in that bottle," chan the menace pointed over to a half full bottle on the bar, "okay let's start, everyone on the floor."

you stood up, stumbling and almost tripping if not for minghao catching you before you could humiliate yourself, "thanks hao," you huffed out, irritated at your behaviour. in your drunken state you failed to see the flush in minghao's cheek as you gave him his nickame, a nickname that was used often to address him by his soulmates, but nonetheless he blushed.

he blamed it on the 'dark truth'.

you crashed down in an empty space beside seungcheol and jeonghan, trying to get comfortable in your skimpy dress.

immediately, seungcheol ripped off his jacket and used it to cover your lap, before trying to split up an argument between seungkwan and soonyoung, not even sparing you a glace.

you thought about how much of a gentleman he was and that there was no way the rumours at college were all true; in reality he was just a big softie.

a collection of shots were arranged in the centre of the circle and you were unsure how many there were; you lost count at twenty-three.

"okay me first. never have i ever, gave head to someone driving." mingyu kicked off the game, jun, jihoon and jeonghan reaching for a shot glass and placing it in front of them once they'd emptied them.

"that was a low blow, i'm literally the one who sucked your dick." jeonghan whined.

"that's, like, literally the whole point, dumb bitch."

"bitch, you built dumb."

"the only thing dumb, is my dick game, but you knew that already."

"oohhh, this motherfucker so..." jeonghan groaned in annoyance. annoyance that he couldn't disagree.

a laugh bubbled from your throat at the couple's dynamic, the alcohol really starting to make you act out. but you didn't mind. you felt kind of, comfortable.

"never have i ever, been caught having sex." jihoon went next, in attempt to get back at mingyu.

"that's so stupid, i literally got caught with you, now you have to take a shot."

jihoon blinked then cursed under his breath as he snatched the shot glass from mingyu's hand, downing the liquid.

you moved to grab a glass, earning a bunch of stares.

"is that so? do tell." junhui smirked at you, once again.

"my ex. got caught by his little sister. was so embarrassing." you tilted your head back, letting the drink slide down your throat, whilst the others laughed at your anecdote.

"how old was she?" vernon inquiried.

"eight." you sighed out.

the circle burst into laughter again, causing you to join them, amused by the mixture of pitches.

"never have i ever, been rejected." wonwoo had a evil smile on his face as he said this, snickering as all the boys grabbed a shot glass.

you cocked your head to the side, wondering why the boys were all visibly annoyed.

"when we found wonwoo he was persistent that he didn't want to be in a relationship with his soulmates. he found the whole 'fated partner' thing stupid." vernon's face contorted in disgust as he choked back the liquid poison.

"now look at the fucker, can barely keep his hands to himself. you'd never think it but he's the most sappy out of all of us. he tells us he loves us everyday without fail," seungcheol grinned at the younger, dimple on display, "cute."

the glasses wearing male went red, the pigment spreading from the tips of his ears, down to his nape. seungcheol loved that about him. how the younger would completely change colour everywhere and how shy he got when he teased him about it. he loved leaving trails of kisses down his neck when they spent their time together and how submissive he was.

the others cooed at wonwoo, also loving the blushing mess and the eldest was grateful because he had time to readjust, hiding his semi.

you only had one glass in front of you, kind of proud seeing as some individuals had three, sighing im relief that the vodka bottle wouldn't be going anywhere near your lips.

junhui caught onto this, which led him to concoct a vicious plan that he would carry through, hopefully the others would catch on.

"never have i ever, had a period."

you blinked in his general direction, eyes unfocused. you knew he was targeting you, making you wonder if he was a sadist.

"fuck you." you cursed, taking a shot.

"when, my love?"

heat rushed to your cheeks, unsure wether it was due to the alcohol or jun's remark. you decided to blame it on the alcohol.

"never have i ever, had boobs." jeonghan went next, joining in on the mischief.

you grabbed another glass, eyes on the long haired blond the whole time.

"don't look at me like that, you'll turn me on."

you choked at that remark, some of the drink dribbling down your chin. you turned to stare at the man beside you, eyes wide and bulging out the sockets.

"what?" he shrugged his shoulders at you, ushering vernon to continue the game.

"never have i ever, been a girl." he spoke after minutes of thinking.

"this has to be cheating at this point." you whined throwing vernon a look.

there were only three shot glasses left meaning three more questions. on the other hand, it was finally your turn to speak, "never have i ever, kissed my soulmate."

you puffed out your chest proudly, watching as the boys felt betrayed. however, a certain devilish individual decided he wouldn't go down without a fight.

jeonghan shifted towards you, right hand griping your chin and turning your head in his direction. before you had a chance to protest, he smashed his soft lips onto yours, startling you.

it felt as if fireworks erupted beneath the sensitive skin, an electrical current alighting within you. closing your eyes, you melted into the kiss, allowing for the long haired male to insert his tongue into your mouth. you moaned into his mouth, the wet muscle enticing lewd noises to spew from you, whining when jeonghan pulled away.

you blinked slowly while your hormones settled, a familiar throbbing sensation between your legs.

"take the shot." jeonghan instructed you, eyes fixated to your swollen lips, half your lipgloss transferred to his face.

you did as he told, completely out of it, head still in the clouds.

"but there are two shots left and we haven't taken-" soonyoung was cut off by chan shouting over him.

"oh no, where did they go?" chan piqued, speech riddled with sarcasm as he put the two remaining glasses behind him, "looks like blue lost."

"maybe this is a bad idea, she's drank a lot already." minghao suggested, worried for you.

"yeah, maybe she can't take it." junhui commented, forever teasing you.

you stood up, socked feet carrying your intoxicated body of to the bar, snatching the vodka bottle and downing its contents.

at this point in the night, you had gotten used to the warm feeling, however you were barely able to stomach any more beverage, feeling yourself want to projectile vomit. you held it down, drinking the last bit before stumbling back to your seat. you almost ended up sitting on mingyu's head if not for the elder holding you up, partially amused and partially concerned.

as the night progressed and you increasingly became more and more drunk, the last thing on your mind was the length of your dress, the skirt frequently riding up. when mingyu had supported your drunken body, the skirt had ridden up, exposing you slightly.

he kissed his teeth, before tugging on the hem, "fuck, i can see your ass you fucking tease," he growled out, tent uncomfortably rising in his jeans.

you pouted at that sentence, then wiggled your hips in front of him, before tiptoeing to your empty space, the others cracking up at your actions.

"okay new game! spin the bottle!" you passed the bottle in your grasp to chan the games master.

jihoon tossed you a bottle of water telling you to lay off the drinks and sober up. you realised how caring your soulmates really were.

"okay the person it lands on has to give the other a lap dance." seungkwan shouted before spinning the bottle.

the bottle spun round rapidly, dizzying you before stopping in front of minghao who rolled his eyes dramatically. the end of the bottle pointed at wonwoo who would be the lucky receiver of the lap dance.

the mulleted man crawled over seductively once seokmin changed song, eyes low and dark. wonwoo rested his back on the coach behind him, arms upon the seat, licking his lips hungrily.

once minghao had reached him, he straddled his hyung, proceeding to grind down on him rhythmically, tossing his head to the side and leaving a quick peck on wonwoo's cheek. wonwoo placed a large hand on the younger's hip, guiding him causing minghao to redden.

"you're so pretty, baby," minghao whimpered at the compliment, "fuck, gimme a kiss, my pretty boy." minghao stopped abruptly, hand making its way to wonwoo's thick black locks, the latter's arm snaking round the younger's slim waist, drawing him closer.

you watched in shock, completely turned on but you felt disrespectful watching them in their intimate moment.

"anddd they're gonna fuck, we're going." seungcheol offered you a hand and you obliged, eyes still on the two making out. minghao made a move to remove his shirt and that's when you broke your eyes away squealing, causing jihoon to laugh. you padded down the hallway, hearing soft moans as the door shut behind you.

suddenly you felt an arm wrap around you, turning to see none other than wen junhui in the flesh. your breath got caught in your throat at the surprise, unsure what to do in the moment.

"i should really get going." you moved jun's arm from your shoulder, before looking at him awkwardly.

"no need. just stay here, we have spare rooms. plus, it's way too late for you to leave. and you're drunk."

"i'm not drunk anymore. and it's not even that late." you slurred out.

"it's 12:16," he stated, tucking his phone back in to his pocket, "and you have college tomorrow i believe. your shit is also in there and i don't think you wanna walk in on them fucking."

you thought about it for a brief moment, irritated by the fact that he was correct.

you stomped up the stairs, plump lips pulled into a pout, whipping around when you realised jun wasn't following you.

"aren't you coming?" you huffed, pouting severely.

junhui smiled shortly before following you up the stairs.

"hey, wait for me!"

♤ ♧ ♢ ♡

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