Nature calls

By TBThomsen

40 0 0

I feel someone looking at me, so I look around to see who it is. I stop and lock eyes with a man who has shor... More

1 - Kira
2 - Kira
3 - Kira/Shawn
4 - Kira
5 - Kira/Shawn
6 - Kira/Shawn
7 - Shawn/Kira
8 - Kira
9 - Kira/Shawn
10 - Kira/Shawn
11 - Kira
12 - Kira/Shawn
13 - Kira
14 - Shawn
15 - Shawn/Kira
16 Shawn/Kira
17 - Kira
18 Shawn

19 - Kira

2 0 0
By TBThomsen

One month later.

I'm sitting at the doctor's office in town waiting for my turn. It has become a livelier town again and it almost seems like itself. I've taken over Kate's flower shop a couple of week ago. It's hard to learn about the books and stuff like that, but I love the job.

Not many comes in to buy from me but that's okay. It's not like I'm losing money on flowers. I just make sure not to grow to many of each and only have the necessary to make bouquets. If there's something I need, I go out back to the small patch of grass and grow it.

"Kira?" The doctor's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I look at her smiling face. "Huh?" She chuckles and says, "come on in."

"Oh, right." I follow her into her office and sit down in the chair in front of her desk. "So, what can I do for you today?" she asks. I fidget a little. "Well... I think I'm pregnant." She gives me a bright smile and nods. "Alright. Come over and lay down on the examination table please."

She examines me and when she's done, she smiles at me again. "Congratulations Kira. You're pregnant." I sit frozen. Pregnant? I'm pregnant? I've had a suspicion because I've been a little nauseous but nothing much. It's only because it didn't go away that I took a pregnancy test.

I never thought that I would get pregnant. I never thought that I would get a man either but here I am now with an amazing man and a baby on the way.

"I don't have the optimal equipment here so you should go to the hospital to get checked out. I'll make a referral and mail the confirmation to you," she says, and I slowly nod. "Okay, thank you." That's all I can say because I'm starting to panic. A baby? Am I ready for that?

She shows me out and I make my way back to the shop. Before I go there, I stop by the bakery where Hillary is working today. "Hey dear," she says with a big smile on her face. "Hey..."

She looks closer at me and furrows her eyebrows. "Are you okay?" Clearing my throat, I nod. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Just wanted to ask you if you would bring some baguettes home when you get of work? I'm making spaghetti and meatballs."

"Of course, dear. Are you sure you're okay?" I nod and force a smile out. "Yes, I'm sure. I'll see you at home."

Without saying anything else, I leave and go to the flower shop. Unlocking the door, I put the open sign up and go into the back where I put down my bag.


Then panic sets in again. What will happen to the baby? Will it have powers just like me? Or be a shifter like Shawn? Will it have powers AND be a shifter? How am I supposed to teach him or her to control the powers when I can't even control my own? I've gotten much better but still...

Does Shawn even want kids? We've never talked about it, so I don't know what he thinks about it.

I sit down on a chair, rest my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. "Okay, relax Kira. You can do this. Me and Shawn can figure this out together, right?"

The door in the shop dings so I take a deep breath and go out front. I smile when I see who it is. "Oh, hi Gerard. How can I help you?"

Him and his family have been living with me the last month. More people from town have come to live with us too so the small 'hut' that I made for them has grown. It has been a lot of work to get the plumbing and electricity done but Boe really came through with supplies and everybody has helped out to get it done.

"I need a bouquet for the wife," Gerard says. He does this every Friday and it makes me smile even more. It's so sweet.

"What would you like it to be today?" I ask. "Surprise me. You always make the most beautiful bouquets." Smiling again, I nod and say, "Okay, give me a minute."

I find the flowers I want to use and get to work. Five minutes later, I show it to him, and he nods with a smile. I cut the stems in a suitable length and bind it together before I wrap it and give it to him.

"You do know I can do this at home right?" I ask.

"I know, but you have a nice shop here and I want to support it."

I haven't done anything to hide my powers from the people living with me. They could accept it or leave, and they have all accepted it. They find it weird and freaky, but they still accepted it.

"Then I'm not complaining," I say. He pays for the bouquet before we say goodbye and he leaves.

I must admit that it's getting a little crowded at home, so I made a place just for me and Shawn. That way we always have a quiet place if we need it. And we do! There's only room for a mattress and a tiny bathroom but that's more than enough for us.

People have also started to pay rent, and THAT is nice. Now I have money to decorate the growing trees. My home has finally stopped growing and I'm happy about that because then we don't need to do more work on it.

There's never a dull moment with kids running around and people that always wants to talk or ask questions about my powers.

When it's time to go home, I close up the shop, get on my bike and ride towards our own tiny town. When I get to the forest, I get of my bike and pull it towards the house.

The part of the forest that was blasted away is now almost back to its own self. I've helped it along because I wanted ALL of the forest completed again. I couldn't stand seeing it the way it was. It reminded me of what I had done. We held a funeral for Kate so the rest of the town could say goodbye to her, and it was a very beautiful ceremony.

Getting to the house, I park my bike outside and look around at all the people here. To think that only two months ago, I lived here alone in my small house.

Before I talk to anyone, I want to ground myself, so I go to my favorite spot in the forest and sit down on the ground. I dig my fingers into the earth, close my eyes and immediately feel the energy run through me. This is where I feel closest to nature. This is where I connect to it completely.

I hear rustling behind me, and I can smell that it's Shawn. I smile to myself, lean my head back and take a big relaxing breath. Coming up behind me, he kneels down and run his fingers through my hair. Opening my eyes, I smile again, and he leans down and kisses me.

"Hey," he says in a loving voice.


"Can I sit down with you?" he asks. I nod. "Of course." We sit in silence for a moment. "How was your day?" he then asks me. "It was good. How about you?"

"Good. We finally finished the plumbing in the second tree." I smile because that is indeed good news. "That's great." Pulling my fingers out of the ground, I take his hand and say, "Uhm, there's something we need to talk about." He raises a brow. "Okay. What is it?"

I turn around so I'm facing him. "I went to the doctor today." Now both his eyebrows are raised, and he looks at me, his eyes filled with concern. "Why? Are you sick?" I slowly shake my head and take a big breath to gather some courage.

"No. I'm pregnant."

He gets a shocked expression on his face for a moment before he then pushes me on my back, gets on top of me and kisses me passionately. When we break the kiss to get some air, he rests his forehead against mine and whispers, "Are you serious?"

I nod. "Yeah. The doctor confirmed it today." He gets a confused expression on his face and says, "I thought you were on birth control." Nodding again, I say, "I am. I don't know. I must have forgotten to take some pills in all the craziness. I'm sorry."

His face breaks out in the brightest smile, and he claims my lips in another passionate kiss. When he pulls back, he kisses me down my jaw, to my neck and further down my body until he comes to my stomach that he kisses gently. Then he looks up at me. "We're having a baby?" I smile at him before I say, "We're having a baby."

Putting a hand on my stomach, he whispers, "hey there little guy." I chuckle and shake my head. "You already think it's a boy?" Laying his head on my stomach, he nods. "Boy, girl, it doesn't matter. We're having a baby."

Crawling back on top of me, he kisses me with so much love that I almost start to cry. I'm so relieved that he wants this. I know it's going to be a battle with not knowing what's to come, but I do know this. This is the man of my dreams and we're going to have a family of our own.


Four years later.

It's the day of the flower festival and I'm decorating the stand I'm going to sell from.

"Mooom. I'm hungry." I smile lovingly at my daughter, Savannah, who has been helping me set up the stand. I call it help but it was more getting into trouble than helping.

Her eyes start to light green, so I quickly kneel down and take her small hands in mine. It turned out that she's a shifter but with bright green eyes. I have no idea what that means or if she will get powers like mine but we're taking it one day at a time.

"Do you remember what me and dad told you about shifting in public?" I ask. She pouts and says, "That I can't do it."

"That's right, and why is that?" She sighs. "It's because if people see my panther, they will get scared."

"Exactly hunny. And we don't want to scare people, do we?"

She looks down and pouts some more. "No." Smiling, I kiss her forehead and pull her in for a hug. "That's my girl. Now, let's go find daddy."

I get up and she takes my hand before we walk out of the stand and towards the town square where I know that Shawn is helping set up the makeshift stage for tonight's party.

All the way there, people greet me and swoon over Savannah because they think she's so sweet. If only they knew. She can be quite the fireball when she wants to be.

Back home everything has gone back to normal. People that came to live with us has moved back into town except Gerard's family, so now we're the same gang as we were before.

When Gerard's family saw Savannah shift for the first time, they freaked out but after a while, they accepted it, so now they know everything and that feels great. That way we don't have to hide who we are at all.

We reach the town square and go over to Shawn. Savannah lets go of my hand and runs over to him. "Daddyyyyy." He smiles and opens his arms, catching her and lifts her up. He showers her face in butterfly kisses, making her giggle like crazy.

"What's my two favorite girls doing here?" he asks. I stand on my tip toes and give him a quick kiss.

"Savannah is hungry, and I wondered if you would get her something to eat? The festival starts in ten minutes."

"Of course, baby." He smiles. "Good luck." I kiss him again and this time it's a little longer. "Eeeww," Savannah says, and we chuckle against each other's lips. Pulling back, I smile lovingly at both of them. They are truly the love of my life, and I couldn't be happier.

"Okay. Mommy has to go back but I'll see you two later, okay?" I kiss Shawn one last time before I kiss her cheek and go back to my stand.

The day goes by fast, and I've had so much fun. When I close the stand, I go back to the town square where I find Shawn and a sleeping Savannah sitting at a table filled with people. They scoot over so that I can sit down next to them.

Everybody says hi and I smile brightly at them before I take Savannah from Shawn and put her on my lap where she continues sleeping. I'm so happy that I almost burst. The first time I was here some people were suspicious and others downright hated me but now everything is different. Everyone has accepted me.

"How did it go today?" Sharon asks. I smile. "It went really well. I'm almost sold out, so I have to order some more flowers for tomorrow." Shawn wraps his arm around me and kisses my temple before he say, "that's great." Smiling again, I nod. "Yes, very."

We all sit and chit-chat for a while before I decide to head home. "Do you want me to come with you?" Shawn asks me. "No, stay here and have some fun. I'll just go and put Savannah to bed and have some alone time."

"Okay baby."

I kiss him and stand up with Savannah in my arms. I walk over to our car and put her in her car seat before we drive home. Once getting there, I take her to my favorite place, lie her down on the mossy ground where she curls up and continue to sleep.

Digging my fingers into the earth, I feel the energy run through me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Hearing Freya scream I look up into the sky and smile. She soars around in circles before she flies down and lands on a low branch in the tree closest to me.

"Hey Freya. How are you today?" She chirps and tils her head to the side. "I've had a fantastic day. Everyone was so happy, and they loved my flowers." She chirps again and then I hear Savannah mumble, "Freya."

I smile at her lovingly. "This little one is very tired. I better go and tug her in." Freya chirps one last time before she flies off with a scream.

Picking up Savannah, I carry her into the house and into her room where I gently put her down in her bed and pull the covers over her. I kiss her forehead before I walk out of the room and silently close the door.

Walking into the Kitchen, I pour myself a glass of wine and go into the living room.

This is where I belong. In the nature. This is where I relax and keep myself grounded. This is where my life really started. This is where I found my mate and gave birth to Savannah.

This is where nature calls me.

The end.



Hi guys. :)

I hope you enjoyed the story about Kira. It was the first supernatural story I wrote and it was so much fun. Tell me what you think about it in the comments.

Much love to you all.


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