KEEPING TIME ; eren jaeger

By erensgloom

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chapter one : the library.
chapter two: my world went silent.
chapter three: he kills the sadness inside of you.
chapter four!: let me lay in your arms.
chapter five!: the blanket fort.
chapter six: an altered future.
chapter seven: adjusting to them/ our story to you.
chapter eight: exactly where they'd fall.
chapter ten: dear our little beloved, sora-umi.
chapter eleven: the widower.

chapter nine: whispered promises of love/ the birth of her. โฆ

1.5K 47 53
By erensgloom

7.8k words: a synopsis of acts: time skip, contractions, deep conversations, assurance, crying, light smut, boob sucking, stomach rubbing, labour symptoms, giving birth, screaming, detailed process, baby coddling, family time, fluff, discussing the future, breastfeeding, falling asleep, baby-time + more. mind errors + vote!

a/n: this chapter is to honour the first anniversary, along with the fact that this chapter is very important. I hope you guys value the importance of it.

— I beg y'all to come back; the lack of comments is killing my sanity.

Softness dismantles any sense of stress as you linger within the nursery room of your unborn daughter. A gentle aura overwhelms the entirety of your nature; Eren's palms giddily cup your ample stomach. They were so soft and welcoming as you are both so peacefully slumbering at any other moments except these beautiful recurring ones.

As your peaceful pregnancy is so close to coming to an end, both you and Eren could only effortlessly linger and contaminate your minds with the tender element that are set to shape your baby. A peace that you are both very likely to thrive to develop. Develop so your wholesome daughter can live life to a quality where she's able to blossom with an ethereal experience.

With over nine months pregnant kissing upon your body, shaping your body to adjust to carrying a child, you remain so beautifully delighted with glee. Delighted with glee as Eren softly clings to your delicate frame, his fingers licking upon your stomach, inflicting stars and sparks to litter the atmosphere. Tender stars and sparks that heavily guide the entirety of your pregnancy.

A beautiful lightness overwhelms you throughout it all, also gifting you fragments of the moon and a loving soul. Loving soul through a man that holds the most beautiful qualities. Beautiful qualities that had been unearthed since the very beginning. Beautiful qualities that so beautifully guide your pregnancy to be one littered with pastel hues, tainted with light purples, swirls of a delightful yellow and a pink that flourishes.

Although the both of you are settled within the sage green nursery room, observing the beauty of the finishing touches, last applied, you both intake the moments you both experience before you are to have Sora-Umi. Last few moments you were to have before you were set to become a mother to a little one. A little one who will forever be guided by the entirety of you and Eren.

With love infesting the entirety of your heart, both you and Eren desire to be able to coddle your little girl within your arms, listening to the softness of her tone, her soft cries, the movement bestowed upon her smaller hand, and her pruney fingers, the moment she stirs awake as a newborn. The moment she allows her eyes to be greeted with the sight of her loving parents, and the loving gestures set to be applied to her — with every ounce of love that can contain her.

The two of you ache to encounter her, especially as you are days away from falling into the terrors of labour. An unknown terror as you are both ready to explore a whole different aspect of your relationship, through the delicate birth of your little girl, Sora-Umi. The both of you are so desperate to bring her home, within your tender arms, bestowing tender lullabies on her. And, tender, sewn, star, pastel outfits by Eren.

"To think Sora's going to be here in a few days," A softness captures your tone; your mind is caressed by the hold Eren has upon you.

"Well, the nursery has been empty for a long time, minus us cuddling up in there," Eren's tender words capture your best interest as his hands sculpt around your large baby bump. Sculpt around your bump as you smile at the mere sight of his broad hands.

"I'm just praying that giving birth isn't extremely painful," Eren cups your stomach further, "There's only so much I can handle, so I'm praying it isn't so bad that I wish to kill everyone," Eren's lips flourish with a chuckle at your words, only for you to softly sport a smile.

"Even if it is, I'm here, no matter what happens," With the intention of love, Eren dips you within his words — eliciting tears to form from the home of your eyes.

"Good, 'cause this is when you'll see way worse than what you've seen," You take a deep breath as you settle against him, "I'm trusting you with seeing me extremely vulnerable. Also, our daughter coming into this world." Eren's ears are so beautifully inspired by your words.

"I promise, I'm going to support you all the way," Eren's cheeks bloom with a tender crimson, "I love you and Sora more than anything, so I'll always be there, no matter what." Eren adds on; he glances at Sora kicking against your stomach.

"I love you more," Eren's eyes soften as he captures the moments with his eyes, "I'm so glad that every time she kicks, it's always such a beautiful thing," His words are soft. He cups your stomach, being aware of the festivity of the love he's likely to store for his unborn daughter.

"She's so eager to meet us, I love it," Eren's words are gentle. You both couldn't help but plan to spend the day at home, relishing the tender comfort of one another — all before you are fated to become parents to your little one.

"I just know she's going to be your mini-me," A gentle smile prods against your lips, "I just know I'll be looking at the two of you, side by side, crying because of how adorable you both look." You can't help but smile as Sora softly kicks your stomach, kicking upon a spot where Eren's fingers linger.

"It's cute knowing that there's going to be someone with my face," His soft sigh leaves you to slightly break free from his grasp, planting your lips upon his own — relishing the dad look he so effortlessly sports.

"I just want to see our little one already. I'm so ready to push her in a buggy, just to show her little self the world with us," Eren grows in awe at your words, observing you settling upon the cloud couch that lingers.

"Same, even though I wasn't expecting us to have a child this soon," Softly, he settles beside you — his smile tender as he brushes his nose upon your own.

"You said ten years, but had me pregnant during that moment," His fingers calm upon your ample stomach, "I was willing to welcome the idea, but I'm grateful that we have Sora." Tears ready themselves to spew out of your eyes.

"That's the one time I failed to stand by my words," He entwines his fingers with your own, "Maybe, it's a beautiful sign of new beginnings, my love?" He finishes off, his demeanour softening with such deep love.

"The moment we met, that's our new beginning," A soft sigh slips from your lips, "Me getting pregnant, that's just because the sex was too good, Eren." His cheeks glint with a beautiful sense of mortification, bringing you to settle your lips upon his tender cheeks.

"It was so good, I came inside of you," Eren murmurs, his lips upturning at the memory. It's a memory that the two of you brought yourselves to remake on certain occasions, based on how your body felt.

"That's why my water broke yesterday," You speak as he brings a hand to soothe your aching back, especially as the pain is slowly becoming unbearable. One that has you glancing at him with deep fear.

"Are you okay, my love?" Eren questions. Questions whilst you part your lips at a sudden tightening feeling that overtakes your stomach.

A tightening feeling that leaves you slightly clutching at his shirt, adjusting your forehead to settle upon his own.

"My stomach and back hurt, and there's this weird feeling against my belly," As if he's aware, Eren brings himself to take notes of your sign of sudden labour. He encourages himself to support your posture, support it whilst you grew heavily nervous.

"You're in the early stages of labour, my love," Eren's eyes glow with glee, yet worry, "Sora's coming today or tomorrow, now let me help you relax." His concern is more evenly spread out, as he settles a front that assures you are presented with a calm person, instead of one riddled with stress and panic.

"In a few hours, I'm going to end up screaming the living shit out of our home," His hand's so gentle within your own, especially whilst you relish the feeling of his hand against your own, granting you comfort. Comfort as you fear the act of labour.

"And that's okay, I'm with you every step of the way. It's just us until we get to the birthing pool," Eren advises you.

Slight panic overwhelms you, bringing you to softly cry against him — nervous towards being in a large amount of pain soon.

"Hey, I promise you'll get through it," His light tone causes you to settle against his chest, all whilst he smears his lips upon the top of your head.

"You're going to have to watch me push out our child," Tears prick within your eyes, "You're going to see it all, stretched out and everything, her little head sticking about and everything." Eren grows sullen at your words of doubt, only smearing further kisses as a light jolt made itself further present.

"You've thrown up all over me, had days where you were so sick, had me look after you for days in a row, cried relentlessly, not pulling away from me. And you think I'm going to get weirded out because our daughter's deciding to come today or tomorrow?" Eren smiles, his love and gratitude displayed upon his beautiful demeanour.

"I love you more than anything to care about the fact that your body is doing what it needs to be doing," Eren listens to your gesture of relief, "I love you more than anything, I'm not leaving at all." He adds on, smearing kisses upon your lips.

"You're my girlfriend and our child's mother, so don't even get insecure about all that," Carefully, he supports your position, "It's already a blessing, just knowing your pregnancy has been safe." He further says, especially as you hold his hand — feeling the contraction grow slightly firmer than beforehand.

"Can we have more kids after Sora?" With slightly wide eyes, Eren brings himself to chuckle with a sense of glee. He finds beauty within the situation.

"Let me not speak on this one," A softness caresses his tone, "The last time I mentioned children, I had already got you pregnant," He supports your hand with his tender might, especially as you felt yourself grow rather desperate to rest upon the comfort of him.

"If we have a boy, next time, we're naming him Florian," Your playfulness engulfs him. So gentle, he embeds his kisses upon your neck, smiling while you take his hand with tender love.

"Florian Jaeger," Eren brings himself to spew, all whilst you found yourself whimsical at his words. Whimsical as he contemplated such words.

"Sora-Umi and Florian, they do not go together," A soft chuckle slips from his lips, especially as you bring yourself to frown at his disapproval— only to smile as tears cascade down his cheeks.

"Hey, stop laughing!" He speaks as a chuckle erupts from your lips, "I'm going into labour, and all you're doing is laughing at the cute names I'm picking." Eren's eyes soften further at the humour you display, causing him to smear his kisses upon your lips.

"Let me run us a bath for us to sit in, since I know you love one when you're in a crucial moment or want to be alone," His words cause you to display a smile of admiration.

In thanks, you cling to him, slightly fearing the feeling that became prominent once more — much swifter than beforehand.

"I love you so much, sweetie," Your words are of awe; his cheeks grow dark with a hue of tender love.

"I love you way more than anything, lotus," Carefully, you guide yourself into altering your position, readying yourself to get up.

But despite doing so, he alters himself to support your position, his fingers shaping around your hips. As his fingers dance upon the supple skin, you relish his thoughtful touch, especially as he used an ounce of his might to lightly lift you upright.

With his action intact, he smooths out any knotted worries you hold, holding you within his homely arms.

"I feel like, we've learnt the definition of keeping time," Your head remains planted against his chest, your hand in his own.

"Especially with how patient, loving and understanding we've been towards each other," His words expand, "Just loving and being with each other, that's summarised us keeping time." Eren smiles as you pull back, your movements being guided by his own.

"I just want to kiss all over you, for just being mine, 'cause I love you more than anything," His heart visibly booms at your words.

Cautious, he permits himself the chance to seal your lips with a kiss — his fingers so playful against your supple cheeks.

"I feel the same, I can't even count how many kisses of love I want to give to you," Eren's lips smear upon your features, only to embrace your lips with love, passion and a gifting tenderness.

"Kiss me all in the bathroom," Your words elicit a beautiful smile from him, particularly as he softly grasps your cheeks — supporting your posture.

"I'm fine with that," His heart leaps up with an ample amount of joy, "I'm going to kiss you as many times as I can before Sora-Umi gets here," Your eyes twinkle with serene tears.

As several hours skim by with beauty, you remain, for the second time, within the bathtub with Eren — attempting to ease the firm contractions that brought themselves to linger. Contractions that left you taking hold of his nude body, your head upon his shoulder with angst. Angst as you used him as a gentle way of leverage, despite the contractions picking up in a manner that heavily displeased you.

"I love you," Eren brings himself to speak, to speak as you clutch onto him — letting out a groan. A groan due to your contractions remaining rather intense, becoming more frequent and gruelling.

"I love you, too," Your soft words, despite dwelling in a rough state, leaves Eren beaming — entitling his lips to softly graze upon your neck.

"After all this, I'll take the three of us to the library again," A smile is spread upon your lips. Your aching fingers continue to grab onto his toned back, ignoring his erection that sprouted from being touched in such an intimate manner.

"That sounds...lovely," Your words sink into a soft defeat at the pressure that occurs, at another contraction that surfaces — leaving you to attempt to even out your frail breathing.

"Lotus, I can't wait to give you your push gift," Eren's lips kiss further upon your supple skin, especially whilst you bring yourself to falter against him — your brows creased with sullenness.

"And, I can't wait to push out our damn child!" Carefully, Eren aids you with altering your position, bringing your back to solely rest against his abs, a hand of his supporting your stomach.

"I'll be here, every step of the way," A softness coats his tender heart, "If anyone can do it, you can, you're a beautiful and amazing person." Attempting to break through a grin, you allow yourself to gift him a tender smile — despite the pain that began to break down your body.

"You always have a way with words," Feeling the nimbleness of his fingers, coat your stomach, you bring yourself to regulate your breathing — attempting to diminish the intensity of the mere feeling.

"Because you make me hella mushy, especially with how much I love you," Eren feels as you slightly writhe against his grasp, causing him to slightly modify the movements of the water — sitting up to support your posture.

"With how you're talking, you're making me want to go through this moment, so many other times, and give you more kids." Your honesty stirs Eren with love, especially as he knits his fingers further with your own — his spare hand beneath the lower half of your bump.

"I don't mind getting you pregnant again, but if we are to have a boy, we'd suck at giving him a name," As Eren recalls a past moment, divulging the topic discussed beforehand, you release a soft laugh. A soft laugh as the contraction grows much rougher than beforehand, requesting for you to alter your breathing patterns.

"I believe you on this one, 'cause if we have another girl, I know I'm going to name her De'arra or Sage." A softness blossoms within Eren's demeanour. Blossoms at the names you effortlessly spew. Especially at the efficiency of the name. And, with how it pairs so beautifully with Sora-Umi.

"It's so much easier to name a girl than a boy," Eren notices as a panic writhes further through your movements whilst you gasp, groan, and pant so feverishly — attempting to fathom the quickening speed of the process.

"My love," Your attentiveness arises, "Follow my breathing patterns, but only if you're comfortable with following them." His words of assistance sew a firm patch of love upon your heart, especially as he attempted to aid an agape wound.

"I'll follow it, since that's what we've been practising," With your tone straining with tension, you feel yourself flowing with the guidance of the breathing exercises he flaunts.

"How are you so calm, Eren?" Your question causes him to soften further, feeling a hand of his upon your breast. It was his way of being able to soothe a part of you that was also riddled with another tender ache.

"If I'm not calm, though I'm so fucking nervous, there's no way you'll get through labour smoothly," Eren expresses with a heart-fondling grin, "I want to make sure your comfort comes first, and everything else isn't ruined because I'm tense." Awe's elicited from your demeanour.

"Thank you, Eren," Your smooth tone, laced with uncertainty and overwhelming love, crashes down on his tender ears. Ears that softly perk up at your calling of love. The amass of stress, formulated by labour, is slightly diluted through his actions of guidance.

"Don't thank me," His hands shift to softly massage your aching breasts, "I'm doing what makes you comfortable because your safety and comfort are my own." He ensures and seals his words with a kiss upon your head, swarming you with love and a feeling that informs you that you aren't alone.

That you are so appreciated and extremely loved by him.

"I'm praying that the birthing pool is genuinely comfortable, and doesn't have me wanting to kill everyone there." A soft swaying sound, provoked by water, surfaces as Eren thins out minuscule doubts you press against your heart.

"I've spent a lot of money, so you can have an amazing birth, at home, so they better not," Eren softens his tone, "Everything that you need, it'll be there for you and baby Sora." He finishes off, cradling your stomach whilst another contraction surfaces.

"You're so," You groan with softness, following his breathing patterns, "I love you so much, I'm glad you're Sora's daddy." Another contraction grows much swifter, leaving you to cup his hand with a further briefness — his broader hand beneath your own.

"This is the bare minimum," Eren brings himself to say, lifting a hand to settle against your breast — his hand sculpt so effortlessly around the area.

"Not a lot of people get to experience a love like ours, so I'll always be grateful for you being you," As another contraction takes hold of your body, a feeling of worry overtakes you. It feels as if you are set to enter the stage of active labour soon. You can sense such a thing.

"I love you so much," Eren's demeanour lightens to clear your stress, leaving you so calm and angelic against him.

It's a calm that brings you to smile, even as your contractions grew further intense — the spacing between them growing thinner and more intenser.

"When I give birth, and Sora's here, we're all wearing matching pyjamas," A tint of lightness overwhelms your croaky tone. A tone that grows slightly uneven; contractions flow further.

"I don't mind that," Eren's middle finger trails against the taut point of your nipple, allowing little flickers of water to draw over the point. Such a sight leaves you leaning further against him. Leaning to pick up on his intense heartbeat.

"Eren, my love, you seem nervous," Softly, he intakes your words — drawing his lips open. Drawing his lips open at the mere sight of you, his fingers continue to outline every aspect of your breasts.

"You make me nervous, in the best way," His voice welcomes a deep sense of love, especially as a special rasp elicits from his throat.

"And you make me horny all the time, I'm waiting to finally be pregnant-free, just so we can have sex again." Eren lets out a raspy chuckle at your words, inching his fingers to stretch over your bump — especially as a contraction brought itself to form.

"After Sora's born, and's a few months old, you know we can summon my mother, putting her on grandma duty?" Eren's words of teasing cause you to adjust your position, altering yourself, so your bump rested against his abs — your lips upon his broad nose bridge.

"Yeah, and that means we can have the craziest sex ever," You groan at the feeling of him, tilting his head, softly biting the skin upon your supple neck.

"I'm looking forward to it," Your tone's light as you raise yourself further up, permitting your ample breasts to settle in front of his beautiful features.

"If it makes you feel better, my dick misses you so much right now," Eren brings himself to groan, only for you to ease your position — entitling him to settle your nipple between his lips. Settle it before he pulls back, his lips curling at the recoil.

"I can feel it, dumbass," Eren's eyes light up as he continues to fondle your nipple, "That's the price of chilling with someone who has a big dick." Slightly altering your position, you wrap your arms around his neck, tears in your eyes at the contraction.

"And you love that," Softness is sprinkled upon his tone, "Are you sure you don't want to move to our bedroom, so we have better access to everything?" His words strike you with assurance, especially as they are ones that you are in deep need of.

"Yeah, I do," You smile, "I want easier access to your comfort. Well, when the pain gets worse, Eren." Eren's fingers smooth against your lower back, his lips smearing against your own — his touch so soft and gentle.

"Don't worry, I'll be there, all through every step," Eren puffs out his cheeks, "I'll even hold your plush, Milo, the elephant." As a blush overtakes Eren's cheeks, you smear kisses upon his features — grinning through the tiredness you display.

"I love you so much, 'cause you know I can't live without Milo," Eren adjusts your bonnet, his viridian eyes meeting yours with ease — his smile so tender and prominent.

"I'd never forget Milo," A beautiful smile spreads across his lips, especially as he squeezes your cheeks — gifting you the chance to adjust to his always welcoming lap.

"I'm gonna marry you because of that," You falter against him once more, heavily taken aback by your contractions — especially the tightening and backache that occur.

"And I'll marry you because you're more important than Milo," Eren softly grasps onto you further, his fingers meeting the supple skin of your back, settling at your angelic love handles.

"You'll never understand how much I genuinely love you, Eren," You grow in heavy awe, "I just want to pull your cheeks and kiss you forever, and ever, and ever." You squeal as he abruptly pulls you closer, bringing his lips against your cheek — outlandishly sucking on your cheek.

"How do you think I feel when I see you?" Eren grins, "It feels like I can never get enough of you, 'cause it's hard to do everything I want to do for you in a single day." He brings himself to say, kissing your cheek once more — before shifting to your welcoming lips.

"You get flustered over everything I do," A beautiful expression cups your body, "I love your little rosy cheeks, they make me feel so happy!" Eren feels as you allow yourself to pinch his cheeks, in love with the feeling of them.

"You can feel on them when we finally get out of the bath," He recommends with a swiftness, despite relishing the sight of a pregnant you. His body, his mind, his soul and his heart are so aroused by the entirety of you — through effortless love.

Endless hours have been fruitful towards you and Eren, inevitably extending the pain that lingers so deeply within you. The pain that lingers as your hand is cupped by your beloved, your midwife and your doctor at bay. At bay due to you falling into the transitional category of labour. A transitional category that merges the contractions you have, allowing them to grow closer. To grow close in a sense you couldn't help but so dearly cry out to Eren, your tears flowing effortlessly.

"I'm not going to try to tell you how you should feel, but all I know is that you're doing so well, my love," Eren's words flow so effortlessly within your ears, especially as you remain within your birthing pool — leaning against Eren with ample discomfort.

"My love, i-it hurts," A light sniffle is disposed of by you, only for it to alter into a light scream, especially as the urge to push grew heavily near.

"No matter what happens, I've got you," Softly, his lips plant upon the top of your head, especially whilst he kneels by your side. His hand remains entwined with your own, his demeanour supportive and his hold loving. One that you need through how irritated and hurt you felt through the labour.

"Just don't let go!" Eren ignores the pain within his hand, primarily whilst you couldn't help but throw your head back in excessive pain. A pain that leaves you so dearly clinging to him, the urge to begin pushing so heavily accessible.

"I won't, I'll never," Eren smears kisses upon your head, supporting your posture whilst you attempt to regulate your breathing.

"She's coming!" An ample scream is released by you, "I feel her!" At your words of awareness, Eren grows heavily alarmed, his eyes shifting to meet the midwife's eyes — praying that she's willing to proceed with righteousness.

"Baby, it's time for you to start pushing," Your midwife brings herself to say, bringing herself to enter the birthing pool — allowing herself to check if you were fully dilated. And as you are, she brings herself to give you a nod of encouragement — her words light and caring.

"Eren! Give me your fucking hand!" You scream out, beginning to push as a contraction becomes prominent — the sensation leaving you to cry out with an ample amount of pain. An ample amount that leaves you squeezing his broad hand, squeezing it at a level that you weren't aware is harming him.

"I love you so much, sweetheart," Eren kisses your head whilst you further your screams, pushing as your contractions pull closer — gifting you the chance to push your little girl out further.

"I love you, too!" You bring yourself to squat, entitling Eren to adjust your position — so you were able to push at a much easier perspective.

With the midwife analysing the position, she picks up on your comfortability — smiling and aiding the safety of it all.

"Someone get her the fuck out of me!" Eren further gifts you head kisses, especially whilst you continue to push — despite the pain being endless. The pain leaves you yearning to grow familiar with the delicacy of numbness; you didn't yearn for an epidural.

"Baby, take deep breaths," Your midwife glances at you, glances at you whilst Eren supports any of your surfacing needs, his hold on you firm.

"I'm tired!" As you take deep breaths, Eren holding you upright, your midwife advises you to continue on. To continue on as you scream, your cries so prominent as you wail, whimper, tear up and hold his free hand with might.

"I see her head, be as gentle as you can," Her words fall deaf to your ears, especially due to you bringing yourself to push through a contraction — only for Sora's head to come out with swiftness.

At such a thing, your midwife brings herself to circle closer to you, aiding you and planting baby Sora against your chest — especially as she cries with such beauty.

Cries as you bring yourself to glance at her, tears forming in your eyes. Despite the pain that lingers, you could only cry. Cry as your eyes engage with her wailing self.

Just the sight of her pruny skin, her little self, with the umbilical cord remaining, you couldn't help but fall in love with the sight. Though you remain rather traumatised, you feel heavily comfortable with the fact that your birth was very supportive — with people who were willing to pursue your best interest.

"Congratulations, baby, you did it," Your midwife speaks with such love within her tone, bringing herself to carefully help you deliver your placenta — cutting the umbilical at a time you were unable to recall. You were just happy that you had Sora-Umi within your arms, Eren witnessing such a sight.

"Hey, Sora-Umi," Eren allows himself to say, tears spewing from his eyes as he listens to her wailing. Listens to her wailing within your arms. Such a thing leaves him smiling, his lips upon your forehead, before his lips find her own.

"I'm so proud of you, lotus," Eren aids you with getting out of the birthing pool, with the known procedures embedded by your midwife and doctors.

"I did it, Eren," Sitting upon the couch, with a new set of underwear, a nappy coating Sora, and a small blanket, you hold her calm self against your chest — crying with such glee. Such glee as you ready yourself to gift him the chance to bond with his little girl.

"I love you so much, you're so strong and beautiful," Eren's truthful words leave you blissfully smiling against him, especially as you softly observe the careful expression on his face — since he readies himself to gift you Sora.

"Thank you for holding me through the whole thing," You murmur.

As your words fall prominent, you bring yourself to carefully plant Sora into Eren's arms — watching his eyes instantly light up with fatherly glee. Fatherly glee before tears skim down from his eyes, his heart full and content with ample love.

"It was light work," Eren displays a loving smile, "Look at her, she's so precious." Eren allows himself to free with ease, his finger inching closer to her smaller hand — permitting her to grasp onto his finger.

"This is so adorable," Your heart grows erratic at the adorable sight, primarily with the way he applies her against his chest — her little cheek slightly mushed with love.

"I still can't get over how proud I am of you," Eren furthers his words, listening to Sora softly stir against his chest — her features heavily similar to his. Even though she remains less than an hour old, she looks like an exact replica of him — the sight leaves you in deep awe.

"And show me that every day by raising Sora with me, though I don't even need to ask that," His lips curl at your words. Instinctively, he knew he would forever love this little family of his. He would never bring himself to ever depart.

"You don't even have to say that, 'cause you know we're both locked in," Eren kisses your forehead, only to focus his gaze on a resting Sora — his eyes so loving and content towards the both of you.

"And, as for you, Sora, mummy and daddy love you more than you'll ever know," Eren's eyes water with a deep sense of love, "I love you so much, and I'll be the best dad you could ever ask for." His words cause you to cry, to cry as he brings you also against his chest — his arm so soft around you.

"And as for your mummy, I'll never stop loving her for how amazing she is, and how she makes me feel every day," Softly, he guides his lips to press against your own — his love for you expresses no bounds.

"And you, Eren, never forget that I'll love you more than anything, and I'm grateful that you're Sora's daddy," You smear his lips with more kisses, "She looks how you looked as a newborn, my love." Eren grins with excitement.

"Yeah, even her eyes are green," You smile ever so dearly, "She happens to have your lip shape, despite having my nose, eyes and eyebrows." Eren points out, so in love with the mere fact that he was bound to protect someone he already loves with the entirety of his heart.

"Why are your genes so damn strong?" Carefully, he brings himself to pat her back — humming a soft lullaby. A soft lullaby as you're both aware of the daytime hues growing fairly prominent to the both of you. To think the hues align with the beauty of an unsuppressed moment.

"I call it the Jaeger genes," Eren blabbers, his eyes downcast to further greet his daughter with fatherly love.

His heart explodes with admiration, excitement and glee. He couldn't help but find himself fantasising about playing games with Sora, teaching her how to read, reading her stories to bed, staying up all night and talking to her about you, taking her camping, allowing her to be a flower girl, he finds glee within it all.

"Keep speaking like that, another child will be in the making," Eren grins at the suggestion, his heart warming at the thought of raising a dozen upon dozen of kids with you.

His life remains complete with only you and Sora-Umi remaining.

"I wouldn't mind that," His whispers remain fatal to your smitten self, observing him coddle Sora-Umi with love, his lips smearing upon her forehead.

"Look how adorable she is, just with her stealing my heart. It makes me want to have so many other kids to raise with you," Eren admits with delight.

"Same, but we've got to raise Sora-Umi before having another little one," His heart warms at your words, especially with how loving and understanding you remain — despite your tiredness.

"I see how tired you are, lotus," Eren's viridian eyes perk up with a deep concern, "I did our bed earlier, so if you want me to carry you to bed, just say so." His eyes now contort with a gentle sense of love and deep assurance.

"We need to tell Carla and everyone else that I've given birth," But at your words, it's as if Eren's able to view beneath your performative layer. It's solely as if he sees that you didn't desire to allow anyone to visit Sora-Umi. Visit Sora-Umi until you are truly ready to display her to others, mingling with many others.

"No, we don't," Eren holds Sora-Umi with tenderness, "The look you're giving me, you're practically pleading for me and you to not invite anyone around." Your demeanour eases against him, primarily as you know how understanding he always tends to be.

"You're right, Eren," Your eyes grow heavy against his shoulder, "I'll tell them all, but after we're comfortable. We'll only allow Carla to come first." Eren grows comfortable at your words, his lips discovering your own — to clear the stress that so swiftly attempts to intake the entirety of you.

"I like the idea of that. Not having others get too involved before we genuinely settle," His heart in a beautiful place, he continues to comfort both you and Sora-Umi. His heart is in place, full of love, serenity, happiness and prosperity.

"I'm so tired from giving birth, I want to go to bed," Eren takes in your words with a smile, his heart content at the sight of you. He solely wants to cuddle you with all the love he so desperately wants to, routinely, show you.

"I'll carry you to bed, especially with Sora-Umi," With abnormal strength, Eren brings himself to place you against his side — carrying Sora-Umi with firmness.

"My love, you're going to drop her by accident," At your words, a deep worry overtakes him — leaving him to softly plant you down. He follows his actions up by aiding you with slowly walking up, only for you to feel frail — unable to commit to the task.

"Don't beat yourself up at not being able to get up the stairs," Eren's tone is soft with a loving beauty, "Let's just take the elevator upstairs." Usually, the two of you weren't fond of taking the elevator upstairs, but at this moment, it's solely the right thing to do so.

"Yeah, that's fine," You glance at Eren and Sora-Umi, especially with him coddling her against his chest — relishing the skin-to-skin contact. Contact before you are set to accustom yourself to breastfeeding her.

"C'mon, let's go upstairs, I know how tired you are," Eren says, his mind and heart embedded with contentment and satisfaction. Satisfaction from achieving a dream he has been looking forward to for an ample amount of time.

"Before I sleep, I've got to practice breastfeeding her," You let out, only for Eren to bring himself to nod. Nod as his eyes glimmer with love and ample excitement.

Nighttime remains so heavy upon your new doorstep. In love with the reality of remaining as a mother, you settle upon your bed with Eren, Sora-Umi within your arms. Within your arms, you softly breastfeed her. Breastfeed her as she remains crying beforehand, crying from how hungry she once was. But with the frequency of you feeding her throughout the day, it thankfully stacks up your milk flow — easing out the occurring process.

"I love you, baby," You speak in a tone to coddle her, a babyish tone that leaves Eren admiring the lengths you were going to, to comfort Sora-Umi.

"Mummy loves you so much," With your tender babbling, Eren admires the mere sight with ample love — his flowy hair brushing upon his concealed shoulder blades.

"Daddy loves you, too, Sora-Umi," Eren softly chimes in, his eyes inching towards the mere sight of Sora remaining peaceful — her latch within process whilst you linger with an immense sense of gifted tiredness.

"Look at her chubby cheeks," Eren shifts to plant a kiss upon your temple, soothing out the note of tiredness that crept up upon your frame.

The two of you had barely been gifted a sense of sleep.

"She's so adorable, Eren," A softnesses coats your motherly nature, "Her plump cheeks make me love her little self so much," A tired smile adorns your lips, especially as you glance at your little girl. Glance at her tired self, her viridian eyes open slightly, exposing a fragment of her beauty to you.

"I don't even know what to say, 'cause I love her so much," Eren glances at you, pressing another kiss against your forehead. Forehead as you cave to the gentle nature he settles upon you. A nature of love that caters to the reassurance you are set to need.

"Don't say anything. Just admire her, in this moment," Awe overtakes Eren at your words, especially whilst Sora brought herself to slightly stir against you — softly pulling away from her latch.

"Just hope she doesn't throw up this time," Eren says with love, his heart so warm and fulfilled with the mere sight of his family. The love he holds is one so incomprehensible.

"You've got a point, but we love our little Sora, so it doesn't matter," Your words cause Eren to admire every aspect of you, his demeanour so light and appreciative of the entirety of you.

"I love you so much," His words engraved into your mind, particularly with the part where he settles his lips upon your lips — observing you softly pat her back.

"I love you so much, too," You scrunch your face with love, "Are we calling her Sora-Umi, Sora or Umi?" Eren smiles at your added words. Words that he knows you are so keen on finally delivering.

"Anything that happens to fit the moment, my love," He informs you, "I want to hold her now." His nature is giddy as you can only smile at him, smile with such love.

"Take your shirt off, first," Eren listens to your words, softly taking off his shirt — flaunting the mass amount of muscles he has. Muscles you can't help but find yourself growing giddy over, they remain as a sense of home.

"Here, my love," Softly, you carefully bring yourself closer to him, slipping Sora-Umi into his arms. Within his arms as a smile overtook his lips, his eyes widening with delight.

At first, she brings herself to almost cry, at the lack of comfort from your arms, but she instantly calms at the feeling of her father's arms. Arms that are forever set to protect her. Protect her through many moments she's set to encounter. Through moments of celebration, through moments of heartbreak, through moments of gloom, through moments that parents are supposed to settle beside their children for.

"Hey, little one," Eren's tone softens drastically, "Daddy's here," Sora-Umi stirs softly at his words, slightly yawning before a small smile overtakes her lips. She remains so comfortable against his chest, her cheek slightly smushed as she settles.

"She loves you so much, Eren," Eren's eyes perk up at the known fact, especially whilst he catches you grinning at how identical they both look. Her features almost completely took after his younger face, leaving you so deeply in love with how much he cares for his little girl.

"I know she does, and I'll forever let her know that," Lovingly, Eren holds her with love, listening to the softness of her breathing. The softness as she calms against him. Calms as if he's a big part of land, her no more than a small accessory upon it.

"Thank you for loving me and our little girl," Your words allow Eren to shift in slight shock, only to soften as he registers your words — tears welling within his eyes.

"And thank you for loving me and also making me a father," Eren's eyes twinkle with such admiration, "Despite me not being ready to be a father back then, I'm just grateful that I'm still learning how to be one with you by my side." He adds on, his demeanour so loving and plentiful.

"I'm grateful that we're figuring out parenthood together," In love with his protectiveness of Sora-Umi, tears well so eagerly within your eyes. In a way that leaves you so in love, so in love with the sight of him leaving her against his chest — listening to the soft sounds she made within her slumber.

"Same, I'm happy that our adventure basically starts now," Eren's eyes light up with delight whilst he softly supports Sora-Umi's position. He holds her so softly, his hand against her back. Her head remains so carefully beneath his chin, in a way where she can familiarise herself so beautifully with him.

"No more quiet days, but we'll be able to spend time as a little family," At the words Eren spews, he can't help but turn to view the sight of you — only to be met with your slumbering frame. He could tell exhaustion had completely overrun the entirety of that, and he's solely fine with doing the entirety of everything for your body to rest — for you to slowly recover.

"I'll properly tuck you inside, my love," His soft words coat your resting body, especially with his lips greeting the top of your head.

"And, I'll be sure to also tuck you in, little Sora-Umi," His words licked upon with fatherly intent, he cranes his head to softly settle a kiss upon her tender head — in love with the baby scent she held. A scent that remains so tender and earthy.

"Mummy needs to get her rest, she's tired from bringing you into the world," Eren's eyes shift to a sleeping you, all with such gentle love, "I love her more than anything within the world." Eren's words continue on; he holds Sora-Umi with such content love.

"I also love you so much, Sora-Umi," Careful, Eren brings himself to softly get out of the ample bed, being careful to not wake up Sora-Umi.

So carefully exhibiting extensive amounts of fathomable love, he stealthily guides himself into walking over to her comfortable crib within your shared room. His movements are carefully conducted before he gently lowers his body, carefully planting Sora-Umi within her crib.

For a moment, he watches her stir within the crib, her small hands raising at the loss of touch. He couldn't help but find awe curling within his mind, only to expand further as he planted a finger within her hand — smiling at how much her features favour his face. She remains his mini-me, despite her features being somewhat versatile. The love he holds for her little self is a fatherly love that makes him solely yearn to spew tears at how precious she remains.

"I love you so much, Sora-Umi. Goodnight," Eren guides himself into planting a tender kiss upon her tiny forehead, whispering a gentle goodnight before proceeding towards the bed occupied with a resting you.

He's so proud of you.

"You deserve all the sleep you can get," Eren softly settles himself behind you, slathering the duvet upon the both of you. So deeply in love, Eren holds you against his chest, only to slightly feel you shift your body — so you now faced his chest.

"I love you so much, my love," Carefully, he brings your sleeping self closer, relishing the warmth that you blissfully gift to him.

"Goodnight, my love," Planting a kiss upon your forehead, he holds you so fittingly — listening to your soft breaths. Breaths that contribute to your blissful slumber.

The lovers remain so ethereal within the hold of one another, so enthralled with the bundle of hope that structures a narrow path from them.

Happy birthday, Eren/ happy first anniversary.

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