Alone For Good

By AbbyGwriter

442 45 26

After Teresa loses her parent life isn't the same for her anymore. No one wanted to be there for her, and no... More

Chapter One: The Accident
Chapter Two: Without A Roof Over My Head
Chapter Four: Starting Over
Chapter Five: A Chance To Live
Chapter Six: Not So Shy
Chapter Seven: An Unexpected Fight
Chapter Eight: Sometimes Forgiveness Isnt Always The Truth
Chapter Nine: A Missing Person
Chapter Ten: Sometimes Lying Is Better Than The Truth
Chapter Eleven: It's Time To Go
Chapter Twelve: A Job Of Success
Chater Thirteen: A City That Never Sleeps
Chapter Fourteen: The Last Day Of Suffering

Chapter Three: When Life Gives You Dangers

47 5 0
By AbbyGwriter

One morning I woke up. Like usual I was in pain due to the fact that I could never sleep in a proper place. Now that I got used to it, it sadly became normal for me. This wouldn't be something a person was proud of and I definitely didn't feel that way. Every day I see people walk past me living their daily lives in health and comfort but when you look at me you don't see the same thing. It bothered me so much that no one seemed to care. Even if there would be people to give a little money when I would beg, no one ever seemed to think about helping me. They would just walk away and forgetting about my every presence. That was the way I was going to get used to, and that was the way I was going to have to live like. Being ignored.

On that same day, I would beg for money and food and the same thing would happen. There would be people who would give me those things but there were never people to give me a chance to live a good life. Day after day this would happen and day after day I would be disappointed even more. It was a shame that no one cared. No one cared at all.

At night I decided to get some fresh air even though I would get that every day. Then I got to a point where things looked darker. This was a street with not many lights. During passing an opening for an alley way something grabbed me. Maybe it wasn't something, not like a branch or nail, it could have been someone. Then something covered grabbed my hands cuffing them as if I was being arrested. "Give me everything you have including your money," said a deep voice with every intention to hurt me. "Who do you think I am? Bill Gates? I don't have any money, I live on the streets," I said lying about the money part. "I don't believe you, give me your money!" He yelled in my ear. "You don't believe me? Ask the government. A while ago I lost my house because I didn't pay for the bills on time. If I had money I would have a house and I certainly wouldn't be here," I said trying my best not to panic. "If you don't have money then why do you have this?" He said grabbing the bag that had all my stuff including my money. But rather then being dumb I put my clothes and everything else on top of the money so that no one would see it. "Hey give it back, that has the only stuff I have right now!" I shouted hoping for someone to hear. When he opened the bag he didn't bother looking because the first sight he saw was a bunch of my clothing. Then he threw the bag harshly at me. "I told you," I said in a mocking voice. "Shut up, and go back to your dump," he said making fun of the fact that I don't have a home. "At least I don't go around stealing stuff, because that's the best way to easily get arrested," I said giving a come back. He didn't say anything else but he left me. He left me all alone for the rest of dangerous things that were waiting for me.

This time I didn't stand there waiting to be taken away. As quick as possible, I walked to the place that I now know as "home". When I slept I held myself and everything that was left. This wasn't going me to be easy and as much as I know it wasn't going to be nice. If only I listened, rather then being stuck in my world of sadness. The fact that my parents died effected me, I wish I could go back to the life I used to live in. If only I could. For now I must wait, wait for whatever comes my way whether it is good or bad.

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