Everything started after that...

By inaavadanii

16.8K 234 2

Gia Kim, her parents are divorced, her mother finds a new guy that he's the boss of Mercedes at F1. Gia and H... More

Something new
The dinner
That draw
The party
Meet again
Our talk
Lucky race
Scared to confess
After the Canada Race
Thinking about us
The rain
Panic attack
Perfect date
Tomorrow i will go
Talking with the past
Falling apart
Creating your own destiny
Boxing and race
Don't try to balance things
Again at the paddock
Minho will leave
Ha-Kun with his girlfriend
Draw again
Anthoine Hubert
See you again
Back home
Something worse
Forget him
They need you
You, again
My last pain
If you knew...
In the stars
Again at the therapist
They meet again
They are so cute together
You hate him because you still love him

You are with me now

357 2 0
By inaavadanii

It was the day. The day of my biggest match. I was really nervous, I get dressed and get outside from my room, and I saw mom. She made a big smile and went up to me and hugged me.
"Good luck!" Said mom with some tears.
"Thank you"
"Are you ready?"
"Kinda, I really don't know"
"Hey! I know that you can win"
"Thank you. I really need to go, bye"
hugged her and went, right now I'm gonna training.
I was in the airport fighting with the man with the tickets. I was fighting with him because he told me that the plane is late and I know that they were other planes that they were going to America.
"I want to see my girlfriend from America. So please get me a ticket for America" I yelled.
Next to me was Charles very embarrassed about me. He tried to calm me but I was raging mad. He was looking at me like I was speaking Chinese.
"Ok Mister Pierre Gasly. You gonna have a plane in 30 minutes" said the man with the tickets.
That's good, very good I hugged Charles and I went on the plane. I was waiting to go, I'm really nervous.
Time past and I was really bored, i was just watching Gia's instagram. Until I heard that we arrived in America. Yess baby, and now I just need to see my princess. I know that we gonna be together. nothing will separate us. I got off the plane, that American air and the American people. I called an American friend and we went to California. And suddenly I arrived at Gia's door, my heart was beating so fast I didn't know what to do, I take a deep breath and I touch the ring bell. Then the door is opening and saw a little man, Minho, my favourite character.
"Pierre!" Said Minho ackward.
"Minho... Hii!"
He closed the door and goes outside.
"Soo for what are you here for?"He asked.
"For Gia"
When I finished my sentence. Then the door opened very fast and saw a woman there, it wasn't my princess, that was maybe her mother Jiwoo.
"Uhm Minho who is he?" She asked then she looked at Minho then at me.
"Pierre Gasly" I said and handing her my hand. Then she shook my hand.
"Kim Jiwoo"
She looked at me and saw me with nothing.
"Come inside and then you guys gonna tell me" she said looking at us suspicious.
I went inside slowly and looking at everything that was around me, pictures with Gia when she was little. She was happy, I don't know if she's happy right now.
"So, Pierre sit down and tell me who are you, and why are you here? Don't tell me that you are a drug dealer"
"No no no. I'm a normal guy, I'm a driver, a F1 driver"
"Ok, and why are you here?"
"Minho didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
I looked at Minho, I think he was about to die his face turn kinda white, if I'm being honest my face was white too.
"I'm Gia's boyfriend"
She made big eyes and looked at me very shocked.
"Wait what? Gia has a boyfriend?"
"So you are the one who Gia was drawing, she has many draws of you"
"Yes, and Minho knew this??"
"And no one told me? Toto knows?"
"Everybody knows and I'm the only one that doesn't know about this relationship"
"I'm sorry"
"You don't have to be. And Minho" she turns to him.
"You are dead" she said.
"Mom I can explain"said Minho
"I do not need any of your explanations,  now we need to focus on Gia"
"But where is Gia?"
"Gia has a boxing match"
"And are we gonna go?"
"Yes, but it's in two hours, we have time to talk. Now we need to calm down and just talk"
I sit down slowly. And then Miss Jiwoo sits down too. I was really scared but I need to confess, she needs to know.
"Ok... so how you guys met?"
"It is a little bit weird"
"Tell me, I'm very curious"
"Well I was in the paddock taking to my teammate until I saw a girl drawing me, and then I went up to her and it was Gia. She told me that she has a project from her college. Is she still doing college?"
"Yes, she finished some months ago"
"But she didn't say a word about you, why?"
"Because we broke up"
"Because you and Toto broke up, and if you guys broke up we automatically we broke up"
She looked at me very sad. And she put a hand on mines.
"Now you guys can be together" she smiled at me.
"And that's how we met"
"It's a really great story"
"Mom we have to go" said Minho getting his shoes.
"Ok, come Pierre we have to go to see Gia. That why you are here😉" she winked at me.
Then Jiwoo opened the door and went outside. The fact that I will see Gia was making me happy. We were walking silent until I break the silent.
"How is Gia?"
"Gia is fine"
"I don't want to be a rude but. How was after your break up with Toto?"
"You are not rude. You just want to know how was your girlfriend. We always were sad, Gia wanted to balance things, she started boxing and she had bruises, it wasn't easy. For her wasn't easy she was the head of the family in that time. But right now she's doing fine"
"Thank god she's fine"
After some talk and walk.
"We arrived!" Jiwoo said.
And I saw a big building, it didn't seem like a boxing school or something.
"Here my brother works here. He's the boss, come"
My heart was beating so fast. But I went and then I saw many people. Then I spotted Toto. Fuck.
"Is Toto here?" I asked like I didn't saw him.
"Yes, why?"
"Because we had some little fights"
"Ok, I promise that he will not say something bad"
I was next to the ring I was watching Ha-Kun fighting with a Serbian boy. Ha-Kun was doing a great job out there. Me and Zack we were screaming for Ha-Kun to win. I really want Ha-Kun to win. And then Ha-Kun wins. Me and Zack are very happy to him. And it was my turn, Omg I'm so scared. After we hugged Ha-Kun I had to get ready. Next to me was Toto.
"How do you fell?" He asked me.
"Nervous so many people"
"I know, but I know that you can do this"
He hugged.
"You fighted for this, now show them that you can do this" he said.
"Thanks...dad" I whispered with some tears in my eyes.
"Hey! Don't cry, get ready"
He hugged me for the second time and left. When i was ready to go inside the ring I saw...Hye. My ex boyfriend, one of the reason why I hate my father is because after the separation from mom and Shen. He trained Hye even though we broke up. And he favours him over anything. But I didn't know that I will compete with him. I turn angry at Duri.
"You didn't tell me that I will compete with Hye!" I yelled at him.
"Because I have a deal with Shen. If he wins I have to pay him 3000 dollars. If you won he have to pay me 3000 dollars"
"So that's why you didn't know who I will compete, because you aleardy knew it!"
"If I told you this you will give up"
"Yes I would"
"We don't have much time, go"
My legs were shaking like crazy. I wasn't prepared for this match. But I have to win, for Duri, for Minho, for Toto, for mom, for Lulu, for Lolo that he's up there. And especially for Pierre. I walked up there confident, I don't have to fear nothing. We were watching our eyes, then I spotted Shen there smirking. That makes my blood boil. Now I'm really ready to kill him. I put myself in position, and we started to fight.

(Fighting scene)

I'm really scared about this match. First Hye was beating Gia like she was a punching bag. Now my money are gone... no wait! Gia gets up and started to punch him, great maybe my money aren't gone, yet! I was soo nervous for Gia.
This match was a tough one. The boy that his name is Hye and he is Gia's ex boyfriend was punching with no pitty. He was punching her nonstop.
"I can't watch this!" I said to Minho.
I was about to turn to the other side until Minho..
"Pierre, trust her, don't just look away. Have faith that she will beat him up. Like how she has faith in you every time when you have a race. She praise three times for you. Please believe in her"
I turn back and saw Gia punching him. Me, Minho and Miss Jiwoo we were screaming for Gia to win. And both of them were on the ground and Gia punch him for the last time. And he was laying there. And Gia she gets up slowly and then Jiwoo's brother puts her hand up. I was with tears in my eyes.
"Hey! It's just a match. Not Titanic" said Minho looking at me and at Jiwoo.
We both were tears in our eyes. We hugged so tight. I was so proud of her. Of how she fighted for us.
I won...
I FUCKING WON!! Duri was holding my hand up. I was watching up there and think about Lolo. Maybe he was proud of me I don't know. Then I spotted Shen all sad. He was never proud of me, how hard I tried to make him proud of me, nothing work. That's another reason why I hate him soo much. I have many reason, but these are the main reasons. But I'm proud of myself. I looked at Toto and he was crying. I smiled at him and he smiled back. It felt really good.
I was proud of Gia. Thank god that my money aren't gone, thank god of Gia. It gaved me confidence when I saw Shen getting back. He was angry. He really deserve this. He always thinks that he's above me of anything. Well sometimes you lost. I'm very proud of everything. After other matches and interviews. The ring was empty. I was walking until I saw.. mom. Sun-Young. I have not seen her since my dad. Chin-Mae died. She was all changed. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Then I run up to her like a 7 year old kid running at his mommy's chest because he had his first day at school, and he missed her. I hugged her tight.
"Did you saw us?" I asked.
"Yes.. you guys were so strong out there" she said to me.
"You did such a great job" I looked up and saw my sister. Kim Jiwoo. I didn't talk to much with her. I hugged her too.
"We are proud of you. How you worked for them, how you trained them. And Gia... even though she is a girl she's very strong. You are really a good couch" said mom.
It is the first time when my mom is proud of me.
"I'm sorry that I wasn't there when you needed me?" Mom said.
"You are here now"
I hugged her so tight. Then Jiwoo cames too and hugged. My family didn't support me when I told them that I will start boxing. But they are here now. And I'm really happy.
"I have to go!" Said Mom.
"Well I want to visit Monaco"
"Yes. I started to travel a lot. And I've heard that in Monaco is very beautiful"
"We'll have a good trip"
"Thank you!"
I hugged mom for the last time. And she left.
"She really changed a lot" I said to Jiwoo.
"Yep, I many things to do"
"Well goodbye to you too"
She hugged and left. I was all alone and went to my office. I sit on my chair and do some papers. Until I heard a knock.
"Come in..." I said.
The door open very slowly and a figure appears. It was Gia.
"So that's it! You did a great job!" i said to her.
"Thank you! I'm sad that this is our end"
"Well was a pleasure to work with you"
"Me too"
"Here is your money"
I gaved her the 3000 dollars.
"But before you go, come"
I get up and I took Gia's hand and went to the hall. And there were photos of every student of mine. And there was Gia when she was little.
"We will never forget you" I said to her.
She was with many tears in her eyes.
"Thank you for how you fighted for us" I said to her.
"No, I thank you for everything that you did to me"
"Your welcome"
I hugged her.
"And if it's something. You can always come here. The door is open everytime" I told her.
"But before you leave. You have to clean the ring. Please!!"
Then Gia left. And I went to my office. I'm happy that I didn't lose my money and I don't have to worry about anything right now.
I went to the ring to clean it. I was paid in my mind because of this win. I can't realise that I won. That's a pitty that Pierre didn't saw me. But that's life. Sometimes hard sometimes easy. But now I can do what I really love. Drawing... I was still cleaning the floor.
"How is to mop the floor. Miss Gia Kim" said someone.
I turn and it was Hye. Oh I really want him to punch him in the face. Why does he have to be here.
"What do you want?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"Oh nothing... just I wanted to see how is the winner?"
"Well the winner wants to be alone"
"The winner has to talk to me"
"Because... you know that you can't live without me"
"Are you stupid? I don't need you"
I was about to leave but he got my hand and pulled me over.
"Love me.... Love me...." He said while smirking at me.
"Screw you" I whispered.
"You little fucking whore"
He was about to punch me or something.
"If you touch her I'll fucking kill you" I've heard a voice from the back.
Me and Hye turn slowly and saw.. Pierre, what the fuck he's doing here? Hye turn to me and said.
"So this is your boyfriend! I let you guys to have your moment" then he winked at me.
I wanted to punch him but Pierre stopped me. Hye was gone. I was just me and Pierre. He was holding my hand. I was froze. I didn't know what to do with him. To punch him. To kiss him. I don't know.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I'm here to see you" he said.
I'm trying not to cry. But seeing his blue eyes that I was missing them. It makes cry like in Titanic.
"Did you.."
"Saw you how you fighted. Yes and it was amazing"
"I don't know how to act. Or pretend"
"But why do we have to pretend? It's just me and you"
"I don't know! I was fine until you camed. I tried soo hard to forget you"
"Why? You don't love me anymore?"
"Yes I do, and that's why I hate myself for that"
"So you still hate me?"
Then he turn to the other side and started to walk away. I can't let him go. I need him a lot. I really don't want to forget him.
"I still hate you because I still love you!" I yelled at him. I was with tears in my eyes.
He slowly turn to me.
"So do you still love me?.."
I ran up to him and hugged him so tight. I missed his  touch. Seeing him was the best thing in my whole life. I really missed him. I looked at him and he looked at me. I looked deep in his ocean eyes. Then I kissed his lips. That kiss that I was missing from days. My heart still beats so fast when I'm with him. We were kissing until.
"Get out of the ring!" Someone screamed.
I looked back and saw the janitor in the ring looking at us ackward. I took Pierre's hand and went home. We arrived there. but he was holding my hand. And it was magical. But now I need to focus how to tell mom that my boyfriend is here. She doesn't know about him.
"Pierre there's a big problem!" I said.
"Mom doesn't know about us"
"I'm telling you that mom is not gonna be happy about this"
"About that we are together?"
"No, that I lied to her about our relationship"
"Don't worry"
He puts his hand on my cheek and kissed me on the cheek. I touched the ring bell and then mom opened the door and was all happy when she saw us. She completely ignoring me and went to Pierre and hugged him. I was stunned. Very stunned.
"Soo Pierre I did a great salad and with some potatoes. How is that sound?" She said while she dragged him to the house.
I was stunned again. Speechless. I slowly went inside. Next to me was Minho.
"What the fuck happend to mom?" I whispered to him.
"Well there's a a longgg story!" He whispered.
"Fine Fine! I was getting prepared to see you. And suddenly I woke up with Pierre in front of the door. I tried to hide him. But mom found us. She asked who is he. And then Pierre told about your guys relationship, and why you guys broke up and other things"
"Such as?"
"Nothing just this!"
"Am I dead?"
"Clearly yes. Or maybe not" he said while looking at them how they are talking. They were doing great.
"Let's eat. I'm starving" he said.
"Me too"
We went to the table and sat down. It was amazing. We talk about our childhood, about how mom was when she was young. It was perfect. Pierre helped me to do the dishes and my tummy was full of butterflies. After our dinner Pierre and I went to my room.
"You have many bruises" he said while looking at me.
"If you want I can put alcohol on your bruises Because I don't want to be worse"
"Usually is not getting worse a bruise"
"But you have scratch too. Soo...."
Gia takes her shirt off. I was stunned. I tried not be lost. Her back was full of bruises and scratches. I put alcohol on diskette and then I put on her back. She is trying not to scream from pain. She hold the sheet from the bed very tight. I touched a little bit her back.
"It burns!" She said.
"I know... just resist"
Then I started to put the diskette on her soft body. It was hard. Very hard to see her in pain.
That touch is giving me chills. But it still burns. Pierre took care of me we were in a complete silent.
"I'm gonna sleep on the couch" I said.
I was about to leave a but Pierre took my hand again.
"Gia no, you have something to tell me. We still have to talk"
"About what?"
"About us"
"Pierre what do you want to tell me?"
"I fell that you want to tell me something but you don't know how to start"
"Because of everything! We and F1"
"What does F1 has about with us??"
"Because! I don't want you to put me first then F1. You fighted for F1 and I can't just be in your life and destroy your career"
"I didn't sign with F1 to not love someone. That's a sport, and I love it. But I love you too"
"What I want to say is just. Don't ever give up in F1. Because of me"
"You are the only reason why I was driving. Seeing you in the paddock or when you see me driving . It makes my stomach full of butterflies. Nothing can separate us. And if you think about Toto, no. I don't love you because you are his stepdaughter. I love you because you are you. Do you remember when we were in that F1 party, and I asked you so many questions. Because I was curious with who I fell in love. With a stranger? But maybe she has a name. Yes, her name is Gia"
"Maybe I should go"
"Gia! Please stay here. With me"
We went to sleep but we didn't have physical touch or something. Just our backs were touching. We were in silent. I think that I fucked up!
"Are you still mad at me" He asked me.
Then he gets up.
"I don't like this silent..." he said.
"Me too"
"Can we talk?"
"About us?"
"Yes.... I still love you"
"I know, I love you too!"
"Then why we can't be together?"
"Because I don't want to ruin your F1 career. And with Toto..."
"I don't give a fuck about him!"
"Then I don't want you guys to fight over me or mom"
"I promise you"
"Fine, goodnight!"
"Why don't you let me love you?"
"I don't want to be same!"
"I promise you again that it's not gonna be the same"
He leaned closer to me. Our noses were touching but was something that was stopping us. We just needed to feel our lips. Until I leaned more closer and I kissed him. Finally! It feels amazing to feel his lips touching mines. I leaned back and I could saw his blue eyes watching me. Only me. Then he grabbed me by my waist and he sits me on his lap. And we start to kiss again and again. My hand slowly goes through his wild blonde hair. The only thing I want for tomorrow is just Pierre to be next to me holding me tight. So that nothing can separate us....

The end❤️

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