By starry-vega

199K 6.5K 684

Rhaenya lost everything during the stag's rebellion, her father, her mother, her siblings, her country. Now s... More

Loss and Rebirth
Secrets of Myr
War of the five kings begins
A wolf king
Meeting of dragons
Lions Roses and a Little bird
losses and arrangements
The yellow city
A grim affair
Sack of Yunkai
Red Wedding
Mhysa and Awakening
Roads ahead
Road to Meereen and old friends
Purple Wedding
Breaker of Chains
To rule
Trials And A New Friend
The Mountain vs Red Viper
Return to the North
First Flight
Teaching and Threats
The North and Justice
King in the North Returns
New Allies And Enemies
Pardon, Home, Plans
The Games
The Spider Arrives
For The Watch
Back Again
My Watch Has Ended
Second Siege Of Meereen
Preparations Part 2
Battle Plans
News From The North
The Prophecy
Siege Of Storm's End
Two Wolves At Dragonstone
Won't Bend The Knee
A king And A Queen
The Chained Lion
Siege Of the Reach Part 1
Siege Of The Reach Part 2
Three Starks Reunited
Proposal And Agreement
Pact Of Ice And Fire
A daughter for a daughter
Ready to Depart
Plans Of Baelish
Taking Back Riverrun


2.4K 96 14
By starry-vega

Loud roars could be heard as seven dragons flew over the mainland and surrounded the great Targaryen ancestral castle. Everyone gets out of the rowboat and Rhaenya and Daenerys walk on ahead.

"Dragonstone." Rhaenya breathed out.

"We're home." The younger Targaryen smiled.

The others were about to follow the white-haired women, but as they walked towards the gate flanked by two statues of dragon heads, various figures could be spotted. Ser Arthur, Grey Worm and Ser Barristan got in front of the queen and the khaleesi until they realized that the people in question were a man and five women with the colors of Dorne, the other people were two men and women, one considerably older than everyone else. It was their allies from both Dorne and Highgarden.

"Its been a long time, Ser Arthur. Thank you for keeping our queen, my niece safe all these years." Oberyn stated as he walked forward. As the Dornish prince walked towards his niece, Rhaenya's sworn sword stepped aside to let the two have their reunion.

When the dragon queen saw her uncle, she noticed he looked almost the same, the only difference were the lines on his face, but still he was the same handsome uncle who cried tears of joy when he saw she was alive.

"Your grace." Oberyn bowed his head, formally greeting Rhaenya, before pulling the young woman to a hug with a laugh coming from his lips.
"You look so much like your mother. Same smile, same lips and nose." He chuckled.

The Targaryen queen smiled in return, before gesturing Daenerys to come forward.
"Uncle, i would like you to meet my aunt Daenerys Stormborn, khaleesi of the great grass sea, ruler of Dragon's bay. Dany this is my mother's younger brother, Oberyn Martell prince of Dorne." Rhaenya introduced.

Dany was slightly nervous. She knew the Martells hated her brother Rhaegar foe what he had done to princess Elia, and she, unlike Rhaenya, was not related to the Dornish princes.
But to her surprise Oberyn Martell gave her a warm welcome, much like he had given to their niece.

"Ahh yes, the khaleesi. I must say princess Daenerys that you are just as beautiful as your mother." The charming prince stated.

This made Daenerys smile. "Thank you prince Oberyn, and i would like to apologize for my brother's crimes against your family."

"You have nothing to apologize for. You weren't even born when it happened." He shooked off the younger Targaryen's worries. Then he moved to stand next to four, clearly dornish women. One was around the prince's age and could only be regarded as attractive and eye-catching, with an exotic, sensuous flair, and beautiful black neck lenght hair.

"This is my paramour, and mother of five of my daughters, Ellaria Sand." He introduced as the woman smiled and curtsied to Rhaenya, before moving to the three young women.
"And these are my three oldest daughters, Obara, Nymeria and Tyene." The said three sand snakes simply nodded at the queen, without so much of a smile or courtesy, making their father glare at them.

The sand snakes had heard of the dragon queen, their father and uncle Doran, spent most of lifes waiting for the day Rhaenya Dragonheart would return to Westeros. But all they saw so far was a woman with an army and dragons, not a real fighter.

Tyrion, sensing the tention with the sand snakes, intervened and turned to introduce the present members of House Tyrell.

"Your grace, may i present Lord Mace Tyrell, " the queen's hand gestures to a rather short old man, with golden/greying hair. He was dessed in green velvet clothes with a golden cape across his chest.

The man in question bowed his head to Rhaenya and kissed her hand. "Your grace. It is with great honor that House Tyrell, supports the rightful queen of the Seven Kingdoms. May i present my oldest son and heir Willas Tyrell."

The heir of lord Mace was good-looking. With brown chocolate hair and deep blue eyes. He supported his body with the help of a cane, but still smiled politely to both the queen and khaleesi and bowed to the two. "Your grace."

Next to Willas was a woman, beautiful woman with thick but softly curling brown hair and large brown eyes. She had a slender but womanly figure with smooth and unblemished pale skin.

"This is the lady Margaery Tyrell, your grace." Tyrion explained.

Margaery stepped forward with a sly and fake smile on her face. "Your grace. It is a great pleasure to finally meet you. I hope we can become sisters in the future and avenge your family from the Lannisters."

Olenna tired of fake pleasantries finally greeted the queen with her strong voice. "Your grace. I hope we can go in now. I am far too old for this weather."

"This is the lady Olenna, your grace." Tyrion explained with a clear of his throat.

Rhaenya nodded , pleased with the brutal honesty from Olenna, thanked all of her new supporters before walking inside the Castle.

They enter the foyer. A tapestry bearing the depict of black and white brindled boar on brown, the sigil of House Crakehall is hanging off to the side. Daenerys approaches it and tears it down.

"House Crakehall?" Tyrion questions as he sees the sigil.

"Tywin Lannister gave them Dragonstone, which is why we came beforehand. As they are a small house, not known for their fighting we drove them away easily." Oberyn explained.

Rhaenya approaches a set of doors. Two Unsullied open them for her. She enters the throne room, followed by the others. Varys, Olyos, Missandei and Daenerys stop following her. Grey Worm starts to continue onward but Ser Arthur puts his hand on his shoulder to stop him. Rhaenya approaches the throne and stares at it, while their allies look at their queen.
Tyrion looks around the hall. Rhaenya ascends the steps but walks past the throne into the Chamber of the Painted Table, shocking Margaery who in Rhaenya's place would have sat on the dark throne just to show that she was queen.

Rhaenya walked alongside the table and runs her fingers across it. Her Hand and Master of Laws walk alongside the table opposite her and stare at the dragon carvings on the wall. Rhaenya stands at the head of the table and stares down at the map of Westeros.

"Shall we begin?" Daenerys asks, with Rickon and Shaggydog next to her.

Rhaenya nodded before turnimg to her translator. "Yes. Missandei, please show our guests their chambers and have them settled."

Inside the chamber remained the queen, the khaleesi, Tyrion, Ser Arthur and Ser Barriston, Varys, Nizam, as well as Prince Oberyn and Lord Mace.

They all sit. "Lord Tyrion, what can we expect." The queen asks, prompting the Lannister man to stand from his sit and move aroumd the table placing figure, rhat represent each great House across the kingdoms.

"Right as of now, the Lannisters must already know of our presence back in Westeros. I know my father will most likely try gather houses of Westeros and make them see your Grace as a threat due to foreign armies." Tyrion explained.

Daenerys spoke up. "But our armies are not just foreign. Two great Houses support us."

"Yes. But it is still not enough. House Lannister has angered lots of lords with the war of five kings. We should write to all Houses and ask for their support. Especially the ones in the capital. As now without the grain and livestock that House Tyrell provides they know that it will be difficult to feed their people." Tyrion offered, the small man wanted to avoid as much bloodshed as he could.

"But you have dragons. Why not fly them to the Red Keep and end the war now?" Mace asked abruptly?

"Because doing so would result in the destruction of King's Landing, and the death of many innocents. And i am not here to rule over ashes." The queen told the head of House Tyrell.

"For now we will do as lord Tyrion said. Avoid the bloodshed. Please my lords take some rest." With that said the Dragonheart stood up, followed by all others, and left the room.
Ships bearing the kraken sigil of House Greyjoy are sailing into port. Cersei and Jaime watch the boats from the shore, escorted by some guards.

"Father invited the Greyjoys to King's Landing?" The golden haired man asked his sister.

Cersei however shook her head. "Not all of them."

In return Jaime told her that it did look like all of them.

"He invited Euron Greyjoy, the new King of the Iron Islands. You agreed with him that we needed stronger, better allies." She explained but Jaime showed worries asking how could they be better allies or any different from the Freys as both broke their promises and murdered their former friends as soon as it suited them.

But the lioness simply told him. "So does everyone when it suits them. Unlike the Freys, they have ships. And they're good at killing."

"They're not good at anything. I know the Ironborn. They're bitter, angry little people. All they know how to do is steal things they can't build or grow themselves." The one-handed Lannister defended himself.

Cersei remained quiet, she was not stupid, and after watching her father for years and years Cersei prided herself for learning from the old lion, and as soon as she had learned from the Qyburn that Euron had been summoned to the capital by her father, she immediatel talked to Tommen so the boy would on his mother's side if Tywin tried to marry her off. She would not leave her boy.
In the throne room, king Tommen, joined by his grandfather Tywin, his mother and Jaime host Euron. Seeking revenge against Yara and Theon Greyjoy for running away with part of the fleet, Euron proposes that they join forces to murder their enemies, including Tyrion.

"The king understands your want for justice. And, due to the rebellion in the North and the invasion of Rhaegar Targaryen's daughter, we thank you for your offer to aid the crown, but something tells us you wish something in return." Tywin spoke, for Tommen.

"Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to grow up and mary the most beautiful woman in the world. So here I am, with a thousand ships and two good hands."
Euron says as he raises his arms causing Jaime's face twists.

Tywin was about to agree with the proposal when a young man's voice interrupted him.

"I am afraid i must decline your proposal, on my lady's mother behalf." Tommen spoke while stealing a glance from his mother, who nodded at her precious boy.

Euron looked shocked. "Why?"

Tommen turned back to the lord of the Iron Islands, while trying to ignore his grandfather's hard stare. "You're not trustworthy. You've broken promises to allies before and murdered them at the nearest opportunity. You murdered your own brother."

"You should try it. Feels wonderful." Euron joked, not realizing the bad taste of it.

"I warn you to thread carefully my lord." Tywin warns, not liking Euron's words.

"I apologize, and i don't expect you to trust me outright. You need proof of my honest intentions towards your lady mother and the crown. I won't return to King's Landing until I have that for the lady Cersei." Euron bows, turns and exits the Great Hall.
Inside Olenna's chambers, the queen of thornes and her granddaughter, spoke of their impressions of the dragon queen, and how they might strenght their alliance with House Targaryen.

"It's dark in here." Margaery noted.

"Hmm. All Dragonstone is grim. But we did not come here for light." Olenna corrected.

"The Targaryen queen seems very serious."the young rose Commented.

"Which is why we made a good choice in joining her. She has the largest army the world has ever seen, and now as the first House, besides the Martells, to back her, we will have a better position once the Lannisters are removed from power." Olenna explained as the two Tyrells walked through the dark corridors of the fortress.

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