
By heavenzdust09

53.7K 1.9K 115

just one shots of mafia family with Venice and Phoenix More

spoiled phoenix
caught 2
second born
second born 2
everyone keeps kidnapping him
everyone keep kidnapping him 2
fairy messenger

sick Venice

4.5K 150 4
By heavenzdust09

Venice woke up with his body aching. He went out last night with phoenix for a race in rain. And now he is sick. He can't even move his body everything hurts. He tried again but fell on the bed. Then someone knocked the door. He opened his mouth to ask them to come in but his voice was hoarse.
Pete entered after 3rd knock
Venice wake up you'll be late.
Paaa - hurts..
Pete ran to him touched his forehead. He was burning. He immediately asked chef to prepare porridge and to maids to get towel and cold water and he himself went to get medicine. The whole house was turned upside down when they heard their young master is sick. Vegas called the doctor immediately. He told Venice to rest for few days.

But that was not it. Phoenix found out that Venice was sick. He immediately came over to check on him. He sat beside him while Venice was sleeping. He refused to leave saying he will be by his side. Everyone asked him to leave as its viral. But.....  He was stubborn. Porsche tried to drag him out he gave his puppy eyes. Vegas tried to manipulate him. He manipulated him to let him stay. Kinn glared. He did his favorite hug attack on him and he melted. Pete gave him responsibility to take care of him.

When Venice woke up Phoenix was by his side sleeping and drooling.
Phiiii you up? Does it hurt?? Should I call the doctor. No no uncle Pete said to give you something to eat. What will you eat??  McD??  No that's unhealthy!!  Ice-cream. No no you got cold. I'll go ask Uncle Pete.  He tired getting up but Venice stopped him.
Phoenix calm down!!!!  I am OK!! I just got fever. I'll be OK in a day or two. He laughed at his brothers stupidity.
But Phiiiiiiiiiii... He whined which made Venice laugh at even more.
I should record that. He took out his phone
Fuck you Venice. He said taking away his phone.
I almost thought you will respect me from now. Venice pretended to be sad while mocking him.
Never not even in my dream..phoenix got up and left.

Pete entered his room when Phoenix told him Venice woke up. He is sulking that Venice teased him. He went to get food.
How are you feeling baby??
Paaa way better. He hugged his waist snuggling into his chest. Pete ran fingers through his hair.
Where's dad??
VEGGGGGGAAASSS  Pete screamed and Vegas came in running.
He was asking for you..
Venice opened his arms for a hug. Vegas understood and both of them hugged their son.
They can't bear their baby getting sick. Pete kissed him on his head. He enjoyed being in the arms of his parents . Macau and Phoenix came with food. They kept it on side and joined the hug.
Then Pete broke the hug and everyone settled down. He fed Venice like a baby.
Paaaa I am not a kid??
Pete glared at him. He obediently opened his mouth. Everyone laughed at his behavior.
Phoenix wanted to stay overnight but they had to throw him out cause if he got sick. Both families will be in trouble.  And their fear came true when he woke up sick and started whining for his Parents. Now Venice was little better but his fever was still high and he still got cold. When he found out Phoenix was sick he immediately got up to go to him. Pete had to lock him in his room so that he won't leave.
Porsche was done with Phoenix as he kept whining. He almost started crying when Porsche tried to leave his side to get some food. That's classic Phoenix. He has done this for his whole life if he is sick he needs attention. Porsche stayed with him for next three days.  Kinn would take his place if he wanted to leave.
Venice got well and came over. Thankfully Phoenix is way better now. No more clingy and pouty baby. When Venice cams over he jumped to hug him as if they haven't seen each other in 50 years.
Venice I wanna show you something..
He showed him his new computer that khun got him that he asked for. They started playing and till next day. Venice stayed over. Next day when Phoenix got verdict that he us perfectly fine. They both ran to their garage to get bikes.

Thank you so much for reading. Please vote and comment
Please give me some ideas for one-shots.
See you soon

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