Lobotomy and monster girls

Від Natemasta57

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Earth, it's a world that many people call home including the agents that work for lobotomy corporation, an or... Більше

Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: The convergence
Chapter 3: First contact
Chapter 5: Fantasy world
Chapter 6: A trip to the forest
Fake Chapter

Chapter 4: Hearts and minds

195 6 24
Від Natemasta57

Angela's POV

Angela: (Sigh)...so let me get this straight, in the hour that you three had gone through that portal you discovered a village, decided to go into said village, got yourself a involved into a conflict with some unknown faction, and then brought someone from the other side of that portal with you, all of this without knowing where that portal even took you in the first place and without any prior approval from myself or a Sephirah?

Sergey: You know when you say it like that it sounds a lot worse.

Currently we were sitting inside my office in lobotomy corporation discussing the events that transpired from beyond that portal, I wasn't entirely sure what to have expected from this new abnormality but I was certainly surprised to hear about an entire village being beyond the portal, and from the looks of things there are seemingly regular people on the other side as well.

Thing is these three decided it was a good idea to bring one of these people through the portal with them back with them which is something that I'm quite disappointed they did on their own accord, I mean what if these people were simply abnormalities that mimicked humans?

Well thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case as this 'Elder Kane' fellow hasn't tried anything so far, he seemed more intent on observing every little thing that we passed by on the way here from the cars to the streetlights and he's staring at the computer on my desk like he wants to touch it but is worried it might bite his fingers if he tried.

Simmons: Ms Angela when we first stumbled upon the village we were still in the process of trying to decide what to do since we didn't have any planned procedures for what to do regarding anything in the other side of that portal, and before we could come to a conclusion we heard the sounds of-

Angela: I don't want to hear your excuses, you should have tried to contact me first, but enough getting caught up in the past, time to address the issue in front of us...the 'local' from the other side of the portal who your brought back with you.

The whole time we were speaking the old man who introduced himself as 'Elder Kane' was just staring at everything in the room with a look of bewilderment, everything from the monitors on the wall to the computer in my desk as if he's never seen modern technology before, and based on what the agents and clerks who escorted these four back here said his behavior was pretty much the same towards everything he saw from lampposts to cars.

Angela: (Ugh, what to do?)

Elder Kane: Ahem 'Angela' was it? May I ask something?

Angela: I'm sure you have a lot of questions right now, what is it?

Elder Kane: Ahem, so from what these 'agents' have told me, this isn't 'Terra?'

Angela: Terra?

Simmons: It's the name of the world where he and the rest of the people of Damerel live, given the context that we've received about the village of Damerel and the surrounding terrain I've come to the conclusion that the portal that appeared in the center of town is in fact a portal to another world.

Angela: Other worlds...it's not a completely outlandish theory (After all several scientist have been doing research into the concept lately and have found promising results)

Nathan: I mean it's pretty hard to believe but I've seen the other side of that portal for myself.

Elder Kane: Another world...who would have thought such a thing was possible, and though I've seen very little of this world I am quite amazed by the things that I've seen.

Angela: Well with that out of the way, Elder Kane, you mentioned that you were in charge of the village that these three saved correct?

Elder Kane: Indeed, the name of my villiage is Damerel, these people saved our village from a group of monsters and for that I am eternally grateful.

Angela: Monsters?

Elder Kane: Indeed, it is quite worrisome though as monsters have always been a problem for humanity but they've never been this violent before a few months ago.

Nathan: Monsters? They just looked like women in sexualized cosplay outfits.

Elder Kane: I do not know this 'cosplay' that you speak of but I can assure that they are no mere women, monsters are terrible beings that have been a nuisance to humanity for as long as anyone can remember, and there is a huge number of verity among these monsters that come in all kinds of different forms from the Succubi that these three fought to things like Hellhounds, Alruanes and Arachne to name a few, many of which have different abilities and magic as well.

Angela: Magic?

Under normal circumstances I'd just rule that out as superstition, except these aren't normal circumstances and besides we have three abnormalities that refer to themselves as 'magical girls...well had three anyway, one of them managed to escape and still hasn't been found to this day.

Simmons: One thing that confuses me is what those 'monsters' were trying to do, I mean yeah they were obviously trying to take the village people as prisoners but why only the men specifically.

Elder Kane: Most likely they were going to be taken back to the demonlands and raped mercilessly.

The entire room went dead silent as soon as they said that.

Sergey: I'm sorry what did you just say?

Simmons:...Rape them?...

Elder Kane: Well for many monsters semen is a actually a source of food for them as vital as food and water is to humans so that's one of the main reasons they'll rape a man, some species can also go into heat so they'll attack and force themselves on a man, and sometimes it's just for the hell of it.




Angela:...(What kind of fucked up world is this?)

Elder Kane: Um, are you all alright?

Nathan: I think the fact you could say all of that with a straight Face is what threw everyone off.

Elder Kane: This is common knowledge for the people of my world, so I take it that monsters aren't a part of this world?

Simmons: Well some people would call the abnormalities monsters although I'm pretty sure the word 'monster' has very different meanings in our two worlds.

Elder Kane: Abnormalities...I swear this world is just as confusing to me as mine is to you.

Nathan: You looked like you were gonna have a heart attack when we got into the van.

Elder Kane: Is that what that metal carriage was called? How is it even possible to move something so heavy without any horses? Or better yet I'd like to know about those-

Angela: One thing at a time please, I understand that all this is pretty new and confusing for you so let's start with the most important thing.

Elder Kane: Yes, who exactly are you people?

Angela: Ahem, the place that you are in right now is known as 'Lobotomy corporation' we are in charge of containing these entities known as 'Abnormalities' which come in all from from living creatures to anomalous objects, Nathan Sergey and Simmons are agents for lobotomy corporation and as such their job is to contain these abnormalities in the event that they attempt to escape.

Elder Kane: I see.

Nathan: Well now that we all know a little more about what's going on, what do we do now?

Simmons: We still have a giant portal in the middle of town and it doesn't look like it's gonna be disappearing anytime soon.

Angela: Yes, in fact the circumstances of this portal is starting to attract a lot of attention from the media, and even the US government is starting to consider getting involved in this.

Simmons: But abnormalities have always been our jurisdiction since were more equipped to handle them.

Angela: Yes that has always been the case, however given the unique circumstances surrounding this portal and how we can't simply remove it from the public space it requires a slight change in protocol to prevent any potential threats from coming through the other side.

Sergey: This whole mess is just really confusing.

Elder Kane: While we are on this subject of what to do next, Ms Angela I have a request to make.

Angela: What is it?

Elder Kane: You see our town is much to far from the capital of Andeventia to be considered worth protecting, these brave agents were able to fight off the monsters this time but I doubt they'd ignore such a vulnerable target for very long.

Angela: What are you getting at here?

Elder Kane: The agents of this 'Lobotomy corporation' are clearly mighty warriors with weapons that are far superior to anything that our people or possibly even the monsters have, and that is why I must ask...will you please have these people protect our village!?

Angela: Out of the question, first of all there's still a lot about your world that we still don't know about, things like political structure, terrain, not to mention these monsters you've mentioned sound like...well...

Elder Kane: I understand, after all Damerel is just a small village, to ask you to protect it is certainly a lot to ask.

Angela: Yeah it is, especially considering that Lobotomy corporations Main job is to be studying and containing abnormalities (And also gathering energy but he doesn't need to know that) we're not a security firm.

Elder Kane: But please I beg of you, several of our neighboring villages have already been seized by the monsters and they're slowly making their way across Andeventia.

Nathan: Angela is there really nothing we can do?

Angela: It's not a matter of if there's anything we can do, it's if there's anything we 'should' do, I mean what would be the benefit of helping out a single village that as Elder Kane has described as 'small and out of the way'

Simmons: If I may jump in for a moment, Angela the town that Elder Kane is in charge of is not that far from the portal, if those Succubi or any other monsters were to come back and claim the town then they would have a foothold less than a mile away from the portal which they could then use to come into our world.

Huh, I hadn't considered that, I mean we have the whole area around the portal locked down but if these monsters were to faint a foothold and tried to use all of their forces to try and force their way into our world then...there's no telling whether or not they'll actually be able to break through since we don't know how United these monsters are...the best way to deal with a threat like that is to make sure it never happens to begin with.

Angela: You make a good point, in that case it sounds like it would be in our best interest to secure both sides of the portal and the town close to it, at least until we get a better handle on the situation.

Elder Kane: Oh Kiona thank you.

Angela: Don't thank me yet, depending on how this plays out our presence within Damerel may be temporary.

Elder Kane: I fully understand, but still thank you.

Angela: Now it's just a matter of figuring out who to station at Damerel.

Nathan: Ms Angela I'd like to volunteer to help protect Damerel, I've already been there and have a general understanding of the layout plus I have an idea of what fighting these monsters is like.

Angela: Really? You sure this doesn't have anything to do with the fact your a teenage boy with-

Nathan: D- don't be ridiculous, I'm already in a relationship with Sarah.

Angela: Sure sure...agent Simmons because your the senior agent who was also a part of that expedition you'll be going along with Nathan.

Simmons: Understood.

Sergey: Well then I guess we'll be heading back to Damerel, you know I'm kind of curious to see what the place looks like when it isn't under attack.

Angela: Oh not you Sergey, I'll need someone who's actually been to this 'Terra' to stay here and help brief the other Sephira on this matter, the rest of you are excused, I'll have a team of clerks escort you back to the portal along with any supplies you'll need.

Sergey: Wha- oh come on, why do I have to stay behind?

Simmons: You sound pretty disappointed Sergey.

Sergey: It's not like that!

Nathan: I mean you were checking out that one Succubus.

Sergey: Oh fuck off.

Elder Kane:...Your quite the interesting fellows you know?

Meanwhile in Terra

3rd persons POV

Walking through a forest we see a boy who appears to be between the ages 18 and 19, their hair was a bright shade of red and their eyes were a deep amber color, they wore a simple set of leather armor over a pair of black cloth clothes, attached to their side was a large sheath for a Katana.

Around their neck was what appeared to be a necklace with a small silver chain and golden locket on it, the boy's hair swayed gently against the breeze that was flowing through the forest trees thanks to how far apart they were in this section of the forest.

The boy maintained a monotone expression as they traveled through the forest, continuing along the path with determination and purpose, only to be suddenly interrupted by the sounds of something sloshing around, the boy stopped as the noise became louder and louder meaning the source was heading towards him, until finally it made itself known after moving from behind one of the trees towards the boy.

(A/n): Yeah I'm trying to be really careful with these images now since Wattpad doesn't seem to like images of monster girls very much even the ones that don't have any actual nudity in them, so yeah hopefully the added censoring (even though it isn't necessary) will be enough to keep Wattpad from removing the image or my story.

Slime: Why hello there, are you lost?

Boy: I am on urgent business and have no time to waste.

Slime: Aw I'm sure whatever it is can wait, you see I'm really hungry and seeing as how your the only man around here I was hoping you'd be willing to feed me some of your semen.

Boy: Again, I do not have time to waste on the likes of you, now move out of my way.

Slime: Aw, it's cute thinking you have a choice (She said as the slime on her body began to form into two large tentacles coming from her back)

The tentacles then reached out towards the boy trying to grab him but in one swift motion he drew his katana and sliced the slime tentacles clean in half, the pieces of the slime fell to the grass and slowly began to snake that way back to the slimes main body.

Slime: Aw, don't you know that you can't hurt a slime like that?

Boy: Hmph, in that case-

The slime began to reach for him once again only for the boy to suddenly extend his plan and swipe his hand in front of him causing a wall of fire to erupt from the ground scorching the slime when she tried to grab him.

Slime: Ow ow ow! That was harsh! (She whined after withdrawing her arm)

The boy glared at her as his once amber eyes suddenly changed to a blood red.

Boy: I have important business, I do not wish to harm you but if you continue to stand in my path I will not hesitate to burn you to a crisp.

Slime: Er...fine.

The slime quickly turned around and began to move her body away from the boy all while grumbling in disappointment.

Slime: (Mumbling) You probably would have tasted disgusting anyway.

After the slime girl disappeared the boy continued on his way through the forest.

Boy: Monsters...their persistent and annoying at times, not to mention their lack of any decency can get downright irritating...but there not nearly as bad as people are.

The boy grabbed the locket around his neck and opened it before staring at the photo within it.

Boy: Soon...everything will be right, all the injustice of this world shall be purged away...I swear no matter what it takes I won't rest until everything is as it should be.

Some time later

Nathan's POV

After much time we finally made it back to the village of Damerel, Simmons and Sally stood beside me while Elder Kane was up in the front leading us in.

The walk back to this village didn't feel as long the second time and nothing really eventful happened, which gave me plenty of time to think about the events leading up to us arriving here.

My dad certainly wasn't happy about the idea of me heading to another world, let alone one overran with monsters that apparently rape men as if it's a completely normal thing...yeah that was a fun conversation to have.

Sarah also gave me a few funny looks when that last part was mentioned but after repeatedly telling her that I am happy with my relationship with her and won't do anything like 'that' with anyone or anything in this world she finally let me go, and now here we are standing in front of the gate that leads into the village and I have to say it's a lot nice when it doesn't sound like people are fighting for their lives in it.

We walked in and once again I was amazed by how old fashioned the houses were, but then again considering this world doesn't seem to have modern technology, electricity or any of that this is probably a common sight in almost all the towns in Terra.

Sally: Wow, looking at all the buildings here it almost feels almost like we traveled back in time.

Simmons: That's what I thought the first time we got here, but yeah it's nice to see things after they've calmed down.

Elder Kane: Ahem, I'd once again like to thank you for choosing to help keep our village safe.

Simmons: Well you heard what Angela said, we might only be here temporarily so best to make the most of it, anyway where are we gonna be sleeping anyway I don't think we covered that yet.

Elder Kane: I shall speak with the Innkeeper about that, I'm sure she'd gladly allow you all to stay here considering the service you are doing for us.

We began to follow Elder Kane towards the Inn, as we walked he glanced back at Sally specifically her rifle which was strapped over her back.

Elder Kane: So Sally was it? What is that contraption on your back?

Sally: Oh this? (She asked unslinging her rifle) it's my weapon, it's called 'Laetitia'

Elder Kane: Hmm...it's certainly a strange weapon, it can't be a spear since it doesn't have a blade at the end of it.

Sally: That's because it's not a spear it's a gun, specifically a rifle.

Elder Kane: Gun? Rifle? I take it these are more objects unique to your world.

Nathan: (Huh, so they really don't have guns in this world after all, explains why those Succubi were so surprised when Sergey blew one of their heads off)

Elder Kane: But that rifle doesn't seem like it would be very effective for striking someone-

Sally: Because it's not meant to, guns are ranged weapons that...you know what why don't I just show you.

Sally then unslung her rifle and looked into the sky, there she saw a large red bird flying across the sky and over the village, without second wasted she took aim at the bird and fired, a small spark of purple electricity was seen as the bird fell from the sky and landed on the ground just inches from Elder Kanes feet.

Sally: Guns like this rifle or the pistol that Sergey was carrying fire these tiny little objects called bullets, the exact process for how they do it is pretty complicated to explain so-

Elder Kane: Oh sweet Kiona, that weapon is...quite terrifying to be honest, how does one fight against something that can fire an object faster than I can see it?

Nathan: (That's the thing, you don't...unless your an abnormality or have a decently high grade E.G.O suit)

In any other case fighting someone with a gun either normal or E.G.O is basically impossible if your restricted to melee combat unless you can get up close to them...now that I think about it if guns really don't exist in this world then any agent that carry's a gun would have a pretty big advantage since I doubt any armor that the people or monsters here make could protect them that well against a bullet from an E.G.O weapon.

Sally's little display of her firearm also apparently attracted the attention of a few townspeople who watched in amazement, one of them was a kid who slowly began to walk towards her to get a better look at her rifle but was clearly nervous.

Sally: Hmm?

The kid jumped back a bit when she looked at him, she just smiled and waved to him and he waved back.

After that we followed Elder Kane towards the town Inn and I've gotta day for the era that this towns style is in it was pretty impressive.

We followed Elder Kane into the building, the floor was made from a smooth stone that I didn't recognize and through the floor there were multiple tables with these small little carpets under each of them, in the middle of the Inn was the bar where several kegs of what I could assume was alcohol were set up.

Working at the bar was a woman who I quickly recognized as the woman who's baby I saved back when those Succubi were attacking, after explaining our situation she was more then willing to let us stay for free for as long as we would remain here, she led us upstairs where all of the rooms were and we all got our own room to stay in.

Innkeeper: And remember if you ever need anything just let me know ok?

Nathan: Thanks a lot, I'll see you later.

With that the Innkeeper left and I was alone in my room, at an Inn...within another world.

Nathan: Alright, guess this is where I'm gonna be staying for the next couple of days...or however long we stay here.

(A/n): Alright guys so finals are coming up at my college so I really need to study and on top of that I have a ton of assignments that I am badly behind in and trying to catch up to so I won't be updating anything for quite some time, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day.

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