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His back story will be told. There will be hard times, bad times, good times, the fight for survival, and new... More

CH I: Part 1: Born from a Star
CH II: Part 1: A New Place?
CH IV: Part 1: Another Planet/More Enemies
CH V: Part 1: Octavia & Stars
CH VI: Part 1: Joyful Times
Ch VII: Part 1: Brewing Storms
CH VIII: Part 1: Peaceful Hour
CH IX: Part 1: Face-To-Face
CH X: Part 1: The Peaceseeker
CH XI: Part 1: Harsh Realities
CH XII: Part 1: Love, Hate, Pain
CH XIII: Part 1: Rifts
Chapter: XIV: Part 1: Reunited

CH III: Part 1: New Friends

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Nixx woke up and saw Zura was laying upright. Like a Sphinx, with her front legs and paws facing forward. Her back legs tucked properly by her rear sides and her tail wrapped around Nixx as he slept. He was wondering what she was facing and turns out she was watching some couples outside doing their mating in their lit huts. She could sense them, and see them going at it with their Sexual act. Such a strange and pathetic looking act, but yet, why did she feel like she wanted to do it herself. Such an act and yet those of flesh and blood were obsessed with it.

Zura was now thinking about what it would look like if her and Galvik did it. She shook her head as she wanted to prevent herself from being that dirty minded. Such a disgusting, and primitive thing to think of. Yet, these beings made them, without them their existence probably wouldn't have ever happened. She looked back down at Nixx and went down and gave him and nuzzle and a kiss. Maybe, it was for the best that they were like this. Created, and born from a Heart of a Star. It was like they were Stars themselves, beautiful, and deadly, a light in the dark, a light that never dies. Sure Stars died eventually, but they always come back new.

As she was in her thoughts and cooing Nixx a visitor came over to their Hangar, he didn't make his presence known but he watched, they both did. Him and his potential mate. "So, the New Pup chose Zura after all? How heart touching~." The Female Xylowraith that was nearly as big as Galvik but was sligthly smaller. She was dark Black and yes she had Crimson Red markings. On her forehead was a pentagram looking star with three diamonds coming from the three tips of the top part of the Star. She was one rank lower than Galvik which was an Assassin. Which meant she was sent on special missions. She was soon to become a Dreadnought herself.

She admired Zura but of course looked down on her. She then laid her eyes on Nixx. She saw how cute he was and she felt the urge of having him for herself. "What a sweet little Pup. I envy her a little." Galvik remained serious and said "If she is going to be the Pups Mother. She better know that she needs to train him to become a Warrior." Xiva coos and smiles "Think she will train him properly? She is just a Reconnaissance after all." Galvik and her both leave. Zura sensed their presence but tried not to let it bother her. She knew what she was doing, she had to know. She would become a wonderful Mother to Nixx and teach him all she knows.

Later on she had to leave Nixx to go on a Misson she was assigned to. Nixx was clinging on to her and wouldn't leave her side. She felt bad she had to leave Nixx alone. Just then as he was trying to follow her Zura said "Nixx! You can't come with me. I am going on a Reconnaissance Misson. I know you will miss me, I will miss you too." Nixx whimpered and then rubbed against her. Zura went down and gave him kisses and then left. Nixx sat down and watched sadly as they went to a place that resmembled a Airport and took off with other Xylowraiths. Rasmus saw and felt sorry for little Nixx. He then walked up to him and said "I didn't ever want to leave my Mother's side when I was a Pup like you. But I had no choice when I was assigned to the Military Force of Xulkria."

Nixx looked up at Rasmus and actually saw him have a kind gentle face. He wasn't mean and stern like the Commander or Galvik. He then said "Come on. Its time you meet some other Pups like yourself. Yes there are others." Nixx relunctantly followed and Rasmus took him to a small Hangar and their was other Xylowraith Pups like himself sitting down or laying down and others playing together. Rasmus showed him in but Nixx was nervous. He was not sure if the others would like him. They were of all different types of colors. Blue, red, yellow and some green and purple. At least one of them. She was a little female and was sweet looking and was using her telepathic abilities to build a structure out of metal panels like a 3D puzzle.

Nixx walked in and looked about. And he even saw one Xylowraith that looked unique from the others. He had glowing Aquamarine markings rather than any other star color he knew. And instead he had black skin but had a dark blue tint to it and it looked like Damascus like desgin. He had a triangular symbol on his for head with a circle. Kind of like this.

It had lines come from each tip and went back into wavy swirls. He was slightly bigger than Nixx but was still a Pup himself. He even had a long tail with crossing blades at the end.  Nixx was a bit nervous when he came up to him. He stopped and was about a foot away from him. "Hi." He spoke. Nixx was surprised but still nervous. He said "H-Hi?" The other Pup said "You're the new Pup I heard about?" Nixx looks around and then says, "Yes I guess." The Other Pup then says "I am Infinite. Pleased to meet you."

"I am Nixx." Nixx replied. Infinite then smiles and says "Good name. Your Chosen Mother named you that?" Nixx only nods. He then looks over at the female that was like a smaller version of the Mother Zura putting together the 3D puzzle. Infinite saw this and says "I see you noticed Xzyra? Want to meet her?" Nixx replies "Sure." They walked over to Xzyra and Infinite says "Hey Xzyra! Meet the new Pup. His name is Nixx." Xzyra then looked up from her activity and looks over at Nixx. "Pleased to meet you." She had a really kind voice. Nixx smiles nervously and says "H-Hello." This was his first time ever talking, even with Xylowraith Pups like him. Xzyra does a cute giggle and says "Its ok to be nervous. We were all in the same position as you."

Infinite: "Yeah don't worry. We are all friends here!"

Nixx: "Ok. I just need to get used to this. Any way what this place is?"

Xzyra: "This is the Pup Care Hangar. All Pups are sent here to be taught and taken care of. While our Parents are away."

Nixx was confused and asked, "Away to do what?" Xzyra didn't mind him asking that, she knew he was new and needed to learn. "Why to do Missions of course. They always need to do something for the Xulkrilyte Military."
Nixx asks "Xulkrilyte Military?"
Infinite explains "Oh that is what the Keepers or Creators are called. Xulkrilytes. Named after the Mother World Xulkria. We are far from it, but we are told that we might return and see it someday." Nixx then looked around and asked "Then, what is this World called we are on?" Infinite just sat down and said "Oh this Planet? It's just a random Planet that they claimed as their own. They are planning on conquering this System."

Xzyra: "Yeah! This whole Planet and then this whole System and Galaxy will belong to us soon. After the Creators Cleanse it." Nixx was taking this all in and was now thinking about what it all meant. He then looked over at the other Pups talking with each other and were taking some glances at him. Nixx was not sure about them. Xzyra saw this and said "Don't worry about them. They were like that when we first arrived. You will fit in; I can promise you that." Nixx finally asked "If the Creators made us, then why do we not look like them?" Infinite and Xzyra were silent at first, then they looked at each other for a moment. Nixx was afraid he said something wrong.

Infinite said "Not sure. It's just that... Maybe we are meant to look different from them and be our own selves. Yet, we are made to serve them as their War Beasts they say." Nixx says "War Beasts?" Xzyra "Yeah. We are destined to become great and powerful Warriors some day and help Cleanse the Universes." Nixx was surprised to hear all this. He guessed that meant that he was going to grow up eventually and become as big as Zura or Galvik. If his future was meant to be like that. He then said "But how? How are we going to grow up and become great Warriors?" He knew he was asking a lot of questions, but he felt like he needed to know. Infinite says "We are meant to be very powerful Beings. We are made in the heart of Stars! I was, Xzyra was, and you were also made or should I say forged from the heart of a Star."

Nixx: "I had a feeling that I was. My Mother Zura told me. She said I was forged in the heart of a great orange Star."

Xzyra says "Correct! That would be called a ZX-49 Alpha Class Star! One that was over at least 3 million years old!" Nixx's eyes went wide and said, "That old?" Xzyra nods "Mmmhmm! I was forged in the heart of a ZF-38 Beta Class Star. Which is a red one, but I turned out purple which is a sign that it was close to becoming at least 3.1 million years old." Infinite then says, "I was forged from a blue ZR-57 Alpha Class Star that was 2.6 million years old." Nixx thought about all of this and then said, "Is it supposed to mean something when you are forged from a Star that is that type of Class or how old it is?"

Xzyra: "Well... It is supposed to tell how long you will live or powerful you will become. And what rank you are destined to become."

Nixx: "Rank?"

Infinite: "A Rank is something that is included in the Military. It tells us where we stand. Either we are of lower authority or higher authority. The first Rank we are at is Omega Pup. Soon when we get older and go through the training process, we will become Omega Warrior. Later on, we might be able to make it to one of the higher Ranks such as Alpha Warrior, Supreme Alpha, Reconnaissance, Battlebourne, or maybe Dreadnought."

"Dreadnought?" Nixx said in confusion. The others he understood, but the Dreadnought one was quite mysterious. "Dreadnought is possibly the highest and toughest Rank any Xylowraith could become. The one named Galvik is said to be one." Nixx knew who Inifinte was talking about. Galvik was the big terrifying one that gave him a stern glare, like he wanted to eat or kill him. Nixx shivered at the thought. Xzyra says "Galvik. He is pretty scary. Pretty big and powerful too. I heard he wiped out a whole Planet by himself!" Nixx's eyes went wide and Infinite nods "Oh yes. Heard his name means 'Planet Slayer'. He worked hard to get to where he was."

Nixx: "I met him. He never said anything to me. He just looked at me with an unsettling look."

Xzyra: "If I were you. I try to stay out of his way. He shows no remorse to those who dare stand in his way, and he won't hesitate to kill anyone. He is a true killer."

Infinite: "Your lucky he just gave you a look instead of trying to hurt you!"

Nixx looks down sadly and says, "Mother called me right at that moment." Xzyra then asked "Oh really? Thank the Gods for that. Who is your mother?" Nixx thought for a moment. He tried to remember what her name was. He then says "Zura I think." Xzyra then says "I heard of her. She is a Reconnaissance Type. But she might become a a higher Rank soon. I never saw her become a mother before."

Inifinte: "That is it. She never really wanted to. Was there a reason why you picked her? Or did she pick you?"

Nixx: "There were two Females fighting over me, well were about to. Then Zura came in and stopped them before they got started. I picked her cause she was there for me."

Xzyra: "Aww. That was really sweet. I think you made the right choice."

Nixx just smiled at that, he knew that he did. He knew that Zura had a sweet kind spirit to her. He felt like he was going to like being here. Infinite then says, "What Rank that you think you might make it to Nixx?" Nixx looked at him and was caught off guard by this. He was not sure what Rank he wanted to make it to. He then responded, "Alpha Warrior I guess." Inifinite then says "Not sure? Thats ok. You never know you might make it to Battlebourne. Or something much higher."

Xzyra: "I want to become a Reconnaissance. And then I will probably rise to become a Dreadnought."

She seemed quite happy and confident about her decision. Infinite says "I hope to become the same as well. Maybe we will all become Dreadnoughts. Together." Then a snarky voice spoke from behind him that said "A Female becoming a Dreadnought? HA! Thats a laugh." They turned and saw three other Pups standing there. "NO ONE ASKED YOU ZORAN!!" Infinite exclaimed. Zoran was a Pup who was the same size as Inifinte. He had yellow-colored markings with a marking that looked like a diamond in his forehead. There was other two that stood slightly back behind him. One had red markings on him. He had a circle with a X in it. He looked quite unpleasant and snooty. The other one had light green markings and in his forgead was an arrow pointing down to his face. He too didn't look nice.

Zoran: "I see a new Runt is here. Tell me, what is your name Runt?"

Xzyra: "Hey! Don't call him Runt! That is not what he is!"

Zoran: "Whats wrong? He can't speak for himself?"

Nixx: "My name is Nixx. If you really want to know."

"Nixx? What kind of stupid name is that?" The one with the Red circle and x said. "Better than Xero I can tell you that!" Xzyra replied angrily. Xero, the one with the Red markings and the Circle with a X, was obviously insulted from this. He growls and says, "What kind of name is Xzyra?" Xzyra smiles and replies, "It means Queen." Infinite then says, "Unless you have something negative to constantly squawk about, then I suggest you leave us!" Zoran smiles a bit snarkly and says, "I just want to say it would be a moment the Stars stop burning when a Female becomes a Dreadnought."

Xzyra growls in annoyance and Infiinte just looks at Zoran with a angry look. "So you doubt the fact that a Female can become a Dreadnought?" Nixx said finally walking up not showing any fear.  Zoran turns to him, he speaks "A Female will prove her worth. But the Males will be the most noble to have that honor to become the mightiest the Universe has ever seen. Not that I care what you think Runt." Infinite then goes up to Zoran's face and growls and says, "Call him Runt one last time!"

Zoran: "Or what?"

Inifinite: "Let's find out..."

As a fight was about to break out, a sudden Xulkrilyte came out of nowhere and said, "Is there an issue here?" Infinite and Zoran stopped and looked up. "No. No issue here Master Lavelle. No issue at all." Lavelle then said "Ok. Then let's get down to the lessons." He sits down on a stone stool and the Pups gather around in front of him and sit. He then notices Nixx and says "We have a new one with us! Come up. Introduce yourself." Nixx nervously walks up to Lavelle and looks at the other Pup looking at him. He felt nervous, he did not know what they thought about him.

He intorduced himself "H-Hello. M-My n-name is Nixx."

Back to the present

Nixx had awoken after the alarm went off. Loona smacked it to shut up and then picked up to throw across the room. Nixx chuckles and says, "Not wanting to get up?" Loona groans and replies "Fuck it!" Nixx smiles and replies "I will take that as a yes." He assumed that it was best to let Loona sleep in. For once she was exhausted due to working really hard lately. Luckily today was no more than a Day Off. Nixx was going to make it into one. Blitz had slept in during the time he was watching Porn and had masturbated so he was pretty out. Nixx just shut the laptop and put it away not wanting to see what Blitz was looking at.

He didn't put it past him that Blitz would be into some pretty nasty shit due to him taking sheer enjoyment out of killing People. Nixx had not been thinking about Porn at all. After seeing the sick video called "Two Girls and One Cup." Nixx refrained from watching anymore Sex Videos. Such disgusting Primitives to even think of doing such a thing. If only they could find the sick fucks who made that and kill them!

He made breakfast and drank some Rum while he was at it and then took a rest after he was done. He watched some T.V. and saw that random stupid shit was playing. Damn, Hell and the Living World had something in common: both of their Television sucked balls!

Nixx turned the T.V. off and sighed as he felt that today was going to be dull as there was nothing left to do. Just then he heard a knock at the door and went to go answer it. He opened it and saw it was Octavia. She seemed ok but something was on her mind. Nixx answered. "Via! What a pleasent surprise!"

Octavia: "Hi Nixx! Um. Are you the only one awake?"

Nixx: "It seems so. Letting Loona and Blitz sleep in. They have been working hard. What brings you here?"

Octavia: "I would like you to meet a special someone."

Nixx: "Oh the new guy you met? Francesco? I would like to. Where is he?"

Octavia: "He is outside of the Apartment buidling waiting. I can go get him?"

Nixx: "No need. I can come out for a bit."

Octavia and Nixx both went down to the main lobby, and they went outside where Francesco was waiting. "Via! I see your um..." He spoke and stopped when he saw Nixx. "It's ok Francesco. This is Nixx. He is a Xylowraith. Don't let his look fool you. He is a big softy."

Nixx: "To certain people. Hello Francesco. It's a pleasure."

Fran: "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Nixx. So, you are not from here, are you?" 

Nixx: "No. I am a Xylowraith. I am a Creature made from an Alien race long ago. It is sort of a long story."

Via: "Yeah. I don't believe that you told us all about what it was like being out there in Space?" 

Nixx smiles a bit and then says, "Well. It is a very long story."

Just then Loona poked her head out of the window from her room and said, "NIXX!!?" He could tell she was calling for him and he smiles down at them and says, "A story for another time."

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