Ace of Harts

By chicka_loca1

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Hannah, Tyler and Sarah were friends since kindergarten. Till Tyler and Sarah both moved to a new town. Hanna... More



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By chicka_loca1

Mamrie calls Tyler and Grace calls Sarah to tell them to came to the hospital. Less than 10 minutes after calling Tyler he showed up scared.

"What happened?" Tyler said hugging Mamrie and Grace.

"We don't know. All we know is that we heard screams while waiting for Grace's mom and when we went to see what it was. Hannah was being held up by two guys and another one was beating Hannah till she fainted. Sawyer got beat too, but Hannah got it worst." Mamrie says as Grace stares at the floor.

"How long have you guys been here?" Tyler said as Sarah rushes inside.

"How is she? What happened?" Sarah said out of breath.

"They haven't told us anything. Hannah got beat up badly along with Sawyer." Tyler said. They sit there in silence as Hannah's father comes rushing in.

"Hananh Hart?" he said to the lady on the other side of the counter. Tyler got up from his chair walking up to Hannah's father.

"Mr. Hart." Tyler said. Hannah's father turned to face the white haired boy.

"Oh Tyler! Whats going on with Hannah?" He asks quickly.

"Im in same boat as you sir. All i know is that when Hannah was leaving she was with her friend Sawyer and both of them got beaten by 3 guys." Tyler says. Hannah's father sighed.

"How long have you been waiting here?" he asks walking to a seat.

"Not very long. These two here were the ones that found Hannah." Tyler says as he gestures toward Mamrie and Grace. They walk towards the three girls having a small conversation.

"Guys this is Mr. Hart, Hannah's dad." Tyler says to the two girls.

"Hey Mr. Hart." Sarah says.

"Sarah i haven't seen you in so long. You've grown so much. And I've told you guys to call me David." He smiles at them. Tyler and Sarah giggle a little.

"Thank you and its so good to see you again." Sarah smiles at him.

"Hi, im Mamrie" She says holding out her hand to the man.

"Nice to meet you Mamrie. And who's this?" David asks referring to Grace.

"This is Grace. Grace." Sarah says snapping her fingers in Grace's face.

"Oh I'm sorry. Its nice to meet you." Grace says.

"You're Grace." David said "Hannah's talked a lot about you. You're much more prettier that what she's told me." He says smiling as he shook Grace's hand. Grace blushes a little.

"Thank you girls for helping Hannah." He thanked them.

"Its no problem. Hannah's our friend." Mamrie says as Grace goes back into her own little world.

"Thank you. Who knows what would have happened if you two girls weren't there to help." David says as the doctor came out.

"Hannah Hart?" They all got walking to the doctor.

"Yes we're here for Hannah." David said

"Yes well Hannah has a broken rib and nose. Follow me." The doctor says. They follow him to Hannah's room. Everyone slowly filled the room. Grace was the first to walk over to Hannah and everyone else just looked at Hannah. She had cuts on her face and a huge bruise on the left side of her face. Her wrists were red where the guys had held her still. Grace grabbed Hannah's hand and interlocked it with hers, feeling a tingle on contact. Tyler soon walked over to where Grace sat.

David walked to the other side of Hannah's bed. After a solid 10 minutes in silence Grace's mom came inside. Theresa saw Grace holding Hannah's hand and her head rested on the bed. She looks over at Mamrie, Mamrie gives her a ill tell you later look. She nods as she makes her way closer to Hannah.

"Hi." David said.

"Hello, I'm Theresa, Grace's mother." she said smiling and shaking Davids hand.

"Im David, Hannah's father. Your daughter and Mamrie saved my daughters life." He exaggerated

"Im glad Hannah's okay." Theresa said. A minute later Hannah started to move. Grace who was hold Hannah's hand felt Hannah squeeze her hand. Grace's head immediately shot up and looked at Hannah.

"Hannah?" Grace whispered. Everyone else watched Hannah start to move. Hannah's blue eyes opened slowly to meet Grace's brown eyes looking back at her. Theresa sees something in Grace she's never seen before. Something special, that involves her and Hannah, a twinkle in Grace's eyes.

"Hannah!!" Tyler yelled breaking the bubble that just had Grace and her inside. He trys to hug his dear friend.

"Hey. What.....what happened?" Hannah coughed out.

"What was the last thing you remember?"Sarah asks.

"Me and Sawyer walking out the field." Hannah says trying to sit up but fails.

"Lay down. Your hurt." Grace says queitly to Hannah. Hannah looks deep into Grace's caring eyes, she nods her head as she lays back down.

"You got beat up by a couple guys. So did Sawyer." Mamrie said. Hannah took a second to think. She tries to remembers what happened.

"Where's Sawyer?" Hannah asks concern for her friend.

"I don't know but he'll be fine Hannah. He seems like a tough guy." Tyler says.

Hannah lays there thinking to her self what happened. But thats when it all hits her, when Chester punched her and started to beat the crap out of her. Hannah's now aware that Grace was hold her hand. She looks at her hand and then back at Grace. Grace sees and lets go of her hand but sees that Hannah is staring at her with scared eyes.

"What? Whats wrong Hannah?" Grace says softly placing her hands on Hannah's, but Hannah pulls away quickly.

"I remember what happened." Hannah says looking away from Grace. "Im sorry Grace but please leave. Please its not anything....i just......i think its best if you leave. Im sorry." Hannah says not looking at Grace. Grace sits there a few seconds feeling sad and confused.

"Ok. Umm......feel better then." Grace says walking out with her mother.

"Hannah whats wrong? Why did you tell Grace to leave?" David asks.

"Her......I don't....." Hannah takes a deep breath. "Dad can you leave for a second so i can talk to them in private." Hannah says. David confused and worried nodded and left.

"What happened Hannah?" Sarah asks.

"Ummm.......guys don't tell Grace or anyone and don't do anything. I don't want anymore trouble with him. Chester's the one that beat me and Sawyer. We were leaving and he said something about......he said this was for Grace. Then he called me a faggot. And i had it with him. I punched him to the ground but the other two guys got me off of him and then he beat me even more. Thats why i told Grace to leave." Hannah says looking at her three friends with frightened faces.

"Do you know what he meant by this was for Grace?" Tyler asks.

"No. But i rather not find out. Ive been avoiding Grace this whole week and then Chester beats me up." Hannah laughs. "Wonder why everything happens to me. First my parents. Then Grace, and now Chester. What a world." Hannah says laughing through her pain.

"Its all gonna be fine Hannah." Tyler says not really knowing what to say. Hannah laughs sarcastically.

"Tyler since when do things in my life ever work out." Hannah says to Tyler. "I like playing football, i didn't want to be come the Ace of Harts again. But one move. ONE DAMN MOVE! And everything falls apart. I can't do anything right. I get you two back in my life and I've already screwed things up. All with ONE FUCKING MOVE! ONE FUCKING MOVE AND EVERYTHING I HAVE OR WANT IS ALL FUCKING GONE!! Every. Damn. Thing." Hannah says holding back tears.

"Hannah you don't always have to be tough. Not everyone believes your act." Tyler says.

"What act Tyler?" Hannah asks honestly confused.

"That stupid act of being the toughs person on earth. Ive seen you cry before Sarah has too. More than once. Remember those nights where you would knock on my window at night with tears streaming down you cheeks. The nights you would come over to my house or me to yours and you would cry on my shoulder. Hannah you might be fooling everyone but not me." Tyler says starting to get alittle irritated by Hannah.

"I'm sorry." Hannah whispers as a tear falls from her eye. "Im a screw up." Mamrie and Sarah are quiet taking in all that the two were saying. Mamrie wants to go to Chester and beat his ass for hurting her friend and for cheating. Chester has done enough to her friends. She wasn't going to take seeing her friends in devastation because of him.

Sarah remembers one night where she Tyler and Hannah were having a sleep over at Hannah's and at around 2 in the morning Hannah's parents started arguing. Tyler was a sleep and Sarah not completely asleep. She heard Hannah's small whimpers as they hear her parents screaming their heads off. They all hug Hannah gently wanting to comfort her as much as possible.

When Grace left Hannah's room with her mother, she didn't say anything. Feeling hurt that her friend doesn't want her near. When Grace sat in the passenger side of the car she started to cry. Theresa tried to comfort her.

"Its alright Grace." Theresa said as she kissed the top of Grace's head.

"She doesn't want me near her. And i don't know what i did wrong." Grace choked out.

"You did nothing wrong, i promise you that. Its all going to be fine. Talk to her later or Tyler. They seem pretty close."

"Its just......i don't know." Grace says wanting to say how she feels but can't put what she's feeling into words. Theresa knows what Grace is feeling, mothers intuition. But she won't say anything to Grace wanting her to figure things out by her self and when she needs her she'll come to Theresa. When Grace needs a small push she'll be there but right now, Grace needs to figure things out on her own.

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