Heart Like Yours {S.G}

By johnniesemogirl

66.9K 1.1K 101

In which the girl falls for the boy across the hall "How could someone like you? Ever love me?" "I guess I s... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
fourty one


5.3K 42 9
By johnniesemogirl


To say the very least I was intrigued by the boy across the hallway always looking through the peephole of the door just to watch him unlock his door mumbling under his breath before slamming the door not coming out till the next day.

But of course this time was different, once again I lost my keys and my landlord was getting pissy that I kept losing them. He even threatened to evict me after giving me another pair of keys.

The last ones he'll ever give me.

Knowing that I'll have no other place to live besides with two of my close friends but of course I wouldn't do that.

So instead of calling someone to see if I just left my keys anywhere I cried in the hallway and if people heard or saw they didn't say anything until someone cleared their throat making me gasp and look up.

"Move." The blonde said


"You and your pathetic ass is in front of my door. Move."

I scooted over to lean against the wall while grabbing my purse and everything that I dumped out of it towards me while sniffling.

"What the hell happened to you? Did daddy stop giving you money?"

I slightly frowned while wiping my tears I never took those as a joke, as growing up my parents are the abusive type and still are to this day towards me even though I don't live with them anymore.

"N-no I lost my keys again." I cried

"Ah your that girl that everyone talks about."


He didn't answer me and shut his door and locking it till I heard a satisfied click. I sighed before once again searching through every pocket that was in my purse, then my coat pockets. Not finding anything.

But of course I seem to hide my things in the most weirdest places, I stared at my wallet before opening and a silver key fell out in front of me making me squeal in happiness.

"Not today." I mumbled picking my things up and unlocking the door while I smiled widely


New Book!

I will be writing this book along with my other one (Our Love) but this one will have very slow updates unless I have time to post a couple chapters for you guys.

Thanks for all the support on my other books and I hope you like this one <3

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