Aoi Lake: A Pokemon Fanfic

By IcicleKun

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Aoi Lake, son of the top Pokemon Fashion Designer, Dan Lake, the young boy sets off on his own adventure with... More

Chapter 1: Hey, Professor Oak!
Chapter 2: Team Rocket
Chapter 3: Aoi's Forest Adventure!
Chapter 4: Showdown in Pewter City!
Chapter 5: The Final Showdown!
Chapter 6: Mt. Moon
Cheated 7: Water Flower of Cerulean City!
Chapter 8: The Path to the Pokemon League!
Chapter 9: The School of Hard Knocks!
Chapter 10: Hidden Village
Chapter 11: Catch Up, Ash and Aoi!
Chapter 12: Giant Pokemon!?!
Chapter 13: Professor Oak!?!
Chapter 14: Chameleon Goes Forth!
Chapter 15: Battle Aboard St. Anne!
Chapter 16: Shipwreck!?!
Chapter 17: Island of Giant Pokemon!
Chapter 18: Tentacool and Tentscruel!
Chapter 19: The Ghost at Maiden's Peak
Chapter 20: Bye Bye Butterfree...!
Chapter 21: Abra and the Physic Showdown!
Chapter 22: The Tower of Terror!
Chapter 23: Gastly vs Kadabra!
Chapter 24: Primeape Goes Bananas!
Chapter 25: Pokemon Scent-sation!
Chapter 26: Hypno's Naptime
Chapter 27: Pokemon Fashion Flash!
Chapter 28: The Punchy Pokemon!
Chapter 29: Sparks Fly for Magnemite!
Chapter 31: The Ninja Poke-Showdown!
Chapter 32: The Flame Pokemon-athon!
Chapter 33: The Kangaskhan Kid
Chapter 34: The Bridge Bike Gang
Chapter 35: Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
Chapter 36: Pikachu's Goodbye?
Chapter 37: The Battling Eevee Brothers!
Chapter 38: Showdown at Dark City!
Chapter 39: The March of the Exeggutor Squad!
Chapter 40: The Problem with Paras.
Chapter 41: The Neon Town Poke Contest!
Chapter 42: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon!
Chapter 43: A mixed adventure.
Chapter 44: So near, yet so Farfetch'd!
Chapter 45: Who Gets To Keep Togepi?
Chapter 46: Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden!
Chapter 47: The Case of the K-9 Caper!
Chapter 48: Pokemon Paparazzi!
Chapter 49: The Ultimate Test
Chapter 50: The Breeding Center Secret (Book 1 FINAL!)
Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back

Chapter 30: Dig Those Diglett!

63 3 0
By IcicleKun

Several months...

And several months that was amazing for Aoi, as recently, Samurai left to pursue the life of being a Pokemon Caretaker underneath a Nurse Joy.

But that was ended abruptly when a large explosion was heard, causing the new team of four to investigate. However, trucks drove on a dirt road, but a sudden collision sent the trunks crashing into one another due to potholes, alarming the group,

"What a wreck!" Misty says,

"This is terribly..." Brock commented,

"Huh...?" Aoi noticed Pikachu going up to a large group of Diglett, as they dance and sing by bringing their heads up and down from the ground,

"Woah... So these are Diglett, huh?" He says as Diglett seemed a bit nervous about the trainer, but Pikachu made that clear that Aoi wasn't the enemy, making the new Pokemon a bit surprised. But it chants and dances anyways,

"Diglett. The movement of these Ground Pokemon can be easily detected by their tracks of upturned earth." Aoi rubs the head of a Diglett, as it seemed to take a liking to it,

"Diglett?" They were shocked by this, as one after the other, Diglett is mesmerized by the rubbing,

"Diglett!" The Diglett is satisfied, and even Pikachu enjoyed some rubs,

"The first Pokemon Trainers have arrived!" A sudden familiar voice of someone Aoi knows is heard, as the Diglett are startled imminently, rushing back into the ground,

"Huh?" Aoi looks down at the ground, before looking and seeing none other than Gary Oak and a mob of women with a few trucks behind them,

"Gary!?!" Aoi and Ash are startled, as Gary noticed them,

"Well, if it isn't little Ash and my good buddy Aoi from Pallet," Gary says as Aoi stands next to the now confused Ash,

"What are you two doing here?" Gary wondered as Brock seemed horribly distraught and angry by the conversation he heard while Aoi was with the Diglett, and from what Brock is experiencing it wouldn't be a surprise if Samurai would've felt just as angered,

"It might just be an unlucky coincidence bumping into you here, Ash," Gary says, turning to Aoi,

"And there's Aoi, discoverer of the new hot topic Pokemon, Eeveon. I did my fair research, and I have never seen such a different evolution! In all my years my grandpa was a professor, nothing was just as new as your gorgeous Eeveon!" Gary says, as Aoi awkwardly chuckles, as the woman looked very curious at the boy, as Gary looked at the downed and angered Ash,

"So, Ash have you picked up any good Pokemon?" Gary wondered, but the man from the truck crash comes up,

"Somebody's got to get rid of these Digletts!" He says as Aoi's eyes widened,

"G-Get rid...?" Aoi wondered as Brock imminently got sour,

"Getting rid of these Pokemon? Now that's totally original." Aoi remembered Nastina, as suddenly,

"Don't give it another thought, sir. Those Digletts are as good as gone now that Gary Oak is on the case!" Gary tries to walk into his car, but Aoi steps forth,

"How can you call yourself a Pokemon Trainer and grandson of Professor Oak if you want to run an extermination business!?!" Aoi says, which shocks Gary,

"Huh? Well, of course, I am a Pokemon Trainer and grandson of the great Pokemon Professor! This is a job only real Pokemon Trainers such as ourselves can take care of!" Gary gets into his car, driving off with the other vehicles following, as Aoi growls,

"Hey, Aoi! Where are you going?" Misty called, as Aoi says,

"I am saving those Digletts whether that man likes it or not!" Aoi says, as he grunts, walking off as he kicks small rocks along the way.




Aoi sits there, as a Diglett pops out of the ground, surprising Aoi, but he smiles,

"You guys are way too precious to be even considered a nuisance. It's those bad people who want to use a shorter path than going around natural grounds of your kind..." Aoi sighs, as he shakes a bit, a large rock hitting the ground,

"Diglett!" The Diglett that was the first approached by Aoi is there, before snuggling at the side of the trainer despite it not having a body,

"... Samurai..." Aoi mourns the separation of his first best friend, as the Diglett seemed to understand that the boy is in some distress,

"Diglett." The Diglett snuggles at the side of the boy, as Aoi smiles, patting it which seemed to make the Diglett a lot more affectionate.


"Please! Somebody stop them! Stop the Diglett!" A loud voice of the same man from the crash begged as Aoi's eyes widened, as the Diglett got worried,

"Ah..." Aoi looked at how distressed the Pokemon ways,

"Don't worry, Diglett! I won't let them do anything to you or your friends!" Aoi says, as soon arriving on the scene, Pokemon, but suddenly...

"Huh?" Aoi is cut off, as Diglett blocks Aoi's path, shaking their head,

"Huh? No?" Aoi asked as the Diglett bounces up and down,

"Diglett!" The Diglett that was with Aoi gestures with its small body, as Aoi got the message,

"Oh, so the trainers weren't a problem?" Aoi asked as the Diglett nodded,

"Well, that's nice at least," Aoi commented as he is suddenly guided...

"W-Woah..." Aoi's eyes sparkled as a civilization was made thanks to the Diglett,

"Diglett Dig!" Digletts say and march with many Diglett and even their evolved form, Dugtrio.

"Wow... This place is amazing!" Aoi navigates through the area, built to satisfy the Digletts,

"Dig!" The Diglett calls, as Aoi's eyes sparkled,

"R-Really? You want me to help?" Aoi wondered as Diglett smiled, speaking its name as Aoi calls his two best Pokemon for these kinds of situations,

"All right then! Come out, Scyther and Poliwrath!" Aoi says as the Digletts and Dugtrio's eyes widened, as the two Pokemon come out of their Pokeballs, as the two imminently are given orders by the Dugtrio after being told by the Diglett, and just like that Pinsir and Beedrill are off getting more materials for this Pokemon Civilization.

"Alright..." Aoi is seen making a large shade that two rocks help support, as Digletts and Dugtrios alike sit and lay in the shade when needed,

"Hehe... Glad you like it." Aoi says as the three, himself, Beedrill, and his Scyther make the day worth it for themselves and the Diglett and Dugtrio, learning more than Pokemon too can have homes and civilizations themselves.

But the night falls, as Aoi wears a new outfit but the jacket is now tied around his waist, revealing a black shirt with his new jean pants and black shoes.

"What a day..." Aoi says, now submerged in a pool of water as a waterfall channel the water from the mountain to a lake,

"Scyther..." Scyther enjoys the rest as Poliwrath does so too, as the night shines above them,

"Diglett!" Many say as they match many branches and plants.

"Ah, thank you very much, Diglett," Aoi says, as the Diglett happily gives a leaf filled with berries, as Scyther and Poliwrath happily indulged in the food as Aoi does too, wearing swimming trunks as he liked the civilization these Pokemon built.




Aoi then is seen tidying up the place, as Diglett and Dugtrio gather around a large pile of food, the moonlight hitting it as they happily accepted the copious amount of berries Poliwrath helped get, washed and cleaned, the Pokemon and trainer feasts, as Aoi eats and is surprised by the bittersweetness of the berries, some of them being soft and strong, but the Digletts found someone or a group of people.

"Dig! Diglett!" The Diglett scramble as Dugtrio rushes underground to whoever dares come on their land,

"Huh?" Aoi is a bit confused, as Poliwrath and Scyther followed Aoi who followed the Pokemon,

"I wonder who is here that'll make the Diglett so afraid." Aoi wondered, as Scyther sharpened its scythes and Poliwrath bumps its gloves together,

"Hey! Who is there-!" Aoi says, before realizing not only Ash but Misty and Brock standing there in fright,

"Ash? Misty? Brock?" Aoi says as the group of Pokemon is surprised, as the Diglett from before stopped the army of Dugtrio, surprised to hear that the trainers are Aoi's friends,

"Aoi! What's going on? We were worried sick!" Misty lectured, as Aoi laughs,

"Oh! Don't mind me! I was only helping the Diglett and Dugtrio after ASH HERE tried to get rid of these Pokemon!" Aoi says as Brock looked absolutely astonished by the scene he is beheld to,

"So... The Diglett and Dugtrio really trusted you to stay in their home?" Brock wondered as the Diglett from before happily sings its song with its name,

"Well... Yeah! I wasn't heartless as SOME PEOPLE." Aoi mentioned Ash and even Gary, who he started disliking,

"Oh come on! We didn't think this is why the Diglett was being so rash!" Ash says as Brock hits his head, disciplining him on what's actually going on,

"If this is what I was threatening... Then I won't build the dam..." The man from before says, awed by the Pokemon and their civilization,

"Really?" Aoi is surprised by the decision of the man,

"Yes... If this is what I am going to ruin... Then I won't do it." He says as Ash realized his own rash decisions,

"Well, I think I learned my lesson, Pikachu," Ash says, but a familiar voice of none other than Jessie comes on,

"Your lesson is just beginning!" Jessie says, startling everyone as none other than Team Rocket is here. They sing their theme song, and Ash is a bit surprised and stupid to forget about them,

"Oh, Team Rocket! I forgot about them!" Ash says,

"Sorry guys, but we're not in the mood." Ash tried to say, but Team Rocket insisted, and soon, called upon their Arbok and Weezing,

"Hurry and run, Diglett and Dugtrio!" Aoi says, bringing out a Pokemon that will handle them,

"I got a new star that will use the night to their advantage!" Aoi calls,

"Go, Gastly!" Aoi says, calling upon the mist ball of gas,

"Gastly!" It says in its echoed voice, by Jessie wasn't scared of the Pokemon, not anymore,

"Arbok! Bite that pranking ghost!" Jessie says, using Bite, as Gastly stands there, hoping to phase through,

"Wait! Gastly! Watch out!" Aoi says as Pikachu tackles the Arbok, as Jessie growls,

"Oh, what do you think you're doing!" Jessie demanded, as Ash stands his ground, Pikachu is ready to attack,

"Weezing!" It charges, the mist of poisonous fog foaming from its mouth, as Gastly takes great amusement in the midst of poison,

"Huh!?!" James is horrified that Gastly can take in the poison,


"Gas!" Gastly says with a huge smile, as the mist enveloped its body,

"Huh...?" Ashter is startled, as Jessie and James' eyes widened in horror, as Arbok and Weezing were confused, unsure why their masters/trainers are horrified,

"!!!" Jessie and James are looking around, saying,

"Where did it go!?!" James says as Jessie says,

"MEOWTH! YOU CAN HEAR IT RIGHT!?!" Jessie wondered as Meowth stumbles back, horrified,

"I-I am too young to die...!" Meowth cowards as Aoi smirks, as suddenly...

"..." Haunter appears behind the two, as Jessie and James nervously turn around, just to see Haunter taking their hands and making many faces, scaring Jessie and James alongside Meowth as they rush away, saying,

"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!!" They scream in horror, ironically managing to hold their Pokemons respectively, rushing away as from afar, they scream once more, getting attacked by Diglett and Dugtrio.

"I..." Says the short and beared man, awed and horrified by what would've happened if the dam was built, these kinds of treasures will be lost...

"I won't continue building the dam..." He says, surprising the four as the Dugtrio and Duglett realized this, shocked by the change of heart,

"Hey! Haunter!" Aoi called for his Pokemon, as from behind Haunter makes a face, making the young boy laugh as Haunter laughed as well, before with a face of commitment,

"Diglett! Dugtrio! Sick the dam!" Aoi says as every Diglett and Dugtrio rush underground at the dam, destroying it from the ground benefit, as Ashter smiles, before hearing...

"Diglett." Says...

"Huh?" Aoi noticed the Diglett from before... Its little body in the ground, as Ashter crouches, as the Diglett gestured to his belt, where a set of empty Pokeballs lie...

"Huh...?" Aoi held the ball, as Diglett gestured to it once again,

"You... Want to tag along...?" Aoi wondered as Diglett closes its eyes, happily saying its name,

"..." Ashter remembers it being by his side... Ever since that moment...

"... Alright then... Diglett, welcome to the team!" Aoi expands the Pokeball, tapping the Pokemon on its head where the Pokeball imminently dings.

"Hehe..." Aoi says as he obtained yet another Pokemon! One where he'll be able to use and allow to meet other friends, as the story continues!




"See you later then, Diglett..." Ashter puts him in the care of Oak, as Brock says,

"Ah, don't feel so guilty, who knows, Diglett might come in handy in the future." Brock comforts, as Misty nods,

"Yeah, and besides, Diglett has a few friends! There is Beedrill with them!" Misty says,

And for some recap, Aoi has caught Pidgeot, Scyther, Beedrill, Charmeleon, Haunter, Diglett, Poliwrath, and an Eeveon.

Pidgeot went through 3 evolution stages including its first state, making it 3 Pokemon, Scyther being 1, Beedrill being 3 stages, Charmeleon as 2, Haunter 2, Poliwrath through 3, Eeveon from 2, and lastly, there is Aoi's Diglett. All in total males it 19 different Pokemon caught.

But that will be the end of their time... As Aoi rethinks the time he had with the Diglett and Dugtrio...

Maybe someday he can come back here.

Maybe someday he might...

End of Chapter 30.

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