A Miraculous Miracle - Miracu...

By Missmiah1

64.9K 1.2K 786

Ladybug is in love with Adrien but her new found love for Chat Noir has caused her to avoid him. Chat Noir's... More

1 | Peaceful beginnings
2 | Stressful evenings
3 | Thoughtful gestures
4 | Disappointments
5 | Unexpected visitor
6 | Unexpected moments
7 | Motivation
8 | Endless thoughts
9 | Interactions
10 | Electra-girl
11 | Hello Villains
12 | Endangered
13 | Headaches
14 | Fainted
15 | The Black Cat
16 | Those green eyes
17 | Vanished Love
18 | Power in friendship
19 | Sleepovers
20 | Short tempered
21 | Too much Attitude
22 | Manipulation
23 | Mutual Feelings
24 | The truth
25 | In my feelings
26 | Flirty texts
27 | Late night calls
28 | Targeted
29 | Static
30 | No More Denial
31 | Cooking disaster
32 | Kitchen disaters
33 | Movie Night
34 | The Final Warning
35 | Sickness
36 | Emergency room
37 | Sweet Marichat
38 | War Commenced
39 | The Great Return
40 | Battle Cry
42 | Unfortunate Events
43 | Careless Actions
44 | Panic and Chaos
45 | Illusions and assumptions
46 | Betrayal
47 | Triumphant or not
48 | Do it again
49 | War is over
50 | Hospitalised
51 | The truth
52 | Restricted
53 | Reunited
54 | Tension Raised
55 | Date Night
56 | Beautiful evenings
57 | Happy ending or not?

41 | Villains Unite

716 12 10
By Missmiah1

Chapter 41 - Villains Unite

Marinette's POV

I carefully and slowly opened the door, looking for any villains. They seemed to be on the other side as the explosion noises were quite faint so I took it as the opportunity to step out. Chat came out after me.

"As much as I would love to stay with you princess, your safety means everything to me. Static is after you and since its not safe above the ground, I'm going to have to hide you underground under this is all under control." Chat looked at me with a pained expression but a small smile made it's way to his lips.

"Okay. let's go." I smiled.

At least if he put me somewhere 'safe' he wouldn't worry about me anymore and I'll be able to transform back to get some more help.

There was an underground station close by so Chat quickly lead me to it and accompanied me down.

There were already civilians making their way inside with food, entertainment and other necessities but they all had terrified looks on their faces.

The situation was really bad so I don't blame them.

"I'll be back to collect you soon. And after all this is done we will finish what we started." He winked

I rolled my eyes at him, a smile tugging at my lips before my expression turned more serious. "Please be careful out there, I don't want you getting injured badly again."

"I'll try but I don't think these villains will make it easy for me." He shrugged.

I placed a kiss on his cheek before waving bye and made my way further into the underground station.

I waited 2 minutes for Chat to go back into action before running out and finding somewhere to transform.

"Tikki are you there?" I whisper shouted.

"Yes I'm here, I had to follow you." Tikki smiled.

"We've got a city to save." I nodded at her. "Tikki Spots on."

Ladybug's POV

I put my hand on my earpiece and began speaking. "Chat is everything good that side?" I asked.

"Just getting civilians to safety."

"I'm gonna go get our team so they can help us get the civilians to safety before we take on these villains. You okay to keep going alone?"


I let go of my ear-piece and threw my yo-yo up the the rooftops and flew into the air, landing on the tops of the buildings.

I needed to get to Master Fu's place as soon as I possible can before he leaves or before his place is destroyed.

I quickly ran, not paying attention to the buildings which had been set ablaze or the buildings that had collapsed.

My mind was focused on getting the team.

A couple minutes later I managed to make it to Master Fu's place and quickly made my way inside. "Master Fu!" I called out frantically, searching the room to see where he was.

He came out of another room oddly relaxed "I was waiting for your arrival Ladybug." he smiled at me. "Looks like Hawkmoth has gotten himself a powerful crew which means we need more heroes to defeat them."

He made his way over to the Miracle box and did the code to unlock the miraculous. "Choose your team wisely."

I nodded at him and drew my attention to the box. "I'm thinking getting Rena Rouge for distractions, carapace for protection and Viperion for second chance. At least if we fail we will get another chance to get it right."

"Good choice." Master Fu smiled at me before closing the miracle box. "Once the battle is done, return the miraculous to me."

"Will do Master Fu."

"Be careful out there, I've never seen villains as powerful as this before. I will go into hiding just in case but make sure you and your team carefully think about how you are going to put an end to this commotion as I assure you, it won't be easy." Master Fu's brows furrowed slightly.

"We'll try our best to restore Paris to its original peaceful state." I smiled before making my way to the door. "Stay safe Master." And with that, I made my way back to the warzone once more.

It's time to get these miraculous to their owners.

They were probably somewhere all over the city and there was no way I was going to go right into the danger zone so I did the next best thing. I took out my bug phone and dialled Alya's number.

She picked up almost immediately. "...Ladybug?"

"Hi Alya, where are you? Paris needs Rena rouge."

"I'm heading to the south underground entrance."

"Got it, I'll be there soon."

I ended the call and was about to call Nino but realised they would probably be together anyways as those two love birds are practically inseparable.

At least it makes my life easier I guess.

The sounds of Electra-girl and Static laughing filled my ears once again. I can't lie, their laughs are creepy. It could haunt me for days.

I made my way to the underground station and began looking for Alya and Nino. I spotted them and signalled for them to come.

If I came any closer it people would've figured out their identities so I signalled them from a distance.

The civilians were all pretty worried, hugging their family members or crying so I don't think very many people noticed me.

Hold on a minute, what about all the people who have been injured? We need to keep the villains far away from the hospital so they can be treated. Although my miraculous Ladybug fixes most physical problems, It doesn't fix mental or emotional problems.

And even so, the body would still have to recover from the injuries. My miraculous ladybug can't fix the fact that the civilians may have been injured. It doesn't have that power.

I need the hospital to remain open at all cost in case me or my team need to take emergency stops there.

At least the hospitals are on the outskirts of the city and not in the centre of the city.

But injured civilians would need transport to the hospitals before we can take on the villains. We had to do that asap.

"Hey Ladybug." Alya smiled, a small frown on her lips.

"As you two can see this battle has really escalated and me and Chat Noir need some backup. We need Carapace and Rena rouge." I spoke quietly to them making sure no one else could hear us.

A lightening bolt struck a tree close to us setting it ablaze and making a loud thundering sound.

"Let's go." I signalled the couple to follow me and we ran to a close alleyway and I gave the two their miraculous.

They quickly transformed. "Rena, Carapace, I need to go and give Viperion his Miraculous. I need you two to help Chat by making sure all Parisians have left there households and have either left the city or gone to the undergrounds for safety."

"Once we have got all the citizens to safety and closed off the entrances so that the villains can't get to them then we will all meet up and form a plan to take them down."

"Got it." Carapace nodded.

"Try to avoid the Villains and their beams. Trust me they do hurt, I was struck by them before. I don't want you to go through the same pain. Stick together and stay in contact. Good Luck." I smiled at them before Running off to find Luka.

"Chat Noir How's things going? I've got Rena and carapace to help with the civilians, I'm going to get Viperion." I spoke through my earpiece.

"I've not bumped into any Villains in a while so It's all good. I've cleared the east and nearly done the north."

"Alright, tell Rena and carapace to stay down south, once I've collected Viperion I'll do the west."

"See you soon LB."

I'm for sure going to need some energy drinks for this one.

I took my yo-yo out and opened my big phone and dialled Luka's number. "Hey Luka."


"Where are you?"

"Currently somewhere, trying to find a hiding spot."

"Go to the closest Alleyway. Paris needs you."


I ended the call and began tracking Luka's location. I was glad that my yo-yo had advanced technology so I could find anyone's details in case of an emergency.

Not all of their details but there number and location.

I began running towards Luka's location.

For some reason, Electra-girl and Static weren't really targeting us but the civilians which is odd. They would only attack us if we attacked them.

Usually it's the other way round.

But regardless of their plans, we need to insure the civilians Safety.

It took a couple minutes for me to make it to Luka's location. Once I found him, I have him the miraculous and began explaining the plan to him.

"Okay Viperion. I need you to help me make sure all civilians have left their households and have gone to safety in one of the underground stations. Once we have done that, we can come up with a plan to defeat these villains once and for all."

"Okay Ladybug."

"We just have to evacuate the west of Paris." I nodded at him and we began making our way around the city.

We stopped at every building which hadn't been destroyed and made sure they were empty and that any civilians were safely hidden underground. It took 20 minutes but we all managed to go to each household and made sure people had evacuated.

Most people had already gone which made life easier for us. And the other people I've assumed have been captured by Static and Electra-girl.

I don't know why Static and Electra-girl need the civilians so badly but I will make sure they don't hurt anyone else. And I'll try my hardest to get the captured civilians back as well.

~ Electra-girls POV ~

Oh how I'm enjoying this.

Watching civilians scream in horror and watching them run for dear life. The civilians who run like snails and the little children tripping over their little feet.

All so hilarious.

Seeing the fear on peoples faces, watching them cry helplessly. While I watch and laugh.

They all deserve it. I went through worse so they can't even complain. They don't even understand what I went through.

So I'm teaching them to emphasise.

Honestly everyone should be thanking me because I'm teaching them a life lesson. Just not in the way they expected.

As much as I'm enjoying going on this civilian chase, I have a plan that I intend to complete. I didn't spend time planning all this for no reason.

We need to get to the good part.

'How's it going Static?' I spoke through my earpiece.

'Lover boy now has a little injury.' She laughed humourlessly.

'That's my girl.' I smiled, 'How's the bar?'

'Full to the top.'

'Perfect.' I smirked. 'Okay I need you to find Stormy and bring her to base. I'll meet you two there.'

'Got it. I'll be there soon.'

I let go of my ear-price and scanned my surroundings. All I saw was destruction, fire and smoke. Perfection.

Exactly what I wanted.

But this is only phase 2 of my plan. I so desperately want to get to phase 3. That's when all the fun stuff happens.

Everything I've done so far has been very entertaining but I've only tortured the civilians so far. I'd hate to not be equal and torture the heroes too.

Equality for all.

I smirked one last time before making my way over to our base. Because I'm a nice person, I've decided to give everyone a bit of peace.

I mean even villains need some time to feedback and talk about their next plans.

Speaking about plans, I've got a little surprise for my partners in crime that I need to sort out. Hence the reason for my abrupt disappearance.

I arrived at base and made my grand entrance. I knew I was going to be akumatised for quite a while so I made myself a base while static was doing her half.

A villain deserves to live in luxury especially when they steal stuff from others to make them luxurious.

I walked over to the main room and was greeted by Static and Stormy.

"Hey girls, had some fun?" I smirked as I made myself comfortable on the sofa specifically stolen for me to use.

"It felt so good to be back in business." Stormy smiled, excitement evident in her eyes.

"I certainly enjoyed having the cat and mouse chase. Especially since Mr Cat boy is now struggling in pain." Static laughed.

"It's so nice to see that you both have enjoyed your time so far. But now we need to get back into business." I stood up in-front of them with a small smile on my face.

"As you know we have excellently tortured the civilians but so far we've barley touched the heroes." I put a serious face on. "The second half of phase two  is to mess with the heroes."

"Finally." Static cheered.

"But before we completely torture the heroes, we need to trap them. Lucky for you I know but the right person for the job."  I took my staff and pointed it toward the sky. A bright orange ball began to form before the room was hit with a bright light.

Once the light had cleared, we looked up to see...

"Who missed me?"

"Volpina?" Static's jaw dropped. I smirked at the shock on her face.

"The one and only." Volpina smirked as she made her way to an empty seat on the other sofa. "I heard you wanted to trap those heroes so here I am to help you."

"This keeps getting better and better." Static smiled.

"Indeed it is." I laughed. "Now listen up, with Volpina's help we are going to finish phase 2. Volpina I need you to create illusions of us to get those heroes on a little chase."

"Got it." She nodded.

"Static, while Volpina is distracting the heroes; I need you to be in hiding so that you can use your beams to start attacking the heroes. You must stay hidden at all times, you cannot let the heroes see you zapping them."

"Sounds like a plan." Static smiled.

"Stormy, for this part of the plan, I don't need you to do too much but a bit of lighting aimed toward the heroes would be nice. Stay out of sight of the heroes but make sure those lightening strike hurt real bad."

"You got it girl." Stormy winked.

"While you three do your part, I'm going to make sure phase 3 of my plan is ready to go in action. I have to talk to Hawkmoth to finalise the plans then once I'm done, we'll meet up one last time to discuss the plan on how to get the miraculous. Is that alright?" I asked the girls.

"Yes." They replied.

"Alright then. I'll give you time to talk amongst yourselves to figure out how you're gonna do the plan then you can go out there and do what you need to do. Make sure you don't fully injure them. Definitely make them tired. For phase 3 to work we need them to be a little injured and very tired."

"Don't worry Cuz, everything will go according to plan." Static winked.

"I sure hope it does. See you soon and stay in touch." I winked at them before heading out.

I know for sure Ladybug must've gone to collect a team because there would be absolutely no way she could deal with all of us as a duo.

I just need to see who she has decided to recruit for this battle.

I have no doubt that I'll win anyways. Even if she gets all the best heroes, I'm just too powerful for her.

No one's has truly seen what I can do just yet. I've specifically not shown that side yet. But my time to shine will come Very soon.

I'm not a lazy Villain, I just had to do a lot behind the scenes.

Like what I'm about to do now.

The purple butterfly appeared in front of my face. "I'm ready for you Hawkmoth." I smirked.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in like forever. School started again and things have just been hectic. For some reason half of this chapter was deleted so I had to rewrite it. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Have a good day and I'll see you in the next one.

- Miss Miah

Word count - 2812 words

Not edited

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