I'm So In Love

By Jenfaniston55

17K 313 119

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

1.4K 19 5
By Jenfaniston55




*Past events are written in italics*


Friday came around in a flash. All week, Rachel has been looking forward to this day.

Finally, it's her date with Ross.

Ross hasn't told her anything about tonight, apart from what type of clothes to wear... smart and dressy, but he also reiterated that no matter what she wore, she'd look stunning, regardless. She's so intrigued as to where he's taking her, and has spent the entire week trying to come up with the perfect attire to wear.

They've stuck to their rule of no funny business, although it has proven to be difficult. They've shared a few short and sweet kisses, neither of them willing to give that up, but both fully on board with not going any further than that.

Ever since they both shared their feelings with one another, Rachel couldn't help but get butterflies every single time she thought of him.


He consumed her every thought. Day and night, twenty-four seven. She's so in love, and sometimes that scares her a little. She wasn't scared of the fact that she loves Ross, because who was she kidding, they're both meant for each other, but she was scared with just how strong her feelings of love were. She's never had such deep feelings for anyone before, not even the first time she dated Ross.

This was finally happening, and she was so ready. 

After much deliberation, and a clothes explosion all over her bedroom, Rachel finally decided on a black one shouldered, ruched dress that fell just below her knees. The dress was figure hugging, accentuating her curves in all the right places. She also paired it with her favorite silver heels, and silver jewelry. Once she was dressed, she admired herself in the floor length mirror that resided in her room. She looked damn good, and she knew it. Rachel thoroughly hopes Ross loves this dress as much as she does... another reason she chose it... thinking Ross would most definitely approve. She sprays herself with a floral scented perfume, and just as she was finishing up, she heard a knock at the door. A huge smile formed on her face as she realized who it was...

It was Ross Geller... her date.

Rachel made her way over to the door, taking a deep breath. She suddenly felt nervous, but good nerves... the type of nervous that you love. After one more deep breath, she flattened her dress and opened the door.

"Hey you" She said, her eyes immediately and involuntary scanning his suit clad body, before eventually locking with his gaze

"Hey you... you look... wow, just wow" Ross reciprocates the loving smile she's giving him, also unable to help the fact that his eyes wandered all over her body

"I was hoping you'd like the dress" She said sheepishly, stepping out of the way so Ross could enter

"I absolutely love it, and I love you" Ross leans forward, giving Rachel a short, but tender kiss as he surprises her with a bouquet of white Lilies that he was hiding behind his back

"Oh honey, they're beautiful. Let me just put them in a vase and then you can take me to whatever you've planned for us tonight" Rachel goes to walk away, turning slightly to walk towards the sink, when Ross grabs her arm, pulling her into him, landing another kiss, this time more intense, on her strawberry lip balm flavored lips

"Sorry... I couldn't help myself" He laughs as she rubs his cheek with her thumb, eventually turning away to finish her job with the flowers before they head out the door

Watching Rachel as she places the flowers in some water, Ross couldn't hide the smile that's been plastered on his face all morning. Knowing it was their date tonight, he knew he had to make it special, that's why he made a reservation in one of New York's top restaurants, after he pulled a few strings to ensure their reservation was all set.

Albeit, it was going to be a very expensive night, but he certainly doesn't mind. This might sound cheesy, but Rachel is Ross' whole world, apart from Ben of course, but that's to be expected. He found himself staring... not in a creepy kind of way of course, but in an admirable way. He really was counting his lucky stars that he is the guy that gets to love Rachel... he's the guy that gets to make her all kinds of happy... that's why, he's making this night so special for them... for her.

"Okay, all done..." Rachel murmurs, breaking Ross out of his little love trance and back to reality

"...you okay?" She asked, noticing his eyes were somewhere else for a split second

"I'm fine sweetie... in fact, I couldn't be any better. I'm just so happy that we're getting to do this, again. Come on, let's head off. Our reservation's in thirty minutes"

Rachel grabs Ross' hand that he held out for her, leading her out the door. After locking up, they made their way down the stairs, out of the building and into the star-covered, New York night.


Their first date went amazing. Rachel was so shocked by where he'd taken them, that she thought he might have been playing a joke on her. She knows the restaurant, and therefore, she knows how expensive it is. She tried to pay half of the bill, but Ross wasn't having any of it, practically throwing his bank card at the waiter before Rachel had time to reach for hers.

They're now taking a stroll through Central Park, Ross' arm wrapped around her shoulders as hers is wrapped around his waist, walking as closely together as they possibly could.

"Thank you for dinner" Rachel spoke, as they begin to walk under a huge arched tree, leaves falling all around, as the crisp New York evening surround them

"It was my pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed" Ross leaves a little kiss on her head as they continue to walk, before eventually stopping and taking a seat on a little park bench... the same park bench they used to sit on all the time back when they dated previously

"I can't believe you took care of the whole bill. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it, but you could've at least let me pay some" Rachel murmured into his chest, her head resting on his buttoned-up jacket

"Rach, there was no way I was going to have you pay for any of it. You deserve every dime spent on you, and tonight, it was my chance to finally treat you at a place I've always wanted to take you. It doesn't matter how much it cost, I would've spent anything for you. I saw how happy you were tonight, and if I can make you feel that way all the time, then I'll do anything to make it happen... even if it means spending money... I'll do anything to show you how much I love you"

Rachel suddenly felt a lump in her throat. She knew Ross was a good guy, but boy, she underestimated him. He's not only a good guy... he's a fantastic guy... exquisite, in fact. Listening to Ross, saying all the nice things he is, is making Rachel feel so warm and fuzzy inside. She has clearly chosen the right guy...

Ross Geller.

It was around an hour later, when Rachel started shivering, that they decided to head back home and call it a night. Ross gave Rachel his jacket, since her black shawl wasn't warm enough, and they began to walk back, arm in arm, to Rachel's apartment building.

During the walk back, the pair chatted about random stuff, Ross going on about this dinosaur tie that he so desperately wanted, but it was never in stock. Rachel always loved when he spoke so passionately about his work. She now understands that when you do something you love, it's something you always want to talk about. You want to talk about what brings you happiness, and dinosaurs definitely brought Ross happiness.

There was a comfortable silence as they approached the building where he was going to drop her off. Opening the door, Ross allowed her in first, then following her to the bottom of the steps. Hand in hand, they walk up together, Rachel complaining how she wished her apartment was on a lower level, then laughing about it with Ross, as she became out of puff with only one floor left to go.

Finally, they made it to the floor Rachel lived on. Monica and Chandler were in Vermont, and Joey was out somewhere, so they knew they wouldn't be caught saying goodbye to one another.

"I know I've said it before, but thank you, Ross. You really pulled out all the stops tonight, and this will be a first date I'll never forget" Rachel sighed with a mixture of contentment, from such an amazing night, and sadness, because she knew she'd have to say bye to him... something she didn't want to do just yet

"Listen... Do you want to come in? Y'know, for a coffee or something, and I'm not suggesting for anything to happen, because we both agreed to wait a while, but I just don't want tonight to be over with" Rachel said as she looked at Ross, hoping he'd accept her offer of just a coffee

"God, you're just too cute..." Ross laughed as he pulled her in for a hug

"...Of course, I'd like to come in. I don't want tonight to end either, but I'll stay for a coffee and a kiss, and then I'll have to head back home unfortunately... I've got something at the university that I need to attend early in the morning, but we will have at least another hour together"

Rachel got all excited and opened the door to her apartment. She allowed him in first, then she followed, shutting the door and turning on the kettle.

"Are you making the coffee?" Ross questioned, teasing her

"Hey... shut up!" She faked pouting, then giggled along with Ross

"I have you know that I make the best damn coffee there is" She commented, showing Ross her middle finger as she turned to face the kitchen, preparing their cups

"Hey, listen..." Rachel spoke up, needing Ross to know this

"...just so you know, you don't need to spend tons of money on me. You don't need to try and impress me, Ross... I'm already in this with you for the long haul. Even if you were broke, it still wouldn't matter. I love you for who you are, this amazing man who sees me for who I really am, not for your money or any material objects you may or may not possess"

"I know that sweetie..." Ross smiled, taking her hand in his

"...It's just that I have a job now, and can afford these types of things... something I've never been able to do for you before, back when we first dated. Taking you to that restaurant has been a dream of mine, something I so desperately wanted to do before, but just couldn't. I love having the luxury of now being able to spoil the woman I love. I'm doing this for myself too"

"Okay... just try not to overdo it..." She finally complied

"...I mean it, Ross. I have everything I ever need and want at the moment, I don't need anything else"

"Okay, I'll try"

After a while of laughing, chatting, constant flirting, and drinking coffee, it was getting late and it was officially time to say goodbye to each other.

"God this is so pathetic..." Rachel moans as she's walking Ross to the door, feeling upset at the thought of not spending the night in his arms

"...I know I'm going to see you tomorrow, but man, I'm going to miss you tonight. I'm so used to you cuddling me to sleep"

"I know sweetie. I feel the same as you, but I promise you we will be back in each other's arms before you know it. It'll be so worth the wait, but for now, I just have to do this"

Ross leans closer to Rachel as they both close their eyes. She's been looking forward to this moment all evening, knowing she'll finally get to kiss him, just that little bit more passionately now they've had their first date.

The second their lips connected, fireworks were erupting through both of their bodies. Rachel's hands started out on his cheeks, then made their way around his neck, where she lightly tugged on the short locks at the base of his neck, as his hands made their way from the sides, to her hips, before resting comfortably on her lower back, just above her butt.

As electricity ran through their veins, their kiss became slightly deeper, this time, open mouthed, but no tongue... tonight, they didn't feel the need to deepen the kiss too much, they were content with their mouths moving in sync together.

After a few moments, they broke apart, resting their foreheads together. Rachel still continued to run her fingers through the back of Ross' hair, as his hands were now rubbing gently up and down her sides.

"God, I love you" He murmured, kissing her lips once more, then the tip of her nose and lastly, her forehead

"I love you too" She replied, nestling her face in his chest for a few seconds before it was finally time for them to part ways

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked, as he took a step back, his hand now holding onto her fingers, wanting their body contact to last for as long as possible

"Of course. I'll meet you at the coffee house at 10?" He said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear

"Perfect" She muttered, saying goodbye for one last time tonight as she watched him disappear down the stairwell


The bright Saturday morning sun seeped through the curtains off Ross' bedroom. He'd been awake for the past hour, just thinking back to how perfect last night was.

Their date.

His date with Rachel.

Their date went exactly how he had expected it to... if not, even better. Ross could do anything with Rachel, even cleaning the dishes and he'd be happy and content, so getting to spend the night with her, in the intimate and romantic setting of the L'Artusi Italian restaurant in the West Village had been a dream come true.

When they got out of the cab, and walked the final five minutes it took to get to their destination, Rachel couldn't believe that he actually made a reservation at this place. She even asked if he was joking, at which he laughed at her cuteness, shook his head 'no' and took her inside.

They both looked around in awe as they stepped into the building, both of them never thinking they'd ever be inside this place, because not only is it extremely difficult to get a reservation, it's also one of New York's most expensive restaurants.

As Rachel continued to admire the original features of the building, Ross went over and gave his name, and within seconds, they were ushered to their table... a small table set for two, with rose petals and a single candle placed in the middle, situated in the back of the restaurant, under the warm, dimly lit lights.

"How did you manage to get us in here?" Ross remembered Rachel asking him, and this is when he decided to tell her exactly what strings he pulled

"I called and asked to make a reservation and they said they were fully booked. Then I told them I'm a doctor, and they immediately said we had a table... See Rach, I told you being a doctor came with its perks"

He also remembered Rachel laughing immediately after he told her, telling him that he was crazy, and that she couldn't believe that they brought that he was a doctor. Before Ross could comment back, the waiter came over to take their order for drinks.

"Good evening, Dr Geller, what drinks could I get for you this evening?"

Rachel had to contain her laughter until the waiter left them alone and went to get a beer that he ordered and a glass of red wine she ordered.

"That's the funniest thing I've ever witnessed" She giggled, reaching over the table to take Ross' hand in hers

"Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do" Ross winked, laughing along with her

He came back to reality when his bladder indicated he needed to go to the bathroom, so he got himself up, and made his way to the toilet.


Meanwhile, across the street, Rachel was just starting to wake up, and her immediate thought was Ross and their first date.

Rachel remembered scanning the menu, sipping her wine as she did so, trying to find something she wanted to eat. There were so many options, she found it hard to choose.

"Don't worry about the price. Whatever you fancy, just order it" Ross told her, knowing that she in fact was trying to find the cheapest thing on the menu

"Are you sure? It's just that-"

"Rach, I'm positive. It's our first date and I want you to have whatever you want"

After a few more minutes of looking, Rachel finally settled on a shrimp and spinach tagliatelle pasta dish, whilst Ross opted for the Salmon with steamed veggies and a side of mashed potatoes.

They spent the rest of their evening drinking wine and eating their delicious food. Rachel was glad to have chosen the pasta dish, and she remembers it as one of the best dishes she's ever tasted, although Ross finished off the last few mouthfuls of it as she was too full to clear her plate.

Rachel sighed with happiness as her mind skips to later that same evening, when they were saying goodbye after Ross had come inside for a cup of coffee.

She was so desperate to kiss him, and she brought her fingers to her lips as her mind took her back to when he finally joined their lips together. She closes her eyes, her fingers still placed on her lips as she remembers the slow movements of their mouths.

She wished that kiss didn't have to end.

The sound of her phone ringing finally brings her out of her trance, leaning over to her bedside table and seeing Ross' name on the small screened window above the dials. She immediately smiles and answers.

"Hey you" She says, a grin still plastered to her face

"Hey you. I just needed to hear your voice" The man on the other line says, causing Rachel's heart to beat faster

"I'm glad you called. I just woke up, about to head into the shower and I'll meet you at the coffee house like we agreed last night?"

"Sure thing sweetie. I'm just heading into the university, but I won't be long, so I'll leave you to get ready. I'll see you soon. Love you"

"See you soon. I love you too"


"Morning Gunther, can I order two cups of coffee please?"

"Oh, two coffees? You have a date, do you?"

"No... it's for Ross"

Rachel takes a seat on the orange couch in the middle of Central Perk, waiting for Ross to join her. Knowing he wouldn't be too far behind her, she decided to order a coffee for him as well, although for some reason, that did cause an awkward encounter with Gunther.

She spends the next ten minutes flicking through some magazines she picked up at the stall on the way down here this morning, her eyes immediately noticing a fashion magazine she's never seen before.

She's so engrossed in looking at the newest fashion trends on the magazine that she didn't feel Ross sneaking up behind her. As a pair of hands cover her eyes, she jumps, startled, until she hears a familiar voice.

"Guess who?" The man says, his hands still covering her eyes

"Ummm... let me guess, Shawn Cassidy?" She jokes, hearing a laugh erupt from the man behind her

"Even better" He replied playfully, uncovering her eyes, walking around to the front of the couch, taking a seat next to her


He was a pretty sight to look at.

His beard stubble, his dark locks, his chocolate brown eyes, and his 'professor' clad outfit gave her the tingles. Rachel always found Ross so attractive, especially when he wore his professional clothes... a.k.a a shirt with a tie, a blazer and dress pants. The professor vibe he gave off sent chills through her whole body. I guess you could say, Professor Ross was another one of her fantasies, just like Sailor Ross.

"Thank you for ordering for me" He says, picking up his cup and taking a long sip

"I figured you wouldn't be too far behind me, so I saved you the trouble of having to wait for one when you got here"

They spent the next thirty minutes finding new topics to talk about. They were constantly laughing, and every now and then, Ross would take his hand and gently squeeze Rachel's thigh as a sign of affection.

"I'm assuming you have to go to work?" Rachel says, pointing at the suit he's wearing

"I do sweetie. There's a few more papers I didn't get the chance to mark yesterday or this morning, so I really need to go do that today. Although, I'd much rather spend the day with you"

"Hey, it's totally fine honey. Work is obviously important. I might need to head into the office at some point today anyway, I'm sure I forgot to send a fax about the new swimwear line, and I'll be screwed if anyone finds out"

"What about afterwards? What do you say, fancy taking another stroll in the park a little later on?" Ross asks, as Rachel leans her head on his shoulder

"I'd do anything to be in your company, so a walk in the park sounds perfect"

A little while later, Ross checks his watch, realizing he needs to leave to head into the university again.

"I need to go now, but I'll see you later"

"You sure will"

Ross leans in a little closer, so his mouth is inches away from her ear.

"I love you so much" He whispers, causing goosebumps to cover her skin

"I love you too... so much" She lovingly replies, leaning in and stealing a quick kiss, before watching him leave, seeing him turn around, blowing her a kiss, which she catches and places close to her heart


Rachel, a smile still plastered on her face, continued to drink her coffee and flip through the various magazines. One by one, she was joined by her friends. Phoebe, being the first to join, then followed by Joey, who of course had his mouth full of the remains of a meatball sub, and lastly came Monica and Chandler who are finally back from Vermont.

"Hey Rach" Phoebe called, Rachel miles away in Ross land as she continued to think of him

"Rach... RACHEL" Snapped out of her thoughts by her four friends shouting her name, she tries to contain her smile and reduce the redness from her cheeks as she answers them

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Where were you? You were miles away" Monica asked, staring closely at her friend, knowing that her mind was clearly fixated on something

"What? Oh, it was nothing. I was just trying to remember if I sent this fax at work" She and Ross became really good at manipulating the truth

"Hey, do you and Ross still go to that book club thing?" Phoebe asked

"Umm... yeah, why?" Rachel asked curiously

"Is there any room for anyone else?"

"No I don't think so Pheebs... why?"

"Y'know, I never went to high school, so I thought that maybe it would be fun to join you two at your book club"

"Awh, sorry honey. All the spaces are full"


"If you want, I'll see if I can help you find a different one. I'm sure there are plenty more out there"

Rachel has successfully diverted another conversation... something she's getting particularly good at.

She and Ross decided that for now, they don't want anyone, not even their friends to know that they've rekindled their romance. They're having so much fun keeping it a secret, they want to be able to do that for as long as they possibly can.


Through the span of the last two weeks, Ross and Rachel have been on two more dates. Their latest date being a late-night picnic, followed by stargazing on the banks of the Hudson River. The peace they both felt, made them realize that they should've been doing this together all along, but knowing their stubbornness got the better of them at times. But that's all in the past now, and both of them are keen to be present in the moment, and enjoy the comfortable reality that's now their life.

Between working, and meeting up with their friends, Ross and Rachel were sure they would find it hard to get some much needed alone time... not for the reasons you might think. Again, this wasn't about sexual need or pleasure, but just about them being one together, and feeling the upmost peace that being a unit brings them.

Seeing each other daily, with their friends, they found themselves zoning out and their minds constantly being occupied by the other. Both of them have obviously been in love before, and with each other, but they still couldn't believe how much love they had for one another, after rekindling their romance.

It was a mutual decision between the two that they kept their relationship private, at least for the time being. Their mindset being not wanting any outside influences, and just wanting to bask in the new found love they have for one another.

It was nights like tonight that they wished they could just cuddle up together in bed, simply being in each other's company. Rachel had a hard day at work, her office job proving very demanding at times, and Ross is the only person who can help make her feel relaxed. Like the previous nights through the weeks, where they have spent hours on end on phone calls with each other, tonight is no different.

"I really wish I could be cuddled up in your arms right now" Rachel sighed, stretching her legs under her duvet cover, moving her free arm over to the side of the bed she wished Ross was occupying right now

"I know sweetie, I want that too... so much. You sound stressed, want to talk about it?" Ross spoke, knowing Rachel all too well when somethings not quite right

"It's only work, but I don't want that to ruin tonight's conversation" Rachel muttered quietly, barely more than a whisper

"Rach, if somethings bothering you then I want you to know that you're able to tell me anything. Keeping it bottled up inside doesn't do anyone any good"

"You always know the right things to say. How do you do that?"

"I guess it's my secret talent" Ross laughed

"Mmm... that's not your only secret talent, mister..." Rachel smirked, her mind taking her to a porny place

"...Anyway, I should never have hired Tag as my assistant. I'm having to redo basically everything he does. The forms he has to fill out for product shipments are always missing at least one key detail, and to top it all off, Mr. Zelner called me into his office yesterday because he found out about the fax I forgot to send a few weeks back. I'm honestly thinking that maybe I'm not cut out for the job I'm doing"

"Rach, don't you ever think you're not good enough. You got the job for a reason, the reason that you were the best at what you do. All jobs have their moments, but I promise you that you're strong enough to pull through. And as for Tag, I think you should pull him in and talk to him about it. Say that these are important documents and they need to be, 100 percent correct, and you haven't got the time to pick up his mistakes. You need to let him know that if he doesn't pick up his game, you will find another assistant, because you can't keep picking up after his messy work" Rachel listened intently to what he was saying, realizing he's right...

Ross is always right.

"You're right... of course you are, Ross. Thank you. Thank you for always knowing the right things to say... I love you"

"I love you too, sweetie"

"Now, that's enough of the sad talk, let's plan our next date" Rachel quipped, both of them getting lost in conversation once again, that lasted well into the early morning


Ross and Rachel have just entered his apartment after going out on their fourth date.

Their fourth date in two and a half weeks.

It was clear that all of their dates were spectacular, but this one was indeed very special. They didn't do anything in particular, but after a light lunch at a little cafe in their neighborhood, they took a stroll through Central Park... one of their favorite things to do. Hand in hand, they walked the paths of the park, tall trees and nature all around them.

Two out of their four dates, Ross and Rachel have done something 'datey', the other two times, they've just spent it being together, just doing normal things couples do... like stargazing and walking through the park.

They decided to head back a little earlier than planned, due to the weather taking a turn... thick, dark clouds covering the once clear and bright New York sky. Heavy rain drops started to fall from the sky, ultimately making their decision for them to call it a day.

Finally ridding themselves of their drenched coats and shoes, Ross flicked the heating on as he closed his apartment door, making his way into the bedroom to find something warm and dry for Rachel to change into... her current attire completely soaked through.

"Thank you" She mumbled as he handed her one of his sweaters and a pair of sweatpants

"No problem. I know they're going to be huge on you, but rather that than you catch a cold"

She smiled at him, leaning in for a quick kiss as she made her way into the bathroom to change and give her wet hair a quick towel dry.

"You were right, these are massive on me..." Rachel laughed as she made her way into the living room after just putting Ross' clothes on

"...but I don't mind. It makes me feel closer to you"

"I must say, you look absolutely adorable" Ross walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, leaning down and giving her a sweet, tender kiss on the lips

Once they were settled on the couch, Rachel leaning into Ross with her feet tucked underneath her, she took a deep breath, before asking him a question she was, for some reason, nervous to ask.

"Hey, umm... can I ask you something?" She mumbled, their gazes now meeting


"Well... we've been on four dates now. Four amazing dates by the way..." Ross listened, nodding his head in agreement to her statement

"...Do you think we're ready now? Ready to take the next step?" Rachel stopped talking, her face blushing slightly as she waited for Ross' response

"I think you're just so adorable for even asking that. Rach, I think we're ready"

With their faces now plastered with a smile that goes from ear to ear, they both, at the same time, lean in. Their faces inching closer together as their eyes slowly shut. Within seconds, their lips meet and it's like fireworks are being set off all around them.

As open-mouthed kisses begin, tongues dancing a perfect rhythm, Ross' hands make their way to her hips, pulling her on top of him in the process. Rachel happily obliged, setting her legs either side of his, straddling his lap.

Slowly, hands begin to caress bodies. Rachel's hands unbutton his shirt, whilst Ross' make their way under her jumper, sliding his fingers over her smooth, bare skin.

In one, smooth motion, Ross rids Rachel of the sweater, unclasping her bra, letting it fall gracefully from her body, as she finally undoes the final button that's keeping his shirt on. With them both now naked from the waist up, hands begin their roaming again, Ross' gently massaging her breasts, his fingers running over her nipples, Rachel's fingers brushing over his chest and stomach, before landing comfortably on the waistband of his pants.

Planting a final kiss on his lips, she crawls off him, kneeling on the floor, settling herself between his legs. She whips off his pants and his boxers, before taking her hand and wrapping it around his now half-mast length.

Knowing what she has to do to get him into his fully erect state, she takes her tongue and begins to run it along his tip, this action causing his clear liquid to ooze over her tongue. She quickly descends him into her mouth, one of her hands caressing and massaging just south of her chin, as the other securely wraps around him, maneuvering in pulling and pushing motions, helping to guide him in and out of her mouth.

"I can't get over how good you are at that" Ross pants, his hands holding her hair out of her face

As her mouth works wonders on him, he can feel a sensation he knows all too well. Before this is all over, he quickly pulls her up, standing up alongside her and leading her to his bedroom. When they finally get there, Ross moves his hands to her lower back, letting them slide under the sweatpants she's wearing, bringing them down her legs, along with her underwear.

Carefully, Ross pushes her onto the bed, laying down between her legs as he uses his hands to push them open, giving him the access he needs.

They lock eyes for a brief second, before Ross lets his tongue glide through her wet folds. A gasp immediately leaves her mouth, tingles spreading throughout her entire body, from her head to her toes.

"Oh god... you're so good at that" She breaths, quickly lifting her head to look at him, before letting it fall back down onto the pillows behind her

With his tongue now moving in all directions, he takes his fingers and slowly inserts two inside, causing her hips to buck almost instantaneously. Her warm inner walls welcoming them, he begins to move them in and out, before hooking them ever so slightly to find her special spot.

"Fuck!" She yells, his fingers and tongue now hitting the exact spot which will be sure to send her spiraling in seconds


"Do you have any condoms?" Rachel asks, her breath heavy from the anticipation

Ross nods, pointing over to his bedside unit. Seen as she's pinned under him, Ross leans over, opening the drawer and grabbing the square packet, before kneeling between her legs. Once the condom is carefully situated, Rachel spreads her legs wider, bending them and wrapping them around his waist, as Ross gently buries himself inside her.

Rachel's eyes roll into the back of her head as Ross begins to slowly move his hips.


Ross and Rachel have had a lot of sex with each other in the past, especially recently, but there's something different and special when you have sex with the person that you love. The only thing is, is that this was more than just sex. They were making love to each other, and neither of them could deny the connection.

His thrusts begin to speed up, Rachel's feet pressing into the dimples on his lower back, urging him to go a little deeper, which he happily does.

Moans quickly filled the entire room. Rachel breathing heavily onto his shoulder as she grabs ahold of his neck as she can already feel herself losing control.

"Oh god, Ross" She moaned, her leg grip on him getting weaker as she's moments away from her high

"Fuck, Rach" Ross, feeling her tighten around him, ultimately being catapulted over the edge, sends him through his own waves of intense pleasure, resulting in him spilling all of his warm contents 

Collapsing against each other, their breaths heavy, a smile creeps on both of their faces.

"That was a perfect way to end a perfect evening" Rachel says as she sighs in contentment, looking over at Ross, love pouring out of her eyes

"It really was"

After a few 'I love yous' and lots more kisses, they cuddled up together, the touch of each other and the sounds of breathing, quickly sending them to a land full of dreams.


Today is the day of Ross and Rachel's one-month anniversary. It's officially been one month since they reopened their hearts to one and another, and this past month has been everything they could've dreamed of and more.

Finally, being able to be open and honest with each other had been a huge weight lifted off of their shoulders. It's felt like they've been dating each other for ages, because it just comes so naturally to them.

Not wanting to splurge too much, they agreed to each get something small for the other, to celebrate them being a unit for one month. It was hard for Ross to choose something for Rachel, not because he didn't know what she liked, because believe me, he knows her better than anyone, probably even more than she knows herself, but because Rachel is the kind of woman who had every new clothing based on the current fashion trend, and every piece of jewelry known to mankind. Ross finally decided to get her something he knew she would love and appreciate, and something that she could use when she needs time to relax.

One-day pass to this spa in Manhattan.

Ross knows Rachel loves massages, and she doesn't treat herself to one enough, so he saw this as the perfect gift.

Rachel on the other hand knew exactly what to get for Ross, if she could find it. For weeks, he's been talking about this particular dinosaur tie... apparently it had an orange stegosaurus on it, surrounded by mini blue T-Rex's and palm trees. By chance, Rachel had gone into Bloomingdale's to collect something, and decided to take a look in the men's section, and to her surprise there had been one of those exact ties left on the hanger. She immediately grabbed it before anyone else could, happy that he was finally going to get this tie... even though she thought it was kind of ugly, but hey, he liked it and that's all that mattered. 

Each of them wrapped their gift in tissue paper and a gift bag, Ross also combining her favourite shampoo and conditioner to the spa day gift voucher, as he thought it went with the whole 'pamper' theme, and a loofa... knowing she also needed one of those, but absolutely not just getting her a single loofa as an anniversary gift.

They spent their anniversary like any other couple would. They went to dinner and then a movie, before their weekly, leisurely walk in the park. Now, back home at Rachel's place, safely tucked away in her bedroom where they knew they were safe from the eyes of their friends, it was finally time to give each other the gifts they bought.

Ross went first, handing Rachel a gift bag with pink tissue paper poking out the top. She smiled, feeling all giddy inside like a little kid, before she tore the paper out, revealing her two favorite bottles of coconut scented shampoo and conditioner, as well as the loofa.

"Oh honey, thank you" Rachel said, leaning over the bed and placing a kiss on Ross' lips

"You're welcome sweetie, although, you have missed another thing"

Shocked, Rachel digs her way through the bag and the paper to find a gold envelope. She looks at Ross, confused, then with a nod of approval from him, she opens it up.

Inside there are two pieces of paper, folded up so she couldn't see what they were.

"Which one first?" She asked, holding both of them out in front of her

"The one with the heart drawing on it" He pointed out, smiling as she placed the other back in the envelope and processed to open the one he told her to.

Dear Rachel,

Never in a million years did I think I'd get to love you again, but here I am, loving you harder than I ever did before. You mean so much to me, and I want you to know that, with all of my power, I'll try to make you the happiest woman in the world. I want you to take this gift, and whenever you need to relax or unwind, then use this as your opportunity to do so.

Happy One Month, beautiful!

All my love forever,

Ross xxx 

Ross leans over and wipes the tears that have escaped from her eyes, bringing her closer to him for a much needed hug. When they pull apart, Ross hands her the envelope where she placed the other piece of paper inside and handed it to her. There, she pulled out a gift voucher for a full spa day in Manhattan, ready to use whenever she wanted or needed.

"Oh wow. Ross... I- I um, this is... god, this is perfect. Thank you" She struggled to get her words out as she's still moved by his extremely touching words

"I love you so much, Rach"

"God I love you too. I love you so fucking much" With a fresh batch of tears now flowing down her cheeks, Rachel throws herself at him, eventually curling up in his lap as they just spend a few minutes in silence

"You know, you've already made me the happiest woman in the world" Rachel broke the silence, locking eyes with the handsome man in front of her. Her heart so full of love, it feels like it could burst any second

"Then, if that's the case, I'll continue to make sure you stay the happiest girl in the world"

After a few brief kisses, it's now Rachel's turn to give Ross his gift. Passing him the gift bag, he smiles as he empties its content, his mouth falling agape as he sees what exactly she's got for him.

"Where did you find this?" He gasped, holding the tie up in front of him, examining every aspect of it

"Bloomingdale's. I went in to get something, and I thought I might as well check the tie section and it was the last one there, so I picked it up immediately. I hope you like it"

"Like it? Rach, I LOVE IT!" Ross yells excitedly, causing Rachel to chuckle at his goofiness

"Well I'm really glad"

"I can't believe you found this! This is definitely the best gift you could've ever gotten me... well, apart from you of course"

Their anniversary ended with the pair passionately making love into the early hours of the following morning. Passion filled the air as their sweaty bodies ground against each other, both wanting to make this moment last forever. Like it was written in the stars, they both fell over the edge at exactly the same time, Ross collapsing next to Rachel as they both tried their hardest to regain their composure.

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