The Lonesome Sword (The Risin...

By davis8318

223 3 0

Kai. A young man who's mysteriously appeared in a world unknown to him. Equipped with a sword, he must fight... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

56 1 0
By davis8318

It didn't take long for the people of Melromarc to celebrate the victory of the first wave. The city was full of life, as the castle lit up with celebration. There was a feast, a band, and the gathering of the four heroes.

Aultcray: Thanks to our heroes, the battle was splendidly won. We celebrate their victory. Enjoy yourselves to the fullest!

The people cheered, and glasses clinked. The party was full of chatter, discussing the heroes and their hard work. But, while the heroes enjoyed being bathed in compliments and thanks, Kai was in the shadows. He was looking out at the city while sitting on a window ledge. He had a small cup of water in his hand.

Kai: (Ridiculous. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the reward.)

Man: And the reports say there were very few casualties.

Woman: We all owe everything to our brave heroes.

Knight leader: I did my part. I stood my ground against a massive monster and fought with dignity as a Royal Knight.

Kai: (Yeah... Right.)

Woman: I'm truly honored to meet you, brave Spear Hero. What about your lover? Do you have one?

Motoyasu: Well I- Um...

Malty: Sir Motoyasu has no time for that.

Woman: Pity. I thought we could spend some time and get to know each other better.

Motoyasu: There is time until the next wave. I suppose talking and sharing facts couldn't hurt.

Like the man he is, Motoyasu was made to be surrounded by noble women. Itsuki and Ren didn't care about the level of attention that Motoyasu was receiving. They simply minded their own business and let people come to them.

Motoyasu: And then I finished one of the wave bosses off with a signature move.

Woman: Oh my, to think that you had such strength.

Motoyasu: It's one of the feats of being the Spear Hero.

Woman: Indeed it is. Sister, we're at a party with the Cardinal Heroes. Have something to drink, you'll feel more lively.

???: I suppose. Wait a moment.

A woman with dark brown hair in a fancy pink dress walked over to a table and got a brand new glass of water. As she was about to go back, she saw Kai staring out into the city in the corner of her eye. She looked him down from head to toe, seeing his armor and katana. She realized he was the one everyone was talking about. The Second Sword Hero. She wondered why he wasn't enjoying the party like everyone else was. Just sitting on a window ledge in the shadows made her curious.

Kai: (So I can teleport to places I've already visited? That will come in handy. It's just like Elden Ring. Only it's not with a Site of Grace.)

He thought to himself as he was looking at his stats. That's something only he was able to his see, no one else was able to see it. Not even Motoyasu and the others.

???: Hello? Excuse me?

Kai: Hmm? What?

???: Oh, pardon me. I saw you sitting here all alone and I couldn't help but be curious. Your sword, your armor, are you by chance the Second Sword Hero?

Kai: I am. I'm Kai Takashi.

???: My name is Larisa Coldam. A pleasure.

Kai: Shouldn't you be indulging yourself in the party?

Larisa: I could be asking the same thing. Why are you in the shadows? You're one of the Cardinal Heroes.

Kai: I despise fancy parties. It's too fancy for my blood.

Larisa: I see. I also came over here because I think it gives me some room to breathe.

Kai: What do you mean by that?

Larisa: The Sword Hero and the Bow Hero mind their own business. It's the Spear Hero, he seems too high of himself. Getting all the attention from the ladies is making him hit on every girl he meets. It's rather annoying.

Kai: *Chuckles* We just met and we already have something in common. Motoyasu acts like he's this great savior, but he's just like the rest of us.

Larisa: When he speaks of his battle in the wave, he just talks about his strength and fighting. It's all about him.

Kai: Good. He can get killed due to his massive ego.

Larisa: You were fighting during Wave too, right?

Kai: Yeah... Why?

Larisa: I would love to hear about it. I've always loved hearing stories when I was a little girl. Go on, tell me everything!

Her face filled with excitement as she sat right next Kai on the ledge.

Kai: When the wave started, I was teleported like the others. In a hillside. I was about to go join them, but I saw a flair fly up and I saw a village in the distance. I went to go help them.

The story progressed and Larisa was really into it. Kai explained how he helped the village of Lute fight the monsters and protected the people. He told her about his skills with a sword and the variety of monsters he slain. But it got better when he talked about defeating the wave boss.

Kai: And then, I climbed up Tamura's side and impaled my sword through his neck. The sky returned to normal as I was able to help the people of Lute before coming here.

Larisa: That's amazing! I can tell that you're different than the other heroes. Unlike them, you care for the people and not glory.

Kai: Yeah. I'd give up fame and glory if I had the chance. I like being a regular person.

Larisa: That was an amazing story. I wish I could've been there to see you in action.

Kai: I'd rather not have you in any danger.

They gave small laughs as Kai continued to tell Larisa more about him. She even began to tell him parts about her. In those moments, Kai felt as if he had a real connection. But life is full of interuptions.

Motoyasu: Kai...

A black glove lands at his feet as they both look over to see Motoyasu standing a few feet away.

Motoyasu: Pick it up. Time to fight.

Kai: Excuse me?

Motoyasu: I heard that while you were fighting in the village of Lute, you forced the villagers to fight to the death. Even threatening the Royal Knights.

Kai: That seems outlandish. What idiot told you that lie?

He looks past Motoyasu and saw Myne standing with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

Kai: Of course. Did Myne tell you that?

Larisa: You got this all wrong! Sir Kai didn't force the villagers to do anything. He protected them until the knights came and they evacuated.

Motoyasu: You even lied to Lady Larisa?! How dare you.

???: The Spear Hero is right, sister.

Larisa: Sophie.

Sophie: Whatever he told you is all lies. The Second Sword Hero can't be trusted.

Larisa: How can you say that? Kai is a nice person and a brave Hero. He doesn't boast or brag about his fame and spreads his power around. 

Motoyasu: I'll tell you what Kai is. He's a liar and a cheat. And I guess putting a coward in doesn't seem too bad.

Kai: Hearing you talk is giving me a headache. Were you even there when the wave hit? If I didn't arrive in time, the villagers would've all been slaughtered by the time the knights would arrive. I saved a village. What did you do other than slaying monsters? Nothing.

Motoyasu: You have a big mouth for a coward. If you're as good as you claim to be, then prove it in a dual.

Kai: No thanks. This party's gotten boring. I'll show myself out.

He tries to walks away, but the knights, along with Motoyasu stop him from leaving.

Aultcray: It has come to my attention that you, Second Sword Hero, have been using your power to spread your tyrannical influence. That is unacceptable! Accept the challenge or I will imprison you.

Motoyasu: There's no way for you to escape, you coward.

They all had smirks on their faces, having hopes that Kai would accept the dual. But their smriks quickly went away as fast as they appeared. They heard laughing as Kai held his stomach and held his head.

Motoyasu: What are you laughing about?

Kai: Oh, I'm sorry! It's just, you seem really desperate right now. Telling me to accept your challenge, your ego truly knows no bounds.

Motoyasu: Are you declining my challenge? Prove to me how good you say you are!

Kai: I have nothing to prove. I know how good I am. I don't need to boast and brag in front of the ladies to prove it. But don't let that stop you. Keep going if you don't care about making a scene.

Ren: He's right, Motoyasu. This is no way for a Hero to act.

Kai:  You can have your glove back.

He kicks the glove back to Motoyasu and tries to walk away, but Motoyasu wasn't having it. He nearly stabbed Kai to prevent him from leaving.

Motoyasu: You're not leaving that easily!

Kai: You're not going to let this match go, are you? Fine.

He takes out his sheathed from his belt and holds it in his left hand. He just stands in one place and raises his arms.

Motoyasu: What are you doing? 

Kai: I'm giving you your fight. I won't do anything. Hit any place you want.

Larisa: But Kai-

She was pulled away by a few knights. Motoyasu was getting ready to charge, but Kai was ready. He threw a fistful of ash at Motoyasu and hits him in the face. He throws his sword at the window behind him as it gets stuck halfway through. He snatches Larisa from the knights and runs towards the cracked glass.

Sophie: The Second Sword Hero is kidnapping my sister! Someone stop him!

Kai: Hold on tight, darling.

From his sprint, he burtst through the window as he quickly grabs his katana and sheathes it. Larisa screams as she grips onto Kai's shoulders. He grabs flags, flagpoles, and window ledges before planting his feet on the rooftops and running away from the castle.

Kai: Sorry about that. You can let go of me now.

Larisa: Are you crazy? You must be mad to pull that kind of stunt!

Kai: Thank goodness for that because if I wasn't, that would probably never have worked.

He grabs hold of her and works his way down to the road.

Kai: Listen Larisa, I think it's best if you don't associate yourself with me anymore.

Larisa: Why do you say that? I know what happened wasn't a good impression but-

Kai: It goes more deeper than that. I'm sure you've heard the rumors about me.

Larisa: Rumors? What rumors?

Kai: You haven't heard? Well, I guess there's no point hiding them now. When I first arrived in this world, I was treated differently. There was supposed to be a hero using a shield, but instead, I was summoned with a sword. This has never happened, yet they immediately took it as a threat. I was framed for sexual assault and had everything I had stripped from me. My dignity, my respect, and money. Only having the clothes on my back. That's it. I'm sure after hearing that, you don't to be near me anymore. I don't blame you.

Larisa: You're wrong!

Kai: Huh?

Larisa: I don't believe any of those rumors. I know you're a good person. Your heart is kind, and you went out of your way to protect people during the wave. An awful person wouldn't have done that.

For the first time, Kai felt some happiness after appearing in this world. He might have met someone who understands a portion of him.

Kai: Thank you. That mean a lot to me. It's a bit late and I think that returning to the party will cause trouble. Do you know your way back?

Larisa: I do. But, where will you go?

Kai: Anywhere. I don't have a permanent residence.

Larisa: In that case, would you mind accompanying me back to my abode?

Kai: Huh?

Larisa: You see, Sophie and I are daughters of a high-ranking noble who has close ties with the royal family. We're often targeted, so we have bodyguards everywhere we go. So I'm asking if you could escort me back home. I'll even pay you.

Kai: You can keep the money. It is kind of my fault for getting you into this mess. Alright, I'll take you back home.

He sweeps her off her feet and carries her bridal-style. Larisa blushes with thoughts running through her mind.

Larisa: What are you doing?! I can walk on my own.

Kai: I'm responsible for this. A lovely lady like yourself shouldn't suffer for my mistakes. Do you want me to put you down?

Larisa: No. This is fine. The manor lies to the south, just outside the city.

Kai: Alright, your bodyguard will escort you! Hang on, this is going to be bumpy.

He hops from roof too roof as Larisa holds on for dear life. Still, she couldn't help but stay blushing.

Larisa: (In that instant, he grabbed me and ran away. It made me shy when he grabbed me tightly all of a sudden.)

After a few minutes of roof hopping, Kai finally arrived at the manor. Kai stopped in front of the gates and set Larisa down.

Kai: Here you are. The Second Sword Hero Express it as its final stop.

Larisa: Thank you. I can't thank you enough.

Kai: Don't thank me. It's a heroes job to help people in need, right? If ever feel like you're in need of saving, just give me a shout and I'll come running!

He says with a smile on his face. Larisa couldn't help but smile back.

Kai: I'll be leaving now. Goodnight.

Larisa: Goodnight, Sir Kai. May I ask you one more thing?

Kai: What is it?

Larisa: Why did you not fight Motoyasu?

Kai: What's the point of a fight?

Larisa: To see if you're stronger.

Kai: It only proves that you're more skilled. Nothing more. If I fight, it would have to be for something important. Or why fight at all? Have a goodnight.

He turns his back and walks into the darkness of the countryside.

Guard: Lady Larisa, you're back? Where is Lady Sophie?

Larisa: She's still at the castle. I decided to head back a little early.

Guard: Your hair and dress have lost their pattern. Did something happen?!

Larisa: Oh no. I just had a little accident is all.

Guard: You shouldn't walk back all alone. What if something were to happen to you? You know how your father acts when something happens to you?

Larisa: Yes. I'm sorry for making you worry.

Guard: Just come inside. It's great that you're back.

The guard opens the gate door and Larisa walks back into the manor. She instantly walked to her room and stared into the dark open field. 

Kai, on the other hand, headed back to an inn and went to his room. 

Kai: What a nice lady. She smelled nice, too.

He looks over at his desk and sees the spirit embryo shaking and giving small cracks in the shell.

Kai: It's still too early for it to crack. I guess it won't hatch until tomorrow.

He strips his armor and hops into bed. 

The weirdest day of my life, by far. As things continue to get weirder, I wonder how weirder they will get. The problem is not mine, I just want a good night's sleep. We'll leave it up to future Kai to figure out how weird things will get.

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