My Devilish Desire - JENLISA

By louwishhh

51.7K 1.4K 248

My Devilish Desire.. "I'm born to be bad but I don't want to be bad when I'm with you.. " "Always stay with... More

The Hell
One Rainy Night
Broken Ankle?
Jennie.. that's her name
Such a tease
Lili and Nini
Church Day
City of Dis
Finally Mine
Her first times
Get to know her
Dance for me [M]
Pancakes and Bacons
A Devil, She Is
Not an Update
Part two (And so the end nears)
Part Two: Axe and Daggers
Part Two: Life and Death
Part Two: Make A Wish

Part Two : Drunk [M]

2.1K 45 25
By louwishhh

Lisa's POV

Cool breeze, calm night and a wonderful woman sitting across me.. Who would wish for something more?

Me and Jennie are currently eating our dinner in her rooftop,or maybe this is just a snack because it's chicken and beer.... It's 11 pm and I know that it's kinda late but it's because we are also waiting for the meteor shower that will happen probably 30 minutes from now.. Jennie saw it in the news earlier and hasn't stop talking about it since..

She is so excited because she said that it's her first time to witness something spectacular like meteors falling from the sky.. I am so happy too..

"It's special because I'll be witnessing it with you" she said that made my heart skip a beat.. My heart? Yes.. I actually have a heart.. I don't know how but I know that Jennie gave it to me.. She changed so many things in me and I wouldn't complain in any of that..

The moon shines so bright this night, I don't know why but this night seems to be weird.. Something is really different but I couldn't care less..

I looked at the girl in front of me and I watched her smile as she she watched the sky.. The moon shines so bright along with her sparkling eyes that made me feel giddy inside.. She's so perfect for me..

"Look Lili! I think the moon is throbbing" she said plainly that made me crack a laugh.. She is a bit drunk by now because of too much beer but she doesn't want to stop "the beer taste so good tonight" she said..

"Are you saying that because we watched Sam and Cat earlier? " I said trying to suppress my laugh..

"Maybe? " she giggled at me and it was like a sweet melody in my ears..

"I don't think that the moon will throb.. " I said jokingly.. that made her giggle at me..

"Yah! When Sam and Cat says that the moon is throbbing then the moon is throbbing! Okay? " she jokingly glared at me and even pointed a fork in my face.. Gosh this girl really love that series.. It was good but watching Jennie laugh was even better..

"Okay fine.. The moon is throbbing wow! " I surrendered my arms in the air and pretended that I am amazed by the moon.. It made her laugh at me..

"You're such a dork" she said before taking a sip on her beer.. I took a sip too although I can never get drunk.. Her smiles is enough to make me high though...

We patiently waited until it was finally time and I am seeing some small shiny things falling from the sky..

"Hon! I think it's starting! " I said to her and she seems too drunk by now.. Her cheeks are puffy and red along with her sleepy eyes.. It changed though when she saw the meteors.. Excitement filled her whole body..

"Oh my god! They're so beautiful Lili!" She said as she grab the telescope so she can see much closer..

She kept on giggling and saying how much beautiful it looked.. She is squealing because of excitement and I was just there.. Totally amazed by her beauty under the moon light..

I never took a glance on the meteor shower for my eyes are glued to her face.. She couldn't see the way I stare at her because she is so focused on her telescope.. I didn't mind though because watching her being this happy makes my heart happy too.. It's like something I've achieved.. For me, she is the brightest star I've ever seen..

I was so loss in her chubby cheeks.. Her sweet smiles and her laughs and giggles that I find myself standing in front of her.. She still can't see me because of the telescope that's blocking her sight so I made her notice my presence..

I leaned down on her face to match our height and quickly took a kiss on her lips... I felt her body frozen because of what I did but I didn't let go.. I kissed her slow yet firm until she responded to me..

I took the telescope off of her face and hands then pulled out to make her look at me.. Her eyes are so wonderful and what made my heart explode is because I see myself looking so lovingly at her.. In her own eyes..

"I think I can finally answer your question " I said to her but she still seems lost in her own thought or maybe because she is just drunk..

"I tried to think of the reasons why I love you and it was so hard... It's not the physical appearance although I am very much addicted to your eyes.. It's not lust but let's just say that I love your body because it drives me insane and it's not because of your past or your pure soul or anything... I love you because it's you.. You're Jennie Kim and I love you because you are Jennie Kim.. " I said sincerely from the bottom of my heart..

"I-- can't unders-tand" she said between hiccups.. Why did she suddenly have hiccups?.. It's cute..

"I just love you Jennie.. Do I need to have a reason for that?.. " I moved closer to her..

"I--.. Lili you're making me miss the meteor shower" she gently shoved me away with her red cheeks.. I don't know if it's because of the alcohol or because she is blushing..

She focused herself in the sky again and just like earlier.. My eyes are still glued to her.. So much thoughts inside my head until I said something that should be just a thought..

"Jennie, Marry me.. " I blurted out... I was thinking it and I didn't know that I said it out loud.. It should be just a thought but here I am.. Saying it so loud and clear in front of her..

She was frozen again and I think that I caught her off guard.. I am so stupid.. I know that this is too early but I just have a feeling that I should marry her.. Just because.. I know that she is the one..

"I--mean it's not l-like I'm f-forcing you.. It s-should b-be just a th-hought... ---"

She grab my head and kissed me.. I responded of course and we kissed passionately.. Making the two of us feel how much we love each other.. I savored that moment.. Completely enjoying her lips, tasting the beer in her tongue...Until she pulled out but still holding my face...

"I'll marry you Lisa" she said and it was like a music in my ears.. My heart beats like a mad dog.. So loud and fast.. I can't seem to make it calm..

I smiled at her before getting something...


"This might not be a ring with a huge diamond like how you humans propose but this is something that can remind you that you own me.. All of me.. " Lisa said sincerely before putting an enchanted necklace on Jennie's neck..

It was a pure silver necklace that has a heart shaped red Ruby in the middle.. The Ruby was so bright just like the stars and it was the most beautiful necklace Jennie had ever seen..

"This necklace was given to me from my mother.. She said that it'll keep me safe .. Now that I have you.. I want you to always be safe so I'm giving it to you as a sign that we are finally married.. Let's get married.. Right here, right now.. Yeah? " Lisa asked as she successfully put it in Jennie..

Jennie was too stunned to speak.. Her heart is betraying her for beating too loud that she's afraid because Lisa might hear it too.. She doesn't know what to feel anymore.. Touched? Loved? Happy? She can't tell but she's loving what is it..

Lisa noticed that Jennie couldn't form a word so she is the one to talk..

"I, Lisa Manoban, take thee, Jennie Kim, to be my wedded wife.. " Lisa started.. Jennie's eyes are starting to get blurry because of her tears and her feeling is overwhelming her...

"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse,.. " Lisa hold Jennie's hand.. Caressing it softly as Jennie's tears finally flows down her cheeks..

"For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death.. do us part.. " Lisa leaned forward to kiss Jennie's forehead ..

"Although I wouldn't let death separate us.. " Lisa whispered that made Jennie giggle..

"Dork" Jennie mouthed and Lisa just laughed and continued..

"According to God's holy ordinance, and there to.. I pledge my faith to you..
So Jennie Kim.. Will you accept me? A mere devil who loves you.. Truthfully" Lisa asked as she put Jennie's hand in her face to feel her warm..

It took Jennie a second before forming a word to say..

"It is clear to me now that everything in my life has led me to you.. I think back on all my choices and consider even the bad ones.. I am so much blessed because if I had done even one thing differently.. I might never have met you and had this chance to become your wife.. " Jennie said and tears continuously flows down her face.. She knows she looked like a mess right now but who cares? It's Lisa who is in front of her and she will be perfect in Lisa's eyes in any ways..

"So here I am.. Accepting you as my husband.. And HE is our witness right? " Jennie said as she point to the sky reffering to God himself..

Lisa is mostly mad at him.. She's a devil after all but this night is different.. She let him witness the marriage they have in their own and even wished that HE will bless them..

"I love you Lisa.. " Jennie said cupping Lisa's face who is almost in tears now..

"And I love you more.. Jennie Kim.. Manoban.. " they both giggled and look at each other's lips.. Completely being hypnotized..

Lisa was the one to leaned closer and kiss Jennie's lips in a slow and sensual way..

Bright night along with the meteor shower and the moon witness the wedding that they both held.. It witnessed the love that they gave.. The love that is forbidden but it's for their sake..

The kiss started slow and softly romantic until Jennie felt her body being so hot from the way Lisa caress her back.. Up and down.. It must be because of the alcohol but one thing is for sure.. Jennie wants Lisa..

The kiss turned hot, passionate and sloppy and Jennie was the one who started it.. She hold Lisa's nape to get her much closer and Lisa did not bother to complain..

Lips crashing, tongue fighting and a muffled moans escaped from their mouths.. Jennie is so drunk that her body feels like burning and she can feel that she is getting wet down her core..

"Lisa I want you.. " Jennie said as she pulled out, completely out of breath while caressing Lisa's cheeks using her thumbs.. Her heart is beating too fast and she is feeling this strange adrenaline in her..

"Let's go inside" Lisa said softly as she planted a kiss on Jennie's forehead.. She grab Jennie's wrist and made their way to her bedroom..

The two of them almost stumbled on the stair because they can't wait to taste each other's lips again.. As soon as Jennie's feet touch the ground of her bedroom, she quickly grab Lisa's nape and kissed her aggressively..

Lisa was shock of course because of Jennie's sudden needs and she did not expect Jennie to be this wild.. Furthermore, who is she to complain? She wants it too more than Jennie wants it herself..

Jennie pinned Lisa on the door the moment Lisa closed it.. She nibbled Lisa's lips and licked it that made Lisa groan.. Lisa just let Jennie took the dominance and let her girlfr-- wife suck her tongue in hungriness..

Jennie was too drunk to get shy at this moment.. She kissed Lisa rougher than she ever did and her hands roam to Lisa's chest while slowly unbottoning Lisa's shirt..

Lisa then slowly made their way to Jennie's bed without breaking the hot kiss they're sharing.. She was about to lay Jennie down when Jennie suddenly flip them over and Lisa was the one who stumbled on the bed with Jennie standing in between her legs..

Lisa's eyes widen when she saw Jennie smirking at her.. Her eyes were so dark and is obviously filled with lust.. This is so new for Lisa but she's loving it in any way,.

Jennie slowly stepped backwards to give herself a little space.. Then she stripped slowly in front of Lisa who is looking at her intently..

She removed her shirt and tossed it aside along with her shorts that left her with only her underwear.. Lisa's eyes was oggling and Jennie knew that it is because of her.. She slowly took off her bra and panties that is so painful to watch for Lisa because it is making her so hard..

Jennie never left Lisa's eyes as she stripped and she smirked more when she looked down and saw Lisa's bulge getting big.. Because of her..

She sexily crawled on top of Lisa and sat on Lisa's stomach that made Lisa groan.. She can feel Jennie's wetness and it makes her dick ache inside her shorts..

"Li--li.. Hmm.. " Jennie moaned loud as she started to grind onto Lisa's stomach.. She don't know what's happening to her body right now but she knows that she needs Lisa more than anything.. She would kill if someone took Lisa away from her.. Right at that moment..

"Oh my god.. Nini" Lisa groaned when her eyes landed onto Jennie's bossoms who is slightly bouncing from the way Jennie grind on her.. It was such a turn on when Jennie is like this and she's never been this horny her whole life..

Jennie lowered down herself and started grinding onto Lisa's hard bulge.. Lisa hisses and closed her eyes with her mouth wide open.. How did Jennie become this wild?.. They had a lot of sex for the past weeks and she is always the one who takes the lead but this time.. It looked like Jennie is the one who will take her to heaven.. Dang! Alcohol can really change a person.. Lisa thought to herself..

"Ahh.. Y-yes.. " Jennie grinded more while resting her palms on Lisa's chest.. Feeling the friction makes her wet and the way she can feel Lisa's bulge go hard on her folds..

"Jen--Jennie.. Please.. " Lisa pleaded.. Feeling so horny that her dick started to ache because of the way Jennie dry humped her..

Jennie never missed a beat and quickly positioned herself in between Lisa's legs.. She slowly took Lisa's short and boxers away making Lisa's hard on bounce in front of her face..

Hard as a rock, huge shaft, thick veins and a blushing head.. Lisa's dick was as it's best quality that Jennie couldn't wait and hold it firm in her palms..

"Little Lili is so ready for me.." Jennie giggled cutely that made Lisa shock.. Did she just giggled on my dick like it was some kind of toy?! Lisa facepalmed herself in her mind.. Jennie is really weird but it's making her so much more horny..

Jennie didn't waste any time and started stroking Lisa's shaft up and down with both hands.. Lisa felt heaven as she close her eyes again and let Jennie do what she wants..

Jennie enjoyed doing it as she feels Lisa's dick throb in her own hands.. She giggled like she was playing with her toy.. Fucking effect of that alcohol! Lisa cursed in her mind when she felt Jennie squeezed her shaft..

Lisa was very much enjoying Jennie's handjob when she felt her dick entering something hot.. She quickly looked down and saw Jennie taking her head inside her mouth..Her eyes bawled out and her mouth went agape..was Jennie going to fucking give me a head?!

"Oh!.. F-fuck! " Lisa cursed as she moaned loudly when she felt Jennie's tongue sucking the head with her hands skillfully giving her shaft a stroke.. She looked down and gulped immediately when she saw Jennie looking at her while taking her dick like a professional..

Sure! Jennie gave her a couple of hand jobs but this is the first time that Jennie will give her a blowjob... This feels so surreal yet she remembered something.. Fucking beer! Turning my wife into a sex maniac!.. She cursed again but deep inside.. She knows that she loves this side of Jennie..

Jennie then slowly swallowed Lisa's dick inch by inch until it was all inside her mouth.. She Bob her head up down and skillfully deep throated Lisa like she had done this before.. She gagged and choked but she didn't stop... She was loving the feeling of Lisa's huge shaft inside her mouth and Lisa is loving it more..

"S-shit!.. " Lisa moaned again when she felt that her climax in just right around the corner.. She absentmindedly hold Jennie's hair and moved her hips upward meeting Jennie's head.. Jennie didn't complain and let Lisa took her.. Soon enough Lisa was fucking her face like a devil she is until she spurted her cum all inside Jennie's mouth.. Lisa collapse in the bed with her eyes close.. She admitted that this is probably the best head she ever had in her own life..

Jennie being a good girl swallowed Lisa's cum and didn't let a single drop go to waste.. She cleaned Lisa's dick and leave it with a kiss that left a pop sound.. She giggled again and made herself on top of Lisa..

"Did I do good? " Jennie asked cutely like she did not just gave Lisa the best blowjob she's ever had in her life..

"Oh my god hon, I couldn't ask for anything better" Lisa replied breathlessly that made Jennie grin widely..

Lisa thought that Jennie is finally sober but she is so wrong in that.. She felt wet kisses on her neck up to her jaw until Jennie reached her ear..

"I want to ride you.. Daddy" Jennie whispered seductively.. It made Lisa's swollen dick grew hard again.. Standing like a pole.. Goddamn beer! Lisa could only curse when Jennie took her dick and guided it inside her..

"Ugghh.. " they both groan in pleasure when Lisa's dick finally made it's way to Jennie's pussy..

Jennie started to slowly sway her hips and enjoyed the feeling of Lisa's dick stretching her insides.. It was the best feeling ever..

She started dancing on top of Lisa while resting her palms on Lisa's chest.. Lisa on the other hand was so speechless. Jennie is so sexy with her dick inside her pussy and her tits slightly bouncing because of Jennie's humping...

"N-Nini.. Move.. " Lisa begged because of her aching dick that definitely have needs right now..

Jennie did not waste any time and started jumping up and down to Lisa's dick making both of them moan in pleasure..

Lisa's dick was so hard that it simply looked like a pole inside Jennie's.. Jennie never felt this horny before and it surely is because of the beer she drink earlier.. It made her go wild and crazy that she doesn't want to leave Lisa's dick anymore..

"Oh.. Fuck.. Shit! "..

" y-yes.. Lili... Hmm... Feel s-so.. G-good... "

"S-shit... Ugh.. "

"Ah.. Ah... Ahh.. Ahh.. S-so.. Big.. Ah"

They both moaned in pleasure as Jennie bounced on top of her like her life depends on it.. Lisa was gripping onto Jennie's hips when Jennie took her hand and put it on her own breast.. Of course she squeezed her tits and gave Jennie's breast a wonderful massage while enjoying the pleasure..

The feeling is so good but everything has to end.. Jennie feels her climax coming and she knows that she wouldn't last long.. She bounced harder and faster and soon enough.. Her cum is oozing from her pussy covering Lisa's dick with it..

Jennie collapsed on top of Lisa.. Completely breathless... Lisa let Jennie took her orgasm while caressing her hair softly with her dick still inside..

The room became silent and only the beating of their heart was the only thing that you can hear.. Jennie was just quiet and didn't move a bit that made Lisa curious.. Did she just sleep while still in me? Lisa chuckled softly..

"Hon.. Nini" she called while caressing Jennie's hair.. She though that Jennie is already sleeping but she's not..

Jennie lifted her face making Lisa laugh.. Her face was so flushed and her cheeks are so red.. She quickly snuggled her face back to Lisa's neck when Lisa laughed at her..

"I'm guessing that you're finally sober now.. " Lisa chuckled that earned a smack from Jennie..

Jennie was so embarrassed and couldn't face Lisa anymore.. She did not know that she can do all those things while she is drunk..

"You don't have to be embarrassed Nini, I enjoyed it.. " Lisa softly said that made Jennie's heart beat so fast..

"I'm sorry.. I was too drunk.. " Jennie said as she lifted her face.

"You silly! I told you.. I enjoyed it.. " Lisa said as she kissed Jennie's forehead..

"Well.. Lili.. "

"Hmm? "

"You're still inside me and I can feel that you're still hard.. " Jennie said that made Lisa blush this time.. She literally forgot that she's still inside Jennie a few seconds ago..

"I.. I w-want to h-help you.. " Jennie said shyly while looking down on Lisa's chest.. It made Lisa giggle for she find cute ..

"Go on all fours honey.. " Lisa said in her deep voice as she removed herself from Jennie.. Jennie did it immediately..

She got on all fours with her face facing the headboard.. Lisa was just behind her checking out her glistening pussy while stroking her shaft to keep it hard..

Jennie's heart was beating so fast.. This is the first time they're doing it in this position and she feels nervous but most of all.. She feels excited..

Lisa caressed Jennie's ass and gave each cheek a kiss that made Jennie wet again.. Lisa leaned her body on Jennie's back and kissed Jennie's shoulder while positioning her dick between Jennie's folds..

"Tell me if it hurts hmm? " Lisa said softly and Jennie's just nodded.. Lisa slowly entered Jennie.. Inch by inch.. So afraid that she might hurt Jennie in any way..

"Hmmm.. " they both moaned again when Lisa's dick is back inside Jennie's wet pussy..

The devil started at slow pace helping Jennie to adjust.. She was gripping onto Jennie's hips firm and Jennie was just closing her eyes feeling every pleasure that Lisa is giving her..

"G-go faster.. " Jennie said and Lisa did not waste anytime... She rammed Jennie from the back like a maniac and Jennie was a moaning mess..

Jennie grip tight to her bedsheets while moaning as Lisa fuck her without mercy... It was never painful because Lisa is hitting spots that she never hit before.. She was drunk yet again but this time it was because of pleasure and ecstasy she's feeling that Lisa is giving her..

"Ah.. Ah.. Ah.. Lili!.. Y-yes! " Jennie shouted as Lisa fuck her while occasionally slapping her ass cheeks that adds a lot more pleasure..

Soon enough the two of them was fucking senselessly, both want to reach their orgasms..

"Sh-it! " Lisa took one last firm thrust before exploding inside Jennie.. Jennie reached her orgasm too making both of them collapse in bed..

Jennie was laying on her stomach, she folded her arms and use it as a pillow while Lisa is still on top of her back.. Completely covering her body.. Softly kissing her shoulders..

"That was so good.. " Lisa said as she finally withdraw her dick from Jennie's sore pussy.. She got up and took a tissue to clean both of them and she went to the bathroom to take a pee..

When she came back.. She saw Jennie laying on her back.. Sleeping soundly with her mouth slightly open.. It was a cute sight for her to see.. She made her way to the bed and grab the blanket to cover both of their bodies..

Lisa layed on top of Jennie, making Jennie's breast her pillows.. Jennie unconsciously wrapped her arms around Lisa's head while she is in her sleep.. Some sleeping habits Lisa thought..

"I love you.. Jennie Manoban" Lisa kissed Jennie's lips before drifting onto her own Dreamland..


Still not good at doing smuts! -_-

Anyways, congrats to Blackpink and Lisa for winning awards at the VMA! Queens indeed..

Please Vote! Thank you!

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