Talk To Me [Zarry]

By noena11

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COMPLETED Zayn Malik, a second year university student, quiet, shy, yet eccentric, passionate and loved by a... More



331 18 3
By noena11

Zayn was sat looking down at his trembling hands; droplets of tears hitting the ground, shoulders shaking, letting out quiet, vulnerable sounds as he cried. Harry, who was sat next to him, put a gentle hand on his back and made soft circular motions.His sobs were soon reduced to soft sniffles and eventually Zayn looked up at Harry, bloodshot eyes and a face so sullen and distressed it made Harry want to get up and beat the shit out of John. 

"You spoke." Zayn whispered pulling Harry out of his thoughts of violence. Harry simply smiled solemnly, "How?" Harry didn't know, everything happened so quickly. He recalled the way adrenaline pumped through his veins, the pure shock and anger that flashed through his mind when he saw Zayn and John together. The words slipped out of his mouth before he even knew what was happening. 

"You were in danger." Was all all he could say. Zayn stared back at him in shock, with the chaos of it all he hadn't propely been able to process the fact that Harry had actually opened his mouth and spoken. His voice was hoarse and croaky due to years of not being used, but, somehow, it was so smooth at the same time. Zayn was about to say something when suddenly Sanders rushed into the room breathless. 

"Harry! Why'd you run off like that and- Zayn! Are you alright?" Sanders rushed over to Zayn who couldn't help but flinch back slightly. Harry put out his arm, stopping Sanders from getting too close. The professor looked at the two of them in confusion. "What's going on? What happened?" He asked but Zayn looked away, too ashamed to meet Sanders' eyes while Harry shook his head slightly, indicating that something was clearly wrong. Sanders' mind went into overdrive as he tried to decipher what might have happened. He watched as Zayn fiddled with the hem of his shirt and bounced his knee anxiously while Harry had a comforting and protective hand on his back. Sanders then recalled the way Harry had taken off running at the mention of Zayn and John being alone before linking it all back to his own encounter with John in the staff room several days ago and the nasty things John had said then. His eyes widened and he stared at Zayn with an almost pained expression. "Did he?" He didn't need to say the words before Harry knew what he meant, he nodded solemnly and Sanders stumbled back slightly. His clenched his hands into an angry fist. He took out his phone and opened the note pad app, "Type in exactly what happened." 

Harry took the phone, looking back at Zayn as he wasn't sure whether or not he wanted him to do this, however Zayn was absent to everything that was going on around him. With a heavy sigh he began typing, handing Sanders back the phone when he was done. As Sanders read the text, you could see him visibly get angrier and angrier the more he read before ultimately he was mere minutes away from marching towards John's classroom and eradicating him from existance. 

"Harry," He began in a scarily calm voice. "You know how to drive?" Harry nodded slowly and Sanders reached into his pocket to grab his car keys before handing it to him. "Take my car, its a black Audi parked in the staff parking, and take Zayn home. I'll call his mother so she'll be aware of the situation beforehand." Harry nodded again, quickly grabbing Sanders' keys before rushing back to Zayn. Zayn had been silent throughout the whole discussion, simply staring down at the floor, wet droplets escaping his eyes every once in awhile. Harry helped him up and lead him towards the door and even then Zayn didn't respond to anything. Just before they left the room Harry turned to look at Sanders, his eyes saying one thing; 

'What will we do about John?'

For once Sanders knew exactly what Harry wanted to say. "Don't worry about it Harry, I'll deal with him myself." Harry smiled sadly, knowing that Sanders would do anything for Zayn. Harry lead Zayn all the way to Sanders' car and only when they were already on the road and driving did Zayn finally look his way. 

"Where are we going?" He asked, voice soft, pained and nothing like it usually sounded. Harry looked away from the road briefly pointing at Zayn before he focused on the road again. Zayn didn't really know what Harry meant but he decided not to question it as ultimately he began to recognize the familiar trajectory to his home. 

Trisha was already waiting outside for them, she had received the phone call about what happened from Sanders less than five minutes ago. As soon as the haunting details were shared she couldn't help dropping the phone before rushing outside, wringing her hands nervously as she waited for Zayn to come home. A small gasp left her mouth as she saw how dejected and scared her son looked, so unlike his usual self. 

"Hey sonshine." She whispered calmly as Harry lead Zayn towards her. It was like he couldn't walk by himself, needing Harry's support or else his legs would give in. Zayn looked up at his mother, bottom lip trembling and then he burst out into tears. Suddenly he wasn't the brooding and unapproachable young man that he was known as, instead a small little boy that needed the comfort of his mother after getting hurt. Trisha's eyes widened in shock as Zayn practically lunged himself into her arms before she began to rub his back soothingly, her eyes stinging with tears that were threatening to fall. She looked at Harry who had his hands in clenched fists as he stared at the scene. "My poor sweet boy." She soothed as Zayn cried, feeling so helpless. As a mother, this was something she never wished for any of her children. And when it came to Zayn, before now she would've dismissed the thought of it all together, deeming it impossible. How could something like that happen to a man as intimidating as Zayn, and yet here she was. 

"Mum." He sobbed as he held on to her and she fought, and failed, to hold back her own emotions. In the distance Yaser's car swerved on to the road towards their house, hastily parking on their driveway before rushing out of the car. He stopped in his stance, briefcase dropping to the ground as he saw the state his son was in. Since he was a child, Zayn's life had been filled with chronic anxiety and a persistent state of fear that followed him around, it was only recently that his family and friends could finally see genuine growth and change in him as he began to move out of his shell more. Only now, Yaser feared that Zayn would go back to that state, lonely and afraid of the world, building up those walls again that shut everybody out. 

"Harry can you please take Zayn inside while I talk to his father." Trisha asked quietly and Harry nodded, walking over to grab Zayn's had. Zayn didn't say anything, instead staring at their entwined hands as Harry lead him into the house and up the stairs, suddenly feeling comforted. He opened the door to Zayn's room, guiding him towards his bed and once he was sat, Harry helped him take off his shoes and jacket before pushing him to lie down. He grabbed a duvet, draping it over Zayn's body, making sure he was thoroughly comfortable, before getting in next to him. They layed there, not a word spoken between them as minutes quickly turned into hours. 

Harry's eyes shot open and he looked around his surroundings, it was dark but he recognized Zayn's band posters. He sighed, getting out of the bed, realizing he had better get home himself soon. He looked over at his friend, Zayn had his eyes closed, they were clenched shut and restless, as if he was fighting off nightmare, or better yet, a memory. Harry sighed, hating to see Zayn suffer this way. But, as he turned to leave a sudden force on his hand pulled him back. 

"Stay." Zayn whispered, "Please." Not another word was needed for Harry to turn around, kick off his shoes to slip back into his bed. He held  Zayn close to him as if he was scared of losing him. 

"Of course." 

A/N: Another chapter!! It's been awhile sorry. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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