Kitsune (Naruto Fanfiction)

Oleh n4mikaze03

163K 2.5K 465

{reconsider to be rewritten}Uzumaki Naruto is a cheerful, naive boy and a prankster. little that people know... Lebih Banyak

1. prologue rewrite
2. the school life
3. the traitor
4. Team selection
5. teammate
I'm back
8. beginning to wave
9. wave part 1
10.wave part 2
11. wave part 3
12. wave part 4
13. secret that shouldn't be unvailed
14. Break!!!
15. Break part 2
16. Monochromatic eyes
17. Announcement of exam
18. One-tailed and the exam begins
19. Written test
20. Forest of death
21. The snake bite
22. The wrath.
24. Festival
25. The Frog Sannin arrive!
26. the tournament
27. Satsuki vs Gaara
28. The Unexpected Invasion
29. Orochimaru vs Hokage
30. The red hair.
31. Neji vs Naruto
33. Unexpected
34. Chase
35. The battle of the valley
36. not one but two
37.Memories Of Past
38. epilogue

32. Tsunade returns

1.4K 25 1
Oleh n4mikaze03

The next day

Kakashi groaned. He awakes from his sleep with no memories of what he was doing yesterday. "Urgh, what happened?"

He dizzily looked at his clock and moves his body. Yet, his body felt heavy like something is bumping his waist. He looks at his waist to see a woman hugging him.

He rubbed his eyes as if he was mistaken.

This time he sees more clearly. The woman that sleeping on him was wearing her purple sleepwear and she has purple hair flowing down to her shoulders.


He rubs his eyes again and looks at her.

'Oh, it's her'

Anko moves her hand and rubs her eyes and moaned in a daze. She looks at him with groggy eyes. As their eyes met she stop moving like a stone.

'Where am I? Why is he here?'

Anko wondered how in the world she ends up with him.

She hops from the bed grabbing the towel to cover herself in embarrassment revealing the thing she shouldn't have seen.

She saw a mighty bird between Kakashi's stand strong to the sky that can make any woman blush. Anko's face was madly turned red seeing the thing.

Kakashi also realised, he didn't wear any pants and saw the bird as well. Without his mask, Anko could see his embarrassment.

She looks down and sees...she didn't wear any as well.

Both of them could not hold their panic. They end up yelling.


Naruto walking in front Kakashi's house to told about yesterday occurrence but the yelled startled him. He ends up went away and told him about it tomorrow.


Jiraiya is enjoying sleeping on the tree using his bag as his pillow. His thing was placed below him such as large scroll and some knife he was used to cut meat from hunting. Breathing with a relaxing pace and feeling the breeze of wind. One of the leaves landed on his nose, and his nose become itchy and sneezed and blow the leaf away.


The scream startled the Sannin, and end up him falling from the tree. Hitting his head on the ground.

"Ugh" He groaned. "Ouch, my head. What in the world someone could be screamed at like that?" He rubs his swollen head.

He tilts his head left and right and looks at his surrounding to see the sun has risen and the sky is almost bright. "Good thing is I got up. early this time. It would be a headache if I wasn't on in time to greet her." He rises, picking up his bag and his large scroll.

Went to the newly opened stalls he ordered some breakfast and some tea to start his morning. He didn't have a problem even though he is a hermit. The truth is he rich but chose life as a hermit to benefit him by getting away from taxes and easy for him to travel around.

Even with his old age his skills were never dull and he has always been in active service since he was young.

The three Sannin were once a great team of ninjas that fought in The Third Great War. Now, the group was disbanded and most of them went their ways. First has gone from Konoha because of trauma. The Second was dismissed from their village because of inhuman action. The Third is all that remains in the former pride team and extended his service in Konoha. Now, he is The Spymaster who controls all spy activities around the Great Nations to help Konoha.

"Ah, this is good" Jiraiya put down the cup he drank. He put some money under the cup and leaves the stall. "Keep the change," he said to the stall owner before asking him about the money.

Jiraiya stretches his arms until some cracks on his bones were heard. "Now, what was left is to wait for Tsunade. Heh."

"Ero-sensei" Jiraiya paused.

There is only one person who could say that.

He turned to his left and saw the blonde and whiskers on his cheek calling his name.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at the gate, right now." Naruto asked.

"I just finished eating, kid. I'm about to head there to greet her."

"Well, you shouldn't wait for her anymore." Jiraiya looks at him confused didn't know what he means.

The blonde explained to him. "Because she arrived, last night. And....."


"Haha hahaha, I'm rich. I'm rich. I'm rich." The woman drunkenly throwing her money into the sky celebrating her win.

"I'm so grateful for you, Tsunade-sama. Could you please give me some money to your humble assistant. " Shizune, the Slug Sannin apprentice bowed down to her. She also drank from the drink last night.

"Sure, sure take it as many as you like" Tsunade ends up throwing the money at her. Shizune grabs the money like in hunger.

The whole room was filled with gold and money and beside them, two humans were standing there like a statue witnessing the glory of Tsunade.

"I can't believe, she won and there were so many!" Jiraiya said thoughtlessly.

Naruto was speechless as well. This is also his first time seeing Tsunade win after years of losing.

Tsunade was so lost in alcohol, that she dance around with full money in her hand and yelled joyfully for great success. "Money, money, money. Hahaha."


Satsuki awakes from her nightmare, she looks around the room she is recognized she isn't in her room but somewhere else.

"Where am I?"

The room is made from plank just as all Japanese traditional house has been. The room was cleaned and arranged and half of the room was filled with lavender. The curtain was lavender, the blanket, the shirts even the cupboard is theme lavender.

"Whoever this lavender freak? I bet she and I wouldn't get along well."

She roses from her bedsheets and headed to the outside. Satsuki slides the door and surveys the outside as well. She notices some guards with pupilless eyes walking in front of her. She realised she is in the Hyuga clan mansion.

So I'm in the Hyuga clan mansion and the room was lavender and there have guards. There is two class of Hyuga's that common people know. One is upper class and two is lower class. The lower class was out of the list and without a doubt I am in the hospitality of one of the powerful people in the Hyuga clan I wonder who.

"S-so you have awake Satsuki?" The girl asked her.

"Yes, I am. I wonder who kindly let me have some treatment in the prestigious clan" Satsuki turned seeing Hinata was there.

Satsuki was glad, at least not some stranger brought her. Like before, remembered how she got kidnapped after getting lied to by a certain person. Yeah that is a history that she wouldn't everyone.

"H-Hinata Hyuga, we were once in the same class. D-do you remember?" She said timidly.

Satsuki knows she is acting. She had seen her true persona before. If she recalled except when she used her real identity in the restaurant this is her first time meeting her face to face like this.

"Yes, I remember you. You, 're in the same team as Kiba, right?"

"Yes, you're correct I'm in the same team with him."

Satsuki tried to recall the memories of yesterday to no avail her mind numb to remember.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You passed out, luckily there is a girl a senior of ours brought you here," Hinata said.

"A girl?" Satsuki muttered. She recalled the girl she met yesterday. 'I remember that Chinese girl.'


"So you know her?"

"Not much we just met yesterday"

"Huh, I hope I could be a ninja like her. Brave, Strong and confident" Hinata sighed.

Satsuki smiled at her. A total fake smile. 'You liar, you have all those.'

"I hope you can regain your confidence in public. Taking that determination as a start." Satsuki gives her tips.

"You think I could do it?" Hinata asked her nervously.

"Sure, you C.A.N" she had enough of her antics. Also, she thinks that there is a high possibility she could take the blonde away from her.

She wouldn't do that, right?

"Hinata-sama, your father requests your attendance, immediately." One of the Hyuga announced on her door.

"A-alright, I will attend right, now" Hinata replied. She turned to Satsuki and apologised to her.

"I'm sorry, my father requested me. You can stay here if you want to, I'll be, right back." Hinata said before going to her father.

Satsuki knows Hinata couldn't deny her father's order. The Hyuga clan is not only known as the strongest clan in the Great Nations but is also known as one of the clans with strict rules. Formality is also regarded as a higher standard in the Hyuga clan with their clan rule in form of hierarchy.

Satsuki knows this so she respects her decision to leave her. Until then, she will wait for her.

"What happened?" Tsunade wakes up and rubs her eyes groggily. She is on the bed with Shizune on her side.

"A hotel? When did I get here? And urgh, what a smell?" She sniffed a reek of alcohol on her clothes and Shizune's clothes also.

"How much booze did I take, yesterday. Ten, twelve, twenty-three."

She walks around the room, searching for her bag. She didn't recall purchasing a room before maybe she was too drunk to realise it.

Luckily, she founds the bag laying beside the bathroom door. She takes a shower cleans herself from reeks of alcohol and put on her fresh sleeveless grey Kimono and green haori.

She walks out of the bathroom with a small towel hanging around her neck, she approaches Shizune.

"Shizune wakes up." She shook her.

"Hey, wake up." Tsunade shook her again.

Shizune's eyebrows were moving, she opened her eyes and stare at Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, why am I in here aren't I supposed in heaven? Maybe a bit of sleep would let me" Shizune monotonously said and fall to sleep again.

The tick appears on Tsunade's forehead. She was furious that her assistant fell back to sleep again.



Satsuki wondering around Hinata's room. She looked at the album that decorates the wall. There have so many pictures related to Hinata's family.

She must admit she was cute when she was little. Her sister's face is also as same as hers except for the hairstyle. She turned to another picture and saw her and her family having a family photo shoot with her mother. "This is the time before her mother died."

The theme of the girl's clothes was lavender and for the male is white. "This colour is suited for her but not me."

Satsuki moves around her room, she accidentally stepped on the glass jar. She falls and lands on her back. The impact she made was felt in the room. One frame of her pictures with her parents falls from the wall.

"NO, no. Why must you should fall?" She observes the fallen frame seeing it is in good condition makes her feel relieved.

"What is this?" She noticed there is another picture behind the display frame. She opened the frame at its back and pick the several pictures that hides within the frame.

"Why would she hide this?" She flipped the pictures to see their content.

In the picture, a girl in lavender with a girl in blue Kimono with long raven hair standing together with a chibi smile on their face. The girl in lavender was obviously Hinata but the other person was. "Me"

"What am I doing in this picture? We have met before?" she asked herself. "Why couldn't I recall?"

She picks another picture to see her and her playing together with a certain blonde with a white shirt with an Uzumaki symbol on his chest. Hinata's parents were also there as well with some of their servants. Satsuki's father stands aside in the picture laughing with Hiashi.

"What in the world?" She said in disbelief.

She took another picture from the frame. This time she sees her brother challenge Hinata by throwing Kunai on its target mark. Hinata's mad face was vividly shown as she was badly defeated by Itachi. There were three Kunai pinned at the centre of the target. She could have smiled if she wants but...

She couldn't remember.

"We have known before, but why they didn't come to me after the massacre, no they did come but I refuse. But why do they act like I don't exist in the first place. They talked like they knew Sasuke but not Satsuki. The Hyuga's should know about me. For some reason, some of them act hostile and look at me like a certain stranger. Hinata and Naruto have met me before. How they didn't even know I am a girl before or Is it because they were instructed to keep it secret As Hokage asked."

Satsuki hastily put the pictures back together in the frame and attached them to the wall before anyone entered.

She leans on her back, collecting her thoughts.

She didn't understand, all of this. When, where and How. Why?

That thought was brainstorming in her mind like a storm with no direction, clashing with each other and creating more chaos than it should.

As time pass by, she was still in her thoughts with no answer. She laying on the floor. Ahead of her, there is a closet a big closet. She saw a package covered in red clothes that took her intention.

She pulled the package under the closet and undone the bone.

She opened it and saw a mask. A broken Anbu mask that was cracked into three perfectly attached. The mask porcelain isn't easily attached unless she was using glue. The mask looks like a rabbit mask.

"She's an Anbu" she muttered.

The Usagi. One of the youngest Anbu.

Suddenly, she felt the headache growing in her head. She covered the package back and shove it under the closet. She was about to go outside but the headache becomes worsened.

She falls, in her head, there are more pop-up memories from her past. She couldn't take it anymore and passed out once again.




The voice of the blonde boy called her name and pulled her hand into a tree behind her old family house. They're waiting for Hinata and her brother, Itachi smiles at her.

Her memories become distorted and change when she looks at her brother faces changing from a smile to wistful. As the scenery around her turn dark, she realised she was in her family mansion. The people that she know still dead like she remember but her brother reaction the only things that change from her memories.

"Run" he said. There is a tint of sadness in his voice. As he was saying goodbye to her.

The mansion around is burning to the ground and the fire swirl around her brother. She was pulled away from him by someone she didn't know. She was getting away from him. The more distance she is from him. The more the fire engulfed him and disappear.

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