A Better Brother

By AG-The-Writer

26.9K 516 883

After a messed up patrol leaving Mikey injured because of the three brothers, Splinter punishes them from goi... More

A Patrol Gone Wrong
A New Mikey
Sinister Changes


3K 68 187
By AG-The-Writer



Chapter 2: The BIO

Leo and Raph looked at the pill that Donatello had just created and revealed to the others as they were confused on what it was.

"I'm sorry, what exactly is that?" Leo asked.

"This, gentlemen, is the solution to all of our problems" Donnie proudly announced.

"Ya made a Tic Tac?" Raphael quizzed.

"No, it's not a Tic Tac" Donnie frowned at Raph.

"It looks like a tiny computer USB or something" Leo shrugged.

"Not exactly" Donnie shook his head before he explains what he has created:

"This is a pill containing a super computer chip that once it gets swallowed and dissolved; the chip will automatically enter the bloodstream and with GPS guidance installed in this brilliant creation, it implants itself inside the user's brain. Soon enough this supercomputer chip will take control of the user and help boost its intelligence, its strength and its behaviour, allowing the user to become the perfect living being"

Leo and Raph stared at the excited turtle to which Raphael just replied: "So you created a drug that goes into your brain and helps you...what...level up or something?"

"In a way, yes," Donnie nodded.

"And how exactly is that going to solve our problems? Because I ain't taking that if that's wot ya plan is" Raphael grumpily quizzed.

"It's not for us to take, this is for Mikey," Donnie simply replied.

"What?!" Leo exclaimed.

"Like I said, this is the answer to all our problems" Donnie smiled proudly at the two.

"And how exactly is getting Mikey to take that gonna solve our problems?!" Leo demanded.

"Well for one thing, it'll be a great way for him to get smarter, stronger and even better at being a ninja like us" Donnie replied.

"He's got a point, if it makes him stop messing up and get better like us then I say we do it" Raphael agreed.

"Thank you Raph," Donnie smiled.

"Forget it! We're not drugging our baby brother! This could be dangerous, Donnie" Leo angrily replied.

"Oh c'mon Leo, have I ever let you guys down with my inventions?" Donnie scoffed.

Leo gave his response by staring at Donnie unamused to whom Raph chimed in with: "Is that a trick question?"

"OK! OK! So maybe a few have gone wrong but I'm telling you guys, this is the real deal! I've worked all night with this" Donnie complained.

"That's not an excuse; we're not drugging Mikey," Leo denied.

"Leo, I've gone through the process of this pill and according to my calculations, this pill can help Mikey in the best positive way," said Donnie.

"Not if it means using our baby brother as a bloody lab rat!" Leo argued.

"But Leo-!" Donnie complained.

"Forget it! There is no way we're using this on Mikey, we're going to help Mikey the hard way, the way Splinter instructed us to" Leonardo denied.

"All I'm asking is that you give this a chance to help Mikey; I wouldn't do this to hurt Mikey, you know that" Donnie suggested.

"I don't know," Leo sighs out.

"This will work Leo, trust me; It will help Mikey being the ninja he wants to be, he'll be happier and stronger" Donnie replied.

"Yeah this'll be great for Mikey" Raphael agreed.

"Just one chance, that's all I'm saying" Donnie nodded.

Leo looks at his brothers as he couldn't believe they are willing to give Mikey this strange pill to make him be better. It sounds wrong and it is wrong in Leo's mind but at the same time, what if it does help Mikey? What if it makes him feel better and happier?

As the eldest, it was his job to make sure his brothers are OK and such and with Mikey, he really wanted to make him be better with the others like Splinter wanted but at the same time, with how he tried to help Mikey in the past and doesn't seem to be working, this could be the chance to do something for his baby brother.

After a long hard while of deciding, he eventually caved in: "Alright, if this is going to help Mikey then we'll do it"

"Yes" Raphael pumped his fist in the air.

"Gentlemen, Let's test the B.I.O" Donnie happily spoke.

"The B.I.O?" Raphael and Leonardo quizzed.

"Yeah, I call it the Bionic-Intelligence-Organism or BIO for short," Donnie responded.

"Let's go see Mikey" Raphael nodded.

"Wait! How are we going to get Mikey to take it because if memory serves, he doesn't like taking pills" Leo pointed out.

"I'll just put it in a pizza like I always do with his medicine" Donnie replied.

"So we're tricking him into eating a pizza with the pill" Leo firmly quizzed.

"Why not? I do it all the time with his medicine when he gets sick" Donnie shrugged.

"Donnie..." Leo warned.

"No more arguments, let's go" Raphael shut Leo up.

"This better work" Leo sighs out to himself.

In Mikey's room, the young turtle was bandaged by the head and arm after being mildly injured by the purple dragons last night. He was reading a comic when he heard a knock on the door and soon saw his brothers by the door.

"Oh...hi guys" Mikey sadly greeted as he didn't want to see his brothers for a while after last night.

"Hey little buddy, how are you feeling?" Leonardo softly asked.

"Terrible" Mikey grumbled.

Leo sadly kneels before his sad baby brother by the bed:

"We're so sorry, Mikey; this is all our fault, we never should've left you alone"

"I did try my hardest, you know that" Mikey whimpered.

"We know and we're really sorry" Donnie apologised.

"We made you something to cheer you up, we got you a pizza" Raphael smiles and shows the plate of pizza to Mikey.

"For me?" Mikey gasped with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, this pizza is for you, little brother, as a way of saying we're sorry" Raphael nodded and handed him the plate.

"Thanks guys, this is nice of you" Mikey happily thanked them.

"Anything to make up for what we did to you" Donnie rubbed his brother's head.

"Let us know if you need anything" Leo winked but still worries about the fact that the BIO pill is in the pizza that Mikey holds.

As soon as the others left the room, they peek out at the door and watch as Mikey happily eats the pizza, oblivious to the fact that he consumed the BIO pill with the pizza.

"OK, so he ate it, now wot?" Raphael whispered.

"Give it five minutes" Donnie whispered back.

Five minutes have nearly passed as Mikey was just reading the comic he had before Donnie count down the time:

"OK, the pill should start working at 5...4...3...2...1...and...BEGIN!" Donnie excitedly whispered.

Soon they noticed Mikey looking puzzled before he heard grumbling in his stomach before the turtles looked in suspense when suddenly Mikey let out a loud burp and giggles to himself: "Excuse me"

Donnie looked distraught that it looks like it didn't work as Raphael grumbled: "Well your invention failed, again!"

"I don't understand, the process should've worked" Donnie whispered out in frustration.

"Maybe the pizza must have stopped it from working," Leonardo shrugged.

"Don't be foolish, the pill would've worked even if it was put in a soda" Donnie scoffed.

Suddenly they heard a loud yelp as they immediately turned to see Mikey rubbing his head in confusion: "What the...?!

Just then Mikey started holding his head and yowling out in pain, much to the other turtle's shock.

"Mikey!" Leo cried out and went by Mikey's side.

The young turtle was shaking and twitching everywhere on the bed to which Leo yelled at Donnie: "Donnie, what's going on?!"

"It's just the transition, Leo," Donnie cried out.

"How long does that take?!" Raphael demanded.

Suddenly Mikey stops as he speaks in a monotone voice: "Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort"

Mikey then shook his head and panicked: "W-Wait, what am I saying?!"

Suddenly he yells out in agony, holding his head and at some point speaks in the same monotone voice:

"Calibration complete" "YEOW!" "Accessing neural memory" "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" "Accessing muscle memory" "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" "Access procedure complete... Bionic-Intelligence-Organism implanted and completed"

"Donnie!" Leo cried out.

"It's working!" Donnie cried out.

Suddenly Mikey stops and falls back on the bed like a robot before the turtles slowly approach the unconscious turtle.

"Mikey?" Raphael quizzed in concern.

"Please tell him he's not dead" Leo panicked.

"I think he's just fainted," Donnie replied.

He tries to check Mikey's heart rate by applying pressure on the wrist for beats when suddenly Mikey's eyes abruptly open and light up in a green flash for a second until it fades away.

"Mikey?!" The brothers cried out in bewilderment.

The young turtle got up and looked around the room as everything was new to him; the pill had worked and now standing before the three brothers was a new and improved Michelangelo.

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