The Forgotten Children (Book...

By JPaineLusch

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In an alternate reality where mystical creatures (likes elves, fairies, vampires, and the likes) live out in... More

Chapter 1 - Willow
Chapter 2 - Evelyn
Chapter 3 - Nathaniel
Chapter 4 - Mia
Chapter 5 - Nathaniel
Chapter 6 - Mia
Chapter 7 - Willow
Chapter 8 - Evelyn
Chapter 9 - Nathaniel
Chapter 10 - Evelyn
Chapter 11 - Mia
Chapter 12 - Willow
Chapter 13 - Nathaniel
Chapter 14 - Mia
Chapter 15 - Evelyn
Chapter 16 - Kino
Chapter 17 - Mia
Chapter 18 - Willow
Chapter 19 - Nathaniel
Chapter 20 - Kino
Chapter 21 - Evelyn
Chapter 22 - Mia
Chapter 23 - Nathaniel
Chapter 24 - Mia
Chapter 25 - Willow
Chapter 26 - Evelyn
Chapter 27 - Mia
Chapter 28 - Nathaniel
Chapter 29 - Evelyn
Chapter 30 - Willow
Chapter 31 - Faye
Chapter 32 - Mia
Chapter 33 - Kino
Chapter 35 - Evelyn
Chapter 36 - Willow
Chapter 37 - Mia
Chapter 38 - Nathaniel
Chapter 39 - Evelyn
Chapter 40 - Kino
Chapter 41 - Mia
Chapter 42 - Evelyn
Chapter 43 - Willow
Chapter 44 - Sylaid
Chapter 45 - Nathaniel
Chapter 46 - Mia
Chapter 47 - Eve
Chapter 48 - Willow
Chapter 49 - Mia
Chapter 50 - Nathaniel
Chapter 51 - Evelyn
Chapter 52 - Mia
Chapter 53 - Lia
Chapter 54 - Willow
Chapter 55 - Nathaniel
Chapter 56 - Hisoka
Chapter 57 - Kino
Chapter 58 - Evelyn
Chapter 59 - Mia
Chapter 60 - Welcome Home
Chapter 61 - Willow

Chapter 34 - Nathaniel

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By JPaineLusch

"Keep it up Yoshi, you're doing good." Nathaniel was letting Yoshi attack him in their sparring match. Occasionally he would give Yoshi a tap or a push when he felt Yoshino would overreach and leave himself vulnerable. He had him use two short batons in their close quarters training so that Yoshi could get used to them.

He could feel Yoshi getting a little aggressive and gave him a firm tap. Yoshi's hits continued to get more aggressive and riskier so Nathaniel gave him a hard shove to the ground. Yoshino was visibly getting upset and angry. "Take it easy kid, calm down." He charged once again and was shoved to the ground again. He growled and gripped his batons tightly. He didn't know or understand how but he started channeling energy into them.

Yoshi lunged once again but caught Nathaniel off guard. Nathaniel felt a blow to his knee that shot pain throughout his leg. Magic...fuck.. He looked up at Yoshi from the ground. "Yoshi.." He could hear Kino yelling to her son to stop just before he was struck in the head.

The lights started to go black and all the sounds faded. Everything was black and cold until there was a blinding light and warmth covered his face. When he opened his eyes, he was standing in a forest. The light warmed the air, animals rustled around and birds sang sweet songs. The wind carried a voice calling to him as a fawn snuck up behind him and nudged his hand. The small deer tugged on his pant leg and led him through the woods. He followed it into a small clearing where it had stopped and turned back. The sun was brighter with few trees giving shade.

There was a structure made of branches and logs that looked like a naturally made gazebo. As his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he noticed the figure of a woman sitting inside. The voice continued to call to him as he stood there apprehensively. He decided to move forward, walking slowly to the woman. She smiled at him as he approached her and she stood up to greet him. "It's been a long time my son, please, sit. We don't have a lot of time."

Her skin had subtle green and yellow pigment to it and she was adorned with leaves and vines. Her hair was wild and free flowing and as red as fire. She was beautiful and he could tell she was one with the nature around her. He sat down beside her and she gladfully took his hand. "It has been a really long time Natit, sorry, Nathaniel. I'm sure you have many questions for me."

"You're Gaia aren't you? Am I dead?" he asked curiously and she looked around.

She laughed slightly, "I am your mother and no sweetie, you are not dead. You are unconscious and your friends will wake you soon."

"So this is not heaven? Doesn't seem like heaven"

She smiled, "heaven and hell are human concepts sweetie. But the typical white pearl gates with angels and stuff is Chronos' domain. We each have our own land within the astral realm.. And I can not leave this place anymore."

"What do you mean? You're trapped here?"

She nodded and looked around. "Our kind sweetie, gain our power through our followers. You and your sisters don't have this issue because you live among them but we don't. Over the millennias, fewer and fewer people paid tribute to me and as a result, my power has waned. Humans damaged the Earth severely but it's starting to turn green again, however despite the magic used to restore it, it will still take decades or centuries. I'm trapped here because this realm, this forest is keeping me alive.

"Chronos is well, Chronos. He has assumed many Gods in the earthling's religions and always stays charged. Lucifer is unique in that besides being Lucifer, he doesn't need all that much. Chaos does the job just fine and this universe is chaotic. Lastly, Heil has her own merry band of followers and as the personification of Death, people fear her.

"You and your sisters though are slightly different. You are not bound to this plane. Willow's offspring give her power. Eve doesn't gain power but stability and focus. Look how much she has changed with just Yagashi by her side. Your sister Mia, she doesn't require direct followers, most of the pleasure houses have some statue of a love goddess in them. They act as conduits, channeling the energy in the air to her. You, my son, your power is mostly maxed out already but instead, you in turn inspire those around you." She smiled and touched his chest where one of his tattoos was located. "They followed you, because you inspired them to do great things, they believed in you. You will need that in the journey ahead."

"Mother, what exactly is coming?" he asked, needing to know the answer to the question on everyone's mind.

"A dark being, a titan created from a time before we were born. He is the unmaker. His desire is to unravel all of creation. But you four have the power within yourselves to stop her."

"Her? You said it was a he." He sat forward and turned his head to look at her. He could see that she was worried. Was she worried for them all, or just him, he wondered. If this was to become a mystical fight, he knew he was in trouble.

"His name is Mel'goth. There have been many names in history for him, most commonly known would be Surtr, bringer of Ragnarok. He has been imprisoned since we discovered him, but his daughter. She is the oncoming storm. You must stop her to prevent... Ragnarok, the end of the world. If she is able to free him, it's all over."

"But how do we stop them?" he asked sincerely. Finally clues were being given but it was still a puzzle.

"I am sorry sweetie, but I can't give you all the answers. Some things need to be figured out on your own. The four of you need to come together as a family to do this...not rush in individually. We are out of time though, I want to see more of you and Mia and Eve. Meditation is the key. Show them the way and you all can visit me whenever. I love you my son."

She was enveloped in a blinding light that consumed all of his vision. His eyes squinted against the whiteness before color started to appear once again. Before he realized what was going on, the light was moving side to side. Things began to take form and he could tell he was staring at the ceiling of his room. The light was from a pen light being waved back and forth. Mia was startled when Nathaniel sat up quickly. "What happened, how did I get here?"

Mia placed her hand on his chest and gently pushed him back. "Easy little brother, you suffered a dislocated knee and a severe concussion with possible hemorrhage. The sun is doing its job though, your knee is almost healed but the concussion is healing slower. You need to rest."

He laid back down gently and rested his head on the pillow. "You called me brother," he said softly as he looked at her. He could see that her expression was softer than normal. Was it her doctor's face or was she genuinely concerned for him, he wondered.

"A momentary slip, don't get used to it Nate. He fucked you up pretty good, he's been in his room the whole day crying. He knows he messed up."

"He's a good kid, it was an accident. I should have stopped when I could see him getting frustrated. I didn't expect... well whatever he did." he said quietly and sighed a little. He could feel his head throbbing slightly and his knee felt tight. "Mia, I saw our mother."

Mia froze and stiffened at the revelation. "Our mother? She reached out to you?"

"Yeah and she told me how we can contact her. She also told me a bit about what's coming. It's name is Mel'goth and his daughter is the one trying to free him."

She nodded slightly and stood up, "I'll let Hisoka and Eve do some research. She couldn't tell you where this girl is?"

He sighed softly, "She said this is a fight that we can not rush into. We have to prepare ourselves, get stronger, and when the time is right, we as a family will strike."

"I hate the long game bullshit but perhaps she's right." She was gathering her things and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Just relax, I have to go to work. I will tell Kino you are awake before I leave." He watched her leave before he could say anything. He laid there and before too long, there was a soft tap at the door.

"Come in" he said and then the door opened slowly. Yoshino poked his head in and stood there quietly. "Yoshi, come over here kiddo. Don't worry, I'm not mad at you."

The boy walked over slowly and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry Nathaniel."

He sighed softly to himself and looked at the boy with soft caring eyes. "Don't apologize Yoshi. It happened and we can't change that. When I am strong enough, we will continue. Do not dwell on it kiddo, learn from it. Don't let anger and frustration take hold in the heat of a fight."

"Like in that movie Star something with the light and dark force?"

Nathaniel chuckled and smiled at him. "Yeah, like the movie. Focus and staying clear headed will help you in a fight and allow you to do amazing things. Losing yourself to anger will make you careless and clumsy. There's something to be learned from the concept of those movies. They are based on Monks and the balance of chi could help you. You might have been too scared and timid before Yoshi but you have a strong potential if you focus." He sighed slightly and looked to the ceiling in thought. "Go get some rest kid and don't dwell on what happened."

The boy had left, leaving him alone in a peaceful silence. It was the silence he enjoyed the most but also found foreign compared to the sounds of the dungeons. He fell asleep and was unaware he had several visitors throughout the night. His daughters took time sitting with him before being sent off to bed by Kino. She sat beside his bed watching him gently. Occasionally she would read his aura to see if he was still healing. She felt sorry and sadness towards him and the suffering he had been through and still seemed to be still enduring.

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