Bakugou Could Kiss Me Ig

By urmomsfavSnekyLink

14 1 0

~Bakugou x O.C~ This story is about well, Bakugou and my Oc A.J. They have been really close throughout highs... More

*Kissy Kissy* Pt. 2

*Kissy Kissy* Pt.1

9 1 0
By urmomsfavSnekyLink


thank you for choosing to read this!

Also, thats my favortie song to listen to.

(He's also hot lmao)

Onto the story Motherfuckers!!!!


A.J.- 17

Katsuki- 18

It had been a couple of seconds since the closet door opened and A.J. and Katsuki were shoved in for a stupid game of seven minutes in heaven. Neither one of them would look each other in the eye, too much pink blinded them from doing so. They knew the position they were in was embarrassing so they just stayed there until someone had the guts to say anything.

A.J. was up against the wall, arms around Katsuki's torso touching his bareback while Katsuki had his left hand against the wall with his other hand cupping her face. He was leaning in with a slightly tilted head facing her. Katsuki's vision was focused on her lips and trying not to bump noses with her. He hadn't fully gone in, but if they were left in there for any longer they could have been.

Luckily for them Denki, being A.J.'s best friend, stood there in the way, preventing any nosy souls from looking.

"Denki!" Mina yells walking over, jumping with every step to see if she could get a glimpse of what was going on, "We told you not to be in the way! Ugh! Why are you so," She jumps, "Tall!" She crosses her arms and pouts.

Eijirou walks over to Denki and politely pulls him out of the doorway, "There," Katsuki moves his hand over A.J.'s throat, glaring her down. "See! Bakubro wasn't doing anything. He's too manly for that." Eijirou smiles and sits back down in the circle surrounding the bowl of underwear. "But, you really need to chill Bakugou, she didn't do anything to hurt you and it's not very manly of you. Don't kill her."

It's just an act. It's just an act. He wouldn't try anything, A.J. thought. Katsuki's grip tightens as the group starts pulling the next pair of boxers. Right?

"Tch." Katsuki lets out, letting go of her, "Whatever." Katsuki aggressively grabs his boxers and places them in his pocket. "I'm going. I knew this game would throw off my sleep schedule."

"Sure, ya old man." Denki states after snapping back into reality. He takes A.J. by the arm and to a corner of the room, "What was that?" Denkis asks. He knew A.J. liked Katsuki for a while now but, her words, were not his, she was 'too pathetic to ask the awesomest guy if he liked a dumb kid only here cause she has potential'. "Well? Spill!"

"Spill what?" Shouto asks walking over to Denki, (otherwise known as the person he was put in the closet with), "Hakushiriya, are you hiding something?" Shouto slightly cocks his head and looks over to Denki, "Does this have to do with the game?" Getting no answers, Shouto nudges Denki and asks, "What happened in the closet?"

"Stop asking so many questions so she can answer mine!" Denki whisper-shouts to Shouto.

Shouto had also known of A.J.'s 'little' crush on Bakugou because, he had only been in all of these 'girl talks' where they ramble about crushes and other things about boys, who was hot, who was not, should they give out hints or leave them be, talking bad about girls they found annoying, y'know the normal stuff.

"Well, we-" Shouto shoved his hand in A.J.'s mouth.

"Guys," Shouto says exaggerating the 'a' at the end of guys, "We have to talk about this somewhere else," Shouto says, internally getting super excited, "either we go to A.J.'s room or yours Denki 'cause you don't wanna see what my room looks like right now." Denki nodded and dragged A.J. to the elevator.

"Where are you guys-?" The doors cut off Minas shout, leaving the trio in silence. A.J. thinks and thinks of a way to get out of this but she knew how dedicated Shouto and Denki were to their "girl time."

"So what room? I'm still confused." A.J. questions.

Denki lets go of her arm and pushes the four, "Oh yours. Not only is my room messy, but your room is right next to Bakubro's. So it'll be much easier to see what'll happen."

A.J. thinks, "Happen?"

"Y'know," Shouto says, nudging A.J., "Where the night'll take you."

"We'll listen in and leave if anything goes too far."

"Guys!" Denki and Shouto laugh while A.J. drowns in her red. "Y-you both know how I feel about that." They keep laughing, "Ugh! You two are too much."

The doors open and A.J. escapes the laughing chamber. Wasn't even that funny. Plus, he wouldn't do that. He told me. In the closet. "C'mon my rooms right here."

A.J. had the option before everyone was assigned their rooms where she wanted her dorm to be. So she chose the last one to the right, otherwise known as the room right next to Bakugou's. "Guys!" A.J. yells, grabbing their attention.

"Coming honey, give us a minute," Shouto yells back. They laugh, giggle, and blush while taking their precious time strolling the hallway, "Babe!" Shouto says looking at A.J., "Go get your pajamas on while we talk. Ok, hon?"

"Yes, mom," A.J. says, rolling her eyes. She leaves the door open as she starts. She removes her music note hair clip and places it on her dresser next to her flower. The purple flower Katsuki had put in her hair a few days ago. It was thriving and living just as well as Katsuki must have been. A.J. smiles and moves on to her tossed sweatshirt on top of her bookshelf. She looked at her fish and kissed him before reaching for the sweatshirt. "Sorry. I just hafta get this stupid sweatshirt. Love you Bubbles. Mwah." A.J. says in a baby voice. She slips into her hoodie, throwing her shirt on the floor. She took off her pants and threw them on her floor as well.

A.J. walks over to her dresser where she originally placed her barrette and pulls open her top drawer. She digs around and searches for her black shorts. Not finding anything, A.J. examines her room and still doesn't find anything. A.J. pouts and plops onto her bed. She takes her owl plushie and squeezes it, releasing all the anxiety she had from earlier.

"Yeah. I enjoyed the closet time too." Shouto says while walking in, "Maybe, we should do it again sometime. Y'know without the whole closet though." Denki smiles and nods in agreement and launches himself onto A.J.'s bed, "Okay babe," Shouto says while climbing onto her bed, "Tell us everything. We need to know now."

"Well, nothing really happened."

"Nothing?" Denki asks, raising an eyebrow, "Yeah sure nothing happened, you two were totally not going to make out."


"No! Nothing like that at all!" A.J. shouts trying to claim her innocence, "W-we...Yeah uh. Well, maybe? I don't know!" A.J. shoves her face in her owl, "He told me somethings in there that would make him seem not to want to do that so I assumed that-"

"Girl," Denki says, shaking his head, "Hush. No one cares what he said, he was gonna kiss you."

Shouto, with a puzzled look on his face, asks, "Wait what did he say?"

"Nothing. H-he asked me not to tell," Before Denki could say anything A.J. added, "I'm sorry. I promised him I wouldn't even tell you guys. So," Shouto nods and Denki falls back into the bed, "Ugh. It's so weird now."

"How come hon?"

"Well Sho, I kinda sorta told him that I liked him like that."

"You did?!"

"Yeah Denks, I did, and for some reason, he didn't seem phased by it. But when we got up, 'cause we were sitting down, he said something, I don't remember what, but something that made him do the whole, 'ahhhhh make out, you guys are gonna make out' scenario."

"Mhm. So what did y'all say then? Like what did you treat your time as?" Shouto asks while rubbing his eyes. They had stayed up past curfew and everyone was probably caught by now. Or the teachers didn't really care, the next day was the weekend anyway.

"Sorta like a seven-minute therapy. He- we needed it. It was comforting."

"But like," Shouto questions, "Where's the part where you told him?"

"Uh. We were just talking and I accidentally let it slip out okay? It was a complete accident. I swear."

"Well, where is your guys' relationship now? Are you guys together?" Denki asks, "Are we able to make fun of you two for holding hands or being cheesy?"

"Ooo, that sounds fun," Shouto says looking over to Denki. Denki nods with a big smile and looks back over to the confused teen.

"We, I mean- I dunno. He didn't say," Denki sighs, face planting into the sheets, while Shouto shook his head and patted A.J.'s back, "Wait! H-he said something before he went to bed. Before he went to his room."

"Bro what did he say?!"

"Tell us!"

"He said, 'Get to the room safely.' At least that's what I think he said." Denki squeals into the mattress and Shouto shakes A.J., "Guys! Calm down, it's not that big of a deal."

A.J. blushes furiously and smiles wide, shoving her face in her stuffie. "Gahh!" Denki exclaims, "At this point, I think I could just die of cute-cheesiness."

"You two," Shouto says quietly, "I think would be the most embarrassingly cute couple. And I'm being honest. Not even Midoriya and Uraraka could be cheesier."

"For real."

A couple more minutes go by of Shouto and Denki explaining the things they did.

A.J. sighs and glances at the time., "Oh, my- Guys. It's past curfew."

"Fine. Whatever but like," Shouto says with a cheeky tone, "Can we sleepover? 'Cause honey I really don't wanna go back to my room."

A.J. rolls her eyes, "No. I'm not in the mood," Shouto sighs and makes a disappointed face, "Don't give me that. If you really wanna go anywhere but your supposedly messy room, bunk with Denki. He won't mind. Would you Denks?" A.J. nudges Denki.

Denki turns to A.J., "Yeah I don't mind Sho. You can stay in my room."

"Good. I don't feel like going to my room. Anyway, text us if anything happens. You better not give birth anytime soon."


"Don't let him try anything. You're still our little baby."

"Denki! I'm not a baby."

"Sure you are honey," Shouto says, patting her head. A.J. pouts then yawns, letting a sleepy tear escape her eye, "Awe. Our baby's tired. C'mon darling, let's let our little girl go to bed."

"Oh- uh, yeah. Let's go, love, we don't want to keep her up all night," Denki responds. Shouto takes his arms and walks out with Denki wrapped around them.

A.J. escorts them out and blows them kisses goodnight. As A.J. shuts the door she hears another door open. The connecting door between Katsuki and A.J.'s room had been painted over and designed to look like a wall. A.J. covered the door with FNAF posters and stickers she got from her youth. A.J. turns around and sees her FNAF posters disappear (meaning the door was open). She looked around and saw him. Katsuki.

"H-hey. I heard you come in," He whispers, slowly walking up to her, "Did you guys get caught or did you quit?"

"I'm not sure. I got here a while ago. The door you heard shut was Sho and Denks leaving."

Katsuki nods and snakes his arms around her, "I'm glad you got here safe, I know how manipulative the others can be. Y'know trying to force you to stay and kiss someone," A.J. nods and turns around fully to face Katsuki, "You really shouldn't be up so late, it'll ruin your sleep schedule."

"Hey," A.J. whispers, wrapping her arms around Katsuki, "What about you? Aren't you tired? You even have eyebags." A.J. reaches her hand and lightly grazes underneath his eye.

"Mmm, that doesn't matter. I was waiting for you to get back, to see what happened to you. I just wanted to know you were okay," Katsuki avoids any eye contact by looking around her room at the new stuffed animals she'd gotten, "Nothing happened today. Got it?"

"Huh, I don't know what you're talking about."

Katsuki giggles, "Neither do I." They stay hugging, slightly rocking back and forth, listening to each other's breathing. Katsuki starts rubbing A.J.'s back, giving her a sense of comfort. He then plays with her hair, stroking every loose strand.

A.J. hadn't felt this much affection in a while and she goes stiff. Holding her breath, scared she might mess up the moment, "Breathe baby, breathe," A.J. exhales then yawns, letting yet another tear slip past her eyelid, "You tired? Or c-crying? What happened?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Good. I-I'm glad," Katsuki exhales, "And you know you can tell me anything."

A.J. nods and rests her head on Katsuki's chest. She starts to go limp and she shuts her eyes. A.J. yawns and rubs against Katsuki, "Awe. You tired teddy bear?" A.J. doesn't answer, "Yeah, you are. You wanna lay down?" No answer, "C'mon."

Katsuki picks her up and walks around her room. He notices her fish tank, being lit up with her LEDs, the colors going from blue to green, filling her whole room with light. Shining in the moonlight, her barrette caught Katsuki's attention. He blushes a bit while looking at the flower. She kept it. She really kept it.

He looks over to the girl asleep and watches as she drools on his bare shoulder. He walks through the connecting door, the tiny space between the room contains some huge stuffed animals, a tiny shelf of books, and an overhead light. A tiny frog rug filled the space, giving it a chibi vibe. Katsuki would always scold her for the way she decorated but in reality, he found it very cute.

He opens his door and walks right towards his bed. His sheets had been pulled back making it easy to put her in bed. He lays her in bed tucking her in. He opens his slider door, letting the cold air come in because he knew how hot A.J. could get at night. He watches as she takes in her new surroundings.

"Hmm. Mm. Hehe." She moves around and kicks at the sheets, "Ugh. Hello? Dad?"

"Just me," Katsuki whispers, "go back to sleep, you're tired."

"I will," A.J. says turning on her side, "do you think that you could get me stuff to go to sleep?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go get those," Katsuki gets up from the edge of the bed and walks into her room. He searches in her bed for her blankies, finding them, he picks out a few stuffies and heads for his room, "Are these good?"


Katsuki smiles and tosses the things onto his bed. A.J. doesn't move, just lays there wanting to fall asleep. Hopefully in the arms of Katsuki. She thinks.

"So," Katsuki whispers, suddenly even closer to A.J. than before, "When can we do this again? Y'know, without the closet door opening. Where I can finally-," Katsuki stops himself, "Anyway. Hope you don't mind that I sleep in my bed."

A.J. doesn't answer hoping to trick him into thinking she was asleep. He climbs on the other side of her and pulls the sheets to his chest. He turns to his side, facing her, "Goodnight," He outstretches his hand and caresses her face. Katsuki gently pulls her closer, right up against him. He whispers softly, "I love you." Katsuki places a kiss on the top of her head, breathing in the scent of coconut and shea butter.

A.J. took in the warmth and the smell of caramel, wrapping her arm around his torso, "I'm up for any time. Y'know without the closet door opening," A muffled, sleepy voice said into Katsuki's chest, "And maybe we could do this again. Please?" She begs, looking up at him.

"Sure, I don't mind," he says, a little taken back. Did she hear what I said?

A.J.'s grip gets tighter after readjusting her blankies and flipping the pillow over, "Goodnight," she exhales into his chest, "I love you too." Katsuki smiles and closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

~In The Morning~

Katsuki woke up with A.J. still clinging onto him for dear life. Katsuki smiles and wipes the slobber off of his tank top. He holds onto her and kisses her forehead, making a smile appear on her face. She shoves her head further into Katsukis chest, leaving more saliva on him.

After a while, Katsuki gets up and stretches, letting a quiet groan escape his lips. He pulls his top off, leaving him bare-chested, and tosses his top into his hamper.

The cold morning air blew against his chest and A.J.'s face, almost waking her. Katsuki leaves a sliver of the door open and walks back over to his bed, falling back first onto his bed, sending A.J. up into the atmosphere.

A.J. lets out a tiny yelp and falls on Katsuki's arm making him automatically pull her closer to him and his cool figure, "Do we have to get up now?" A.J. asks, nuzzling into his side, "Cause I really don't want to. I'm enjoying our not-closet closet time."

Katsuki looks down at her, watching her move and snuggle him like she would her stuffies, "Not now we don't have to."

"Good," A.J. muffly says into Katsuki's skin. She moves her arm over Katsuki and feels around. She lifts her head and goes pink from embarrassment, "Your abs aren't my blankies."

"Nope," He says trying to hide the red grazing his face, "They aren't."

A.J. lays back down, slowly, still not moving her hand from his stomach, "Just for fooling me," She says with a sly grin, "I'm not moving my hand."

Katsuki, still a bright red, lifts A.J. above himself and lays her right on top of him, "Just for being foolish. I'm not moving."

"Okay. There ain't nothing wrong with that," A.J. says, accepting the hold, "You're pretty warm so, this'll be fine."

Katsuki watches as A.J. smiles and slowly relaxes while resting on his body. She yawns, forming tears at the corner of her eyes. They gradually slide down her cheeks and rest on Katsuki. The cold doesn't startle him but it does make him shift a little, "If you really like me holding you this much maybe we should do it more often," A.J. nods and closes her eyes as she tries to fall back asleep, "Going back to bed already? Awe. And to think I was gonna get up and make your food."

"Yes please," A.J. murmurs while getting up. She flops next to Katsuki and attempts to push him off the bed, "Let's go, big guy, time to eat eat."

"Eat eat," Katsuki asks while laughing, "what kind of kindergarten foolery are you part of?"

"Stop making fun of me and make foooood!" Katsuki giggles and rolls off the bed, bringing A.J. down with him, "Nooo. Ugh. I wanna- Mmmmm," Katsuki laughs harder as she gently punches him, "You're lucky I like you."

"What'd you say?" A.J. averts Katsuki's gaze, trying to hide the bright pink grazing her face, "Well, I-," A.J. mumbles and rests her head against Katsuki's chest in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I like you too, idiot."

A.J. grips onto him tighter trying to calm down, Denki and Shouto were going to freak after hearing this, "Now let's go eat, I want you to have something in your system before you become crabby."

He puts on a hoodie and grabs A.J.'s arm as he darts out the room, "C'mon, I wanna get the good food before anyone else."

"It's like 6:54, I don't think anyone will be up." He doesn't listen and charges out the door anyway.

A.J. trails behind as he gently pulls her along down the corridor. They reach the elevator and walk inside, Katsuki let A.J. walk in first, so she excitedly pressed the button, "I like seeing the button light up. It goes 'wee-bom-bee". Y'know?"

"I'm not even going to ask." he responds putting a hand to his teeny headache, "Let's just go," They make it to the common room, the room was empty, and Katsuki wanders to the fridge, picking out food to make for A.J., "What do you like to eat," he turns to her watching her as she stops pouring the frosted flakes into her bowl, "i- When did-. You're not eating that for breakfast."

"Why not?" A.J. pouts, stomping her foot down on the ground, "I love cereal!"

"No. that stuff has way too much sugar, it'll cause you diabetes." A.J. tries to come up with an excuse for eating the glucose monstrosity, "Ah. did you not hear what I just said? No sugar."

"Then make me eggs. I'm hungry," Katsuki scoffs and pulls the eggs out of the refrigerator, "Y'know, I'm still eating this stuff. You can't stop me."

"I know, just finish it before I turn around. Or else I'll hafta..." Katsuki stops, letting the ominous feeling set in, "Hurt you." He starts turning around and A.J. freaks.

She dumps all of her cereal back into the bag, places the bowl on the floor, and hurls the spoon to the other side of the room, piercing the drywall. A spoon stuck out from the wall but she didn't care, she didn't wanna feel the wrath of Bakugou Katsuki.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," He didn't take in mind the floating spoon or the messy clutter of cereal laying on the counter. He was just happy to see her all frantic. It was one thing he had always noticed and loved about her. Despite her being so standoff-ish during the first year, he loved to watch as she would lose her mind over not having a pen.

He liked to imagine how it would be if they were in a relationship, she'd freak not being able to find anything and he'd find it within an instant. She'd thank him with a kiss and he'd kiss her back, maybe telling her sweet nothings in between each breath of air. It could lead to something more, something more passionate, deeper, filled with urges for more. A simple kiss wouldn't have been enough. He wanted more. Love. His long desire to love. To care for someone who cared just as much as he did. Could she give that to him? When he needed someone else to hold, would she be able to? Be strong enough to deal with him? Those were questions he pondered and wrote about every day.

"Thank you Katsuki," A.J. says while having the plate of scrambled eggs be put in front of her, "Thank you for the eggies."

"You're welcome. Is there anything else I could get you? Just 'eggies' aren't gonna fill you," A.J. shrugs and sets her fork to the side of her plate, "Well here's your orange juice."

She smiles as the cup is brought to her, "What are you gonna eat? I'd be kinda awkward if you just sat there and watched me eat," that was another thing he'd like to imagine, her eating the food he makes. He felt she'd appreciate each gesture to a great extent. He really admired the idea of her gratitude towards his cooking.

He knew A.J. had a very playful imagination and he thought maybe she'd be a cameraman/interviewer while he cooks, while he also pretends to be Gordon Ramsey or something. She'd make him go crazy while shoving the 'camera' into his food. This had all happened before but he felt it would be better if she loved him while doing it. He felt it would mean more to her if she loved him as it did to him, "Katsuki?"

"Oh, uh, what?" he says, snapping out of his daze.

"What are you gonna eat? I feel really guilty just eating while you starve," she says looking down.

Probably twiddling her thumbs, Katsuki thinks., "No, I made some extra eggs for myself. I also saw some strawberries in the fridge, I'm gonna wash them then cut those. So I won't starve," A.J. smiles reassuringly and goes back to pouring a small bowl of cereal, "When did you get that?"

"When you were daydreaming. I thought maybe you wouldn't care now," Katsuki looks at her with a sharp gaze, "I see I assumed wrong. But I haven't eaten this in a while. Can I please have some?"

Katsuki stares into her eyes, "Fine. Just pour me some too. I haven't had it in a long time," A.J. watches closely while he cuts the red fruit on the cutting board. Her focus follows the green heads of the strawberries as Katsuki throws them away. He places the strawberries into a clear bowl, "Hmm," Katsuki ponders, "What am I gonna do with all of these?"

"I don't know," A.J. says uninterested, trying not to seem greedy, "But here is your diabetes freshly served fat-free milk my sir." A.J. pushes the bowl over to Katsuki's side of the counter.

"Thank you my liege," he says, playing into her game, "Here," He places the bowl in the middle of the counter, "You can have some I guess, I mean If you want any. I guess I can- I uh-"

"Share?!" A.J. says smiling excitedly, bouncing up and down, "I love strawberries! I'm glad you wanted to share with me. Thank you," A.J. knew how Katsuki still struggled to be vulnerable and nice to anyone. So many people had taken advantage of him he couldn't trust anyone so A.J. had helped him. Overall the years they had at U.A. She was there at all times. Just another thing he admired about her, was the fact he was able to trust her enough to bawl his eyes out in front of her. And she herself was able to do the same thing, also something she loved about him, he was there when no one else could be trusted and in her eyes, he was the only person that cared even though he said some very vulgar statements to her, she loved him. Nothing could have ever changed how she felt about him. Not even crazy love triangles that spiraled out of control in 2nd year.

Katsuki nods, trying to refocus. He picks up a strawberry and watches A.J. while she munches on her strawberry giggling about something she must've thought or said, "What is it now?" he asks in small annoyance.

"I was just thinking that y'know-" That's all Katsuki hears before he picks up a strawberry in the shape of a heart, he holds it up to A.J.'s face. Has this been a sign? He wonders how this kind of coincidence could ever happen. What was God trying to tell him?

"Good morning Kacchan. Morning Aizawa-san!" Izuku yawns while walking in, "How is your morning? Y'know after getting in trouble."

A.J. raises an eyebrow, "Trouble?"

"Well yeah, remember, your dad caught us past curfew and when he opened the closet he caught Hagakrue and Ojiro 'kissing'. You really don't remember?" Izuku says walking towards the two.

"No," Katsuki answers for her, "A.J. and I left early. You guys were being too loud." Katsuki had put the heart down but he kept it in his hand, just for safekeeping.

"Oh. well. At least you know what happened." Izuku motions towards the strawberries, "Are those mine?"

"Learn how to share Deku," Katsuki says, rolling his eyes, popping the heart in his mouth, "I thought you've learned how to do that by now."

Izuku giggles and grabs a freshly cut plump berry, "Are you ready Kacchan?" A.J. looks over to Katsuki and his expression drains from him. A.J. hums a 'what' to get a better understanding of what Izuku meant, "Kacchan has an interning job that starts today. He'll be there for three weeks?" Katsuki slowly nods avoiding eye contact with A.J., "Yeah he'll be there. He won't come back until the weeks are up. This is an important internship and a once-in-a-lifetime chance! I'm so excited for him. What about you Kacchan? Aren't you happy?"

Katsuki slowly shakes his head, "Thanks for the reminder, I need to finish packing the last bag. But yeah, can't wait," Katsuki avoids A.J.'s saddened face and walks away from the kitchen, "I should go do that. See ya around Deku."

"See you Kacchan!"

More people arrived and Katsuki tried to avoid any more conversation with them, which is difficult when your best friend is among the crowd, "Hey! Bakubro! You gettin' ready for the intern-"

"Yeah!" Katsuki yells angrily. He turns around to face everyone else who dared to stare at his sudden angry burst, "I am! Stop Bothering me about it! All of you bastards! Shut up about my 'great' success!" He 'tchs' and stomps out of the room.

Everyone returns to what they were going to do before Katsuki tensed the room. A.J. stays still and tries not to tear up, "A.J.?" Shouto waltzes over to her, "Hey, I'm guessing you didn't know, huh?"

"And you did?!" A.J. exclaims, "Why didn't you tell me? This could've all been avoided! This- I-. Shouto," He looks into her glossy eyes, "What am I gonna do? He never said he loved me back and now-," A.J. chokes on her tears, "I'll never know now. He doesn't care. He doesn't-"

"A.J., calm down," Shouto holds her face, "If he didn't love you then why would he spend the entire night with you?"

"Cause he feels bad for me," A.J. whispers.

"Why would he spend the whole morning with you instead of packing? It's obvious he appreciates you. Okay?"

"No! He doesn't! H-he hates me. Th-that's why he's leaving. He doesn't want to see me anymore," Shouto sighs, "I-i'm annoying, stupid, i-"

"Hush, my God," Shouto puts a finger to A.J.'s mouth, "Do you hear yourself? The guy who shuts everyone out and wants them to die wants to let you a 'stupid' and 'random idiot' into his life, trust them with everything, and spend seven minutes with them talking about feelings, and hates you? He spends more time with you, talking about you, and probably thinking about you than his own best friend. And you're telling me he hates you?"

"Well, i-"

"When no one tried saving your life last year," Shouto looks into A.J.'s eyes, they were glossy and tear marks grazed her eyes. He notices a few people watching wondering what the heck A.J. was crying about, so Sho gave them a glare and they turned right around, "Who wanted to make sure you knew they wanted to save you, huh?"

"Katsuki," A.J. says almost bawling, "Katsuki did."

"Mhm. Now I understand, you can never know how he really feels. Maybe one day he doesn't love you. But you'll never know. Not unless you go right up to him, take him by the shirt, and scream to him how much you love him." Shouto, a now changed man and raging romantic, convinces A.J. that maybe Katsuki really did have feelings.

A.J. nods and wipes the teardrop from reaching her shirt, "Okay. Okay. I- I'll try to tell him. Just you have to promise me you'll tell Denki what I'm doing. I don't want him out of the loop again."

"Okay, good. And girl you know I tell Denki everything,"

Denki with messed up and static hair walks over to the two and greets them with a good morning. Shouto checks the clock, 7:37, Katsuki leaves at eight, "Hon, maybe you should go say goodbye, y'know since he is leaving soon."

A.J. agrees and heads to Katsuki's room. She waves goodbye to Shouto and Denks as she pushes the four.

A bit heartbroken Shouto watches as the door closes, he only wished someone would love him like that.


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