Ladybug and Chat Noir: Our Sp...

By Melancholy_Molly

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"CHAT NOIR" He reaches for the peacock miraculous but because he's distracted, he gives her an opening. Ever... More

Chapter 1: Harrowing Heros
Bonus Chapter: No More Lies
Chapter 2: The Future
Chapter 4: Masquerade (part 2)
Bonus Chapter: Adrien Say's Goodbye
Chapter 5: Mr. Agreste
Chapter 6: Stay With Me
Chapter 7: Bug and Chat Team
Chapter 8: Who Is Ladybug
Bonus Chapter: Plagg & Adrien are Reunited
Chapter 9: Closing-Up
Chapter 10: I Love You
Chapter 11: Trust me
Chapter 12: Regaining Power
Bonus Chapter: Our Spot

Chapter 3: Masquerade Madness (Part 1)

109 5 0
By Melancholy_Molly

Hi Guys! Buckle up for this chapter... Lots of emotions about this one :S 

Hope you like it!!


(POV Adrien)

I take one last glance in the mirror before leaving my room. I am dressed in a black suit that my dad designed for me with a black undershirt and a black and red pocket square. As I make my way to the staircase, I see my party is in full swing. 

Guests are arriving constantly; the foyer has been transformed into a beautiful ballroom. All my friends, and their families, have been invited so there is just a sea of people talking, eating, and dancing. 

It's been one week since my father agreed to let me go to university, I decide as long as he could plan this insane event. He said it would double as a celebratory party for going to a university  and at first, I was worried that it would be over the top, but everyone seems to be having a great time. 

Scanning the room, I make my way down the staircase looking through the sea of Parisian's, for my friends. I see Chloe and her family and make a mental note to avoid that side of the room. I see my father chatting with Nathalie and some of his fashion society members, and finally I spot Nino's signature red baseball cap. I can't help but to laugh to myself a little as I make my way over to him and his group.

"Leave it to Nino to show up in a suit, tie, and STILL wear this hat." I say and I pat him on the back. He turns and hugs me, "Hey man! Happy birthday!!" 

Alya is wearing a red, floor-length  ballgown and is already taking non-stop photos. "I tried to convince him not to wear it, but the boy likes his signature look, plus it matches my dress so I can't really complain! Happy birthday, Adrien! Your party theme is awesome! Where is your mask though?" 

I shrug and lie smoothly, "Nathalie suggested that I shouldn't wear one, so that everyone would have the opportunity to wish me a happy birthday if they want to." I couldn't tell them that I didn't wear a mask because someone might recognize me as Chat Noir...

Everyone around me is dressed up in dresses and suits. It almost feels like the prom I didn't get to go to... I look through the group once more and can't find one person in particular and chuckle a little. 

"I'm guessing Marinette is running late again, as usual." Alya looks around the room and then smiles and points to the door, "Nope, not late at all! She's walking in now with her parents. MARINETTE!!" She yells to get Mari's attention from across the room. 

Turning around, I look towards the entryway and see Marinette walking in. She's wearing a floor length black sparkling dress and watching clutch bag. Instead of a puffy ballgown, her dress flows softly to the ground and hugs her curves perfectly. The back of the dress is open, plunging from the small spaghetti straps on her shoulders all the way down to her waistline. She's wearing her hair down, which she never does, and has it pulled all to one side. 

Her hair seems a lot longer since the last time I saw her with it down... It now cascades down to the middle of her back. I had no idea Marinette was so fit. She must workout or something because with that dress on you can see the clear muscle definition... She looks gorgeous...

WHOA! WHAT AM I THINKING!? I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Mari is my friend, an amazing friend and someone I love dearly, but just a friend! I shouldn't be thinking about her like that. Ladybug has my heart completely. I am just admiring her fashion sense... and her dedication to whatever workout regimen she's following... 

Marinette leaves her parents and starts making her way over to us, "Hi Adrien! Happy birthday!" She hugs me and hands me a small, gift wrapped box. 

"You don't have to open it now, but it's a gift from all of us to you. We each made a video for you to tell you what you mean to each of us, in case, you know you ever miss us! Not that we won't be around, because we will, but just so you have something with you always- well, I mean, we will always be here for you but-" 

Laughing, I cut her off, "thank you Mari and thank all of you guys too! It means the world to me that you could be here tonight." I turn to face my little group of friends.

I turn to face my little group of friends and tuck the small box into my jacket pocket, "Now that Marinette is here, I have an announcement! I talked with my father, and he is going to allow me to go to university; I will get to see you all anytime as long as I can keep up academically." Everyone in our little group is cheering and forms a little group hug around me. 

This is the happiest I've felt in a long, long time. It doesn't last long though because suddenly there is a chorus of gasps behind me. 

My friends and I all turn around to see what's going on. Marinette rushes forward, pushing her way through the crowed of people. I look further into the crowed and see Mrs. Dupain-Cheng struggling to hold her husband who has collapsed to the ground. "Papa?!"

(POV Marinette)

I push through the crowed and finally make it to my parents. "Papa!? What's wrong?? What's going on??" He looks up at me and struggles to get up, "I'm fine Marinette don't worry." Adrien is immediately right next to me, "Should I call an ambulance??" 

My mom and I support my dad as he stands, "No, no that's not necessary. I'm just tired, that's all." I can't focus on anything but trying to support my dad's weight, and get him through the crowed of people. 

We make our way back towards the door with all eyes on us and I help my dad down the stairs. Adrien hurries in front of us and holds the door open as we exit. As soon as we are out and down the steps my fathers takes his arm off of my shoulders and leans to my mom. 

They start walking to the car and once I am sure that they aren't going to topple over, I turn to face Adrien. I'm flushed and panicked and probably look like I'm about to have a heart attack, but I plaster on my best fake smile, "I'm so sorry to leave early, Adrien, but I need to take my dad home and make sure he's alright. I'm sorry if we disrupted your party-" 

Adrien hugs me and shakes his head "Don't worry about the stupid party. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help." I'm stunned for a moment but hug him back, tears falling down my face. I pull away from him and nod, this time offering a half smile before hurry after my parents.

I open the car door and climb into the back seat. "Honey you should go back inside and celebrate with your friends!" I look at my dad like he's insane, "We need to get you to a doctor! You just collapsed!" 

My mom looks at my dad and sighs and looks at me, "Marinette your father is just tired. He over did it at the bakery today getting all the food ready for this party. He's okay and we are just going to go home and get some rest. Please, you should go back and enjoy your night. If your father is still not feeling well tomorrow, we will go see a doctor first thing tomorrow." 

I shake my head and am about to protest when my dad speaks up, "Marinette I'll be fine. I'll go home with your mother and rest. I will feel terrible is you miss out because of me. Please stay and have fun with your friends. We promise to call you if anything happens."

I sigh, "You're sure that you're just tired...?" I look my dad in the eyes, waiting for his response. "Yes, sweetheart. I just need a good night's rest. Please go on back inside." Reluctantly I nod and step back out of the car saying my goodbyes and watching the car drive away. 

I try to shake off my nerves and walk back towards the Agreste Mansion. Just as I am about to open the doors, there's a loud explosion and screams from inside. Stepping back, I open my clutch to release Tiki, "Well, I guess it's a good thing I stayed. Tiki, spots on!"

After transforming I take out my yoyo and call Chat Noir but leave a message when he doesn't answer, "Chat Noir, trouble at the Agreste Mansion! I'm going to need some backup!" I hang up and carefully peak through the window to see absolute chaos. 

People are running and hiding and screaming in every direction and in the middle of the room is Mayura; Hawkmoths peacock miraculous holder. Only, this time it seems that she has unified with the miraculous of the dog. She has created a centi-monster that making its way around the room attacking the guests. I watch as the centi-monster tags its victims, and they are transported into a cages around the room. 

"I hope you have a plan m'lady..." I turn to see my handsome partner has graced me with his presence and I give him a wink, "don't I always have a plan, Kitty Chat." He laughs and shakes his head "Yeah, I guess that's true... What did you have in mind, Buggaboo?"

(POV Gabriel Agreste) -10 minutes before the madness-

I stand at the top of the stairs, my son by my side, looking down at all the pathetic people below us. Tonight, I will get everything I've worked so hard since I lost my sweet Emilie. I can't help but smile, knowing that my family will be whole once again.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you all for coming out to celebrate Adrien's birthday. It warms my heart to see our home full of people who care so much for my son." I look down at my son and place a hand on his shoulder, 

"Adrien, it is an honor and privilege to be your father. I have created countless designs and works of art over my many years, but you my son, are what I am most proud of. I have watched you grow to become an intelligent and kind soul... Just like your mother would've wanted..." I am not usually vocal with emotional nonsense or high praises, but Adrien is beaming with pride – like any true Agreste should. 

I raise my glass into the air and give the signal, "To Adrien!" Just as everyone begins to clap and celebrate, Mayura's centi-monster bursts through the ceiling and into the middle of the ballroom – perfectly according to my plan. 

I grab onto Adrien and pull out of harms way and lock him in his bedroom, "stay in here until I come back to get you." Adrien tries to protest but I slam the door shut. 

Rushing to my office, I take a small box out of my desk that contains one of me precious butterflies, "Nooroo, dark wings rise!" 

With my transformation complete, I release the butterfly and use the anger and fear seeping out from the ballroom to create my awkuma. I re-enter the ballroom and watch, delighted, as Mayura accepts the awkuma's added power. 

She has now become more powerful than anything we have created before! I watch from the shadows as Ladybug and Chat Noir finally make their appearance. Their miraculous's are be mine!

(POV Ladybug)

Pain radiates through me as I am, once again, thrown across the room by the gusts of wind coming from Mayrua's peacock fan. This time I was thrown into the railing of the staircase, so I get tossed over the side of it smack into the ground. I feel like these battles hurt more and more as I get older... I'll have to ask Tiki about that when this is over.

Chat Noir has been trying to draw her attention so that I can get close enough to break the tablet that in her hands, I'm thinking that's what's holding the awkuma, or if I can pull it off, I will try to take her miraculous. 

That plan however, is not working at all. 

Between her added powers and the centi-monster running around, it seems to be impossible to get close to her. Chat Noir waves at me from across the room to get my attention and motions, very comically I might add, for me to use my lucky charm. I think it over but shake my head and pull out my earpiece instead and wait until Chat does the same. 

"I can't use my lucky charm yet! We need to take this one step at a time! Destroy the centi-monster first so it's out of the way and we can focus on getting to the awkuma. Hopefully, once she's not awkumatized anymore, she might just hand us her miraculous. She won't be under Hawkmoths control anymore." 

Chat nods and looks over the table that he's hiding behind at the centi-monster and then over to Mayura. "She's carrying a white glove. I'll bet if we get that we will be able to control and stop the centi-monster." I weigh my options and see only one viable plan, "Okay Kitty, I have a plan but you're not going to like it... we need to switch it up. I'm going to take on the centi-monster head on." 

Chat looks over at me like I'm insane, "Are you crazy? You'll be caught as soon as that thing touches you!" I nod, "Yup! But it will be enough of a distraction for you to get the glove from Mayura. Once you have it you can free me and everyone else and we can stop Mayura together. You've got this Kitty Chat!" 

I see Chat Noir hesitate for a moment before he gives me a determined look and nods, "I won't let you down LB. Ready?!" I nod and crouch down ready to jump into action. "NOW!"

Running straight at the centi-monster, I use my yoyo to launch myself into the air and I slam my first into the monster as I come down. As soon as I make contact with it, I am teleported into a small cage and I hear a roaring cheer coming from not only Mayura, but also from the shadows.

 Hawkmoth appears walking straight over to me, "Finally her miraculous is mine for the taking!" He reaches into the cage, and jerk away from him and put my back to the other side of the cage, clamping my hands over my earrings.

Hawkmoth reaches through the bars and grasps my wrists and just as he is trying to pry my hands away, the cage disappears causing him to fall on top of me. I quickly throw him off of me and roll up to my feet. I look over and see Chat Noir grappling with Mayura – him trying to grab her miraculous and her fighting for his. 

I run forward to help but I am tackled to the floor by Hawkmoth. Him and I are now stuck in a grappling match on the floor. "Do not let him take your powers Mayura! We are so close to success, don't fail me now! Do what you must to succeed!" 

Following his gaze to her, and I see a shift in her demeanor. Her eyes have darkened, and she looks dangerously determined. "Chat back off! We'll find another way!" He ignores me and reaches again for her miraculous again.


Everything that happens next feels like I am watching it in slow motion. He reaches out for the peacock miraculous but because he's so focused on it, he gives her an opening. I watch in horror as she uses this opportunity to her advantage. 

She grabs his other hand and rips his miraculous off of his finger. As he is transforming back into his unprotected, civilian form, he reaches again for the peacock miraculous, and Mayura, desperate to please Hawkmoth, slices the blades of her fan through Chat Noir's torso. He hits the ground with a deafening thud and doesn't move.

I remember a gut wrenching scream ripping through the air. I later learned from Alya that the scream came from my very own lips but in the moment honestly I couldn't tell. I kick Hawkmoth off on me and run to Chat's side. I hit my knees when I reached him and turned him over to see the damage. 

I stared in shock and my entire body began to shake as I realized who was sprawled out on the ground. The love of my life, the man who I have grown up with and who has been one of my best friends for most of my life, is bleeding out in front of my eyes. 

"A-Adrien?! ADRIEN, WAKE UP!" I let out a choked sob. Everyone, even Hawkmoth, has stopped dead in their tracks. "P-Please be okay. I Need you to be okay. A-Adrien, please." 

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