The Destruction of Raccoon Ci...

By AbelardoGuajardoG

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Raccoon City was a town under the thumb of Umbrella. The virus washed over the city like a tidal wave and its... More

Brief Endtroduction of Umbrella
Resident Evil 0 - Train Derailment
Resident Evil - Mansion Incident
Episode 0: Last day of sanity
Episode 1: The Nightmare is Reborn
Episode 2: A little girl
Episode 3: From bad to worse
Episode 4: No time to rest
Episode 5: There is no end for the undead
Episode 6: Things are getting hot
Episode 7: Collapse
Episode 8: The Storm
Episode 9: You are late Uncle Sam
Episode 10: Dawn of the Dead
Episode 11: Tearing apart
Episode 12: Desperation
Episode 13: Bloodline
Episode 14: A cry for help from a Raccoon to a Snake
Episode 15: The arrival of the legendary soldier to the doomed city
Episode 16: A snake surrounded by wolves
Episode 17: A fire without firefighters to extinguish
Episode 18: A fight in the house of the law
Episode 19: Nemesis
Episode 20: Cursed Encounter
Episode 21: Unlikely allies
Episode 22: Cat and mouse
Episode 23: Hide and seek
Episode 24: Back to hell
Episode 25: Disappointments
Episode 26: A Snake looking for a new home
Episode 27: The Clock Tower
Episode 28: Jill Valentine vs. Nemesis
Episode 29: All the roads led to the hospital
Episode 30: Lights out
Resident Evil 2 - Memory of a Lost City
Episode 31: The last howl of the Wolf
Episode 33: The Grave Digger
Episode 34: Bad news to come
Episode 35: The Last Battles
Episode 36: The Last Survivors
Episode 37: The Last Escape
Resident Evil: Code: Veronica - Game of Oblivion

Episode 32: The last dawn of Raccoon City

38 1 14
By AbelardoGuajardoG

1 of October of 1998. Saint Michael Clock Tower, North Raccoon City, Raccoon City, United States. 12:03 A.M.

Jill Valentine: October first, midnight. I woke up to the sound of falling rain. I can't believe I'm still alive.

-Where am I? What's going on?- Jill said waking up.

She felt weak but good, more rested and with some of her wounds healed, though the pain of the injury made by the Nemesis was still there. She looked around her. She saw Carlos and Tyrell in front of her, as well an unknown man listen to a radio and then communicating with someone with a communicator as well Tyrell.

-Morning sunshine- Tyrell said.

-Hey!?- Carlos said running to Jill –are you OK?-

-Yes, barely. What's going on?- Jill asked.

-I got some bad news: Nicholai is still alive- Carlos said.

-But I thought he was dead!- Jill said surprised.

-That guy doesn't know the meaning of the world dead- Carlos joked.

-What is he after?- Jill asked.

-I don't know- Carlos said –all I know is that he is our enemy-

-And those aren't the only bad news- the unknown man said putting the radio at high volume.

-Attention all citizens- a female voice said through the radio –the missile strike on Raccoon City will occur in just hours. The payload is designed to eradicate all biological material. You will not survive if you remain in the city. Evacuate now. Repeat: evacuate now-

-What the fuck!? What day is this?- Jill asked.

-October 1st- the unknown man said.

-October 1st? No, it can't be- Jill said surprised trying to stand up.

-Whoa, easy Jill- Carlos said helping Jill to stand up.

-How I ended here?- Jill asked.

-It was all Carlos. He carried you here and he treated you himself, crazy bastard- Tyrell said.

Jill looked at Carlos, feeling bad that she treated him so roughly when they first met.

-Thank you Carlos- Jill said.

-No prob Jill, but we aren't done yet. We have to get the hell out of the city before they start the missile strike- Carlos said.

-I'm trying to get ahold of someone, anyone with the clearance to stop it. Any luck on your side Snake?- Tyrell said.

-The Colonel said that they have sent several choppers, but most of them had to retreat due to the clouds of flying crowds and some other where shut down. Even the choppers of Foxhound can't arrive to our position- Snake said.

-Oh, I didn't introduced you well. He is Solid Snake from FOXHOUND. He was sent here to investigate Umbrella. He helped us and found very shocking truths and how the infection started- Carlos said.

-Wow, FOXHOUND. I've heard of you and FOXHOUND in my days in the Delta Force. It's an honor to meet you in person sir and I am glad to know that you are here to help us- Jill said feeling a mix of admiration and relieve, making a military salute.

-Delta Force, huh? Interesting, I can see why you are so skillful and managed to survive that mansion and this dammed city- Snake said.

-Do you know about the Mansion Incident?- Jill asked.

-Yeah, my superiors gave me all the data regarding the prior cases of the T-Virus outbreaks, but even they doesn't have all the information of Umbrella's B.O.W.- Snake said.

-I can see that Umbrella feels that it is over the law. How this nightmare started?- Jill said.

-Well...- Snake said explaining to Jill how he got that information and that, in summary, the T-Virus outbreak begin due to the fight of William Birkin and Umbrella to control the G-Virus.

-Shit! Chris was right, they were already working on another virus those crazy bastards!- Jill shouted angrily punching the altar that was her bed.

-It doesn't help us you to get angry. What you Colonel told you Snake?- Carlos said.

-They said that we might get more chances of being rescued if we move to the perimeters. He mentioned that there was a dead factory in the north of the city in which a special force team was sent, but they lost contact with them several hours ago. It doesn't too much, but that place could be the only place in which a chopper could reach and rescue us- Snake said.

-I know where that dead factory is- Jill said.

-Well, is better than nothing- Carlos said.

-Let's go- Jill said.

After they ate the last rations of Snake, then went out of the Clock Tower. They were about to leave their terrains when suddenly someone broke out the entrance of it. The causant was the Nemesis, which had the upper part of his protective coat destroyed and with several tentacles moving around his body, but all the wounds of his last battle with Jill Valentine where healed.

-So that's the big monster, huh?- Snake said starting to shoot at the head, being surprised that the bullets didn't killed him and he was just keeping advancing.

-STAAAAAARSSS!- Nemesis shouted.

The Nemesis launched one of his tentacles to Jill. Jill dodged the attack but not Tyrell, who received the attack and was launched to a wall, hitting his back badly.

-Tyrell!- Carlos shouted to run to help his comrade.

-How this fucking this is still alive!?- Snake asked after he emptied the magazine of his gun and reload it.

-I made the same question every time he returns for more- Jill said tacking out the machine gun.

Nemesis launched several of their tentacles to the duo, but they managed to keep the tentacles a bay with their shoots, managing to even cut some of them. Nemesis launched a big scream of fury and then went to a ruins of the door, where he grabbed the propellers of the helicopter that he crashed the other day and cut them with easy, launching one to Jill, which barely dodged jumping to the ground.

Irritated, the monster was preparing to launch the other propeller piece to Jill, but Snake gained his attention firing many time at his head and other parts of his body, so Nemesis launched the propeller to Snake, who dodged it jumping and making acrobatics in the middle of the air.

The propeller piece stab on the wall and Snake used it to take impulse and jump higher, firing Nemesis at the air. The B.O.W. launched the propeller to Snake but he dodged it and then launched a grenade to the monster, but he quickly took it with his tentacles and launched it back to Snake.

-What!? He knows how the grenades work!?- Snake shouted surprised.

Snake fired to the grenade before it could hit him, so the grenade exploded and Snake was launched to the ground by the impulse of it, rolling on the floor. The Nemesis then launched to the Snake the last piece of propeller but the rolled and dodged it just in time. Furious, Nemesis shouted furiously, but was shut up by Jill, who shot at his face several times.

Nemesis then launched a group of his tentacles to Jill, but she fired several times, not letting the tentacles touch her. Nemesis was advancing slowly, getting closer and closer to his objective while Jill was doing everything she could to keep the tentacles back. But then an object exploded in front of the face of the Nemesis and left him dizzy after a strong light and sound emitted after the object exploded. It was Snake, who launched at him a stun grenade.

Nemesis took back the tentacles and Jill took the advantage to fire at his left knee until broke it and make the Nemesis fell into the ground. Stunned, but not stopped, Nemesis put in the ground his tentacles, but then Snake took out a C4 explosive and launched it in front of the face of the monster, pressing the detonator and making it explode, launching the Nemesis away before his tentacles could reach Jill.

-I think we should go while it's stunned- Carlos said.

-Yeah, let those missiles kill it- Tyrell said.

They leaved the Clock Tower and the Nemesis, which launched a big scream of hate and fury that echoed in the undead city. Jill took back her Grenade Launcher.

1 of October of 1998. Raccoon Park, North Raccoon City, Raccoon City, United States. 1:32 A.M.

After advancing many block streets, they reached the Raccoon Park, which was a small park which connected to the Circular river and the Cemetery, which connected to the abandoned factory from which they could call for help. They walked through the park and decided to go to the small bridges near the river, where they noticed several fog-like creatures swimming it's river, as well some zombies floating on it.

-What the hell are those things!?- Snake asked.

-Hunters Gamma. The Alpha are the reptilian ones. These aren't less dangerous than the Alpha- Jill said.

But then they saw how a Hunter Gamma swallow a whole zombie in just matter of seconds.

-Maybe on the land, but in water it's a complete different story- Snake said.

-All right, let's stay on land which is safer- Carlos said –how is your back Tyrell?-

-Much better now, but is still hurting- Tyrell said.

The group advanced until a pair of Hunter Gamma jumped to their back at an effort to eat them. But rapidly Carlos punched one back to the river while Tyrell eliminated the other one with several shots. Their continued their road when suddenly Snake was being pulled by a silent Hunter Gamma that grabbed his right leg. Jill and Carlos caught Snake and pulled him back.

-Hold on!- Jill shouted.

Snake quickly fired several times to the amphibian creature that grabbed him, as well some other Hunters Gamma that were swimming to their way. The other Hunters Gamma swam away and the one that caught him was killed, dyeing the water of the river with a little of red.

-Thank you, thank frog caught me by surprise- Snake said.

The group reassumed their way and entered to a part of park that had a big and dense garden. They walked slowly, hearing and feeling the rain that was falling to them until they heard that the brushes were moving.

-We have company- Jill said.

Between the plants a zombie dog jumped toward Jill, but the woman shot at it and killed it. Moments later they heard that more plants were moving. They ran, passing through several passages of the garden and, near to the end, they saw a trio of undead dogs fighting and tearing apart the dead body of an U.B.C.S. soldier. When the dogs sensed them they stopped to fight over the dead body but Jill and Snake eliminated them in no time.

-One of your companions?- Snake asked.

-Yeah, but I can't tell who is anymore- Carlos said examining the body –he is holding a key-

Carlos gave the key to Jill.

-Maybe it is a key from one of the doors of the park- Jill said.

Carlos also found a sheet of paper that he read.

Written order to the surpervisors

Mission Requirements: Bravo 16

1. Obtain and secure sample of all the information pertaining to this case. Observe and record combat data on the UBCS.

2. Destroy all the evidence including the medical facility that has the medical treatment data.

3. Check the guinea pig's ability to accomplish the mission.

Once your mission is complete, evacuate the area. Remember that you must not help anyone who is not a supervisor, nor bring anything back that might be traced to where it belongs.

-What the... the company was spying on us!?- Tyrell said shocked.

-And used you to fight their monsters- Snake said.

-I have no doubts that Nicholai was one of those damn supervisors. We should have seen it before- Carlos said with rage.

-I know your feeling Carlos- Jill said putting her hand on Carlos's shoulder.

They heard someone coming from behind, turning around and seeing a pair of zombie dogs coming to their position. Snake rapidly took out his Beretta 92F and with a pair of shots eliminated the canines.

-We have to keep moving- Snake said.

They agreed and continued to explore the park, founding that all their exits where blocked, so they had to find an alternate route. After some minutes they found the control panel of the fountain of the park. Snake moved its gears and, after several attempts, the machine worked and the water drained after some seconds, revealing a secret passage. The group entered the secret passage, which was humid and seconds later the ground started to shake.

-What the!? Is the Nemesis!?- Jill shouted.

-No idea, but we need to get out of here now!- Tyrell said.

The group ran and found a ladder, climbing it and found that they were at the cemetery.

1 of October of 1998. Cemetery, North Raccoon City, Raccoon City, United States. 1:55 A.M.

The cemetery was big and, unlike the rest of the town, was in a complete, unnatural silence and was plunged in a dense fog. The group were moving through, passing near the thumbs of the dead, hoping to not join them soon.

-Why a park is so near a cemetery?- Snake asked.

-The cemetery was built before the park and the mayor thought it was a great idea to make a park to attract tourists- Jill said.

Suddenly a zombie came out from one of the graves under Tyrell and the scarred man, putting him on the ground. The man quickly opened fire to the zombie and killed it, again. Carlos went to help his friend but suddenly they saw that many zombies were getting out of their graves.

-What the!?- Snake said.

A zombie appeared near Jill but she kicked it's head and then shot it. There she notices that some zombies were coming from some graves and others not. She noticed that the zombies that were from people that died on the recent days.

-"Those people died infected and were bury before they could hunt the live"- Jill thought, starting to fire at the zombies.

Snake went to a zombie and kicked him on the face and then shot at him. A zombie went to attack him but Snake responded with a pair of kicks on the stomach and then a bullet in the head. A zombie tried to grab him from behind but Snake took his arm, twisted it and went over his back. Snake then kicked another zombie that was near him and shot in the head both of the zombies.

Carlos and Tyrell were firing at the zombies while Jill took a zombie from behind and broke her neck. Snake jumped over a grave and kicked a zombie, firing at his head and the ones near him. Jill kicked a zombie in legs, making it fall and then killed him with a shot in the head.

Another zombie came near to Jill but she kicked and make the zombie hit his head with one of the graves. She then grabbed another zombie and broke his neck. Jill did this as a way to save some ammo for future zombies and if they had the misfortune to fight the Nemesis again. A zombie was walking behind Snake, but Snake kicked him from behind.

-There's too many of them- Jill said while firing at the zombies –let's get out of here, this way!-

Jill lead the way while Snake launched several grenades at the zombies, eliminating many of them and giving them some time. They went to a cabin, which had a fireplace, a table with a map and some papers, as well a blackboard with some notes and a machine that seemed to be a big communicator. The corpse of an U.B.C.S. soldier was there. He was shot to dead.

-What's all of this?- Jill said tacking some papers that were at the table.

Supervisor's Report

The endurance ability of the contaminated guinea pigs is truly incredible. Even when shot in a vital area, they can sometimes survive for several days without taking care of the wound. However, after prolonged exposure to the virus, the guinea pigs' intelligence level decreases to that of an insect. Even though reviving the dead seems too disgusting, the virus may still be of use. If we inject the virus into our POWs and release them, they would return to their units and then turn into zombies. This plan may work well for us in the future.

In certain areas, the virus seems to have caused the mutation of animals and plants. It may be difficult, but it'll make a good sample for the bio weapon development. I've heard that there is a giant alligator, but I have only encountered a giant creature moving under ground. I don't even want to imagine what creature spawned that monster.

I encountered "NEMESIS." If I didn't know about it, I'd have been contaminated and would have become one of them by now. If it is still walking around in the city, its mission is not yet over. S.T.A.R.S. members must be very tough, since they have survived until this point. However, they cannot hold out forever...

-"So Nemesis was his real name. Who wrote all of this?"- Jill thought, taking some keys that she found on the table.

Snake went to the blackboard, finding a note at it.

Fax from the HQ


The Raccoon City project has been abandoned. Our political maneuvering in the Senate to delay their plans has failed. All supervisors should evacuate immediately. The U.S. Army is going to execute their plan tomorrow morning. The city will be obliterated at daybreak.

-It seems that Umbrella has some decency to advise their supervisors to left the town before the strike begins- Snake said, giving it to Jill.

-If Umbrella knows that it means that have some strong ties with the government- Jill said.

-So this place was the base of one of the supervisors, but from who?- Tyrell said.

-Maybe from the man that we found dead just earlier or this man- Carlos said.

-Probably. Do you think that we might contact another man from the government with this thing?- Tyrell said exploring the weird machine.

The machine started to beep and Tyrell pressed several buttons until the machine seemed to work.

-All supervisors- a male voice said through the machine –the mission is terminated, return immediately. Repeat, all supervisors return immediately, over-

-Return? To where?- Jill said.

-I'm quite impressed you managed to stay alive until now- a man with a heavy Russian accent said at the entrance of the cabin.

Everyone turned. It was Nicholai, who was holding a machine gun.

-Nicholai!- Carlos said.

-And you seem to be doing a pretty good job at looking all for yourself- Jill said.

-Why are you doing this? We were sent to help the people of this fucking town!- Tyrell shouted.

-I have no intention of helping them- Nicholai said with a sinister smile.

-Because we are nothing but pawns in all of this?- Jill asked.

-In a manner of speaking, you are- Nicholai said –our employer wants a detailed analysis of the zombie being which could create a true infection by the T-Virus-

-You are saying that they deliberately sent a military unit to be butched by their creations!?- Jill asked shocked.

-Not exactly. On all the conditions encountered in this operation were extreme. It was... an unexpected that the outcome that the team would be wiped out- Nicholai explained –we were only required to collect live data from the subjects-

Suddenly an earthquake broke out and everything was shaking. All of them hardly managed to stay stand and not falling to the ground. Tyrell saw this as an opportunity to kill Nicholai, but when he was about to press the trigger he fell and shot to the ground. Nicholai responded shooting him, injuring the man in the left side.

-Tyrell!- Carlos said.

-If you excuse me, I don't have time to deal with this new mutant. I have to secure my escape- Nicholai said leaving.

Seconds later the earthquake stopped.

-You two go! I will stay here to attend Tyrell!- Carlos said.

Jill and Snake nodded with their heads and the pair went out to chase Nicholai, but they found out that their pad was blocked by some zombies that were standing up. Jill and Snake fought them until the ground started to shake again.

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