Feels like Love 2

By applechan10

9.6K 178 6

Mal is happy with Ben but struggles trying to stay a good girl she's trying to become for Auradon. As for the... More

Ways To Be Wicked
Countdown Till Cotillion
What's My Name
New Look
The Isle/Chillin like a Villain
Fake Wand
It's Going Down
Back in Auradon
Battle with Uma
You and Me
The Truth

Save/Meeting Uma

541 10 0
By applechan10

Third pov

Gil went to tell Uma of the VKs, King Ben, Princess Riley and along with Princess Indira are on the Isle so Uma ordered Harry and a few others to kidnap King Ben and Princess Riley to lure Mal out because she wants something from Mal

Harry went to get them for Uma and Fabian quietly followed behind because he wants to save his cousin then having her be taken by Uma

Harry sneaks up with a problem and grabs Ben which Riley saw and tries to grab her best friend then two pirates were about to grab the princess but two girls come in and took down the two pirates and take Riley with them. They dragged the sun princess to an alley that's far from anyone to see them


Riley's pov

I was saved by these two girls before I was taken by some pirates

I looked at the girls and I noticed they are wearing things similar to Wyatt, they meant be his family

"Who are you guys? And why did you two save me?" I asked them

"I'm Willa Wolf. And because of that ring you are wearing it belongs to my brother Wyatt and we smelled his scent on it but also smelled yours to" the girl with black hair said

"So we followed it and saw that you were about to be taken by those pirates, so we decided to save you since by you wearing my cousin's ring means your his mate right. Also I'm Wynter" the she with brown hair said with a smile

"Thanks for saving me really and yeah I'm Wyatt's mate. Also I'm Riley" I said with a smile

"We know and glad that we get to meet the girl who won my brother's heart" Willa said with a fang smile

"Yeah! We have been wanting to meet you since we heard of you two being together!" Wynter said happily and jumps up a bit

"I guess you guys beat me too it" a voice said from behind us

I turned around to face this person and saw it's a guy with pirate clothes. Is he here to take away me. My necklace starts to glow showing I'm about to use my power

"Easy I'm on your side" he said holding his hand out showing he isn't going to do anything

My necklace stops glowing

"Who are you then" I asked

He smirks a bit and his eyes start glowing yellow as he pulls out a necklace which is a moonstone necklace

"I'm Fabian Gothel. Nice to finally meet you cousin" he said with a small smile

My eyes widened he's my cousin and he's a wolf too?!

"Your my cousin" I said softly

"Yup. And before you ask my dad was a wolf and I'm part of the pack with these two but my mother forces to be part of Uma's pirates, she's the daughter of Ursula then I meet Willa and Wynter who I told I'm a wolf but is forced to hide this side of me. So I joined them and became an official pack mate member and I'm a spy for the wolves because we have to make things right here on the Isle" Fabian said

"I complete understand that. And I glad to finally meet you too cus" I said with a smile

He smiles

"Same here" he said

"Ok enough of this family moment. We have a bigger problem here since Uma now has King Ben so she can get to Mal" Willa said

"What should we do?" Wynter asked

"How about I go back to Ursula's fish and chips to see what Uma does and come back to you guys and tell you what happend" Fabian said

"Sounds like a good idea" I said

Wynter and Willa nod their heads in agreement

"Well then see you three after this" he said and bows before he walks away

"Come out let's stay here and wait for him to come back" Willa said

Me and Wynter nod our heads and wait for my cousin to come back


At the same time

Third pov

Everyone is listening to Evie trying to talk to Mal but Carlos noticed that Ben and Riley haven't come back yet

"Guys! Where's Ben and Riley?" he asked

They all looked around for the two

"Ben? Riley?" Evie calls out

They see a shadow walking towards them

"Ben! Riley!" Indira said

"Guys, don't scare us like that" Evie said in relief

Then Harry comes up with a smirk on his face

"Don't scare you? But that;s my specialty" Harry said

"What did you do with Ben?" Jay asked

"And my mate?" Wyatt said letting out a small growl

"Oh, uh I nicked him" Harry said ignoring Wyatt

Wyatt growls more as his eyes glow crimson red and his necklace glows red but Indira places her hand on his arm to try to calm him down

"And if you want to see him again, have Mal come to the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone. Uma wants a little visit for something special" Harry said with a chuckle

"Aw Jay, Wyatt" Harry said looking at them

"Seems like you guys have lost your touch" he said

Jay went to attack him but Evie stopped him

"Hey! Jay!" Evie said

Wyatt tried too but Carlos and Indira stopped him too

"Hey! Wyatt!" they said together

Harry laughs and turned to Carlos

"Hey!" Carlos said

But Harry walked off whistling


They are now in the building telling Mal what happened with Ben and Riley but they don't know who took Riley from Uma's pirates but they can just hope that she is safe and ok

Mal telling them that she's going to meet Uma alone which the others didn't like at all but they could do anything about it

Wyatt is kind of losing it since he doesn't know where his mate is at. She's somewhere on the Isle with someone else who took her from Uma's pirates and Indira tries to calm him down which is working a bit but not the best though

Mal leaves to meet Uma as the rest stay in the building to wait for her to come back with Ben so they can go find Riley then leave the Isle after they do


Fabian's pov

I'm in Ursula's Fish and Chips waiting for Mal to arrive here

I see her walk in into the shoppe

"Hey! I want the fried clams" a customer said to Uma

"And I wanted a sea pony. Life ain't fair!" Uma said to her

"I'm back" Mal said with a smirk and in like a singsong tone

"Loser, party of one. Right this way please" Uma said to Mal as she points to a table

Mal walks over to the table as Uma kicks a chair to her which Mal caught it causing Uma laughs

"Place still stink" Mal said

"Oh, I'm sorry. We're down a butler today... princess" Uma said

"Where is he?" Mal asked

Uma took off her apron

"You know, I've dreamed of this. You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook" Uma said

I really can feel the tension from here and we can cut it with a knife but I kept watching to see how this will go down

"I'm so flattered that you dream of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left" Mal said

"Obviously. You have your perfect, little life, don't you? Doesn't she have the perfect, little life?" Uma said to everyone in the restaurant

And everyone laughs but not me of course because that's stupid

"And we're 20 years into a garbage strike" Uma said

"Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on. I see no need to bring Ben into this" Mal said

"It may be a little unnecessary, but, oh, it is so much. Here's the deal" Uma said

"Just like your mother. Always a catch" Mal says

Uma looks at her as she sits down in front of Mal placing her arm on the table

"If you win... Ben is free to go. Hmm?" Uma said

I see Mal place her arm on the table

"Don't you want to know what I get if I win?" Uma asked

Mal grabs her hand for arm wrestle

"Still dreaming" Mal said

I already have a bad feeling of this but I can't do anything and just watch how it goes

"Last time I checked, your mother thought she had things all sewn up, too, huh? How'd that work out for her again?" Uma said

"On three" Mal said

"One" Uma starts

"Two" Mal continues

"Three" they said together

As they started arm wrestling

"You know, that whole princess act? Ugh. Never bought it for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain, but you're still a villain" Uma said as she chuckles

"And you can slap a pirate hat on, but you're still Shrimpy" Mal said with a smirk and gasps a bit

I see Uma almost lose focus for a secound

They continue to arm wrestle and I see Mal started to get upper hand as her eyes flash green as she smirks

"If I win.. you bring me the wand" Uma said as she chuckles

This cause Mal to lose complete focus letting Uma win as everyone minus me cheered in the restaurant

Uma gets up and cheers. Will this not go at all

"Now.. if you want beasty boy back, bring me Fairy Godmother's magic wand to my ship tomorrow at 12:00 noon... sharp. Oh, and if you blab.. you can kiss your baby goodbye" Uma said

Mal glares at her then leaves the shoppe. I looked around and saw everyone celebrating about the win so I took the chance and left the shoppe and started walking to meet back up with Willa, Wynter and Riley but as I walked I grabbed some clothes on a clothing line so I grabbed them for the three girls as their disguises to not be seen by Uma when we are at the ship

Hope the others come up with a plan to get King Ben back

Also this is Wyatt's Isle outfit I forgot to show it in the chapter before.

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