Roomies {Harringrove}

By zeetheshipper

24.5K 764 299

By some stroke of luck and the work of quick doctors, Billy Hargrove survives the attack of the Mind Flayer... More

Day Zero
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen
Day Seventeen
Day Eighteen
Day Nineteen
Day Twenty
Day Twenty-One
Day Twenty-two
Day Twenty-three
The Final Week
Hours Later
Days Later
Weeks Later
Months Later

Years Later

564 18 17
By zeetheshipper

A year after they get together and two and three and five, Steve Harrington is still telling Billy Hagrove that he's more than happy without a ring on his finger. Billy holds onto hope because the lgbt community is fighting back but Steve gives him gentle kisses every time he frets over it. Their love is and will always be enough. Marriage between two men seems so far off from being possible, what with the crackdown on people like them that swarmed with the AIDS crisis. He can remember how tasking it was alone to finally come out to all the people he cares about.

Of course, none of them saw it as a big deal. They'd all already guessed something was going on by the way Billy and Steve always act around each other, even in public, unable to completely hide how utterly smitten they are. Dustin jokingly began to list a number of guys Steve could've chosen instead of the big brainless lug that is Billy Hagrove. In return, the blonde placed a smile on his face and tried not to imagine snapping the neck of his boyfriend's little brother and child.

"Hmm... Eddie Munson? He's cute and all but I have much better people to do."

"You... Mean things, right?"


"That's right, baby." And then he swooped in with a kiss to seal the deal. No one gets to touch but him; him alone. Dustin, meanwhile, screeched in disgust and ran for his life. Billy's triumph doubled instantly.

He's getting some acting roles while working at the diner and Steve is happily engaged in a job teaching kids. He's still getting therapy; both of them are and Billy constantly thinks he isn't doing enough but there's always reassurance on his boyfriend's end. He just really, really wishes he could buy him a ring and Steve just really, really wishes Billy could see that they don't need that.

"Just you and me. Let that be enough."

"I know, baby, I just-"

"Shh. Happy five years, you silly Billy goat. Now kiss me, you fool."

Billy's sister gets married before them, in their relationship's eigth year. It's a lovely little ceremony. Billy walks her down the aisle where she devotes herself to Lucas Sinclair, then turns to Jane Hopper and exchanges "I do"s with her as well. Legally, she's only bound to Lucas despite keeping her surname but in their hearts, there's so much more. No one understood the dynamics at first, especially not Billy but it's simple. Lucas and Jane love her and she loves both of them. Billy smiles a bit, remembering how she'd called upon Robin to help her explain, leading to a lecture about the history of polyamory across the world that he'd had to sit silently through, getting through her speedy rambling only by the touch of his lover's hand.

He and Steve make out in the closet and he again asks Steve to be his husband. He whispers it over and over with every breath between their lips because he wants it so bad and Steve knows, he wants it too, as much as he tries not to dwell on impossible things. So he accepts, teary-eyed and drunk and they dance the night with pretend rings moulded from the muselets of champagne bottles.

Maybe his sister and her partners couldn't have afforded this much all on their own but Billy is there to provide. He's landed a pretty good role and he's always wanted to take care of her, better than her mother ever could. It takes out a chunk of his savings but what does he care? She's happy in love and so is he.

One good role leads to more and soon, Billy is getting noticed. He wins an award for his acting and Steve is there at his side the whole time, refusing to follow him to any more premiers and award ceremonies afterwards as his career soars to avoid any suspicion. He can't show his partner off but this is fine. He can live like this. It's all he's ever wanted, right? To be loved and adored... But Steve's is the presence he wants more than anything else.

The fame causes a lot of tension. They breakup and makeup a couple of times and God does Billy wish he could give the boy a ring so he'd never even think about "needing space". All he ever wanted is Steve but Steve is terrified he'll jeopardise his career. Billy has told him time and time again that nothing matters more than them, why does he never listen? Steve's insecurities have grown watching his life-partner of so long be shipped with woman after woman, called an eligible bachelor, a player, too many damn rumours. He lets the tabloids get to him a bit too much earlier in their relationship and it creates a wedge between them that, at the time, they hadn't been sure they'd get past.

Then tragedy struck. Or rather, a series of unfortunate events. First came the death of Billy's asshole alcoholic father. Neil Hagrove died alone in a small, dirty apartment, dangling from the ceiling fan. Billy let himself cry and didn't hate himself for it. He was allowed to be weak. No, he deserved to break now more than ever. After everything that man put him through, things no one but him would ever have the memories of, no one deserved it more. Steve stays by his side every step of the way, even on the days his anger is so much that it bursts out in waves.

His mother showed face for the funeral, too but he soon found out she'd sought him out to get whatever cash she could out of him. Everyone else had been able to tell and Steve's attempts to get it through to him cost them their relationship for a while. But she was the only good part of his childhood so he let her do it. Sent her on her merry way stinking of money and ran right back into Steve's arms. Afterwards, they didn't breakup again. Steve finally realised Billy needs him just as much as he does, swearing not to let his fears get the best of him again.

After over a decade of a lot of messy, they finally found their rhythm. They had a lot of issues between them but the love was more. It was always more. So Billy and Steve they remained and on it went, watching friends old and new get married and have children, sharing meals and a house and achievements together. Billy wins multiple other awards here, Steve is honoured for a decade of service in the educational sector there, they adopt dogs. Life is good. It can't get any better than this.

About twenty years after they first get together, Billy is sat in an interview about his latest movie. The droll of Hollywood is getting to him. He does enjoy the acting, the performance and he's rather proud of the messages some of his films have put out. He's sort of pissed at everything else. The lies and fakeness, all the bigotry. He's had to listen to homophobia, sexism, racism, the whole ballgame of bullshit. There are too many creeps and dickheads and if he didn't love his job and how his work had such an effect on people, he would've been happy to settle down working at that old diner for the rest of his days.

"Breaking News- sorry to cut you off, Mr Hagrove. We'll get back to him in a moment but first, it seems those lgbts finally got someone to do their bidding. Can you believe it, Mary, the state of Massachusetts has legalised gay marriage!"

"Shocking news, Trent, how vile can these people be. Pushing their abomination of an agenda- America is in a whole lot of trouble."

"They'll certainly get what's coming to them..."

Billy has spaced out. The anchors are spit-balling back and forth, going on about their hatred for the gays while he just sits there, dazed, with the slightest smile on his face. He blinks back into focus when the lady touches his arm, her smile a little too bright. He resists the urge to rip his body away from her.

"How do you feel about this, Mr Hagrove? Surely a masculine man like you has some opinions to share on what these godforsaken homosexuals are doing."

"Ah. Err... Umm..." Usually, Billy would deflect a question like that. Laugh it off awkwardly, scratch his neck, steer the topic in another direction. He's damn good at it too, being the handsome ball of endless charisma he is but something feels different, this time. The fire that always rages bitterly against his gut as he pretends nothing could ever affect him burns too brightly to ignore. And then he's thinking about Steve and the words are slipping out of his mouth with no inhibition because all he wants right now is to be home with the love of his life, all he wants is to do what he's been desperate to for almost two decades.

"I do have an opinion to share on the homosexuals. So get me in good, will you? This show is going out live, right?" They both nod and laugh ditzily, voices shallow and hollow like most of them. Billy takes a deep breath and tells both of them to stick it and shut up, turning to face the camera once their irritating sounds very suddenly cut short. "Good. The attentions on me. Whoever is watching this, right now... I need you to know... My next message is for my roommate, Steve. I fucked up and forgot to tell you something before I left home. Once I've said my piece, I'll be on my merry way, won't take long."

Some jackass yells "well, go on, say it" and Billy scoffs a moment, then gazes into the screen. You see, Billy has perfected his famous lovelorn look from staring at Steve all day. Once he imagines his baby in a co-star's place, there's no way it won't look to anyone else like he's fallen deeply in love with them. But this is something else, entirely. It's real and everyone watching knows it. This is Billy speaking directly to the love of his goddamn life, hoping he can hear him past the heavy, happy thumping in his chest as he speaks.

"Baby... I'm coming home, okay? I heard about the- the- I heard about Massachussets and I just- fuck, Steve Harrington, I can't wait to marry you."

Mouths hang wide across the studio. The cameraman fumbles with the switch but it's a little too late for that. The world knows, now. There's no turning back and he doesn't care to have a way out, either. He has a future husband to go propose to and cook celebratory dinner for after all, nothing else matters but being with his boy now.

Billy feels the looks every step he takes. Most are apalled or still in shock but there are a few, just a few where he catches glimpses of people who are beaming softly. People whose eyes are full of awe and adoration and pride. It propels him forward, fueled by his need to see the man that inspired every hint of courage he had in his body and he rushes into his car, speeding past the paparazzi without any other thought.

He flings open the door in haste. Steve is clearly in the middle of pacing the room. He freezes at his boyfriend's arrival, giving the man enough time to go to him. The TV is still switched on to the channel which is currently blank because of "technical difficulties", the remote still clutched tightly in his shaking hands. "Billy, Billy oh my God what have you done?! You didn't have to come out- oh God, your career-"

"Let's get married."

"Wh- Bi... What are you even- even saying? Why... Wh-why would you do that?!" He's in tears now, vigorously wiping his eyes as he tries to make sense of it all. Billy gently holds onto his wrists and leads him to the couch to sit and breathe, leaving gentle kisses across his hands until he finally stops covering his face. And then he hides behind them again because Billy is on one knee before him, gazing at him with so much love it hurts just to look. The blonde ignores his surprised yelp with a light laugh, heart still thumping as he takes Steve's hands in his.

"I've wanted this for so long. So, so long. And now I finally, finally get to fucking- Steve, you want the marriage and six kids. I can't give you those children, baby but I swear I will get you as close as I possibly can to your dream. I fucking swear it. Because it's my dream too, now. Ours. Has been for the longest time because it's yours and all I've ever wanted is your happiness since you've already brought me mine."

"Billy... Your whole life is here. Here in Hollywood."

"My life? Steve... Steven Grant Harrington, you are my life. You and only you. You've been my life since the very first week of being locked up in that secret government hideout, all those years ago. I've been falling ever since and I haven't hit the ground for a second because every day, Steve, you make me love you more and more, somehow. I don't understand how it could've happened to someone like me but I am so, so glad that I can call myself someone deserving of your love, now. I am good enough, I am enough, I will do everything in my power to always be the kind of man you deserve to be with. And if you'll have me, I want to be one of the first gays in this homophobic country to get hitched."

"...where would we go?" Steve whispers, fear in his voice. Billy understands the hesitance, he did just propose to him on live national television after all... but he needs Steve to know he's safe. He knows he must have panicked before he showed up, he only wishes he could have driven a little faster but speed limits are there for a reason, I suppose.

"Anywhere. Anywhere at all, baby. Take your pick, spin a goddamn globe and choose a random destination because it's me and you, Steve. There's nowhere I'd rather be than with you, location is of no consequence to me."


"Marry me. Steven Grant Harrington, marry me. Be my husband. Be the father of my children- or mother, which I'm sure you'd prefer... Please, baby. Forget about all of that... Noise. It's just me and you."

"Just me and you. And that's the most endearing cheesy thing I've ever heard. Just look at the love of my life, such a romantic."

"Say yes for fuck's sake, Hagrove."

"Grovel a bit more, Harrington."

"You... prick." But he's smiling and so is Steve.

"Yeah, Billy, call your future husband a prick like a second after proposing. That's such a great thing to say to your fiancé barely into the engagement-"

"Was that a yes? That sounded like a yes."


"I will literally die right now if you don't say yes to me, Steve Harrington."

"Yes. Yes, Billy Harrington, I will."

"Then I guess we're finally engaged, Steve Hagrove."

"Yeah, I... I guess we a- woa- BILLY!!" His legs are immediately swept off the ground and Billy refuses to put him down for even a second the entire rest of the day. Every call and message is ignored. What better way to celebrate than with dinner and newly engaged husbands-to-be sex? Steve can't stop giggling in his arms, whining about his weight and Billy feels the luckiest man alive. His fiancé would beg to differ about who's got that title, though.

Like Max's, it isn't the hugest ceremony. Billy wants space for only those that matter and would have preferred a lot less if not for Steve's adoration towards his children. The venue is a small park in the state where they take the dogs on walks, rented out for the occasion. There's fairy lights dusted over the white gazebo and the two wear white suits. Billy repeatedly remarks that this is so gay, laughing at his own dumb jokes while Steve blatantly ignores him ever-so-patiently in reply and absolutely gushes over how good everything looks.

Night settles. Steve thought it would look even prettier in the dark and moonlight and he was right. Candles are lit and line the aisle. It's so pretty, so damn pretty. He'd imagined his wedding day so many times but he had no idea it would be like this. Especially since the most wonderful man in the world walks with him, side-by-side, to the front of the altar. Being the competitive idiots they are, they couldn't decide who would play the bride's role in this case and settled on a compromise. They aren't meant to look at each other or speak to each other till they reach the very front but they can't help holding hands anyway because how could they not?

Each has a small bouquet of wild flowers in his front pocket. It's a reminder of that Valentine's day they shared, so long ago. Their eyes finally meet and Steve can't help but sob, trying to force down the whimpers itching at the back of his throat. Billy looks him over and wraps him in his arms carefully, chuckling at the ease with which his soon-to-be husband clings to him and releases the emotion building into his chest. Their thoughts mirror each other. God I love this man.

"I thought this one didn't care about getting married, anymore." The others laugh and Steve fondly rolls his eyes, pulling away but still close enough that they can whisper delicately between themselves. Billy's eyes shine with tears as Steve fiddles with his curls.

"I was just willing to adjust since I didn't think it would be possible, dummy. But this... Is sooooo pretty. How are we ever going to top this?"

"We don't have to. I have you, you have me. We've won, nothing more needs to be said there. I've... Won. Life was not supposed to go this... Well for me."

"Well? You lost your job, Bil. You're so passionate about it but your career is all messed up because of... Me."

"I gained you. I get to marry you. I never, ever thought this was possible. Of course, I jumped at the first chance I got to do it, that shouldn't be a surprise... Baby, come on, don't cry."

"I- I'm sorry, I just- fuck I really love you. You're insane and I love you so, so much."

"Oh thank God. I thought you were doing this to make me feel better about being a mentally unwell pile of gar- I mean- love you too, beautiful!"

"Silly man."

"Your silly man."

"Mm. Mine."

The "do you"s and "I do"s are said. The pronouncement is made. "Husband and husband". The kiss is shared. They are one, like they always have been and no one on Earth can possibly be happier than them in that very moment. Billy surprises him with fireworks and Steve surprises him with permission to grope his butt whenever he pleases for the night. He makes good use of that, especially around people and Steve can't help but feel his gift is somehow enjoyed more despite the vast difference in cost and how much he'd loved the lightshow.

Billy, drunken on love, repeats that this has to be the gayest shit he's ever seen while Steve smacks him fondly and repeatedly on the arm, drunk on love too. Alex and Maximus come by, still happily together, with their congratulations. The bottle of Smirnoff they gift the two reminds them of the many times they drank till their attraction for each other spilled out all those years ago in that small basement.

Eventually, they sneak away from their party to reminisce, stargazing and nonchalantly ruining their suits as they take their seats next to each other on the grass. Eighteen years. So much has changed since that one month trapped together.

"We hated each other's guts back then, heh."

"No, you hated my guts. I just wanted to survive sharing a living space with you so I could make sure you were treated right."

"Mm. Ever the self-sacrificial mother, baby." Billy took another swig of the bottle and then handed it to his new husband, the two alternating. The sun was coming up. It was gonna be a beautiful morning. "Besides... I didn't hate your guts. Actually I always thought you were attractive. Even back in highschool. I guess I just didn't wanna make it obvious that I was... You know."

"Well... You married a man. Not to mention, proposed to him in front of millions on television. Honestly, there's nothing more gay than that."

"I did indeed. Just you and me now, then, Steve Hagrove."

"Just you and me, Billy Harrington." Once again, they couldn't decide  when it came to who would take whose name. And then they remembered all the times they would teasingly or fondly switch surnames when referring to each other and the solution hit them. Steve looks over Billy's features, his eyes glazing over. He takes a quick swig of the bottle and hands it back to him, already smirking a bit as he anticipates the backlash of the joke he's about to make.

"Roomies for life, ol buddy ol pal."

"Wow. Eww. Nope. Eww. Correction; husbands."

"...correction; husbands."

"Good boy-"

"The day is over, the sun is on its way up, stop groping my ass!!!"

"Shh you signed away your right to protest once we exchanged rings. No takesies backsides or I report to Ronance that you're starving me."


"You love me, though."

"Nah... You were right, I married you out of pity."

"Ouch. Our kids will hear of this."

"We'll tell them all about it. All about us. Together."

And they do.

Fini <3
Funny how I gave Steve Cap's name heh. Minus the Rogers, yeah. It's kind of alike in a sense. As in Bucky and Billy are alike cos they both got controlled into hurting and killing people and carry that guilt. And then Steve who just wants to help and save everyone and protec and... Yeah, some parallels there that I hadn't noted before. I've editted this twice. And I wanna do more. It's not perfect. But by my standards, it probably never would be so... This will have to do.

G'bye! Have a good day or night, thanks for stoppin' by 🤍

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