The Lonely Warrior Queen

By LavenderHamsa

400K 16.2K 1.2K

It all started when Princess Catheline married the dangerously attractive and recently crowned King of Anthre... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}
{Chapter 29}
{Chapter 30}
{Chapter 31}
{Chapter 32}
{Chapter 33}
{Chapter 34}
{Chapter 35}
{Chapter 36}
{Chapter 37}
{Chapter 38}
{Chapter 39}
{Chapter 41}
{Chapter 42}
{Chapter 43}
{Chapter 44}
{Chapter 45}
{Chapter 46}
{Chapter 47}
{Chapter 48}
{Chapter 49}
{Chapter 50}
{Chapter 51}
{Chapter 52}
{Chapter 53}
{Chapter 54}
{Chapter 55}
{Chapter 56}
{Chapter 57}
{Chapter 58}
{Chapter 59}
{Chapter 60}
{Chapter 61}
{Chapter 62}
{Chapter 63}
{Chapter 64}
{Chapter 65}
{Chapter 66}
{Chapter 67}
{Chapter 68}
{Chapter 69}
{Chapter 70}
{Chapter 71}
{Chapter 72}
{Chapter 73}
{Chapter 74}
{Chapter 75}
{Chapter 76}
{Chapter 77}
{Chapter 78}
{Chapter 79}
{Chapter 80}
{Chapter 81}
{Chapter 82}
{Chapter 83}
{Chapter 84}
{Chapter 85}
{Chapter 86}
{Chapter 87}
{Chapter 88}
{Chapter 89}
{Chapter 90}
{Chapter 91}
{Chapter 92}
{Chapter 93}
{Chapter 94}
{Chapter 95}
{Chapter 96}
{Chapter 97}
{Chapter 98}
{Chapter 99}
{Chapter 100}
{Chapter 101}
{Chapter 102}
{Chapter 103}
{Chapter 104}
{Chapter 105}
{Chapter 106}
{Chapter 107}
{Chapter 108}
{Chapter 109}
{Chapter 110}
{Chapter 111}
{Chapter 112}
{Chapter 113}
{Chapter 114}
{Chapter 115}
{Chapter 116}
{Chapter 117}
{Epilogue I}
{Epilogue II}
ו My Review •×
×Swords and Schemes×

{Chapter 40}

4K 149 13
By LavenderHamsa

Marwin Sunster's POV:

The castle was as stunning as ever. It had been a few years since the last time I was here. My father scarcely brought me this place. I got off my horse as the guards approached me and my squire, Kilen was at my heels.

"We were informed of your arrival, Lord Marwin," one of the guards spoke.

Of course, they were. I did not doubt that the castle had been well-guarded upon my appearance. I nodded as the man took away both of our steeds.

"I am scared, Master," Kilen whispered as he leaned forward. "What if they decide to kill us?"

"No one would harm us," I guaranteed him. 

We were escorted to the inner castle. I did not remember much of this part of the castle as I was very young when I was here. But the place was serene and beautiful.

I have heard things about how my father died here. How he bled to his death within the castle dungeons, murdered by a supposedly unknown assailant. Now that I was here at the place he perished, I had various feelings.

The deep blue rose of the royal family fluttered everywhere on black flags. The sky was still grey and it set a gloomy look on the castle. I hoped that everything would go well as intended.

At last, we reached the hallways of the castle. Kilen was walking close to me, fascinated by everything he saw. He never visited the castle and admired every wonderful thing his eyes fell on.

While we were on the way, we met a tall man who had an intense look on his face.

"Lord Marwin," he curtsied. "I hope everything was well in your travel,"

"It did," I replied cautiously. "And who might you be?"

"I am Nathaniel. Personal Advisor and guard to the King,"

"It is pleasant to meet you," I replied politely. "And this is my squire, Kilen." 

Nathaniel nodded and Kilen greeted back. Kilen was a normal lad with a normal lifestyle before I picked him to be my companion.

"I would implore you to follow me, Lord Marwin," Nathaniel said. He gestured for us to walk.

We did so. The castle was bathing in silence. The outside was beautiful. The inside was decorated and luxurious. And yet, it looked so dead and dark.

Soon, we made a turn around a hallway and saw a girl, with bright auburn hair, standing near a door nervously. Judging by her attire, she was a maid. When she saw us, she panicked. Nathaniel paused before turning towards us.

"Apologies, Lord Marwin." He excused himself and walked toward the girl.

Kilen patted me on the shoulder and whispered. "That girl is adorable, Master,"

"Be quiet," I whispered back. Now was not the time to marvel at women.

Suddenly, the doors burst open. A woman with dark hair walked out. Her eyes landed on everyone present there.

"Your Grace!" The maid shrieked. "We must leave now,"

"I know." The woman replied. But she glanced at me curiously. She looked at Nathaniel.

"This is Lord Marwin Sunster and his companion, Your Grace," he briefed, looking at me.

The woman's tender eyes froze in shock as she stared at me. There was a feeling etched in her eyes that I could not understand. Anger? Hatred?

"Lord Marwin, you are in the presence of Queen Catheline,"

I panicked and quickly bowed in respect. "My apologies for my rudeness, Your Grace. I did not know," I told her. 

I heard soft footsteps approach me. And soon, I heard a calm voice. "You may rise, Lord Sunster." I heard her say.

And when I did, I was surprised to see her facing me. She stood three feet away, along with the girl by her side.

"You must forgive my manners. I speculate you are here to see the King," the Queen said politely.

"That is true, your Grace," his eyes were firmly pointed at the floor.

"Then I do not want to take your time any longer. You must have traveled far to reach here. I shall make my move,"

The Queen left without another word, making me wonder about many things. That look she had in her eyes before...what was the reason for it?

"Lord Marwin," Kilen whispered. "You should go,"

I was suddenly reminded of my true purpose here. People here may despise me for being a traitor's son. But I want to prove them wrong. I want to tell them who I am.

"I and your squire would be outside," Nathaniel told me, pointing towards the door politely.

I sighed pushing all my thoughts aside. I have to face him. I have to answer for my father's crimes. It was my duty to do so.

As I walked toward the door, I hoped that everything would go well.

Catheline's POV:

"Are you alright, Your Grace?"

I looked at Karra, surprised. This morning, I just wanted to see Xander. I wanted to make sure that he was faring well. I did not expect his shockingly unusual sweet words. He complimented my hair and wondered about my health, even before I could ask about his condition.

And then, I met another unexpected man.

Marwin Sunster.

The very name boiled my blood. He had his father's look and that made me even angrier. Perhaps even some guilt? He looked very handsome and mannerly, nothing like his predecessor. But why was he here to see Xander? What was he trying to do?

I still remember that day when I ended William Sunster's life. It was only later that I realized how shocked I was by that experience. But he deserved it.

He plotted against my husband and ruthlessly killed my beloved bird. No matter how loyal he seemed to be, he had no right to hurt my pet. And to accuse my family of betrayal.

I sighed as we roamed the gardens aimlessly. My head began aching from all my thoughts and I stumbled at one moment.

"Your Grace!" Karra pleaded after she caught me before falling. "Please be careful...or else I will be punished for not taking care of you,"

"Calm down, silly girl," I scolded her. "I would not let anyone harm you,"

"We have arrived at your favorite place! I would advise you to take a seat," Karra said, pointing toward the swing.

I nodded and walked toward the place. This place had been my sanctuary a few months ago. It had been a while since I had been to this place.

I glanced at the corner to see the little grave, blending into the surrounding. I felt emotional and before I knew it, I began tearing up.

"Your Grace, why are you crying!?" silly Karra.

I slumped on the swing, not being able to bear it anymore. Being pregnant was hard and I heard that giving birth is putting one foot in the depths of hell.

"My hurts..." I mumbled, wiping away my tears. But they just went on falling.

"I will go call someone!-"

" was me, Karra..."

Karra looked at me, bewildered. I went on, with the lowest volume I can speak in. "That was me. I was the one who...who killed William Sunster..." 

I felt Karra freeze in the spot she stood. Deep down, I knew. I knew what I had done was reckless. But I was too furious at the man to spare him. He was supposed to be devoted to the King and what did he do?

I was frustrated with this life.

My body went stiff at that very thought. My brother. I had a brother. What would he say when he sees me? Would he hate me for what I had done?

I never thought of that possibility. My head began aching again and I leaned back, looking at the darkening sky. It was about to rain again.

"You have done nothing wrong, Your Grace,"

I looked at Karra who was gripping her dress. She seemed slightly disturbed but as she looked at me, her eyes were determined.

"He was a traitor who accused you of being one. Who does he think he is to do so?" Karra questioned, walking toward me.


"You did the right thing." She reasoned. "And I know...that this son of his concerns you..."

I averted my eyes. It was the truth. What if the son follows the same steps as his father? What if he hurts Xander?...

"It is about to rain. We must go," Karra spoke. "And you must be hungry as well. Please do not think of such awful things... It might affect the child..."

I nodded as I took her hand in mine. Yes. I was not alone anymore. I had an ally, a friend I could trust now.

And I should not forget about my child.

Xander's POV:

It felt uncomfortable.

Sitting in the same room with a man who could probably end my life was hard. Perhaps not since this man had been silent ever since he came in.

He did look extremely like his father, except that he was younger and far quieter.

"Your Majesty..." He suddenly spoke, startling me.

That was unexpected. I thought he was just going to sit there, silent and calm until I asked him to speak.

"I know you would have a hard time trusting me. I am aware of my father's crimes and you can be assured...that I would not turn out to be like him,"

"How can I be assured with just your word, Lord Marwin," I sighed. It wasn't a question. And he knew that.

"I...I tried to stop him. I tried to talk him out of it. Believe me, I did what I could to stop him from committing madness." The man reasoned.

" knew his treason?" He fell silent. At that moment, I got my answer.

"I am sick of liars present everywhere," I told him. "I treated your father well and even kept my cool when he started throwing dirt at my Queen with vile accusations. Do you think I would easily forgive what he had done?"

"I am not asking you to forgive him." Lord Marwin said calmly. "Even I could never forgive him for what he did. There is so much you don't know..."

"And what would that mean?" I questioned. Anger sparked in my head as I heard those words.

There was so much I still don't know yet. What other secrets have been hiding from me that could ruin my life?

"It all started three years ago. May I enlighten you with the story?" He looked at me.

I stared at him suspiciously, before leaning back in my chair. "Time is valuable. I suggest you not waste either of ours,"

"I swear I wouldn't," he smiled. "I assume you do know my sister?"

I shifted in my seat. "The one your father tried so hard to marry me off with?"

"That's the one." The man affirmed. " all started with her."


The man sighed. He pulled out a stack of letters and placed them on the table. "I and Merline have always been close. She was my only sister and the only one I considered as family. The other one was, of course, my father. He pampered Merline more than anyone ever could."

"And what of your brother?" I asked, after a pause.

"Martin..." He muttered. "He was always a...strange man. He loved my mother dearly and when she died, giving birth to my sister...he began despising her."

He paused before looking at the letters. "He did not dare to bully her in my presence or my father's. But I knew. And yet, I couldn't stop him. He was my family, and my father...he would have punished him severely if he knew. It was Merline who begged me not to tell my father."

I sat silently, trying to understand what he was conveying. "What does anything have to do with your sister?" 

"Three years father told me about his plans to marry Merline to Your Majesty. He seemed to be pleased with the idea. I found it too strange to be true. Martin, on the other side, became...became obsessed with our father."

"In what ways?"

"He came off to adore the prospect of making himself important. He followed our father everywhere. And there was a gossip telling that...he was jealous of not being the firstborn son." 

"I paid no attention to those rumors. Even if it was the truth, there wasn't much he could have done. I was still the firstborn and heir. And one day... everything changed."

I sensed the sudden change in his tone. Was this where a hidden truth would be revealed?

"Father had announced to Merline that she was going to marry you. At first, she did not have much of a reaction. But that evening...I found her crying in the garden. Now...that I think of it, I have to thank you for not deciding to marry my sister," 

I was slightly taken off guard. "What do you mean?"

"My sister...she did not wish to marry you. That was the reason why she was troubled by that idea. I asked her why she was upset and then I realized...that she was in..."

He stopped before sighing. "She was in love with another."

I stopped thinking for a while. I still remember that day when Wiliam Sunster proposed this idea. I had to reject him because, for some reason, I did not feel it was right. Maybe I didn't want to marry at that moment.

"She would have lived a miserable life if she had wedded you. And you...would have been uneasy too."

I felt sick at that very idea. I knew how bad Catheline must have felt in this year of our marriage. After reading my mother's diary, I began to truly understand women's feelings. Not completely but partially.

"Why didn't your father allow her to wed that man? He loved her so dearly after all," I stated. I had to change the topic.

"He...he was a man of common status." He replied politely. "A guard of my father's household. At first, I had to refuse that. I was supposed to control my sister. But as she poured her heart out at how the man truly loved and cared for her, even I was melted. In the end, I took my decision, not as a future lord but as a caring brother."

I froze. Even if I doubted Marwin Sunster, he seemed to love his family. I looked away, feeling upset at the truth that I also could have been a brother...

There was no point in dwelling on the lost past anymore.

"Women are frail little things. And yet, they have so much power over men that we fail to realize it. And even if we do...we don't care."

I had to smile at that. Hearing those words, reminded me of my wife. She is a tiny little thing and yet, she has so much impact on me. I was just...too ignorant to realize it.

"I promised her that I would try to talk to our father and make him understand." Marwin Sunster continued. "Who knew...that would begin the conflict in my family..."

"He refused?"

"Even worse." He looked at me bitterly. "As we talked about Merline's secret lover, we did not realize that...that our brother was there. He had heard everything there was to know. He had no love for my sister and hence...he told on us to our father. Possibly twisted the truth far enough to his advantage."

"And father...he was fuming. He shouted at Merline, calling her ungrateful. He said that raised her preciously so she could listen to his bidding. Merline was heartbroken. I tried to stop the argument before he could hurt her even further."

"He yelled at me for being irresponsible and naive. He said that I should have been like my younger brother, who was loyal to him. That man...he had no right to speak of loyalty!"

I was momentarily stunned at his outbreak. He spoke those words with venom. "He was supposed to be our father. He was supposed to be your faithful subject. And yet he betrayed you."

"That day was the day I realized my father's true colors. He was putting up a facade of a loving father and a loyal lord. I knew I no longer had love for him the moment he made my sister cry."

"Merline threatened that she would kill herself if he forced her to marry against her will. My father was so enraged that he ordered the guards to lock her up in her chambers. And if I was to intervene, he said that he would send me away."

"I couldn't let that happen. If he did send me away, Merline would be even more miserable. And hence, I kept myself silent..."

"He truly was a vile man..." I stated. I remembered how far he went to accuse Catheline and her father. Horrible.

"We did not talk for weeks. Luckily, you rejected his proposal. I thought everything would be fine. But who knew my father was so evil?... That day...was the day I saw where Martin got his madness from."

"Out of anger, he had the man who Merline loved beaten in front of her. I was out of town that day...and by the time I came was too late."

"He...had him killed?"

"No. My father ordered him to never return to his mansion. Merline never saw him after that and ever since...she has been depressed. I learned that it was my brother's idea to have the man beaten. I threatened my brother that I would kill him if he ever tried to hurt pull off such a move again."

"He fell silent, out of fear for me. After a few weeks, I found something strange..."

He paused, glancing away. "I learned that my father and my brother have been conversing about something without my presence. I was set on finding what they were up to. And I found these in my father's study..."

He pointed towards the bundle of letters, urging me to give them a look. Hesitantly, I took them and removed the thread keeping them together.

What was I going to discover?

I opened the first one and recognized the unfamiliar handwriting of someone.

'Lord Sunster, I have decided to agree with your terms of the alliance. You seem eager to be one of my allies. Remember, no one can know about this. Especially Xander. I know you are competent enough to not slip up.'

"They were...the replies from..."

"Him," I said. It was so easy to realize it.

I went on, reading another letter.

'Duke Sunster. My men know that you are one of them. I will send one of them to you on the morrow. Perhaps you would recognize him. Also, I would advise you to visit Erolasiv sometime.'

"Erolasiv?..." I whispered, finding the name unfamiliar. "There is no such place anywhere near Anthreal."

"I tried finding where that place is located. It seems that no one has heard of it," Marwin Sunster said.

I nodded and went on to read all the letters. I found several mentions of that unfamiliar place again. What was it? A hidden castle somewhere in the woods? A distant kingdom where my uncle currently resides?

"How is your father not wise enough to not burn them?" I asked as I finished the last letter. "That was foolish of him," 

"And that is the reason why I was able to find them, Your Majesty." Marwin Sunster smiled.

"What happened then?"

"When I found out...I lost my mind. All my life, I adored my father for his unwavering loyalty to his King...I once wanted to be like him. When I realized his treason, I was outraged. I went to confront him."

"He tried to defend himself. He said something about 'not wishing to serve the wrong King'. I told him that he was mad and that was when he exiled me. He told me to never step foot into his house while he was alive and I...I had no choice..."

"All these years, I roamed all around Anthreal. That is how I found my squire. He said that he wished to be a knight and swore his life to me. I had no other option but to let him serve me. He seemed to be a cheerful lad."

"When I was far away from the borders of Anthreal, I got news of my father's death and my brother's disappearance. I immediately sent the path to come back to my home."

"My sister...when I saw her a few days ago, I was glad to see her alive and well. She is still despondent but I promised her that I would find her lover and bring him back..."

Marwin Sunster fell silent for a very long time. He seemed to be trying to put his feelings aside to talk.

"I am ashamed of what my father became. I am angry with myself for not being able to defend my sister."

"I understand..." I replied, absentmindedly.

He looked at me, surprised. But I went on, paying no attention to the outside world.

"The feeling of duty and making someone disappointed. The thought of someone betraying you...the feeling of losing a loved one. They were all the emotions that I had felt before, Lord Marwin." 

"You may not know me, Your Majesty. But I know you." He said calmly. "I always admired you and your courage. And hence, I knew I had a King I can fight for,"

I glanced at him, feeling stunned by his words. Was this a trick? I didn't know what was real and what was fake anymore. But what if he was telling the truth?

"Is that the reason why you are here?" I asked him kindly. "To submit these letters about your father's treason?"

"No." The man said firmly. "That is not the only reason why I am here, Your Majesty,"

"There is a council meeting a few hours later." I confided to him. "I am about to discuss whether they all support my call of war,"

The man simply listened. After a few moments, he stood up, in a daze.

"Forgive me if I am impolite, Your Majesty. But I have something to offer...and something to demand,"

I watched him silently, waiting for him to go on. His father was a traitor. What can he demand? If it was about his father's corpse, I had already sent it back to the Sunstera. Besides, he must have already been informed of this.

Marwin Sunster looked at me before reaching out for the hilt of his sword. This action immediately alarmed me, but before I could do anything, the man walked to the side and fell on his left knee.

"I may be the son of a traitor but I have hope that you would not blame a father's mistakes on his son. Therefore, I, Marwin Sunster, pledge my life and my house to you, the King of Anthreal, for life."

"I will beg you to allow me to serve you as your loyal subject as I dreamed for years. You can trust me with your heart and I promise you, on my honor, that you will not regret it,"

He drew his sword, placing it at my feet.

"My sword, my life. They are all yours, My King. Please accept my loyalty and you will never lament it."

I stood up, staring at the man kneeling before me. He sounded faithful and determined to serve me. For some unknown reason, I knew. I knew he would keep his promises.

He was a loving brother and was eager to serve me as my subject. He chose me over his father.

I do hope that I will not regret this choice.

Author's NOTE:

Such a long chapter! I have toiled well to give it to you 🙂

Thank you so much for 29k! We are so close to thirty! Many things have happened in my horrible college and I am too disturbed. But writing is my passion and it makes me forget this cruel world for a while.

Thank you so much for giving my story and try. Because if it is anything that pours life into it, it's you, readers!

So please do me a favor and drop a comment. I read every one of them and waited for them patiently 😊

Also, I will start to edit the beginning chapters one day.

Thanks again and have a great day/night 💜

Also, what do you think of Marwin Sunster? 🤔

(I am in love with him-)

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