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By Moonreaderss

987 35 29

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110 5 17
By Moonreaderss

Chapter Two
An Unexpected Event
(S1, Ep 1)

Stella and I were holding our own nicely as we both kept blasting the ghoulies with spells.

"Rising sun!"

I kicked one away blasting it making it disintegrate, "Flame Spear!"

Spears of fire flew from my hands hitting a group of ghoulies. Every time we destroyed one, more took its place as Knot just watched as we destroyed more and more.

"Solar Wind!" Stella moved her scepter slamming it to the ground pushing all of the ghoulies away. Knott grabbed one and crushed it in his hand moving towards us.

"Back off because not only will you feel the magic of the sun and moon fairy you." Stella started to warned as she began to glow as I moved to stand next to her glowing with her. Except I was glowing Orange while she was Yellow.

"You will feel the magic of the fairy of the phoenix flame!" In my hand was an orb ready to be launched. Knott roared as I lifted my hand to send the orb towards him. Some of the ghoulies were behind me grabbing my arm down so I missed my shot.

Knott rammed his body towards us making Stella and I fly back as we both let out a yelp.

We stared up glaring at him as he grew angry, "times up, fairies, ghoulies take the scepter!"

And in a flash we were grabbed by ghoulies keeping us down. They wouldn't let go no matter how hard we struggled. One of the ghoulies gave stella's scepter to knott making him grin as he got closer to us, "Not so strong are you fairy,"

"Let her go!" We all turned to see a girl our age, her hair was very similar to mine. She sounded confident till she realized she was making a threat to someone when she had nothing to defend herself, "Or else I'll...wait what am I gonna do."

Knott gritted his teeth, "Get her!"

Ghoulies when to attack as a defense mechanism she pushed her hand towards them creating a barrier around her shocking them before they were thrown away from the girl.

The ogre marched towards her as fear flooded me as my hand turned into a fist making my body glow. Knott grabbed her and almost as if we were connected. Our bodies blew with power creating a large crater and all of the ghoulies that were on me and Stella disappeared. And knott was knocked away with smoke coming from the top of his head.

"Wow, powerful." Stella looked at the two of us in wonder as the girl and I went to catch our breath. I got up looking towards the gingered girl that was in complete shock of what had just happened.

"Are you okay?" Stella asked, standing next to me, I stayed quiet observing the girl. She was powerful you could tell by the first shockwave but our magic together was intense.

The girl looked up, "Well yeah"

Stella looked at me, "Now that I have my scepter, ready to finish him off," I smiled at her.

We turned to face Knott as he was rubbing his head. We both launched a spell at him, throwing the ogre back, "sorry we were only returning the gift you gave us."

Ghoulies walked towards us, the girl warned us, making Stella and I look towards them. I destroyed the first wave while Stella twirled her scepter launching a sun ray destroying the second one.

"Till we meet again fairies," Knott then disappeared as the three of us stared at it as my body finally took a break. Stella had fainted while I fell to my knees trying to regain my breath, noticing that both Stella and I de-transformed.

I lifted my hand to shake Stella but failed as the girl was far too exhausted to wake up.

"Let me help you, I'll take you back to my house." The girl said with a bunny next to her, "what's your name?"

"Bloom what's yours?"


I helped bloom bring Stella back from the park as Stella's head was currently on my lap. I used magic to move Stella back, making my energy weaker. I didn't fight it when my eyes began to close.

"- you believe me then." I heard Bloom's voice as a louder voice spoke, "No, I think we should call the police and take these girls to the hospital."

"No please. don't tell anyone." Stella woke up feeling her lightly shake my thigh. My eyes opened, squinting to get used to the new light.

"how do you two feel?" A nice woman was next to us looking at us both with concern, "i'm alright, thank you." I answered her while Stella gave her the same response looking at bloom, "thank you for helping us earlier, i'm stella"

"I'm cyra."

"Hi stella my name is bloom, nice to see your awake cyra."

"Should we contact your parents?" Bloom's mother asked while Stella and I shared a look.

"That might be hard, they're uh, a little far." I spoke sheepishly, messing with my ring that sky gifted me for my birthday last year.

"they're not from here." Stella let out a little giggle,"they're not even from the same place."

"Have you heard of Solaria or Eraklyon? They're pretty far away." Stella explained, "and besides our technology is more advanced than yours we're fairies after all." I helped Stella. There was no point in hiding who were considering what bloom saw and Stella spoke of our kingdoms.

"Cyra had a weird dream about earth so we decided to walk around after we were going to alfea in the realm of magixs."

"Oh but of course now. We seriously need to call the police. You don't need a doctor to tell you that these girls are seriously out of their minds." Bloom's father walked to the phone. Stella and I grew annoyed at his dismissive and a little insulting remarks.

We shared a look before shooting a spell. Stella turned the phone into a carrot and I turned the button thingy into a cabbage. Hopefully blooms bunny will like it.

"Believe us now." I said standing up with my arms crossed trying to get rid of the slight dizziness. "I saw them earlier and I believe them," Bloom told her father.

"When those creatures attacked us your daughter saved us." I gave bloom credit as I looked at her, "Blooms and cyras energy combined and sent out an energy shield."

"It was more hers than mine." I added making bloom look at me shocked, "I was weakened and your energy did the majority of the work I was just kinda the ending factor.

"I don't even know how I did it." Bloom admits. While Stella studied to look at her, "A fairy doesn't think she just does."

"I'm a fairy?" Bloom spoke in confusion, "A powerful one at that to converge powers is more difficult than you would think."

"And we did it perfectly on the first try while I can't even do it with stella."

"Of course you're a fairy, have you signed up for school at alfea castle? It's the best school for young fairies like us." Stella questioned while Bloom's father looked stressed, "no, no more nonsense please!"

"I'm sorry about your pants by the way." I walked closer, kneeling down by the large gap. I snapped my fingers doing a zigzag motion down to see the pants fixed.

"Done." I stood back up while bloom looked at it amazed and her father looked like he was gonna faint, "I have to sit down."

"Let me show you guys my room."

She then turned as Stella and I walked behind her. We walked into her bedroom looking at all the drawings on the wall, "did you draw these?" I asked my eyes not leaving them, Bloom answered 'yes'.


"Amazing." Stella took the words right out of my mouth as I looked at bloom, "sorry we're nosy."

"we?" I question looking at the blond teasingly. "It's okay...I mean things are not okay for instance I still don't understand what happened at the park," Bloom answered telling us her concerns which I understood she was from earth, a place where magic wasn't. She probably had no clue what she was until fear kicked in.

"You saved us, you should be proud of yourself in our world, magic is a part of life. Powers such as yours are typically normal." Stella stared at the night sky as I sighed

"but she's not from our world Stella, she's different." I gave Bloom a small smile while I lightly nudged Stella.

She spared me a glance before her eyes went down to one of Bloom's books. "Is your world like that?"

Stella looked through it while I strictly stayed at the drawings. They were pretty and close to a certain extent.

"Almost but it's much nicer in here." Stella answered, "it's more different than that."

"I guess it depends on your point of view. I still can't get over what happened." That was another reason why she knew the girl was completely in the dark about her magic. If it was her first time she would have been excited that her powers worked and not be confused on how they were activated.

"Strong feelings such as fear summoned up the powerful powers that are in you. They were always there, you just didn't know it. It's just a question of concentration with your energy you could do anything." Stella answered her question before bloom looked at me, "what activated yours."

"the same thing, fear, I didn't want knutt to hurt you." I fiddled with my ring once more.


"The ogre that attacked you, well us." Stella then used her powers making a punch her pens and turned it into a large color pencil, "your turn, try to use your energy to change it back into its original shape."

Bloom lifted up her hands as the large colored pencil fell to the floor, "well?"

"Nothing" Bloom sat down on her bed with her head down. I used my magic to turn the pencil into multi-colored butterflies that moved around bloom making her smile again.

"You should come with us to alfea castle tomorrow, it's a school for fairies. A new session is about to start." Stella used her magic making the butterflies back into colored pencils putting it back in their container, "you could learn how to control your powers."

"and you would make an excellent fairy." I complimented sitting beside her. "Where is alfea?"

"It's in the enchanted realm of magic. A place beyond time and space where anything is possible." Stella answered her excitement was flooding her tone of voice as her smile was as bright as her.

"If you want to see it you can." I told her standing up with Stella beside me using her magic to summon something, "this is a bottomless postcard.

She threw it on the ground watching it grow bigger with a clear picture of alfea on it. It had ripples like water as stella looked at bloom with a certain look in her eyes, "watch this."

Stella stepped in as she was slowly pulled down raising her hands high, "magic!"

She was fully through making me look at bloom, "follow us. and be careful with your landing."

I stuck my hand out for her, her hands lightly grabbed mine making me smile as we both started to be pulled down causing her grip on mine to tighten, "trust me, you'll be okay."

I smiled at her as she gave me a nervous one back. We made it through hearing blooms gasp with alfea in all her glory behind stella. It was dark on earth but here. It was beautiful, The sun was shining over alfea.

"this is alfea castle. nice isn't it? I'm sure you'd like it here."

Bloom looked nervous, "but what about my school in gardenia, I mean everything is happening so fast."

I put my hands on her shoulder, "we understand but think about it, we leave tomorrow morning, I have to be with my parents but Stella can meet with you. We're going with or without you." I grabbed her hands again almost as if I felt a new power inside me and I knew that bloom could feel it too. "You're a fairy, a powerful one, you helped us take down an ogre, you're not a regular girl, you're special. You can pretend to be a regular girl or come here and learn how to use the powers that make you special. it's your choice."

Bloom took in my words before squeezing my hands, "I'll sleep on it okay?"

Stella and I looked towards each other before nodding, "now how do we get out of here."

"Easy, you jump." Stella jumped going first as bloom followed with me after her.

A few minutes later we felt the floor shake, staring at each other in fear. We thought maybe it was an earthquake until we heard a roar, hearing the noise of broken glass, making us run down stairs. Seeing knut and a troll with him

They came back for us.

"The girl must be around her somewhere." Knut spoke loudly, causing Stella to speak, announcing our presence.

"we're right behind you."

"Now let's settle this."

Stella held her hand out letting the ring of solaria show as she screamed her kingdom's name as the ring on my hand glowed, I took a deep breath as my eyes glowed as I started to transform.

The troll got closer as Stella flew towards him landing a kick in the face.

"You dummy! you got kicked by a blond in pigtails." Knut yelled at him as I prepared a spell for him, "Lava strike!"

A lava ball hit him straight in the chest as he flew to the wall. "and by a ginger."

"we're not an ordinary blonde and ginger"

"Stella, we're completely outnumbered." I murmured as the ogre got up walking towards us, "we need to split them up now."

I reached to my right hand pressing my ring 3 times.

"I have an idea, I'll take care of the ghouls." Bloom spoke before running out of the room with the ghouls following after her.

"Alright, fairies wanna see what me and the troll can do. If I were you too I'd get ready to lick my wounds." Knutt spoke as Bloom's parents snuck out the window to safety.

"trust me ogre we're not gonna be the ones with wounds." I spoke. reading up a lava ball.

"Let's see what you guys can do. rising sun!"

"lava ball!"

Knut flew out the front door landing in front of bloom with the ogre grabbed our arms and threw us out the window.

We landed on the floor, "those were the wounds knutt was talking about." I mumbled sitting up as bloom ran towards us, "Are you guys alright?"

"yeah don't worry cyra called her brother and the other specialists."

I winced, knowing damn well my brother was going to be mad at me.

"the who." Bloom asked as Stella smiled looking at me.

The ogre walked out making the door frame bigger with his body.

He got closer making the three of us gasp as something lashed around his neck. Riven held him as the rest of the specialist team was there. Timmy has his laser gun. Sky the real one has his shield and Sword which was blue. Riven has his bola weapon which is purple. Brandon held his green phantom blade which was bigger than the real sky's. Lucas held a dark blue staff with a blade on the end of it, he leaned on it as rivens hands began to shake.

"guys i'm ready." Timmy smirked as Brandon (sky) spoke, " alright guys let's take him to jail where he belongs.

Riven held a mischievous smile, "what's the rush? don't you wanna have a little fun first."

Lucas looked at the boy, "he looks like he can swing you around like a carousel."

Sky (Brandon) boredly leaned on his sword, "yeah i wouldn't be so cocky if I were you after all this is only our first mission," His comment was cut short after riven was thrown to where the girls were sitting, "we rest our cases."

Sky (Brandon) looked at his brother who looked like he was holding in a laugh.

The troll then headed towards the rest of the specialist, "Get behind me." Brandon ( Sky) told timmy as the troll was hitting his sheiks, "sky, lucas can you two do something!"

Sky (Brandon) stopped leaning and jumped up smacking his sword down creating a crack. Timmy then let out shots on the ground making a huge hole under the troll making him unbalanced. Lucas jumped up striking the troll across the face landing in front of us. The troll fell into the hole as Lucas looked at me holding his hand out which I grabbed.

"Are you okay?" His voice was soft looking at me in worry as he looked at the small bruise under my arm, "I'm okay, don't worry."

"bullseye!" Timmy shouted as I looked over to see the ghouls, "we're not done yet."

Riven stood up using his purple phantom blade to destroy some of the ghouls; he was then punched away from Knutt who finally got back up. Seconds later Bloom knocked him down with a hand motion that Stella was teaching her.

"See told you, you could do it." Stella told her.

Bloom looked at her hand, "I'm really a fairy."

"I'm never wrong."

Knutt got up with ghouls on his back as we all surrounded him. He looked around nervously before clapping twice and a purple light took him away.

"Finally this fight is over." She then started walking towards me and the specialist, "meet your five heroes."

"Riven, Prince Sky, Timmy, Brandon who's prince Sky's squire and the boy next to Cyra is Lucas her squire." They each said their hellos except Riven with his usual charm.

The troll was starting to come up from the hole and Timmy wrapped a device around his neck covering him in yellow lasers making his body to grow weak and easy to travel with since he was now floating.

Timmy and Riven opened up a portal and were the first to walk through as Sky the real one called me over with Brandon and Lucas, "are you out of your mind?" Sky whispered.

"They attacked first and when we beat them the first time he called reinforcements so I called you guys. you're welcome."

Brandon looked at me, "are you and stella hurt?"

"A couple bruises but we can heal them. honestly we're fine."

"Thank you for calling us. " Lucas told me his eyes burned into mine as he refused to look away from me the entire conversation, "of course, you three will always be one's I call."

Sky nodded before leaving with Lucas and brandon.

I turned to the others, "I have to go, my father would kill me if I don't get back with Sky."

"Sky?" Bloom questioned, "my brother."

I smiled as I held a post card in my hand. "I'll see you two tomorrow morning." I threw it down standing into it falling down to home. Eraklyon.

I walked towards my room as It was late. My parents were most likely sleeping. I headed towards my room using my magic to organize all my bags.

I put a photo of my parents, sky and me in my luggage and a separate one of me with my boys.

I closed it as Sky entered my room, "i'm okay really."

"I know. but I can still be worried." Sky replied as he leaned on the door frame, "lucas is pretty worried too."

I froze before moving my luggage in the corner of my room, "he shouldn't be."

"And I'm ready for alfea as are you three to go to the red fountain tomorrow after you drop me off." I smacked off the invisible dirt off my hands. "Have you met him yet?"

The question took me off guard, one thing that sky was bad at. At least with me was his way of bluntly talking about a situation I didn't want to talk about. Some people would have the decency to one not ask or at least beat around the bush. But not sky.

The air was now tense, "no I haven't."

"knowing father, you will."

I stayed silent. The man I was arranged to marry was unknown. All I knew was that he was related to someone at red fountain, most likely one of the students. His name was as unknown as his family. Cyra hated the fact that she knew nothing. She also hated that with her title the choice of marrying someone wasn't up to her. She wasn't able to choice at least not with her father calling the shots.

"Don't go to bed late." Sky told his little sister, giving her a brotherly kiss on the crown of her head before leaving the room.

She listened to him and fell asleep minutes after he left, with bloom on her mind.

Luna speaks!
I hope you like the first Winx club episode. I tried implicating some of Cryas spells but as the series continues she obviously uses more and will gain more over time with the new transformation. I also changed Kai's name to Lucas and added another detail to the previous chapter which is that Cyra is arranged, it happened to most and a lot of royals. So to add some drama I made her arranged especially since yk lucas is a little wuss right now.

Also when it comes to bad language and something more mature is that something y'all want? I know most winx fans are older so just let me guys know plus it would make the fic funner.

Also imagine the crown being gold with jewels it's just the shape of the crown not how it actually looks like.

Don't be a ghost reader, comment your own opinions or comments. I love reading them. Vote so I know you enjoyed and follow to see more of my books. I love y'all see you in the next one!

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