Royal Guardian

Par emmmmmzZ

32 17 0

| SYNOPSIS | Wen Xin, the Prince of Western State has been in love with a girl named Gao Hong. She is a wande... Plus



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Par emmmmmzZ

He didn't realise that Nianian is already in front of him and has already long practised. The sect leader also long gone because he still needed to train his disciples. If Cao Zhi didn't beamed him, he might not yet go back to his reverie.

"Nianian." He uttered.

"Your majesty, sorry for not welcoming you."

"It's okay."

Nianian sat on the chair and poured herself a tea and drank it before looking at him. "What are you doing here, your majesty?"

He also sat and let Cao Zhi pour him tea. "Me? I just came here to visit you. It has been a month since you came here so I personally came here to bring you back to the palace."

"I was planning to go back to the palace today, your majesty."

"Then, why are you still here training?"

"Well I'm still trying to practise with this guardian sword since I think it's a little bit heavier than the sword I always carry."

He looked at her sword. "What? Do you want me to change it?"

Nianian immediately hugged the sword. "No need! I am already used to its heaviness and I just need to practise with it."

"Fine. Let's go back to the palace now, shall we?" He asked and Nianian just rolled her eyes and got up.

"Let's go!" She said and while they were heading their way out of the sect, Nianian almost bid everyone goodbye until they arrived at his carriage. He immediately helped her ascend to the carriage and follow suit. 

While they were on their way, Nianian just kept looking outside the window and it gave him time to stare at her. He didn't realise that he was already smiling when the carriage still didn't stomp on a stone that almost made him kiss the ground. Good thing Nianian saw him and immediately held his chest to stop him from falling.

When the carriage stopped, Cao Zhi peeped on the door but when he saw their position, he just closed the door. "Your majesty, are you two okay there?" 

"We're okay." He said. Nianian immediately sat properly when the carriage started moving. He just cleared his throat and looked straight.

When they arrived at the capital, he saw how amazed Nianian was while looking at the bustling street.

He looked at the window beside him and watched the people. "Nianian, how about we walk from here?"

Nianian smiling eyes looked at him. "What do you mean, your majesty?"

"Cao Zhi, stop the carriage!" He ordered and when the carriage stopped, he hold Nianian's hand and pulled her outside the carriage. When they already get off the carriage, he looked at Cao Zhi. "Cao Zhi, order some men to send the carriage home. You can just tail us later."

"Yes, your majesty."

He immediately pulled Nianian to the nearest hairpin vendor and let her try some hairpins. "How about this?" He asked. The hairpin looks extravagant and simple. It is a jade hairpin without any design but carved perfectly.

"Your majesty, I just want to tell you that I don't use hairpins."

He looked at her from head to toe. "How about we buy you a dress?"

She looked at him blankly. "I am good with this attire now, your majesty. I've been using this for the past years."

He sighed and put back the jade hairpin and left him there. So much for a good day.

Nianian just shook her head when the emperor left her in the stall.

"Miss, I think you anger your husband." The vendor said so she looked at him.

Husband? Tsk.

She just shook her head and took the jade hairpin. She bought it and kept it in her pocket then followed the emperor. She saw him looking at the rouge stall, then going to the bracelet's stall, and to the fans before he went to a restaurant.

For an emperor who rarely goes outside, he is a little bit knowledgeable about the street.

She looked at Cao Zhi and neared him. "Cao Zhi, go and accompany his highness. I just have something to do. Don't wander around, you should not leave the restaurant without me. I'll go back immediately." She ordered. Cao Zhi nodded and went inside the restaurant.

While she went inside a dress store and was welcomed by the store manager. "Miss, are you here to buy a dress? We have so many good quality dresses that have just arrived this morning."

She smiled and took out the jade hairpin she bought. "Miss, can you find me a dress that will complement this hairpin?"

When the store manager started pulling her towards the dresses, she immediately followed and tried to choose a dress for herself.

"Cao Zhi, where did she go?" He asked while looking at the door.

"Your majesty, you have been asking me that for the 10th time. And my answer is still safe. I don't know. She just told me that she has something to do and will come back immediately. Maybe she is already coming back and was just delayed."

He sighed. Did she get angry when I left without talking? Or maybe felt abandoned?

"How about we go out and find her?"

Cao Zhi immediately shook his head. "Your majesty, Miss Nianian specifically told me not to leave the restaurant without her."

He annoyingly took his chopstick and started eating. He was in the middle of eating meatballs when someone sat on the chair in front of them.

He choked with the meatball when he saw the woman in front of her.

"Your majesty!" Cao Zhi said and gave him a glass of water. It took him a minute before his cough stopped and looked at the woman again thinking it was his eyes that were tricking him.

There it is again. The woman who is shining and smiling at him. "Cao Zhi, can you see Nianian in front of me?"

"Your majesty, what are you talking about?" Cao Zhi asked, so he looked at him and pointed in the direction of the woman. "Your majesty, there is none."

He looked again and there was really no Nianian in a dress. Maybe he got obsessed with wanting a Nianian to wear a dress just like before. He is even hallucinating.

He shook his head and stopped eating. He got up. "Cao Zhi, let's go find Nianian." He said and was about to leave their table when there went his hallucinations again but now, she's in the door.

"This is bad, Cao Zhi. I'm already hallucinating during the day."

Cao Zhi laughed. "Your majesty, she is real." He said and sat on the chair and continued eating.

He was just staring at Nianian who is now nearing them. He didn't know what happened but he is getting weak. He tried to sit down but the chair moved and it almost made him fall. Good thing Nianian is fast and helped him stand firmly.

Nianian looked at him worriedly. "Your majesty, are you okay?"

He cleared his throat. "I—I'm okay." He said and sat on his chair. "Go and eat now. We've been waiting for you. Cao Zhi is even getting impatient and even wants to go out to find you." He said and started eating. Cao Zhi was about to talk but he eyed him so he remained silent.

When she started eating, he already had time to look at her secretly. Then the jade hairpin caught his attention. He smiled inwardly and saw Cao Zhi looking at him weirdly but he just ignored him and finished eating.

After they finish their food, they leave the restaurant and start walking on the street. He didn't know that there had been so many changes since the last time he came out to play. And that was 3 years ago.

As an emperor, he only goes out of the palace when he has an expedition and today is the first time he goes out again after many years. But the reason still remains the same. Her.

It is already getting late but the street is becoming more lively and bustling. There are also many people coming and there are some entertaining people in the middle of the street.

"Cao Zhi, why are there people wearing masks?"

Cao Zhi looked around. "Your majesty, I remember that today is a mask festival. People here will use masks and have a dance with their beloved."

He nodded and looked for a stall selling masks. He pulled Nianian there and looked for a mask that would suit her.

He saw a pink mask that can be paired up with her dress. He put it on. "It's good."

"Your majesty, how about I also picked a mask for you?" She asked and looked at the masks in front of her. She saw a cat and a tiger mask. "This cat mask is definitely made for you, your majesty."

"Why did you say so?"

She put on the cat mask on his face before answering. "Because it can be tamed and at the same time, more soft than the tiger. And this tiger mask is definitely for Cao Zhi because he is stronger and braver than his majesty. Cao Zhi, here, your mask."

Cao Zhi immediately took the mask and put it on. "Thank you, Miss Nianian."

He looked at Nianian sharply. "You are insulting me!"

"Your majesty, I dare not. But, the truth hurts."


Nianian immediately walked away. "Let's start celebrating the mask festival, shall we?"

They immediately followed her and she stopped on a dragon show. He was just behind her and staring at her happy face. Sometimes, when she laughed, he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

And it dawns on him, he keeps on falling more and he knows he can't get up. Not because he wanted to, but because he wanted to fall more and more. And it scared him because he doesn't want an unrequited love.

After the dragon show, Nianian went to a cock fight and even cheered those two chicken fights. When he saw her betting, he immediately stopped her. "Nianian!"

"Don't be a killjoy, your majesty. Cao Zhi, what chicken are you betting? I'll bet on the red one."

Cao Zhi also looked at the chicken and took out his pouch to bet. "Miss Nianian, I'll bet on the whole chicken."

Nianian clapped. "Good! I'll definitely win this!" She said and watched the fight carefully.

When the cockfighting finished and the white chicken won, she already remained silent and reached the stage where many people were dancing.

He looked at the stage. "Let's go and dance." He said and pulled her. Nianian let him pull her and when they reached the stage's middle, they immediately danced with the rhythm.

"Thank you for today, your majesty." He heard Nianian say.

"You're welcome. Thank you too, for changing your clothes. It feels like the old time." He murmured.

Nianian smiled. "It's just so sad that we can't go back to where we we're in the past."

"Why can't we? Nianian, can't you see that I'm still in love with you? I will never forget you. Since we got married in that house, I already promised myself not to marry anyone if it's not you."

"I know, your majesty. But I never wanted to be in a cage in the palace. If you really know me, you know that I love my freedom and even you can't stop me from holding my freedom. Your majesty, you are already the emperor who works for the people while I am a martial artist who is helping the people. Why not we remain that way and be a partner in serving the people?"

"But I want a deeper relationship with you, Nianian."

She smiled at him. "Unless we're in a different time and we are both civilians, I might agree, your majesty. Also, I have my Hong Xin now. I can't just decide on my own now."

He looked at her. "What? Hong Xin also decides for you?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"That's nonsense! How can he decide for himself? Is he that important in your life?"

"More important than my life, your majesty. But even if you think that I am stingy, my reasons will never falter. I can't just sacrifice my life in the palace and won't have peaceful days over my lifetime. Let's go back to the palace now, your majesty." She said and left him on the dance stage. 

He was just looking at her before he followed her. When they arrived at the palace, Eunuch Bi was already there, waiting for them.

"Eunuch Bi, what are you doing here?"

"Your majesty, I have nothing to do in the palace so I wait for you here." He said and guided him to his room. "Your majesty, what do you want to eat today?"

"I won't eat now. I have already eaten dinner earlier." He said and lay on his bed. When Eunuch Bi left, he immediately slept.

When he woke up, he immediately called Eunuch Bi to put on his clothes. When they left his room, he saw Nianian and Cao Zhi waiting for him so they all went to the court for his morning meeting. Cao Zhi stayed outside the palace while Nianian and Eunuch came with him inside.

"The emperor arrived!" A eunuch announced and while he was sitting on his chair, the ministers were kneeling and bowing.

"May you long live and prosper, your majesty!"

"Get up."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"Say your report now or we'll dismiss the meeting!" Eunuch Bi announced.

Minister Li forward. "Your majesty, the Northern State has been getting impatient for your answer about the marriage alliance."

He looked at Nianian when he saw her gaze on him. He was about to close the meeting when Minister Mo also came forward.

"Your majesty, you have been conferred as an emperor 3 years ago but you still have no woman in your harem. As an emperor, producing a heir is also a responsibility."

All ministers bow. "Your majesty, please accept the marriage alliance."

He sighed. "Enough. I will need to think it through before I make a decision. Meeting adjourned." He said and left the court.

When they reach his palace, Eunuch Bi and Cao Zhi stay outside and Nianian is still keeping him company as a guardian.

"Nianian, I don't have a plan to agree on the marriage alliance." He immediately said when they were the only one left.

"Your majesty, I don't know why you are telling me that. You can agree to it without telling me."

He hold Nianian's shoulder and force her to look at him. "Look at me. Nianian," He ordered and Nianian's emotionless eyes looked at him.

"I am telling you this because you are my legal wife. You are the only woman that I will love and marry again and again."

Nianian took off his hand on her shoulder. "Your majesty, our marriage is nothing but false. The ceremony wasn't completed because our parents weren't present at that wedding. So don't use our wedding as an excuse because, your majesty, I don't have any feelings for you anymore. I just came here as a guardian because of my skills. I hope you let me do my job and you do yours." Nianian said and went outside.

He laughed bitterly while shaking his head in disbelief. "What you said is like telling me to let go of you. Hong'er, do you think I don't want to? I want to let go of you so much but I can't! Because I can't let go of you anymore! And I will definitely make you feel the same." He said and walked towards his desk. He distracted his thoughts by reading memorials.

Then he read a memorial about the drought in Senzhu. "Cao Zhi!"

Cao Zhi immediately gets inside. "I'm here, your majesty."

"Have you learned about the drought in Senzhu?"

"I learned about it months ago, your majesty. The drought has been there since the middle of the year and people there have been having a hard time finding a source of water to drink."

"Months ago. That's too long. Did the officials already do something about it?"

"No one did, your majesty. The drought happened for a long time but the report just came in. Maybe, the officials don't really know what to do with the drought there and report it to you."

He sighed. "Go, and prepare the carriages and horses. Tell the Wen Army to go and get ready too. We'll go to Senzhu."


"Enough. Go now. Tell Eunuch Bi to come in." He said. Cao Zhi left and Eunuch Bi came inside. "Eunuch Bi, I'll go to the Senzhu today. The drought there has been getting out of hand and I need to personally go and solve the problem there. Stay here and manage the palace."

"But, your majesty, how about the marriage alliance? I heard that the Northern States army has been camping day and night outside the Western State border waiting for your reply."

"Don't worry, they won't do anything reckless without my reply yet. Just let them camp there, for now, focus on managing the palace. Visit the grand empress dowager for me when you have time. Bring some supplements or anything she wants."

"I got it, your majesty. Then, I'll excuse myself now."

"Go now."


While they are going to Senzhu, he and Nianian are in the carriage. They were silent for the whole trip so he just decided to rest his eyes until he fell asleep.

But an intense earthquake happened that woke him up. He heard his men outside shouting so he looked and saw a large stone falling from the road and they were all blocking it away from the carriage he was in.

"Stay here, I'll go outside." Nianian said and left him alone in the carriage. But right after Nianian left the carriage, the scared horse got out of hand and started running.

"Cao Zhi!"

"Your majesty, I can't stop them!"

"Slice the harness that connects to the carriage! Now!" He ordered and in just a second, Cao Zhi did it and the horses ran away. But the carriage had a bad impact and it turned upside down. He got beat up with the carriage walls that made him dizzy.

When the earthquake stopped, she saw the carriage upside down not far from where she was standing. "Your majesty!" She immediately ran towards the carriage and got in. She saw the emperor who was trying to get out. She saw blood rushing on his head so she immediately helped him get out of the carriage.

The army physician immediately checked the Emperor's wound while the other army turned the carriage in its normal state. She also saw Cao Zhi approaching with the two horses who may have run away earlier.

When Cao Zhi finished putting the horse's harness on the carriage, he went to her side. "Miss Nianian, is his majesty alright?"

She looked at the emperor who was now unconscious. "He'll be okay, don't worry."

When the army physician finished treating the Emperor's wound, they put the unconscious emperor inside the carriage while she used her lap as his pillow so he'll have a comfortable rest.

Before they started to set off, Cao Zhi peeped at them. "Miss Nianian, are you two okay there?"

"Yes, Cao Zhi. Let's go now. We might arrive at Junzhu before it gets dark. We'll have a rest there." She said,

"I got it, Miss Nianian." Cao Zhi said and they set off.

When he woke up, he was about to get up when a familiar fragrance invaded his nostril. He opened his left eyes slowly to see his surroundings. He was resting on Nianian's lap!

Then a hand started caressing his hair. He can't help but close his eyes as he savours the familiar feeling that he had been longing for years.

Then a stone made the carriage jump that made him feel the pain in his head. He immediately sat properly while holding his head. "It hurts."

"You wake up. Your majesty, I failed to protect you from being wounded, I accept any punishment," he heard Nianian say.

He looked at her and saw her kneeling on the carriage so he immediately helped her sit. "Forget it. It's my fault that I got injured. You did your job well so don't dwell on it." He said and at the same time, the carriage stopped. He looked outside the window and saw a place that looked deserted.

Did the earthquake do this? He sighed. "Cao Zhi, send some men to inquire about an inn nearby." He ordered. They waited for almost half an hour before Cao Zhi opened the door of the carriage.

"All of the inns here in Junzhu collapsed because the earthquake's centre fell here in Junzhu, your majesty.  Thus the place looks deserted. People are also scared and lose their homes. What will we do now, your majesty?"

"We should also help the people here in Junzhu. But the drought in Senzhu should also needed to be solved. What should we do?" He asked himself while trying to think of a way.

"How about we split the group into two? You lead the other group in Sezhu while I lead the other group here. How's that, your majesty?"

Cao Zhi nodded. "I'm afraid, that's the only way, your majesty."

"But I don't want to leave you here alone." He said to Nianian and Cao Zhi immediately leave them alone while Nianian cleared her throat. "What if you get hurt? Or what if a stronger earthquake hit again? I can't protect you when it happens."

"Your majesty, it is me who protected you on the way."

"I don't care. Nianian, what if you leave me again?"

"Your majesty, I am your guardian, why would I leave? I just suggested that plan so it can lighten your worries. Looks like I just gave you a burden again." He saw how her face became sad.

"No! I agree with your plan." He immediately said and he saw how her face lightened up.

"Okay, you said it, your majesty." She said and got out of the carriage. When he followed, he saw her talking with the army that would accompany him to the Senzhu.

"Cao Zhi, accompany Nianian here in Junzhu."

"But, she told me to accompany you to Senzhu, your majesty." Cao Zhi told him.

"I am your master so I should be the one who you will follow." He said.

"But, your majesty, have you forgotten? Miss Nianian is your master. Who is more important than?"

His eyes widened and looked at his surroundings. Good thing there are no other people who heard what Cao Zhi said. "Shh! That's my secret, you know." Cao Zhi just nodded teasingly, making him shake his head." Anyway, send men to get earthquake relief in the palace. 

"Got it, your majesty." Cao Zhi said and left. Then Nianian near him.

"Your majesty, how about have a rest first here in Junzhu before you set out for Senzhu?"

"No need. We'll immediately set out tonight and just have a short break later at midnight in the forest. Then we'll continue again so we will immediately arrive at Senzhu before lunch tomorrow."

"Okay. Your majesty, I already told Cao Zhi to be with you in Senzhu. He might be a little slow in some things but he is a good fighter, I'll be reassured to let you go on Senzhu without me."

"How about you then? You don't have someone to protect you when a danger happens, Nianian."

She smiled. "I am your guardian, your majesty. I excelled in my assessment so I can protect myself just fine. Go now. It is getting late, we need to rescue the people here too. Be careful, your majesty."

He sighed and nodded. "You too." He said and got inside the carriage. When they started leaving, he looked at Nianian outside the window for the last time before he sat properly.

Nianian, don't worry. I'll finish my work immediately and go back to you.


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