Royal Guardian

By emmmmmzZ

32 17 0

| SYNOPSIS | Wen Xin, the Prince of Western State has been in love with a girl named Gao Hong. She is a wande... More



3 1 0
By emmmmmzZ

The sect leader and Nianian kneeled and bowed. "Your majesty, may you long live and prosper."

He nodded. "You may get up."

The two get up and stand straight. Then the sect leader went forward. "Your majesty, according to the assessed people of our sect, Gao Nianian excelled in all of it. That's why I decided to send her here in exchange for the last guardian. Hope you'll accept her, your majesty."

He was about to talk when Minister Fudi moved forward. "Your majesty, even if Gao Nianian excelled in the assessment, the fact still remains that she is a woman and females always put their emotions in everything. How can she protect you if something happens?"

Minister Fao also moved forward. "I agree with Minister Fudi, your majesty. Over the decades, there has been no other woman who became guardian of the emperor."

He was about to talk when a Nianian forward. "Your majesty, minister, can I say something?" She looked at him so he nodded to tell her to continue. "While I was studying the history of the guardians, I came across the story of the first and only woman who became a guardian. Through her bravery and unwavering spirit, she ease the minister's doubts and face the discrimination of different gender. So what if I am just a woman? The fact still remains that I am a woman who is willing to protect and guard the emperor."

Ministers started whispering but Minister Fao was still not convinced. "But—"

"Enough. Miss Nianian was my saviour when I had an expedition to the Xinzhu. She saved me from the hand of those assassins so I know she'll be a good guardian." He said. "Also, there are no rules that women can't be guardians. When we, men, can be a guardian, then women can also be. The late emperor already broke the discrimination of men and women who can join in the imperial college, why can't we accept women to be a guardian? That's just plain nonsense."

Eunuch Bi cleared his throat before he talked. "Let's start the guardian ceremony!" He announced and he handed him the guardian sword.

He gets up while holding the sword on both of his hands and goes in front of Nianian who is now kneeling.

"Miss Nianian, are you ready to get hurt and die for the emperor? Are you ready to follow the emperor, be his protector until death and keep the safety of the emperor?"

"I am ready, your majesty!"

"Don't be reckless, be loyal and honest and respect the emperor."

"Yes, your majesty!"

"Are you willing to be the Emperor's shield and sword in any time and any place?"

"I am willing, your majesty!"

"I, as an emperor, am now bestowing you to be my guardian. This is the sword that will be with you throughout your journey as a guardian. Keep it safe and use it when necessary."

Nianian took the sword. "Yes, your majesty."

"Get up."

"Thank you, your majesty." Nianian said and was about to get up when she took a wrong step and almost fell to the ground. Good thing he had fast reflexes and caught her on time. She immediately gets up when she realises their position. "Sorry about that, your majesty."

"Forget about it." He said and looked at Eunuch Bi. "Eunuch  Bi." He nodded.

"Morning meeting, dismissed!"

While sending off her sect leader, she was just listening to his leader while she's busy looking at her sword.

"Nianian, I need to go back now. I still need to personally welcome those new recruited members of our sect. Don't worry about Hong Xin, your master will definitely take care of him."

She nodded. "Thank you, leader. Don't worry too, I will protect the Emperor at all costs."

"I don't worry about that because I know that you can do it. I'm more worried about you. I know how you wanted revenge about what happened years ago and I'm scared that you will be hurt in the process. Don't be reckless and impulsive, okay?"

She nodded and smiled. "Leader, don't worry, you know that I don't move without evidence.  And I am here to personally investigate what happened 3 years ago so I plan to lie low and not make a ruckus in the palace."

"That's good. I'll get going." He said and left with the carriage. While she went back to the Emperor's court and saw him talking with Cao Zhi so she planned to enter after their conversation but he signed him to get inside so she got in.

"Your majesty." She bowed.

"Nianian, we're talking about the assassination happened on the riverside that night. I wanna ask you, when you were having a fight with them, have you seen something that can be a clue for our investigation?"

She tried to think about what happened that night and it seems like she did see something. "Your majesty, when I was fighting that day, I accidentally cut the enemy's cape and saw a mark on the left side of his neck."

"A mark? Can you recall it?" She nodded. "That's good. Please draw it." He said and let her sit on his chair.

She doesn't have a choice but to draw the mark she saw on the enemy's neck. After a while, she gave him the drawing and got up.

"I think this mark looks familiar." The emperor said and gave it to Cao Zhi. "Cao Zhi, try to investigate who's sect has that marking. Also, prepare a room for Nianian since she's staying here in the palace."

"Yes, your majesty." Then he left.

She goes in front and bow. "Your majesty, I don't need a room for resting since I'll stay awake and will only have a light rest outside your room."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Nianian. As a guardian, you also need privacy for yourself. Even if you won't have a rest there, at least there is something that you can own in the palace."

"But I don't need anything in the palace, your majesty."

The emperor sighed. "I know. But I will still make a room for you and don't bother refusing it. Now, I will need to read memorials and you should do your job as a guardian now."

She sighed. "Yes, your majesty."

It has been a week since Nianian came to the palace as the guardian and he can see how dedicated she is to her work. She did say the truth when she told him that she doesn't need a room for resting because it's been a week and she only goes to her room 2 times. And it is because he urges her to go and have a rest. She doesn't even go without ordering her.

They are now in the court for the morning meeting and before he dismisses the meeting, his only brother Fen Xin arrives. His brother was sent to the frontier to fight off those rebels who killed the civilians there. After 3 months, he came back.

"Long live, your majesty." Fen Xin said. "Your majesty, my task to subdue those rebels has been done and now, they are already in the ministry of justice for investigation and trials. Please give us advice, your majesty."

"Don't bother that anymore, Prince Fen Xin. Let the ministry do their job while you have a rest in your palace."

"Thank you, your majesty." Fen Xin said.

The morning meeting was dismissed and he was about to go to his palace when his brother stopped him. "Brother, why are you still here?"

"Brother, I missed you when I was on the frontier so I wanna ask you to go hunting with me today."

He laughed. "Okay." He looked at Eunuch Bi. "Eunuch Bi, please ready my arrow." He ordered and looked at Cao Zhi. "Cao Zhi, ready the horses and men."

Eunuch Bi and Cao Zhi both nodded. "Yes, your majesty." And they left.

While she looked at Nianian who was busy looking at his brother, he immediately blocked his brother and smiled. "How about, you go change your clothes now for hunting, brother?"

His brother looked at his war clothes. "Isn't this appropriate?"

"Well, uh, maybe a little more comfortable clothes?"

"Okay, I'll go change first then. Let's just meet on the hunting ground." He said and left.

He looked at Nianian who was still looking at his brother so he watched her annoyingly until she felt his stares. "Your majesty, why are you looking at me?"

"What? Done watching my brother? Is he handsome?"

She nodded. "Yes, he is, your majesty."

"Then do you think he is more charming than me now?"

She stared at him for a minute then smirked. "Your majesty, may I know what you are trying to say?"

He looked away. "Forget it. Let's go to the hunting ground now."

He was about to walk away when she stopped him. "Your majesty, I want to clear myself so excuse me for being straight forward. Your majesty, his highness did look handsome and brave, he looks literate as well and can handle affairs from the inside and outside of the palace, he can also lead the army and he is brave from facing the enemies. That's why I am asking myself why did you—uhm—"

He looked at her and instigated her to continue what she was saying. "Continue it."

"Your majesty, you should promise me not to punish me if you feel insulted by my words."

"Just continue what you are trying to say."

"Your majesty, I'm asking myself why did you become an emperor when your brother is more suitable to be one." She said it too fast but he still understood it.

"How dare you!"

She kneeled and bowed in front of him. "Your majesty, you promised me!"

He sighed annoyingly and was about to talk when Cao Zhi arrived. "Your majesty, it's done."

He nodded and eyed his guardian. "Good. Get up now and let's go." He said and started walking.

"Thank you, your majesty!" Nianian shouted, making him smile and just shook his head.

On the grand empress dowager, men in black were summoned secretly and now talking with the dowager. "Your highness, prince Fen Xin, has already met the emperor and they will be hunting today. Please give us instructions."

The grand empress dowager smirked. "That's good timing. Go and prepare to assassinate the emperor. Don't hurt my grandson Fen Xin. I will definitely confer him as an emperor after the assassination."

"We got it, your highness!" The men in black said and they all left. While she was smiling inwardly as she was waiting for the good news.

When they arrived at the hunting ground, Fen Xin was already there waiting while taming his horse. When he saw them, he immediately guided the horse towards them.

"Brother, how about we have a competition? The one who had the most hunted animals will win. What do you think?"

He nodded. "That's good. One incense is already good. The more who hunted within that incense time will win."

"Okay, brother." His brother said. When the incense was lit, they both went to a different path. He had his eight skilled warriors with him for his safety while Nianian and Cao Zhi were beside him.

When he saw a black pig, he immediately aimed his bow and shot. Cao Zhi immediately went there and took the black pig.

They started looking for prey again when Nianian stopped them. "Don't you think it is so quiet?"

"What do you mean?"

Nianian looked in front and swiftly flew over his horse. He barely sees her and only realises when he saw her pierce with an arrow and soaking in her own blood. "Protect the emperor!" She shouted when men in black appeared. His men immediately fought with them and even the injured Nianian tried her best to block all the arrows aiming at him. After a while, Nianian took his bow and aimed at the forest and shot it. That's when he saw a man who had been trying to kill him.

When the enemies feel like they are getting loose, they immediately leave, that's when Nianian falls to his arm, unconscious.

Cao Zhi immediately check Nianian's wound. "Your majesty, the arrow is poisoned!"

He got enraged. They really wanted him dead. And now, even the woman he loves was hurt because of him!

"Call the imperial physician! Let's go back to the palace!" He said and carried Nianian.

While the imperial physician is treating her, he comes to him. "Your majesty, I am sorry for being incompetent but, the poisoned arrow has already infected some of her flesh. The arrow should be taken out first so I can treat her wound and find out what poison it is."

"Then take the arrow out now!"

"But, your majesty, I don't have any sedatives. She might feel unbearable when I take out the arrow."

He sighed and went inside. He saw Nianian lying on the bed, pale and unmoving. When he sat beside her, she tried to open her eyes. He holds her hand. "Nianian, the physician said that if we take out the arrow without sedative, you'll feel unbearable pain. How about I tell Cao Zhi to get the sedatives first to the imperial hospital. Can you still hold on?"

"Y-Your majesty, I can still take the pain. Take out the arrow now. I can take it."


In one swift move, she took out the arrow on her own flesh. "Urgh!"

"Nianian! Are you crazy?" He hissed. "Physician Chu! Come inside!" He shouted and the physician immediately got in and stopped the blood coming out of Nianian's wound. Nianian was still bearing the pain and stopping herself from shouting. After a while, Nianian fell asleep.

He immediately felt worried. "Physician Chu, what happened to her?"

"Your majesty, feel at ease. Miss Nianian was too tired from the pain she felt so she was resting. I already treated her wound and I am done checking the poison. I already gave her the antidote, so she's now in a good condition but she needs to rest for a month and avoid strenuous activities that can trigger her inner force or the wound will open again."

"Thank you, Physician Chu. Cao Zhi, go and reward Physician Chu." He ordered and went beside Nianian.

He felt scared and amazed at the same time when Nianian took out the arrow herself. It makes him love her more but he needs to restrain himself because she doesn't acknowledge her anymore and only sees him as an emperor.

But, who are those men who tried to assassinate him again?

"Useless! You are all useless!" The grand empress dowager was angry and even slapped all the men in front of her. They are the only men left who manage to go back to her.

"I'm sorry, your highness. We prepared everything but the guardian of the emperor was fast and blocked the arrow that was about to kill the emperor."

"Isn't that the woman who became the emperor's guardian? Is she capable of even failing the task I gave you?"

"But she can still fight after getting poisoned from the arrow, your highness."

The grand dowager empress sat on her chair angrily. "Looks like she is not a simple woman."

"What would we do now, your highness?"

"Investigate that woman. And we'll lie low for the time being. I will call you when an opportunity knocks at us. Go now." The empress dowager said while massaging her temple. When the men left, her maidservant came in.

"Your highness, are you okay?"

"Ningning, don't worry, I am alright."

"Your highness, don't you want to go and visit the guardian of the emperor?"

"We can't go there yet. They might get suspicious of why we know that the guardian was injured. The Emperor didn't let the news come out so we should also keep calm."

"Yes, your highness."

While waiting for Nianian to wake up, Cao Zhi came in." Your majesty, the leader of Miss Nianian is here. He told me that he immediately came when he sent him a letter."

It's only been two hours since he sent the letter. That's fast. "Let him in." He said.

When the sect leader came in, he immediately gave him a bow. "Your majesty."

"Sect leader, I just sent the letter to you and you're now here."

"Your majesty, I was here in the capital when the letter came, that's why I immediately came here." He said and looked at his disciple. "Your majesty, can I ask to take Nianian to the Denxin sect?"

"Can I ask why?"

"Your majesty, our physician there became Nianian's father figure for the past years and her wound might healed faster with the treatment of that old man. Our place is also appropriate for her to recuperate, your majesty."

He looked at Nianian and sighed. "Okay. Thank you, sect leader."

"It's okay, your majesty. I will send a substitute tomorrow as your guardian. After Nianian is all healed, I will let her go back here and do her job as a guardian."

He nodded and carried Nianian to the sect leader's carriage. He just sends them off and goes back to his palace.

He busied himself from reading memorials but he still think about the assassination. He looked at Cao Zhi who was standing in front of him and just watching him. "Cao Zhi, don't you think that the assassination happened is a little bit suspicious? How come they can go to my hunting ground?"

"Your majesty, what do you mean?"

"My hunting ground is well-protected and outsiders can't go in anytime they want. Unless, they are skilled assassins and know someone inside the palace who told them the way towards the hunting ground."

"Your majesty, are you suspecting the prince?"

"No. My brother might have the reason to assassinate me but he won't do it upfront. People in the palace knows that he was the one who asked me to hunt and he is not a fool to assassinate me."

"Then who else are you suspecting, your majesty?"

"The eight skilled warriors with us will never move without my order so they are also crossed out from being the suspect. Other than that, there is no other suspect that I can think of."

"Your majesty, maybe I can find a clue on those killed men. Please send me there."

He got up. "I should personally check them. Let's go." He said and they both go to the ministry of justice.

When they reached the ministry of justice, they were sent to where they put the dead men. He immediately looks for clues on their arms and even looks if there is something that can be used as a clue on their pockets. Then he saw something on the left side of their neck. "Cao Zhi, look, this is the mark that Nianian drew last week, right?"

Cao Zhi looked at the mark and nodded. "That right, your majesty."

He sighed. "Looks like the assassin has a connection in the palace."

"Your majesty, how about I try to investigate all the people in the palace?"

He smirked. "Are you out of your mind, Cao Zhi? If you investigate all the people here in the palace, when will your investigation be done? I think Nianian was wrong, you never learned for the past years." He shook his head.

"What did Miss Nianian say to me, your majesty?"

"Nothing. Anyways, keep your investigation secret, don't let anyone know about it."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Let's go to my room now." He said and they left the ministry of justice.

It's been a month since Nianian was sent to their sect to recuperate and he doesn't have any idea how she is now since he got busy with the palace too.

When he woke up that day, he had the urge to visit her in their sect. "Cao Zhi, come in!" He said after he was done putting his clothes on.

"Your majesty."

"Cao Zhi, go and prepare a carriage. I'll go to the Denxin Sect today." He said.

"But the morning meeting, your majesty. Won't you attend it?"

"Let Eunuch Bi handle the ministers. Go now." He said. While waiting for Cao Zhi, he also ordered the substitute of Nianian to come with them since he knew the way and he didn't.

He was alone on the carriage so he busied himself from looking at the people who were also busy doing their job on the street.

After two hours on the road, they already stopped so he got out. Cao Zhi helped him descend on the carriage.

He looked around and saw a big gate and inside it were people who were busy training. Sisi—the man who was a substitute of Nianian—went inside to inform the sect leader of his arrival. It only took a minute when the sect leader came out to welcome him.

"Your majesty, sorry for not welcoming you."

"It's okay. I came uninvited so I should assume that there are no people that will welcome me. Anyways, is Nianian okay?"

"Nianian is already healed up and just got out of her room from recuperation. She's in her yard training, your majesty. How about I call her here?"

"No need. I will just go there." He said and went in. "Please lead the way, sect leader." The sect leader nodded and immediately led the way. Those disciples that saw them also bow to him and continue training.

When they reached Nianian's yard, he immediately looked at her in awe. She was training with the guardian's sword and dancing with the wind. There are also leaves falling from the plum tree and it only makes him fall in love even more.


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