The Cracked Painting (ON PAUS...

By whimsicalbookgirly

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❝Til death, we do art ❞ Leonardo comes from a family full of artists, him being one himself. He loves his own... More

00 - Introduction
01 - Graduation
02 - Curiosity
03 - Acquaintances
04 - Friends
05 - Chats & Cinnamon Rolls
06 - Nuisance
07 - Meeting the Brother
09 - Just a Glimpse
10 - Suspicion
11 - Rivalry
12 - Report
13 - Skates and Shakes
14 - Misunderstandings
15 - "Secret Admirer"
16 - A Little Hope
17 - Searching for Comfort
18 - The Shed
19 - The Shed (pt. 2)
20 - Relive
21 - Gifted Hands

08 - The Auction

143 10 18
By whimsicalbookgirly

08 | The Auction


I guess it makes sense for him to be her brother. He's overprotective, he's cautious and he most definitely doesn't back down. I shook hands with Daniel and shuffled on my feet. I know I didn't do anything dishonourable but I can't help but wonder if I've left a good impression seeing as I'm literally going somewhere with his sister and he supposedly has no clue who I am. He's probably wondering how I got his address and the more I think about it from his perspective, the more his reaction becomes more valid.

"Well, since you're friends with my sister, I apologize for my judgemental behaviour. I shouldn't have come up on you like that.". He looked a bit hesitant but I nodded to imply that I accepted his apology. I itched to say something as the mood shifted to a place of awkwardness. I guess now would be a good time to give my gift to Ariá before we leave. I turned to face her direction only to see that she was already looking my way.

"I have my gift for you in the car. I can get it for you so you can put it in your fridge.". I shifted nervously on my feet as I looked at the different reactions from the siblings. One with raised eyebrows, a quizzical look on their face while the other sibling's face lit up with glee. Ariá rushed past me and towards my car to get it herself leaving Daniel and I.

"I've never really heard Riá speak about you or any friend actually, other than Chloe, but I'm willing to get to know you in case you have other 'intentions' so"– he paused– "come over next week, just to socialize.". I pondered his invitation, wondering if it's wise for me to accept. Right when I opened my mouth to give an answer, Ariá came back with a white container in her hand. The cheesecake. She shoved the container into Daniel's hands and grabbed mine, beginning to run away.

"Put that in the fridge for me and don't eat it!" She screamed as we ran back to my car. I couldn't help but laugh. I looked back to see Daniel shake his head with a smile on his face, turning to go back inside. Siblings. Looking at the relationship between Daniel and Ariá, I saw myself and Elia. We're just as playful but at the end of the day, we care for one another.

Now seated in the car, I started the engine while Aria busied herself with fastening her seatbelt and fixing her hair. Considering that it's the middle of summer, I rolled up the windows and turned on the air conditioning in case Ariá got hot. I began driving to the art gallery where the auction was being held.

"So, anything I should look out for when we reach our location?". I looked over to see her scanning my face as the words left her mouth. I stayed silent as I stared right back at her. Pretty eyes, a pretty nose with an even prettier smile.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, I suppose.". I looked in front of me, eyes on the road, beaming.

We were walking up the steps to go inside after I parked my car. The place seemed to be packed with people already which is surprising because we're a good twenty minutes early. Ariá looked around at the different paintings that were currently showcased while I went ahead and paid for our passes for the event.

"Ariá, I got our passes!" I said loudly, walking over to where she was, which was quite far. I think that's the loudest I've ever been with her and I'd usually think that it's rude to shout after a lady but Ariá has made sure I'm comfortable within our tiny interactions and I'm slowly trying to be a little more normal. The 'out-of-my-comfort-zone' normal.

"Thank you." She said with a smile as she slipped it on over her head and continued to look around, wholeheartedly consumed by the beauty of each painting. There was no money in these frames, no bribery. Just real emotions expressed on a canvas, the sort of communication that would take volumes of words to convey and it still wouldn't be as good as the form it is in now. We continued to walk leisurely until a lady announced that the auction was about to begin.

Within seconds, there was a huge crowd rushing to get in and without thinking, I grabbed Ariá's hand, still being mindful of the pressure I might put on her hand, and dragged the both of us inside to get good seats.

Spotting two seats at the very front, I rushed over with Ariá's hand still in mine and allowed her to sit first before I did the same, taking a breather. A man dressed in an expensive looking suit came out with the first painting and began asking for prices but I was completely zoned out. Maybe I shouldn't have dragged her..

"Hey, are you okay?" Ariá looked concerned when I turned to see who's voice asked that question. I smiled a little and nodded. The auction continued with different paintings and sculptures and different bidders but I haven't caught sight of the artwork that is so dear to my heart. Not yet. Prices rose occasionally but I wasn't really paying much attention to the event as a whole. It was just a blur. It was like a snap that pulled me out of my trance when I felt someone brush my shoulder as they were taking a seat.

"Fancy seeing you here. I suppose your little plus one beside you is Ariá?" The voice said, almost in a mocking manner. I sneered, silently hoping that it wasn't who I think it was beside me right now but sadly, it was and now I had to face it.

"What the hell are you doing here Diego?" I questioned trying to control the sudden anger he managed to bring out in me. For years, he constantly teased me for my love of art, said I was girly for it and now, here he is, in an art gallery at an auction. I swear, he has this weird obsession with trying to one-up me and he still manages to fail no matter how many times he tries.

"I'll spare you for now Leo but trust me. I'll properly introduce myself to your little love bug soon enough." He said giving me whiplash. Did he just threaten me? Before I could reply properly, he bid an amount of five hundred dollars and walked out with a painting I didn't get to see, quickly disappearing just as he appeared.

The auction continued but I didn't see my painting at all after that very weird conversation with Diego, if you even call it that. I just got more and more distracted thinking back on what he had said. "I'll spare you for you now". What on earth does that mean..

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