His Eden

By RunicScript

79.7K 1.5K 365

The Garden of Eden is a very well known story. But what happens if it was real? What happens if it opened it'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Orochi Izuku: Bio
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

5.6K 120 20
By RunicScript

The two males stared at Sakura, primarily Kaminari with a face of pure shock.

°"I-I... What did... Wh-What did you just say... M-Miss..?"

Sakura fixed her hat just before she answered.

°"Well, it turns out that the entire reason why you struggle to control your Electrification is because of a second quirk that was passively active since manifestation."

It took a moment before Izuku spoke his mind.

°"That would make sense... No-one's quirk should have that large of a drawback usually... I've seen some bad drawbacks, but frying your brain constantly seems overkill, even for such a strong quirk..."

Kaminari then stared at his hands, seeing the electrical sparks fly between his fingers. He closed his fists, along with his eyes.

°"How... How could it have been missed..?"

He felt the warm, comforting hand of Izuku on his shoulder. He turned to look at him, seeing a face that said "it's alright".

°"Unfortunately, the system for diagnosing quirks in the modern day is incredibly untrustworthy... Meaning that only your primary quirk was discovered..."

Kaminari nodded, looking at the other two. He slowly went over and hugged Izuku.

The green haired boy was caught off guard, but returned the hug in turn. Sakura watched and smiled, happy that Izuku was able to find peace in the garden.

°"Now boys, I believe the next best move would be to help Kaminari here learn how to properly use his other quirk."

With their next steps planned, the three said goodbye to Kaminari for now, the boy excited to finally be able to use his quirk safely.



Tokoyami and Asui stared at Kaminari in surprise. They didn't expect for him to say that he had a second quirk. Tokoyami was becoming curious.

°"If I may ask Kaminari, what is your second quirk?"

Grinning, the electric blonde held his hand up to the other two students. They watched as his skin began to change colour and texture, turning into a shiny, muddy orange.

°"My other quirk, Superconductor! Turns out it's able to turn both my skin, and all my veins and nerves into a copper like substance. The extra conductivity ended up messing with my brain as it was always active. But now I have control of it, I won't end up frying my brain any more!"

Kaminari wore the biggest grin in the world, enjoying talking to others who won't judge him.

The following week


The trio of students, along with the rest of the class, were currently waiting outside of their school, waiting for their sister class, Class 1-B, to join them.

After waiting for a few minutes, the other class arrived at the busses. The trio of students looked at them all, noticing a small group similar to theirs.

They also noticed their oak leaf charms.

However, before any conversation could be held between the classes, they were ushered into their busses to be taken to an off campus training site.

The training site was called the USJ, or the Unseen Simulation Joint. It was a U.A owned facility that allowed for its students to train under many different scenarios.

The travel took a good fifteen minutes, all of which the students were discussing what they could be doing at USJ.

After arriving at their destination, both classes stepped out of their busses to stand together, right outside of the USJ. Almost immediately, the two small groups of three looked at eachother. Due to the charms they all wore, they knew they had to speak to one another when they had the chance.

Before they could however, they were met by the hero 13, a rescue specialist who was working with U.A to help train their students in rescue scenarios. The expressive digital eyes on their space helmet showed excitement as they stood there, welcoming the children to their facility.

°"Here, we shall teach you the art of Disaster Rescuing!"

They exclaimed, throwing the double doors of the USJ open, revealing the interior to the pair of classes. As they layed their eyes on the facility, most of the students eyes lit up in awe. Those that didn't included the Bakugou twins, Todoroki, Yagi, Kamakiri and Monoma.

However, after the classes both entered, the doors to the building slammed shut. Confusion grew in both the classes and pros. However, confusion began to turn into worry, especially after one of the class 1-B students asked.

°"Senseis... Is that purple mist part of training..?"

Everyone's head snapped towards the center of the USJ, seeing a large, misty portal open up. People began to flood through, all with a look of mischief and malice sitting on their face. Eventually followed by a moderately tall man, with pale blue hair, and a very creepy mask... It was a hand... A second man formed from the mist, standing next to the other. It appeared that he was a living warp gate.

Before any more words were said, Eraserhead and Vlad King threw themselves into the sea of villains, with Eraserhead ordering 13 to defend the students.

Panic began to fully engulf the body of students.

However, one voice began to ring out amongst them all.

Both classes turned, seeing Shiozaki Ibara on her knees, head down. After a moment, they realised what she was doing.

She was praying.

Shiozaki was praying whilst clutching her oak leaf charm. The five others noticed, and immediately went to join her, ignoring the confused/weirded out looks from their peers.

°"Hear our prayer oh lord. Aid us in our time of peril, show mercy towards your children. Hear our prayer oh Caretaker. Take pity on your siblings, aid us one more time, so that we may be forever grateful."

Much to literally everyone's surpise, the ground began to shake slightly. This told the group to keep praying.

°"The sea of sin seeks to snuff out our light. We pray for protection, we pray for your kindness."

That was when a voice rang out through the USJ. It was gentle, warm, caring.

°"Your prayers have been heard, my siblings. Fret not, for you are safe now."

Aizawa PoV, one minute earlier


God dammit... I don't get paid anywhere near enough for this shit...

I was exhausted from fighting villains. My eyes felt dryer than a damn desert. Vlad was getting sluggish due to his quirk overuse and extended fighting.

I stared at the villain's boss, who I assume was grinning under his freaky mask.

°"Your group did absolute ass... What was your goal with all this..?"

The pale haired villain responded with a somewhat high and scratchy voice.

°"It's simple really... We want to end All Might... Our big friend here was desperate to fight him..."

I watched as he motioned to... Something... To me it looked like someone took Big Bird, painted him black, juiced him with All Might's steroid collection, gave him teeth and opened his skull up... Or just a black skinned, bird headed Hulk...

Before we could continue our conversation, a voice appeared out of nowhere.

°"Your prayers have been heard, my siblings. Fret not, for you are safe now."

Just as that was said, the ground began to shake rather violently.

None PoV

Our of the ground, two large vines grew, their tips joining to form an arch. The space within said arch shimmered with a rainbow film. Out of said film, came two figures. One, a tall young man with long, bushy green hair. The other, a shorter young lady with long, straight blonde hair.

The green haired boy observed the situation, then nodded to the blonde girl. The girl, setting her eyes upon the villains.

As a panicked response, the pale haired villain ordered the large creature, now named Nomu, to attack the heroes. Within the blink of an eye, Nomu had managed to crush both Aizawa and Vlad King. The pale haired villain began laughing, rather maniacally, at the scene in front of him.

°"Yes! The League of Villains always wins in the end!"

Suddenly, the air grew very cold.

The girl began to hiss angrily, very angrily. Slowly, her clothing melted into her skin, along with her hair. Her arms began to flake away, her legs fusing together. Slowly, she was transforming.

Not just transforming, but growing too. Her body began to grow in size as her skin shifted to scales. Her top canines grew into long, piercing fangs.

She had entered one of her serpent forms.

With a furious roar, she lunged at Nomu, tackling it off of the teachers. The boy clicked his fingers, vines growing out of the ground and carrying the mangled bodies of the pro heroes over to them.

The classes were on edge, seeing as how a stranger was walking directly up to them. However, the six who were praying ran directly up to him, despite their classmate's shouts of protest.

°"Izuku-aniki! You heard our prayers!"

Shouted Tokoyami, catching the attention of the Bakugous and Yagi.

°"But if course, my siblings. I could not bare to see you hurt so violently... Though, I lament I was too slow for your teachers..."

°"But you are here regardless, Izuku-aniki. We believe in your ability to help them."

Shiozaki said, clasping her hands together. Orochi Izuku smiled softly, placing his hand on her head. He turned just in time to see his sister swallow the Nomu whole, after having paralysed it with her venom. The vines around the pros cocooned them, glowing a soft green.

Orochi Sakura hissed wickedly at the remaining villains, causing them to flee in terror. She then turned to the others and slithered over. As she did, she transformed back to her human self.

The class watched in bewilderment as the group of six spoke to the two strangers. However, one of the large group decided to satisfy their curiosity.

°"Those extras just called you Izuku!! Is that you Deku?!?!"

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