HBC + character One Shots!

By JennyHBCarter

115K 4K 4.8K

Just a collection of one shots, please leave suggestions in the comments or msg me :) Disclaimer! I don't ow... More

-Rose Weil | Introductions (SFW)
- Rose Weil| Movie night (NSFW)
- Rose Weil | Movie Night p2 (Fluff/NSFW)
- Rose Weil | '10.000 miles' (NSFW)
- Rose Weil | 'You call that an excuse?'
- Rose Weil | Treat over tricks
- Julia Hoffman | The Assistant p1 (a little NSFW)
- Julia Hoffman | The Assistant p2 (A little NSFW)
- Julia Hoffman | The Assistant p3 (NSFW)
- Bellatrix | The journey to Hogwarts (SFW)
- Bellatrix | The Library (SFW)
- Bellatrix | The Yule Ball (SFW)
- Bellatrix | The Manor p1 (SFW)
- Bellatrix | Halloween at the Manor (SFW)
- Bellatrix | Halloween at the Manor p2 (Small NSFW)
- Bellatrix | Halloween at the Manor p3 (NSFW)
- Bellatrix | Halloween at the Manor p4 (NSFW)
- Bellatrix | Halloween at the Manor p5 (NSFW)
- Bellatrix | Christmas with the Malfoys
- Bellatrix | Christmas with the Malfoys p2
- Bellatrix | Christmas with the Malfoys p3
- Bellatrix | Christmas with the Malfoys p4
- Bellatrix | Christmas with the Malfoys p5 (small NSFW)
- Bellatrix | Christmas with the Malfoys p6 (NSFW)
- Bellatrix | 'Riddikulus!'
- Bellatrix | Office sympathy
- Bellatrix | A Stressed Minister (NSFW)
- Helena | 'Is this seat taken?'(SFW)
- Helena | 'Is this seat taken?' p2 (NSFW)
- George | 'I don't watch fotball.' (SFW)
- George | 'I don't watch football' p2 (SFW/small NSFW)
- George | 'I don't watch football' p3 (small NSFW)
- George | 'I don't watch football' p4 (NSFW)
- George | 'I don't watch football' p5 (NSFW)
- George | All to myself (Small NSFW)
- George | All to myself p2 (NSFW)
- Marla Singer | 'Coping'
- Marla Singer | 'Coping' p2
- Marla Singer | 'Coping' p3 (NSFW)
- Eudoria | 'Bruises' (SFW)
- Eudoria | 'Bruises' p2 (Small NSFW)
- Eudoria | Her work of art (NSFW)
- Elizabeth Taylor | "Your turn" (NSFW)
- Elizabeth Taylor | "Your turn" p2 (NSFW)
- Elizabeth Taylor | Pene-traitor
- Elizabeth Taylor | Pene-traitor p2
- Elizabeth Taylor | Pene-traitor p3
- Princess Margaret | All at once
- Princess Margaret | All at once p2 (small NSFW)
- Princess Margaret | All at once p3 (NSFW)
- Princess Margaret | Once more?
- Princess Margaret | Once more? p2 (NSFW)
- Princess Margaret | Once more? p3 (NSFW)
- Princess Margaret | Once more? p4 (NSFW)
- Princess Margaret | Once more? p5 (NSFW)
- Nellie Lovett | Missing points
- Nellie Lovett | Missing points p2 (Small NSFW)
- Nellie Lovett | Missing points p3 (NSFW)
- Nellie Lovett | Missing points p4 (NSFW)
- Edith (New) Ellyn | C for Campaign
- Edith (New) Ellyn | C for Campaign p2
- Edith (New) Ellyn | C for Campaign p3
- Kate Croy | Italics
- Kate Croy | Italics p2
- Kate Croy | Italics p3
- Kate Croy | Italics p5 (NSFW kinda)
- Margot Tyrell | Internship
- Margot Tyrell | Internship p2 (small NSFW)
- Margot Tyrell | Internship p3 (NSFW)
- Margot Tyrell | Internship p4 (NSFW)
- Joan Potter | Lost jewelry (NSFW)
Julia Hoffman | Do not analyze me

- Kate Croy | Italics p4

380 19 14
By JennyHBCarter

Here we are p4 :)

Let's get into it!

"Stay out with me tonight."


And so I did, just to find her missing the very next day...

I met Millie by the entrance as usual, having woken up very much too late due to the late hours yesterday.

"Kate still sleeping I see."

She sat at her breakfast table, fruit and bread laying fanciful on a silver tray before her. She looked up a tad bit sad.

"I've just taken her to the ferry."

Kate was leaving... so soon?

"I didn't know she was leaving..?"

Somehow, this still surprised me, the curveballs she's thrown at me has wavered, though this one hurt as well.

"She decided last night.."

Millie took a small sip of her drink as she looked at me, an odd look no less. Did she know something that I didn't?

"She asked me to tell you how sorry she was, she didn't have a chance to say goodbye.. I- I hope you won't be leaving soon too?"

I looked away from her, everything seeming like a game nowadays, a beautiful game with help from the scenery.. though still a game.

"No... I like it here.."

A weak smile was all I could give her as she looked hopefully up at me. What was I meant to do here? Cause Millie to marry me and then run away with her money and Kate after Millie's death? Could we be so horrible..?

We spent time alone with each other for longer times now, a friendship forming out of the situation.

We walked along the water and watched craftsmen build and roughen boats, admiring architectures of Italy as well as joking our way over the streets.

We enjoyed our last day of sun out in the open, having to cave in when the rain finally hit us. Millie's house seemed even bigger without Kate in our presence.

Eventually, the rain was most of what covered my sight until I found a place where I could be alone. I stared out the window, hoping that maybe somewhere in England, the rain was falling too... Kate's eyes upon it.

"She thinks you've been avoiding us."

Millie had found me by the window, my usual stroll to watch the raindrops fall being interrupted. The woman she was talking about was of course her care woman, a woman far more intelligent than her.. sadly.

"Why would I do that?"

It was all said with a joke-like tone, as if the weather would separate us, which was a blessing for some. She looked back with a smile.

"That's exactly what I said."

We decided it had been too long since we left the house and it was time for some socializing. A nice dinner was in order. We grabbed our coats and headed out, despite of the rain hitting our umbrellas harshly.

The first restaurant we saw was the one, no turn backs, no regrets. Soon, we arrived at a place called 'Ristorante Wistèria' (a Venetian restaurant) whatever that meant...

(I googled, I refers to people or things of Venice, makes sense 💀)

As soon as we entered the building, a waiter came up to us and sat us at a table. It was incredible what bad weather could do to a place like this. What normally could've taken at least 30 minutes of waiting time, took about a courter of a second instead. Barely any folk were in, just a few seated further away.

Millie looked at me from across the table, that same sweet and innocent facade gracing me as if I had done something wrong, but she didn't know it..

"So what have you been doing in your 'hideaway'?"

My eyebrows shot up slightly before going back down. It wasn't much to talk about rather than longing, but she couldn't know that.

"Pacing around, drawing shapes against the windows and watch the condense remove them-"

Millie interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"-packing your bags..?"

It was true, a sigh left me. Though I had no clue on why I should be staying, perhaps beside the hospitality and the view..

"And unpacking them.."

Her head tilted, my answer having created another question in her head. All this world is contains of questions nowadays.. can't we just go back to when we had answers to at least something?

"What made you decide to stay?"

The promise I gave Kate in trying to make you happy for the last moments of your life until your illness unfortunately claims your oh so innocent life?

"I have nothing to go back to."

She hummed, her facial expression not quite understanding what I meant.

"I know you don't quite agree that your kind of work will take you anywhere, but I believe in you.."

Ah yes, my secret study of letters in which I write poetry to one day live off of, such a romantic income.. equally as sad.


A smile was all that was given, her whole persona being that optimist, innocent, smiley woman..

"I just do."

We took a sip of our newly arrived drinks, strong alcohol filling the small glasses to just under the brim. Instantly after swallowing, she began coughing, my instincts kicking in.

"Are you alright?"

I reached for a napkin on the table, but as I went to reach for her, I saw her smile under her hand.

"I was just trying to impress you, mind you I'll make a fool of myself tonight."

And a little beautiful fool she was, the rest of the glass disappearing gradually as the evening went on. When we took our leave, her arms instantly went to hold mine, a sort of support in her giggly wobbles.

"You're drunk aren't you?"

She leaned into my shoulder, another giggle -which sounded more like a laugh- escaping her.

"Not as drunk as I'm pretending to be.. Besides, we should head home."


A letter from Kate.. laying in my drawer for I had not been able to read it yet.

'I know it must be difficult to write when you're with her all of the time, but please try.. if only to reassure me..

In my head I follow you around the streets and canals, sometimes I see you touch her, and I'm suddenly scared.

Even if you don't write back.. read this letter again.. and again, and every time she looks at you.. and every time she smiles..

Don't forget I love you more..'


We arrived at the house, each going to our rooms, but then Millie stopped me outside mine.

"May I come in?"

I looked over her face, that look of hope and certain unsureness plastered all over it. We both know fully well what inviting her in tonight would lead to.


She shook her head, still smiling.

"I told you I was gonna make a fool of myself tonight."

If her idea of making a fool of herself was to sleep with me.. than she'd be correct, but not in the romantic way she'd hoped for. I couldn't do it.

"I don't want you to.."

Immediately, a subtle hurt replaced that hopefulness... guilt tainting my insides.

"Alright, but promise to see me tomorrow.. no hiding.."

And so I nodded.

"I promise."

She had kissed me again... the day after that.. and only because I'm too much of a fool to hurt her, my lips kissed back until I converted it into a hug.. my embrace over her...

How was I meant to live through this?


My pen hit the paper, Kate needed some sort of answer from me..

'My dearest Kate.. everything I've done, I've done for you. Only, it gets harder everyday. She's alive Kate.. more alive than anyone I've ever met.'


This one evening, Millie's caretaker took a knock at my door, wanting to talk. We sat at a table in the house, far away from the rooms of our own.

I couldn't help but to look at her and sense that her smile had gone more sour as the days here passed.. was Millie really that ill?

"Is she sick?"

It had to be asked, almost right away. She nodded, a knowing look on her face as she silently answered.

"Is she dying..?"

I'm pushing my luck, and I know it. Playing a Shakespearean game with my own friends may not be the smartest..

"Did you know?"

If her smile hadn't gone sour then, it was definitely sour now, a suspicion in her eyes as she watched me from across the table. By not answering the question she'd given, I had in some way given an answer.

"W-Will she see me?"

Her smile faltered slightly, though her strong persona remained.

"I think so."

I couldn't help but to smile as she said it.. the last thing I wanted was to watch a friend die.. no matter the situation. My body arose from the chair, but I wasn't able to leave before the care woman took my hand and looked me deep in my eyes.

"If she asks you.. just say no.. tell her it isn't true."

I looked at our hands, the clogs in my brain not wanting to work in this moment.

"What isn't true?"

She too tried hard not to appear troubled by it, but she knew very well what was happening.

"What Lord Marc told her.."

My eyebrows furrowed, what in the world had Lord Marc done? Was he after her as well..? Or did he perhaps see through us all.

"What did he tell her?"

Her eyes left mine as she went to stand up, our joined hands slipping from the grasp.

"That you've been with Kate, all this time.. from the beginning."

Millie agreed to see me, on the wishes of her caretaker. It appeared that Lord Marc was after her money himself, and wanted me out of the way.. not caring about her happiness at all for these last moment.

She sat in her sofa, fidgeting with a necklace around her neck, seeming deep in thought.

"I was hoping you'd find a way to see me.."

I don't know if she meant it or if our beloved Millie had now discovered a talent for sarcasm. Both would surprise me.

"All you had to do was ask.."

Her hands left her necklace as she changed her posture in the sofa, laying them now on her legs instead.

"Couldn't do that.. had to be a little difficult.."

She wanted me to seek after her, make her feel my want... poor dear needed a confirmation of care..

"You look well."

She huffed with a smile, always that charming smile.

"Apparently not, you've heard I'm I'll?"

I nodded. To such a direct question, I could not lie, not when she must've known the answer before hand. I took my seat in a nearby chair, our heads becoming the same level.

I could hear the care woman leaving, her heels clinking softly against the floor towards the door. It was just us two now... a long, unawaited, conversation ahead.

AHHHH! Things are gonna get really sad so buckle up for part 5 next :,)

Anyways, I hope you liked it and I'll see y'all in the next one, Baii!!

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