Royal Guardian

By emmmmmzZ

36 17 0

| SYNOPSIS | Wen Xin, the Prince of Western State has been in love with a girl named Gao Hong. She is a wande... More



2 1 0
By emmmmmzZ

He was in shock while staring at the eye of the woman he always longed for. "G-Gao Hong."

Nianian look down. "Your majesty, I am Nianian. Our leader told me that I will be the next guardian and I heard of your expedition that's why I tail you without an order. I apologise."

He shook his head. " I-It's okay."

Nianian just nodded her head and walked towards Cao Zhi who was unconscious on his arm. She checked his pulse. "Your majesty, they are not poisoned. They 're just given sleeping powder and we'll just wait till morning and they will wake up."

He nodded and took Cao Zhi to his tent. Then he goes out to look for his army who might be in a bad position that will make them suffer when they wake up. Good thing they all lie on the grass and no one had a bad fall from stones.

He looked for Nianian and saw her in the area where the army cooked their food. After a while, she neared him. "Your majesty, I can smell the sleeping powder from the water. Earlier while I was watching you all, I saw a bunch of army men take water from the river and use it as their drinking water. The enemies really spent a fortune to buy loads of sleeping powder just to put it on the flowing river. Good thing I was fast enough to stop them from assassinating you or else, my first day might be my death anniversary." She shook her head and sat on the big stone.

He also sat on the stone in front of him and just watched her sharpening her sword with those emotionless eyes again. "How are you these past years?"

She looks at him before she looks away. "Me? Well, I live well. Hong Xin had always been with me all the time and he also made me happy."

He? His mood turned sour in a second. It's just three years since they parted and she already had someone with her?

"Do you love him? Is he treating you well? Do you love him too?"

She looked at him weirdly. "Well, yes? I also love him more than I love myself. I am willing to protect him at all costs and I am very much willing to trade my life just to let him be safe and sound."

He nodded while laughing bitterly. "You really love him so much. Okay, I'll go get some sleep, keep guarding here, guardian." He then walked towards his tent and lay on the cushion. He keeps on flipping on his bed while thinking about what happened earlier. It took him almost an hour before he slept.

It was already morning when he woke up. He gets up and puts on his clothes before he walks out of the tent. He saw his guardian helping the army because they are still feeling weak and it's still morning and his mood is already sour.

He annoyingly looked at Cao Zhi who neared him. "What?"

Cao Zhi stepped back. "Your majesty, isn't she—"

"Even if she is, I don't care! She already has Hong Xin to take care of her! And now she is dilly-dallying with my army, she is so unfaithful!" He then walked towards his horse. "Tell them that we start to set out after they get their energy back. We will arrive at Xinzhu before afternoon."

Cao Zhi nodded. I got it, Your majesty." He then neared his army and told them his announcement.

He was drinking his own water when his guardian neared him so he eyed her in confusion. "Your majesty, we will set out for how many hours and you haven't had your breakfast yet. Here, this bun is tasty. You can eat it." He looked at the bun she was giving him. She just sighed and took it. He ate it before riding his horse.

He looked at his army and they were already riding their horses. He looked at Nianian who was standing beside him and looking around, vigilantly. He looks around before he looks at her. "What are you looking at?"

"Ah, your majesty, you can start setting out now. I will walk beside you in case there is any danger we will encounter on the road."

"Where is your horse? You didn't bring a horse?"

"Your majesty, I didn't bring a horse since I've been watching you secretly yesterday. I can't just take a  horse that might give me out. Anyways, I can walk, your majesty."

He looked around and sighed. He offered his hand. "Just ride with me." He said and waited for her to ascend.


"No buts. Don't worry, your Hong Xin won't know this." He said and pulled her up until she successfully rode on his back. He looked at her hand who's holding his arm tightly. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall." He said and let the horse start walking. He can feel his army and Cao Zhi laughing silently behind. He just shook his head and continued their journey.

They arrive in an inn before noon and they eat their lunch there before they continue. It took them 4 more hours before they arrived at the city of Xinzhu.

He can see people everywhere. "Yuuu!" He stopped his horse when a man riding a horse approached them.

The man stopped and bowed. "Your majesty, I was the one who wrote the letter to you. I am called Wang Jin."

He nodded. "Thank you for your hard work, Wang Jin. I will definitely reward you after this."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"Cao Zhi, where would we stay here?"

"Your majesty, we can go to the magistrate's house. I heard that he has been widening his house for years. Maybe we can stay there?"

He laughed. "Well, that's a good plan. Let's go to the magistrate house!" He said that since it was their first time going to Xinzhu, it was Wang Jin who guided them to the Magistrate's house.

When they arrived at the Lao's residence, Cao Zhi knocked on the door and a helper was the one who met them. Cao Zhi and the helper talked before he left. Then Cao neared him. "Your majesty, the helper said that the magistrate is not accepting any visitors today since he is busy recuperating from an accident."

"Accident? Did you tell them that the Emperor is the visitor?" He asked.

"No, your majesty. I only told him that we are merchants who want to come here and donate grains for the people. But he turned me down."

He heard Nianian whisper. "At least you are smarter now."

He smiled before looking at Cao Zhi. "Then we can go to the buddha's temple to have a stay. It is getting late."

"Don't." Nianian said. "They might come and rob our grain tonight. We might implicate the people in the temple. How about this, we can go find an inn nearby and rent the whole inn so there won't be commoners that'll get hurt."

Cao Zhi looked at him like he was asking for permission. He nodded so he immediately rode on his horse and they started finding an inn. Not far from the town, they saw an inn. Cao Zhi and Wang Jin immediately go inside and inquire. While waiting, Nianian gets off the horse so he looks at her, who is busy looking around. He just let him in while he looked at Cao Zhi.

"Your majesty, the inn has no customers. The owner already has the rooms ready. We can now go inside." Cao Zhi said so he nodded and got off the horse. He walked inside and looked at the inn. It looks a little bit old.

An old man approached them. "Distinguished guests, welcome to our inn. It is getting late. You can also order food from our restaurant. Our cook is good, he can cook your requests."

He nodded and took a seat. "Okay, we'll order later." He said and looked around to look for Nianian. He saw her talking suspiciously to his army from table to table until she reached their table where he and Cai Zhi were sitting. "What are you doing?"

"Your majesty, I'm just instructing them not to be dumb again." She said, making Cao Zhi laugh. "Lord Cao Zhi, you are also dumb for drinking the water with sleeping powder." And it was Wang Jin's time to laugh.

He smirked. "Cao Zhi, go and order food now. I'm tired and want to sleep now." He said. Cao Zhi immediately went and told the owner their order. While waiting, helpers came out and gave all of them a glass of water to drink. He was about to drink it when Nianian stopped him midway and brought out a silver needle to check the water.

"Just a precaution, your majesty." 

He was waiting for the silver needle's reaction and when it turned black, he immediately let go of the glass of water. "The water is—"

Nianian stopped him and gave a sign to his army then one by one, they all lost consciousness. The four of them look at each other before they also pretend to lose consciousness.

While he was anticipating what their next move was, he heard someone talking near them.

"Did they already drink the poison?"

"Yes, My lord. What should I do next, my lord?"

"Their poison is not that lethal. Don't worry, I will give the antidote to them after we will successfully take their grains. The magistrate will surely reward us handsomely. Let's go! Unload their grains!"

Then the people already left them. When he opened his eyes, he saw Nianian silently get up and in just a swift move, the helper who was guarding them was already knocked out.

He looked at Cao Zhi. "Take some men and follow where they will take the grains. Bring Wang Jin with you. He knows more about the way here."

"Yes, your majesty." He said and took some men before they left. He looked at his men who's now on guard and protecting him. Looks like Nianian has already sensed that there is something wrong with this inn and instructed his men not to eat or drink anything that the people give.

But, she didn't even bother instructing him about it. What if he drank the poison? Tsk.

He looked at Nianian who had just finished tying the helper on a post and threw cold water on him to wake him up.

"Who's that! How dare you!" The helper kept on shouting that Nianian put clothes on his mouth, making him shake his head. Since when did this woman become brutal? He felt scared. 

"Do you think I wouldn't dare kill you, you bastard? You just almost poisoned the emperor!"

The man looked at him with fear before he tried to shake his head and say something.

He looked at his guardian. "Ah, you can take off the cover on his mouth now." She looked at him before taking it off.

"Your majesty, I—I didn't mean to harm you. I was just following their orders, your majesty. I am sorry. Please don't kill me. I will never do it again, please, I don't want to die yet, your majesty. You can punish me but your majesty, I—I apologise!"

He looked at Nianian who was staring at him blankly. He annoyingly sighed. "Put that cover back! So talkative."

She just rolled her eyes and put it back. "Everyone, it is already evening, how about we go and have a rest now? This lad right here can't restrain us anyway. The emperor's health is a foundation of the country, so resting is a must, right?"

"Miss Nianian, you can go and take a rest now. Don't worry, I am here, I will definitely guarantee your safety." A young soldier said to her. He looked at him sharply and it looked like his men saw it because they immediately pulled him and stopped him from talking.

Then his general forward. "Miss Nianian, you two can go have a rest now. We'll guard the whole inn."


He immediately pulled her upstairs. "Let's go. They are my army and their work is to protect and make me safe, the emperor. Don't worry about them, they are already trained to stay vigilant."

She pulled her hand away from his hold making him look at her. "But they also need some rest, your majesty. We all had an exhausting journey and needed a rest to be able to do their duties. We didn't even eat our dinner. Your majesty, I apologise for my straightforwardness but I won't take back what I said."

He sighed. "Okay. How about I will group them in a half and the other group will have a rest and the rest will guard the inn. When midnight comes, they will reciprocate. What do you think?"

She nodded. "Thank you, your majesty, for your benevolence and love to people." She said and went back downstairs while leaving him there.

Wait, what does she mean by that? Is she complimenting him or just being sarcastic? He shook his head and after a minute, half of his men went upstairs and bowed to him before they went to their rooms.

Nianian pointed to the room beside him. "Your majesty, this is your room. Don't worry, I will be staying beside your room." She said, He nodded and walked towards his room. When he closed his door, he also heard a door closed beside him.

He looked at his room. Not bad. He sighed and took off his clothes and was about to lie on his bed when the door opened and Nianian came inside. "W-What do you think you are doing?"

"Sorry, your majesty. It's just that I heard something so I entered uninvited. The night might not be safe so I decided to stay here for the night."

He nodded and immediately put on his clothes before he sat on his bed. "Do you plan to stand the whole night?" He asked.

She sighed and sat on the chair in front of him. "Your majesty, you can have a rest now."

"I still have a question to ask." He said. "How did you know that someone will poison us and take our grains?"

She looked at him. "Your majesty, you told them that you are a merchant who is willing to donate grains. Of course who wouldn't take advantage of that if in return, they will have money to buy food? Look, if you have seen those people earlier, they do everything for food even if they will sell their childs for survival." She answered him. "Now, you can have a rest, your majesty."

He sighed and lay on his bed. It took him minutes before he dozed off.

She looked at the emperor when she felt him sleeping peacefully now. She just silently watches him.

She sighed. Such a dumb emperor. Why would he even sleep peacefully thinking she is there? She shook his head and sat properly and closed her eyes to have a light rest that turns into a deep sleep.

She immediately woke up when she heard a faint noise. She saw the emperor tip toe-ing towards her and just stop when he saw her woke up.

He sighed and walked towards her. "Did I wake you up?"

She massaged her neck. "No, your majesty." She said and got up. "I'll go and check the army." She said and left the room. She went downstairs and saw them eating. Cao Zhi saw her and immediately neared her.

"Miss Nianian, I have something to tell to his majesty. Is he already awake?"

She nodded. "You can go knock on the door upstairs. He is there." She said and took a bun on the table before she went out of the inn to inspect.

He was about to go out when he heard a knock on the door. "Your majesty, this is Cao Zhi."

"Come in."

The door opened and Cao Zhi walked toward him. "Your majesty, we followed the people all night and they took all the grains to the magistrate's house. We tried to follow them inside the stock room and we also saw the reliefs that were sent here last month. We already put those people who almost poisoned us unconscious here."

"Sure enough, Magistrate Lao. Go and stabilise the army. We'll go to the magistrate's house now. Not as a merchant but as the emperor's envoy." He said and let Cao Zhi leave. While he also goes downstairs. He saw his army going out and made two lines outside.

It makes him wonder so he immediately went out and only his horse was in front.

"Why are all of you in line? Where are your horses?"

The young soldier who had been saying cheesy things to Nianian forward and bow to him. "Your majesty, Miss Nianian doesn't have a horse so we decided to not use our horses today so she will not be lonely on the road."

He laughed sarcastically before shaking his head in annoyance. "Really? Unbelievable."

"Yes, your majesty. You always tell us that in the army, everyone is equal and one. If there is a brother who doesn't have his share of food, then we should not eat anymore. If someone fails, we all fail. If someone needed to be punished, all of us should be punished as well. So we will walk with her today, your majesty."

He sighed and just rode his horse. He saw Nianian beside him who was waiting for them to set off. He immediately let the horse walk and it took them almost an hour before they arrived at the magistrate house.

They met Wang Jin spying on the Magistrate's house early in the morning and greeted them when he saw them. He immediately blended in with them as they watched Cao Zhi walk towards the gate.

Cao Zhi immediately knocked and announced his majesty's arrival. The guards immediately opened upon seeing the emperor's badge and he immediately got off the horse and walked inside the house. He immediately saw the Magistrate house who's still busy putting his cap before he bowed in front of him.

"Y-Your majesty, I didn't know that you would come here to my house. Such an honour."

"Drop the formalities. Get up." He said and looked around. "Magistrate Lao, your house is really big. Can I go in and have tea with you?"

"Yes, you may, your majesty." He said and guided him. But before he went inside, he gave a sign to his men to start moving when he and the magistrate were already inside the house.

The Magistrate took him inside and served him tea. "Your majesty, I haven't served you our best tea because you visited me all of a sudden but this tea is also of good quality. People gifted it to me yesterday."

He laughed. He tasted the tea and it made him smirked even more. "Not bad, magistrate Lao. This tea is so good. The after taste is wonderful. I would definitely reward you for giving me such wonderful tea."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"How about you humour me, Magistrate Lao?"

He looked at him, clueless. "Ah?"

"Magistrate Lao, do you still remember the edict of my father when he sent you here to be a magistrate? Say it to me."

"Y-Yes, your majesty." He said and thought before he started telling the decree of the late emperor. "L-Lao Li Xiu, I can see your love for the people. You are benevolent and brave and now, I am assigning you as the magistrate of Xinzhu. Accept this."

He nodded. "Then, what part of the decree did the late emperor say that you can rob the merchant's donation?" He asked angrily.

The magistrate's eyes widened and immediately knelt down in front of him. "Your majesty, I am framed! That is not true! Your majesty, that is just rumours!"

He took his glass and looked at the tea. "What about this good quality tea you served me? Did you know that this tea only grows in my palace? The envoy of the eastern state gave it to me as a tribute and my plant is the only source of that tea leaves. How did you get this?"

"Your majesty, my men only gifted it to me!"

"Really?" He looked at Nianian who was approaching.

She neared him. "Your majesty, we took out all the grains."

He looked at the magistrate who looked dumbfounded. "Now defend yourself, magistrate Lao." 

The magistrate immediately bowed. "Your majesty! I-I'm sorry!"

He angrily got up and looked at the magistrate. "Deceiving the emperor is a crime! Robbing is only punishable by law but robbing and corrupting the reliefs for the people is a serious crime. Do you know that all of your family will be executed for the crime you did?"

The magistrate shook his head. "Your majesty, please forgive me! Your majesty, I was just tempted, your majesty! Please spare me! It's true that I pocketed the reliefs, forgive me, your majesty!"

He looked outside. "Cao Zhi! Come inside!" A second later, Cao Zhi immediately gets in and bow to him. "Magistrate Lao robbed the reliefs and kept them inside his house. His family will be executed according to the law. Execute them tomorrow at noon to ease the families who died of hunger." He said and looked behind him and saw Nianian eyeing him. He immediately looks back to Cao Zhi who's still waiting for his other order. He sighed. "Magistrate Lao committed a serious crime and will be executed. His family will be exiled to the border and the boys in his family will be trained in the army to put up the border when they reach their legal age. They can't go back without my decree. Also, imprison the magistrate's accomplices and will also be exiled to the border to make up for their mistakes. That's all."

"Yes, your majesty." He said. "Men, go and take the magistrate to the prison." Cao Zhi ordered and left with the men who took the magistrate to the prison.

He was about to go out when Nianian stopped him and bowed to him. "Thank you, your majesty, for showing pity to the Lao family." she said and left him. He just shook his head and left the residence.

Cao Zhi approached him. "Your majesty, we already cook the grains and the army is already serving the porridge to the people."

He nodded. "That's good."

After three day of giving the reliefs to the people and rewarding Wang Jin as the next magistrate in the city for his big help in their expedition, they are already on their way back to the palace.

It took them a day before they reached the capital. Before they got inside the palace, Nianian stopped. "Your majesty, I'm not yet allowed to go inside the palace."


"Sect leader told me that we will go to the palace tomorrow for the formal handing of the guardian so I will need to go back first to the Denxin sect and meet my sect leader." She said,

He nodded. "Okay. Thank you for your help these past days, Miss Nianian." He said and went inside the palace.

He was welcomed with Eunuch Bi and guided him to his chair. "So, did something happen when I was away, Eunuch Bi?"

"Your majesty, it's just some officials who keep on ranting about your absence."

He smirked. "Tsk. Take me to my room, Eunuch Bi. I want to have a rest now. I've been restless these past days." He said and walked to his room.

Eunuch Bi made sure that he was okay before he left him alone. It is not that long before he sleeps.

"Sect leader, I'm back."

Her leader looked at her and pulled her to sit. "Nianian, where were you these days? I visited Hong Xin the other day and told me that you've been away for a week."

"Sect leader, I—I rescued the emperor."

"What did you say?"

She smiled nervously. "When you told me that I will be the next guardian, I tried to inspect the palace surroundings and overheard that he'll have an expedition to Xinzhu. On his way there, someone assassinated him so I helped."

"You mean, you've been with him these past few days? How are you then?"

She smiled. "Aiya, don't worry, leader. As a guardian, the emperor's safety is more important than my personal matters. Anyway, how's Hong Xin? Is he okay? Does the master give him enough food? Or has he been making him suffer?" She asked worriedly.

"Be at ease. Don't worry about your son. You know that your master has been spoiling that kid since he was born."

She laughed. "Anyways, where's that old man? I brought some herbs from Xinzhu and I know he'll love it."

The sect leader just shook his head while laughing. "He had a relative patient so he personally went there to treat him. How about you have a rest first? It's near evening, and dinner is already ready."

"I won't have dinner. I've been full and just want to have a rest. Goodbye, sect leader." She said and went to her room and she immediately went to sleep.

When he woke up, he immediately asked Eunuch Bi to put his clothes on and they both went to the court for the morning meeting and also the formal handing of guardianship.

When he arrived, the eunuchs and ministers were already there waiting for him. When they saw him, they immediately kneel and bow. "Long live, your majesty!"

When he finally sat on his chair, he looked at them and smiled. "You all can get up." He said and gave a sign to Eunuch Bi.

"You can now say your memorials or we'll dismiss this meeting." Eunuch Bi announced.

After a minute, minister Gu advanced. "Your majesty, I heard that you almost got assassinated on your expedition. How will you investigate this, your majesty?"

"Don't worry about that, minister Gu, I will send my men to investigate it personally." He said.

Minister He forward. "Your majesty, I heard that Prince Fen Xin successfully subdued the rebels on the frontier and they are already on their way to the capital. Your majesty, why don't we reward Prince Fen Xin for his bravery?"

Minister Xin forwarded. "I don't agree. Your majesty, Prince Fen Xin has been a well-decorated prince and if we reward him again, I'm afraid, he will be more powerful. You have already given him the power to handle the five hundred thousand army and even let him have accomplishments over the years. Your majesty, what if he plans to usurp the throne?"

He smiled. "Minister Xin, you are overthinking things. Don't worry, I know my brother's behaviour and he loves his freedom so don't worry."

Minister Li forward. "Your majesty, the northern state has been planning to wage war on our state. The general sent a letter telling that in order for all of us to avoid war, you should marry their princess."

"I will think about it."

"Your majesty, you should think fast before the war or civilians will suffer."

He looked at minister Li. "I know, minister Li. Anyone to say their reports? None? Okay, let's proceed to the guardian ceremony." He said and gave a sign to eunuch Bi.

"Summon the Denxin sect people!" Eunuch Bi said and the door opened and the Denxin Sect leader came in and Nianian followed.

He smiled when she saw her. He saw how Eunuch Bi's face looked confused and looked at him and Nianian twice.

"T-This— Your majesty, she is—"

He nodded and smirked. "Yes, Eunuch Bi, she is the guardian, my wife."


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