The Hero of Infinity (Ben 10...

By Zach_210

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Y/N L/N was just your average everyday ten year old, playing games and dealing with his father absent from hi... More

Y/N L/N profile
Alien playlist 1
Season 1:And then there was 10
Season 1:Washington B.C
Season 1:lights, camera, ACTION!
Season 1:visions
Season 1:hunted
Season 1: last laugh
Season 1: Kevin 11
Season 1: The ultimate threat, Aeizar
Season 1: Lucky girl
Season 1: Secrets
Season 2: Revolution
Season 2: Black hearted evil, or brave hearted hero.
Season 2: Framed

Season 1: the alliance

225 2 6
By Zach_210

Y/N was blowing gum when walking through the cereal isles with Katie and zero.

Zero: I'm BORED.... Can something exciting happen or something??

Katie: I'll agree but I like the calmness of a day when we're not fighting anyone.

Y/N: be careful what you wish for,cuz there can be alot of action when it comes to me and Ben. But im so glad you guys are apart of the team.

Zero: speaking of which, have you even come up with a team name???

Y/N: oh , uh, I guess I never really thought about it because , you know....

Y/N then had a new crisis. Figuring out a team name.

Y/N: I....don't know.

Zero: how about TEN FORCE! Or uh...hyperforce!!

Y/N: I dunno...

Zero: the Omniverse warriors!


Just then, a explosion went on outside as the group looked at Y/N.

Y/N: told ya!

The team ran out to see four arms about to battle bikers.

Zero: even though Tennyson can handle himself, one on 3 is a bit unfair.

Y/N: yeah! Let's even out the odds!

Katie: how? I mean, I know how to fight well but we don't really have any weapons.

Y/N: I have the omnimatrix and for you guys-

Y/N have a handle to zero and Katie 2 gloves with pink circles on them.

Zero:uhh.. Y/N?? What does a handle exactly do?

Y/N: press the button at the bottom.

He did so and a energy axe came out.

Zero: OhHOHO yeah!

A/N: why do I imagine zero being voiced by Ben schaurtz?!

Katie: what do these do?

Y/N: those gloves can made you go both intangible and produce lots of electric energy.

Katie: oh! Ok!... wait, how did you make this?

Y/N: Tetrax gave it to me.

Zero: that alien bounty hunter?

Y/N: yeah, he-


Y/N: oh right, oops. It's hero time!

Y/N slammed down onto the omnimatrix transforming him.

Inferno: INFERNO!!

Y/N and the team attacked. Katie electrocuted one of the groups members, zero had used his axe to hit one into the supermarket they were just in, meaning that Y/N was going to help Ben.

Inferno used a fire torrent at the criminal and it scorched half of the criminals helmet.

Four arms reeled his arm back and punched the criminal to the floor.

As he looked around and saw the other criminals incapacitated, he went over to remove their helmets.

Four arms: your evil doings are over-

Before he could utter another word, he saw that most of them if not all were girls.

Four arms: you're.. you're all women! I-i don't wanna hurt you-

These pleas fell on deaf ears as Ben was blasted by a laser riffle , knocking him down.

Female1: how sweet.

Inferno wasn't having this and was about to blast her until Katie called out.

Katie: N/N! WATCH OUT!

Inferno looked behind him and saw a small drone coming towards him. He jumped out of the way and shot a fire ball at the drone, destroying it.

However, there were more to come and a small swarm attacked Y/N and Ben.

Y/N: ben! They're after the watches!


As the criminal was about to shoot down Ben again, she was electrocuted by Katie.

Katie: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

That left the boys to all gang up on the drones.

The homies all battled with their respective abilities, Y/N using his flame abilities, ben punching them all over and zero jumping up and down cutting them all in half.

One tried blasting zero but he deflected this , sending it into the sky.

He then proceeded to slice and dice the drone.

Inferno incernerated most of the swarm and was pretty proud and a bit worn out but then
Something tragic happened.


They all looked towards the distressed Gwen and they saw that max was on the ground, under rubble.


Y/N: go! I'll handle these goons!

Y/N destroyed the last remaining drones whislt the others went and tended to max.

Y/N eventually transformed back and ran over to max, seeing him in extreme pain.

Katie: what do we do???

Four arms then proceeded to put everyone on his back.


Ben: getting grandpa to the hospital!!!

As soon as he said this, four arms jumped off, making zero shriek like a girl.



Ben and Gwen were in the room with max as the others had to wait outside because more than 2 people in the room wasn't allowed.

Y/N: max....

Katie: you think max is going to be ok N/N?

Zero: I'll say he will. The old man can whoop some major butt.

Y/N: he has to. He's my dads best friend, so I hope that max survives.

When Ben emerged, he kicked down a bin.

Zero: that was mature.

Katie smacked zero at the back of the head because of this.



Y/N:.. so how's max Ben?

Ben: unconscious...they say he'll live but I wanna help him.

Gwen: Ben, Grandpa will be ok. I'm sure of it.

Y/N: yeah, gwens right.  We just need to wait and see what happens.

Ben: maybe I can turn into upgrade and merge with his machines to make him better!

Katie: Ben... that's not going to work...

Ben: o-ok but maybe I can turn into ghostfreak, and meld with him. It's just...I wanna help him you know?

Ben dialed up the omnitrix and scrolled through the omnitrix.

Y/N out a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: we know you wanna help him. You also need to know that he wouldn't want us sulking. Max would want us to be happy and positive.

Ben nodded and deactivated the omnitrix.

Zero: uhhhhhh...guys???????

Everyone turned to zero, who was looking out the window.

Katie:...what is that??

Y/N:....oh crap. It looks like another drone!

Ben: I thought you destroyed them!

Y/N: I did!!!

Zero: we might wanna move.

They moved out of the way as soon as the humanoid drone broke through the window making the team fall to the ground.

Rojo: alright kids. This is gonna go one or two ways! One, you give me your fancy wrist watches OR I rip your arms off and take them anyway!

Y/N: I'm gonna go with option 3: no way!

Y/N slammed down on the omnimatrix and transformed.


Y/N did a sonic scream, duplicating temporarily distracting rojo.Y/N made other clones as protection.

Y/N1: let's go Y/N force!


The 4 Y/Ns or the Y/N force led the way as the others followed behind.

Zero: did you seriously name yourselves Y/N force???

Y/N1: I panicked and didn't know what to say!we are all Y/Ns!

The clones kept on running down the stairs but when they reached the bottom, no one even questioned a couple of kids and small midget aliens running downstairs.

Once they were out, the Y/Ns needed to catch their breath.

Ben: come on, THATS how durable you guys are?

Y/N3: hold on... just give us...a second...

Before they even knew it, they heard high pitched screaming. They looked up and saw the real sound wave falling.



Ben/Katie/zero/Gwen: wait, when did you guys come up with formations?-

They multiplied and made a trampoline shape and they caught the prime Y/N.

Y/N: thanks guys!

Y/N2: no problem boss! When do we get paid rent money-


Y/N3: oh yeah.

Y/N prime jumped off and ran over to the kids.

Y/N: lemme guess, they called themselves the Y/N force didn't they?

Ben: yup. Superrrrrrr cringey.

Katie: I thought it was cute.

As this was said, rojo came infront of the kids and the Y/N force.

Rojo: thought you could get away?!?

Y/N5: YEA!!!!

Y/N6: NO 5, NO!!!

Y/N: we're taking you down rojo! And guys, stop saying Y/N force! Ben, turn into heatblast, Katie and zero and Gwen, get the civilians outta here!

The kids nodded and Ben transformed. Rojo prepared her laser riffle.




The clones and heatblast all charged rojo with their own attacks.

Heatblast shot multiple flame streaks towards rojo, where she got hit by some of them.

Because she was stunned, the Y/Ns began a team formatted move, obviously stunning her and hurting her.

When they moved away, they picked 6 up and used him as a battering ram.

They all bolted forward and they eventually hit rojo, knocking her into a ambulance.

Heatblast: I can't believe I'm saying this, but good job Y/N force..

Y/N: I can't believe my other clones are this cringey.

Before the Y/N force could go and celebrate with a cup of joe, rojo emerged.

Y/ no booze?

Y/N1: WE'RE 10!

Rojo fired lasers into a nearby mountain, creating a rockslide.


Heatblast: I got this!!

Ben shot a torrent of fire towards the rocks, but that only ignited them.

Y/N5: well golly gee, we're mighty screwed aren't we?

Y/N2: right in the down under.

Y/N1: Y/Ns!! FORMATION 10!

They agreed and they stood on top of each other , making at least 30 new clones and they stood on each other and bent over, making a bridge and they only multiplied even more to sustain the amount of rocks.

On the other side, Y/N prime made a giant Y/N shaped slingshot. When the rocks came down, they rolled onto the Y/N bridge and were scooped up into the Y/N slingshot And shot towards rojo into a stream. Ben had super heated the water so now rojo was sent into a burning river and each time she tried getting up, more boulders would crash into her.

As she was unconscious, she drifted away in the stream, pressumably in the sewers.

Heatblast: we did it!!

Y/N force: YEAHH!!!!!

Y/N1: another day in the life of the Y/N force!

Y/N : ok guys, I'm going to turn back now. To let you know, you've all done your world a solemn favour.

Y/N prime saluted to the small army of Y/Ns and they all saluted, fusing back into one and transforming back to normal.

Y/N: back together!

Heatblast: thatnk god I don't have to endure that anymore than I have to....


Y/N had drifted asleep in the rust bucket, but was shaken awake by zero and katie and Gwen was also there.

Y/N: WHO?! HUH??! WHAT?!? WHEN??

Zero: Y/N, bens gone downtown to fight that robot milf you fought earlier.. did I really just say that, robot milf? What is wrong with me...

Y/N: what?!? Why?!

Katie held out the letter and Y/N gently took it out of her hands and read it word by word.

Y/N: ohhh he is NOT doing a 180 on US right frocking now! Guys , we need to get downtown!

Katie: should we run or go by alien?

Gwen: alien, I want to just be on Y/N and that'll be enough.

Katie: and now we're back to this...


Before anyone could say anything, they all were sent flying into the back of the rustbucket because someone was driving.


Everyone looked and saw zero driving.

Zero:..what? Ben told me about the time you guys fought zombozo!

They immediately began driving, but to Y/N it was as crazy as Mario cart.

Zero accidentally crashed into a bin.

And another.

Annnnnnnnd another.

Katie lost count at 6.

Gwen:and that's the 15th bin you've crashed into! Can you hurry it up a bit??!

Zero: sure, buuuuut I wouldn't recommend it.

Y/N and Katie both looked at one another fearfully and then back at zero.


Before anyone could tell, the rustbucket went faster that 50 miles per hour, making everyone collide with the wall, with them screaming.


Everyone in the streets heard children screaming and that a crazy gamer was driving said children around.

Zero: I see em! He's XLR8! I'll ease up the odds!

Before rojo could land the finishing blow , a incredibly fast rustbucket collided into rojo, sending her through multiple walls.

When Y/N got out, he was walking out with a Gwen about to throw up and a Katie that was so incredibly traumatised she had to put her legs on Y/Ns waist and her hands around his neck as she was shaking with a look of PTSD in her eyes.

Y/N: I-it's ok Katie. Y-You can let go , it's fine..

These soothing words made Katie get off ,her muttering that didn't happen I'm ok over and over.

Zero: come on, it took down rojo didn't it?

Y/N: and gave Katie a reason to go to therapy.

Katie: you owe me one zero, BIG TIME..

Her eyes narrowed with a dark aura surrounding her with zero putting his hands up defensively.

Y/N: what were you thinking ben!

Gwen: ben , you can't run away from us!

Ben: so??! Just listen! This is my weird watch! MY weird powers!

Y/N: and you'd think I wouldn't understand?! I literally have something similar to your watch!! You're MY weird best friend!

Gwen: yeah, and you're also my weird cousin.

After this was said and done, rojo emerged, looking pissed at zero.

Rojo: I'm going to rip your arms off and feed them to the fishes , kid.


Y/N: you'll leave HIM out of this! You crossed the path of no return the second you attacked us!

Y/N held up his watch.

Y/N: you want this?! You'll have to go through pain and blood to get THIS!

Y/N slammed down randomly and a green flash engulfed the area.

Brainstorm: BRAINSTORM!

Rojo shot a laser at our hero but he made a electro shield around himself.

This allowed him to electrocute the ground , electrocuting her and sending her into a gym.

Rojo kept on swiping and attacking but this was severely futile as brainstorm was crawling along the walls, shooting bolts of electricity against rojo over and over and she began to kneel over in pain.

Brainstorm sent a giant brainwave of thunder towards her, making a small explosion.

When the dust cleared, rojo was almost on her last knee and she in a furious torrent shot all the lasers she could muster.

Admittedly, the blasts did hit Y/N , he was able to dodge the lethal ones.

Eventually, Y/N went up against rojo and electrocuted her, letting her fall limp to the ground.

Y/N turned back and dusted his hands at his handy work, as his friends joined the celebration.

Katie: great job N/N!

Zero : not too shabby !

Ben: still wished I could have joined in!

Gwen: whatever ben.

Zero then stood triumphantly over the defeated villain.

Zero: HA! Who's gonna kill who huh???

Before zero could suck up any more of the win, a thin red chord struck zeros neck as he doubled over in pain.

Y/N: ZERO!!!

It had seemed that rojos armour and alien like skin was falling off and In the process, making zero go into more agony.

Suddenly, the red chord became blue and zeros eyes became blue as his cells went through a metamorphosis.

The chord retracted back into a destroyed part of a laser and zero fell onto his back, dozed.

Ben: Zero!!

Katie: zero are you ok?!

As everyone was about to freak out, zero got up.

Zero: yeah...yeah I'm good..

Y/N: what happened..?

Zero: ....good question...

He looked at the armour that was in ruins but didn't think too much about it.

Zero: anyways, I'll be ok! After all, I'm zero! Nothing bad ever happens to THIS guy!

The group looked at Zero both happily and dumbfounded.

Kids: he's still zero alright..

Y/N then looked at the surroundings.

Y/N: uhh.. guys?? Maybe we should get outta here..

Gwen: I'm with Y/N on this one..

Zero: I'll drive!

Everyone: NO!!!!


Max was just decommissioned from the hospital to the teams delight, and on the news, it seemed they got a mug shot of the rustbucket.

Katie: you sure you ok zero?

Zero: guys, you're my besties and I appreciate you guys SO much for that, I'll be fine! What's one wire gonna do to me?

Y/N it looked painful..

Zero: I was hurting for a while but thanks for being there guys...

Katie pulled Y/N and zero into a hug.


Ben tried to get away but he was brought into the hug, so was Gwen.

After a few minutes, they pulled away and max noticed a bin dent in the back of the rustbucket.

Max: why is there a bin dent in the rustbucket??

Ben: ask ZERO.

Zero: come on! It's like video games!

Y/N: pftt! Ok, well we should probably bolt.

Max: I can't really drive yet, Y/N.

Gwen: ben can!

Max: he can?????

Ben: how'd you think we got to zombozo?

Zero: yeah, ok, but one thing guys... during my whole incident..

The entire group was now focused on zero.

Zero: I saw this weird squid thing that said he was coming after the omnimatrix...he said we should be afraid.

Max didn't show his fear but Y/N did clearly.

Ben: Y/N.. YOU look afraid..

Y/N thought If he should tell them about vilgax or not.. if he didn't he'd lose all the friends he had. His FIRST friends.

Y/N:...the guy zero saw was someone my dad told me about and someone I saw in my own visions.. dad said he was a warlord but I don't know anymore than that over than he wants the watches.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys!

Y/N was almost of the verge of a tear escaping his eye.

Y/N:i-i just didn't want to lose you guys, my friends! The only friends I've ever had.. I never wanted you to see me as a liar and a jerk ! I-

Before he could continue insulting himself, Katie hugged him.

Katie: it's ok Y/N. We know you only kept this to yourself because you were afraid that we would hate you.. but we don't! You're our best Friend!

Ben: yeah man. Who cares about one lousy secret? Friends keep secrets all the time! You don't need to apologise.

Zero: honestly, it's sorta impossible to hate or hold a grudge against YOU. You're too nice for us so yeah. It's all ok!

Y/N let his welled up tear escape and he sighed contently.

The other kids were hugging Y/N in a heartwarming group hug.

Katie: if anything, we need to thank you, because you trusted us with this secret and it's one of the heroic things you've done for us id say.

Ben: just know Y/N that you have a hella awesome squad to back your butt up whenever you need it!

Y/N was so happy that his friends understood and he returned the group hug.

Max smiled at the heartwarming scene, but he sadly looked down when one thing was mentioned..


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