Supernatural Academy with The...

By zodiac_honey

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In another universe, there are 12 supernatural creatures that get accepted to the best academy in their world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Chaos
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 - Secrets
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Rose
Chapter 14 - A Wendigo
Chapter 15 - Afraid
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Long Saturday
Chapter 18 - Trouble
Chapter 19 - Seriously more trouble?
Chapter 20 - Aware
Chapter 21 - Discovery
Chapter 22 - Secrets
Chapter 23 - A risk?
Chapter 24 - Big Day
Chapter 25 - Friends
Chapter 26 - A Curse
Chapter 27 - Halloween
Chapter 28 - Vulnerable
Chapter 29 - Time
Chapter 30 - What A World
Chapter 31 - Coming
Chapter 32 - Where The Chaos Truly Begins
Chapter 34 - Angels
Chapter 35 - The Shapeshifters and Half Phantom
Chapter 36 - The Feather
Chapter 37 - Where they went?
Chapter 38 - Their Friends
Chapter 39 - Mr Watkins
Chapter 40 - Scream
Chapter 41 - Plans
Chapter 42 - The Witch

Chapter 33 - After The Bell

198 7 4
By zodiac_honey

Aries never did find Cancer and Gemini Yin after the little incident. She would've found them if they hadn't gone through Capricorn's portal. But they did, and his portal closed right as she stepped outside. She knew they had been around the place not so long ago by her sense of smell. She just didn't get where they had gone off to and how so quickly. Though while she was out, she noticed what every other student wandering outside had seen as well, Angels stood outside the academy with Mr Watkins. 

They must be from Aquarius's hometown  Aries thought. Why would they come here though? Wanting to find out, she listened in on their conversation. ''Let's have the the bells for class go first, before we continue our conversation in my office'' Mr Watkins said to the two adult angels before him. 

Damn  She thought, unhappy that she won't be able to know what's going on. She then checked the time, and saw that the first bell was just a few minutes away from going off. Still having her ears focused on their conversation, she heard more of their conversation. ''What should we do with the girl's belongings as of right now Mr Watkins?'' The female angel asked. ''Would my younger angels be able to drop her belongings off in her dormitory while we speak in your office?''

''Unfortunately that can't happen as I don't know which dorms belong to which students myself and along with that these dorms are shared, meaning I'll have to make sure the other student is aware and okay with your angels going into their dorm''

''I'm sure they will be okay with my angels coming in for a moment if we let them know about what has happened to their roommate'' She responded back with, and such a sentence made the eavesdropping dragon confused. 

What has happened to their roommate... She repeated, and then continued to speak her mind. But Aquarius is here and...fine? She firstly thought. Are they even talking about Aquarius?  Whatever something has happened, and it just proves that Virgo had a right to be worried about Aquarius She thought lastly to herself as she wanted to focus on hearing more of Mr Watkins conversation with the group. Unluckily for her that's when the first bell went off, or at least it was a little unlucky for her for just one reason, and that was not being able to hear the rest of their conversation they have outside.

Class is exactly what I need right now!  She immediately thought, hearing it go off. I need to make sure that Aquarius knows that they're here, and figure out what has recently happened to bring them here. She quickly turned around and walked through the same doors she came out from but this time she didn't go down the same corridor as before. She took a different corridor route to her next lesson. I hope Cancer and either Yin or Yang show up for class She thought as she walked through the busy corridor. Walking through the corridor, she realised that she couldn't spot any of her friends around in the corridor. 

''Aries, you okay?'' A familiar male voice asked from beside her. She looked over to the direction of the voice and now walking with her in that moment were Leo and Scorpio. 

''Oh yeah I am'' She answered, with a happy smile hopping onto her face. She was glad that they had crossed paths with her in the corridor. Them being with her crushed the worries that she had began to feel, and it meant that she didn't have to enter her history class alone. ''Have you guys seen Cancer and Gemini Yin around? Or Aquarius?'' She asked.

''We haven't seen Aquarius since the beginning of break and we haven't seen Cancer and Gemini Yin at all'' Scorpio said, being the one to answer the question. 

''Really?'' Aries asked, and only looked at for her moment as they were still making their way to class through the busy corridor.

''Yeah, we didn't spend our whole break in cafeteria today'' Scorpio revealed. 

''Oh, what did you guys do for break then?'' Aries responded, asking yet another question while reaching their history classroom.

''We went into an empty classroom, ate toast and played that very popular card game'' Leo answered, though he left out one small detail about said break together. Plus we did some kissing which was just amazing  He thought and Scorpio still having her issue to hear any kind of intimate thought, heard his exact thought. A thought that placed a happy smile on her face, and made her want to keep her gaze on him. He looked right back at her, and shared a happy smile back with her. He would kiss her in that moment if he could but that would break the promise he had made with her. Over break when they shared their second date, he had promised her their relationship would remain a secret until she's ready. Afterall she had just faced one of her fears, and that was to date Leo. She was scared to date him for many reasons. The first reason being that she didn't think he wanted to be anything more then friends especially with his status, for the second reason she was worried about the chances of something bad happening between them if they were to date and lastly the third reason why she was scared to date him is because of what she is, a siren. Though Leo is very unaware that's a reason why she struggled to move on to the next step between them. All he knew that she struggled to date him because of his status, and her fear of not wanting to ruin their friendship or hurt him.  

''Sounds like a great break compared to mine'' Aries said as a response, killing the secret couple's smiles right then and there. Leo and Scorpio were both down to ask about her break but they had already reached their classroom and Aries spoke again as soon as she entered. ''Mr Woodstone?'' Stood behind the desk was Mr Woodstone and not their usual history teacher. ''Since when do you teach history, sir?'' She asked. 

''Since I started to be a supply teacher'' He answered, and sat himself down at the desk.

''Oh'' Aries responded, and continued her walk over to her table on the second row. She placed her bag underneath the table, and looked over at the door in hope to see either Gemini Yin or Yang walk through with Cancer. But her hopes quickly dropped in that moment when someone else walked through the door, and it was someone that she didn't like one bit aka Frey. The dragon that is always having somewhat of a go at Gemini Yin, or so she used to have a go. She hadn't picked on her since Aries, Pisces and Gemini Yang ran into her and her ex-friend Elijah. Ex-friend because they were simply not friends anymore after that event. 

''I think you will make a great history supply'' Scorpio said to Mr Woodstone, and sat herself down in her seat. Aries looked away from the door, and looked over at Mr Woodstone. He smiled at the comment, and looked at the computer to his side. Leo stood right next to Scorpio's table and responded to her comment. ''You're only saying that because he's a vampire''

''I suppose so'' Scorpio said. ''After all he wouldn't know so much knowledge about other creatures and races if he didn't have all the time in the world'' She added, and in her eyes it just proved that Mr Woodstone could potentially be a great history teacher. 

Getting up from her seat, Aries walked toward Mr Woodstone's classroom and she glimpsed up at the clock on the wall. The second bell was about to go in just minute, and Cancer still hadn't come back with either Gemini Yin or Yang. ''Sir'' She said, standing in front of his desk. ''Something happened at break between Pisces and Gemini Yin so there is a chance that Gemini Yin might skip class'' She informed. ''I say might because Cancer has gone looking for, and I doubt that Yang would let that happen''

''What about Pisces?'' He asked. 

''She's okay now'' She answered. ''She'll be arriving here in any minute with Taurus'' She said, looking at the clock on the wall again.

''Okay, I'm glad'' He responded. ''If they don't show up in the next five minutes, then I'll allow you to take a moment outside and ring Cancer'' He said. ''So you can find out where they've gone and try to get them to come to class''

''Okay Sir'' Aries said, and with that the second bell went to class and she started to return back to her seat. As she walked back to her seat, she realised how many empty chairs there were in the classroom. Nine empty chairs, and every one was someone she knew. Aries looked at Scorpio and Leo who were both confused as they were. Mr Woodstone counted how many empty chairs there were, and quickly went through the register. He was expecting some students to not show but not that many. He was only expecting the three students that Mr Watkins talked about with him to not show up or so that was the case until Aries told him about Yin and Cancer, meaning he was expecting only five students to not show up. 

''Why aren't the others here?'' He said out loud, thinking about Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Taurus. He looked back at the class and the empty chairs.  ''Perhaps Gemini Yin killed them all'' Frey confidently suggested, and Mr Woodstone just shook his head in disapproval. 

''Don't make such stupid comments Frey'' He responded back, and stood himself up. ''Especially about Gemini Yin, I do not want to spend another term dealing with your comments towards her again'' Mr Woodstone then walked out from his desk, and closed the door before continuing to speak. ''The same goes for you all'' He continued, speaking to the rest of class. ''Just because the way she came into this world is different, doesn't mean you can treat her differently then everyone else''

''Hmpf'' Frey reacted, and looked at her blue painted nails, instead of Mr Woodstone. With the door closed now, Mr Woodstone had returned to his desk but remained to stand up. ''Now that I have got that out of the way, I can discuss with you what I've been told to tell you guys'' He said to the class. ''As some of you may have seen there are a group of Angels here today, and they have arrived here to speak to Mr Watkins about two students from this class and those students would be Aquarius and Libra'' From there, he sat himself back in his chair before saying anymore. ''The Angels don't know that they are here, and Mr Watkins wants to keep in that way, and in order to that we need you all to pretend that you haven't seen or heard from then since before break that's if any angels do come round to this class'' He lastly revealed to the class, and that's when. 

''Where are Libra and Aquarius as of right now though Sir?'' Scorpio asked, not raising her hand up or anything.

''I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that question'' Mr Woodstone answered. ''My best guess is that they're in one of their dorms as that's the best place to be, as there won't be any angels roaming around there'' Next to say something from the class was Aries, though she rose her hand this time and waited for approval to speak. ''It's been five minutes, can I go ring Cancer now? I'll ring Pisces as well while I'm out'' She said. ''Also Pisces wasn't just with Taurus at break, Sagittarius and Libra were too''

Libra as well? No wonder why they aren't here then Mr Woodstone thought. ''Of course'' He responded, and Aries quickly got out from her seat. ''I hope everyone is okay'' Aries heard Scorpio say before stepping out from the classroom. Standing in the corridor with her phone, she didn't know who to call first. I should call Pisces first considering she was with Libra. If she's still with then, that explains why she isn't here but if not... She stopped her thought there, and simply began to call her. It was ringing yet she wasn't answering, and that would because her phone was on silent in her pocket. Along with that, Pisces was too busy listening and watching Cancer speak to Taurus at this moment then to be on her phone. This resulted in Aries getting no answer from her. Seriously? No answer?  She thought, planning to ring her for a second time. She was determined to find out where she was and what she's doing.

At this point, Pisces was leaving the cafeteria with Taurus. Following Virgo and Cancer who had left, and leaving Capricorn with Sagittarius and Gemini Yang. She had just taken her phone out when Aries called her for a second time. ''Oh, Aries is calling me'' She said out loud, as Taurus opened a door for them both. ''What am I going to say?'' She said to Taurus, following him out and into the corridor where both Virgo and Cancer were waiting. He appeared to be still holding onto her hand, and she continued to still be lost for words. 

''She's going to be asking about why we haven't showed up to class'' Pisces said to Taurus.

''Just tell her that I was just refusing to come to class, and you guys were all trying to get me to go'' He responded, and then kept on walking his way back to lesson alongside Cancer and Virgo. 

''I don't think she's going to believe that but okay'' Pisces commented, just before answering. ''Hey Aries'' She started the conversation, anxiously. 

''Pisces!'' She responded. ''Where the hell are you guys?'' She quickly asked. 

''Oh we've only just left the cafeteria'' Pisces answered, honestly. ''Taurus was refusing to come to class so we ended up staying behind'' She added the lie, and looked at Taurus in front of her. 

''And who else stayed behind?'' Aries said, asking her another question which Pisces responded with a honest answer or at half of the truth. ''Cancer and Virgo''

''Wait so Cancer didn't find Yin, and where the hell is Sagittarius if he's not with you guys?''

''Aries'' Pisces looked at her friends a head, and Taurus looked over his shoulder back at her. ''Things aren't normal right now, and it's not the best time to catch you up on why...'' Pisces quietly said down the phone.

''You don't need to tell me anything Pisces'' Aries softly warned. ''Mr Woodstone has told me and the entire class that there is a situation around those two students'' She purposely avoided their names in case the angels weren't so far away from her in the building. She didn't want anyone in search of Aquarius or Libra to catch her speaking about them. 

''Mr Woodstone?'' Pisces questioned. ''Yeah, he's suppling our history lesson, and he knows as much as Mr Watkins knows'' 

''Does that mean I'm not going to get a late detention?'' The eavesdropping vampire Taurus happily asked, though his happiness didn't last long. Virgo's hearing had caught hold of footsteps and a conversation not so far from them. A conversation he assumed was the Angels, and they were coming from the corridor they had just walk down. The one right around the corner. ''This place is huge'' The guard from the group of angels spoke.

''Taurus'' Virgo quietly spoke, and looked behind him.

''I know'' Taurus responded, already catching on and he wasn't the only one. Cancer had realised as well. This meant that Pisces was the only person in the group that didn't have a clue that they were so close to be getting caught out of class. ''Let's run, shall we?'' Taurus confidently encouraged to both Virgo and Cancer, and Pisces just stood beside him, puzzled.  

''I can't run like you guys-'' Pisces joined in on the whispering, even though the whispering had already came to a end. Especially when Taurus swiftly lifted Pisces off her feet, holding her over his shoulder. He was so quick with his movement that she didn't even get a chance to stop him, or had a chance to react to him. No no not again!  She panicked, reacting to her feet no longer being on the ground and she was reminded of the first time her feet left the ground which was Aries gave her and her friends a ride on her dragon back. She didn't like her feet being off the ground, and she didn't like the way her stomach felt. 

The moment Pisces focused on the present, it had already been too late to say anything to the vampire boy. He had swiftly ran down the corridor, following Cancer and Virgo as he tightly held onto her. The breeze she felt through those corridors as he ran with her was amazing, yet it wasn't enough to drive her fear away of not standing on her two feet away. She had a tight hold on him throughout the whole run.

''And we're here'' Taurus announced, reaching the end of their run which would be outside their classroom, and then he gently moved her off from his shoulder. 

''Damn, you guys got here quite-'' Aries still standing outside their classroom, commented. Though she didn't finish her sentence because of something she had just witnessed. She had witnessed, Pisces try to slap Taurus right across the face. If it wasn't because of his reflexes, she would've been able to slap him but no. Instead, Taurus's attention went from being on Aries to her, and he swiftly got a hold onto Pisces's wrist. He looked at her in shock, and she looked at him with anger or so she was before they were both looking at each other. 

Quickly calming down, she felt herself start to regret her previous action and it caused her to have the urge to apologize. ''I-''  She started but that's all she managed to say before he rapidly interrupted her. ''I'm sorry'' He said. ''For quickly carrying you without either warning or asking you'' Along with his apology, he lowered her her arm down and released her wrist.

''No no I'm sorry'' Pisces quickly responded. ''You had to carry me or else I would've gotten us caught by the headmaster'' 

''That would've been better then having you be angry-'' Interrupting him, Aries confidently joined in on the conversation and stood between them both. ''Okay we're going to end it right there blood sucker'' She said to him. ''As I want to get back in class before anymore chaos happens'' 

''Did you just call-'' 

''Yes I did'' Aries interrupted, not needing to hear the rest from him. ''Now you've both apologized, let's go'' Being demanding, she grabbed hold off his arm and dragged him into the classroom with her. Pisces followed them inside straightaway unlike Virgo and Cancer. 

Virgo had stayed outside the classroom because of Cancer. She was just stood there holding onto her arm and staring into space. ''Cancer'' Virgo called for her, and delicately reached for her hand. Breaking her stare, she faced him and responded to her name. ''Yeah?'' She simply said, and then looked down at his hand holding her own again.

''Are you doing okay?'' He asked her, as she met eyes with him once again. 

''No, I'm not'' She answered, honestly. ''But it's nothing for you to worry about'' 

''You sure?'' He questioned her another time. 

''I just feel a little down after hearing what Taurus said in the cafeteria...'' She stated while lowering her gaze back on the ground. ''Because he's not wrong'' She continued, as she moved her hand away from his own.

''You, Taurus, Rose and the rest of your village trusted witches and wizards to look after your home and everyone in it'' She had then lifted her gaze back up to look back at him as she felt the urge to cry for Taurus, and him. Yet she didn't, as it wasn't fair for either one of them. ''Yet they failed'' She said. ''And because of that both You and Taurus lost your loved ones, and ended up becoming vampires'' 

''It's not fair, and it's not right...'' She lastly said in a whisper. Can witches and wizards not be trusted or relied on once again? She commented to herself, as she reminded herself of Aries's curse mark, along with some dragon history she once learnt about dragons under the element of fire. During 1905, the population of fire dragons had started to decrease until 1945 because of wizard called Eric Thomason. A wizard who went around during his youth going around the world killing every fire dragon he could find with his own team of wizards. If he was an ordinary human, he would've called it a quits during his 30s or 40s, but he wasn't. Instead both him, and the wizard team he led used their magic to slow down their ages as they knew they wouldn't be able to kill all fire dragons in two decades, especially if dragons kept breeding. 

''I didn't lose all my loved ones, you know?'' Virgo revealed out loud to Cancer, and caused her thoughts on the past to fade away. ''Neither did Taurus''

''You didn't?''

''Yeah, we both still have our families'' He answered. ''Thanks to the witches and wizards'' 

''The witches and wizards saved them?'' She asked, doubtful and then watched him move a step closer toward her. ''Of course they did'' He let out. ''It was their job to protect our hometown and everyone'' 

''And they did the best they could do'' He stated. ''If it wasn't for them, me and Taurus wouldn't be here'' He revealed, and with those words he moved his gaze off her. Hesitantly, he tried to say one more thing to her. ''If it wasn't for them, then I wouldn't have ever met the most bravest-''

''Guys!'' Aries interrupted, rushing out the classroom. ''What are you doing? Why aren't you guys in class...'' She quickly lowered her volume as she were swift to read the situation between the pair. She could see that there was somewhat of a serious conversation going on. Virgo swiftly turned around, and responded back to her, where Cancer stayed quiet once again. Speechless again in fact.

''Oh sorry, we were too busy talking and simply forgot about lesson'' Virgo answered with, and placed on a quick short smile.

''Hmm yeah okay'' Aries simply went along with it, and then grabbed his arm just like she did with Taurus. Prepared to drag him into class, yet she didn't because he willingly walked into class. Leaving the wolf behind, she followed them inside but it wasn't after she watched them enter the classroom. Was he in the middle of saying something about me?  She thought, and then quickly followed them inside. She was the last person in that group to enter the classroom, or at least from that bunch.

Capricorn, Gemini Yang and Sagittarius were still not in class. The three had stayed in the cafeteria after everyone else had left. ''They've gone past now'' Capricorn said some time after the others left and once the headmaster and the angels walked past the outside corridor. His ears had caught them talking through the corridors just the others.

''What the angels?'' Sagittarius asked.

''Yes, they are with Mr Watkins and they heading to his office'' 

''Capricorn, why did you keep us behind?'' Yang quickly asked, getting right to the point.

''So I could speak one to one with you guys without the others standing around'' He answered. ''Mr Watkins is going to, and he most definitely will call me and Sagittarius to his office'' 

''Wait why?'' Sagittarius asked him. 

''Because we are the girls roommates, they will want to inform us on why the girls haven't returned back here'' 

''Where do we come into this?'' Gemini Yang asked. We? Aw it's nice to know that you're thinking about me Yin commented, and that comment had Yang covering lips as she hid her quick smile. We share the same brain and body of course! Yang responded, and then moved her hand down as she no longer had a smile on her face. 

''Because I need one of you to be pretend to be me'' Capricorn said to her, right after her thoughts with Yin. ''Wait what?'' She reacted, and Yin had the same thought.

''You want her to shapeshift into you?'' Sagittarius asked the question, surprised by the fact as well. 

''No'' He answered Sagittarius, and then looked back to Yang. ''I need you to shapeshift into a random demon and pretend that's who Capricorn Blake is''

''I can't just shapeshift into a random demon though'' She responded. ''I need to have met another demon in order to do that, and be able to picture them easily'' 

''Can't you just make up your own demon appearance like how Yin has her own appearance when she's in control'' Capricorn asked. Though he was quick to know the answer to his question as he saw her change in her emotions and behaviour. Yang pressed her lips together, and glanced away for a moment before she actually answered. ''No, I uh can't...'' She admitted. ''Only Yin can do that...'' She thought to mention as she fiddled with her fingers. The conversation died from there for a moment as Gemini Yang felt a bit disappointed. She believed that she had let him down with the fact but she couldn't be anymore wrong. 

''You'll master it to y'know?'' He spoke up. ''Sooner or later'' After those words, he showed a small reassuring smile. She stopped fiddling with her fingers from there, and returned back a small smile. I think I'm starting to see why Aquarius is so close with him She thought with her smile. He's such a nice person

I guess... Yin commented back, somewhat agreeing with her.

Yin's only been able to grasp such an ability because of the fact she's a magic source. She's much stronger and a faster learner then Yang. It's not that hard for her like it is for Yang... Looking back on his right, Capricorn looked over at the half phantom boy. ''Sagittarius'' 

''All I need you to do is be prepared to pretend you don't know anything when you get called to Mr Watkins office, especially when if I show up''

''I should get going then before someone comes looking around for me'' He said, and Capricorn moved his head in agreement. Watching Sagittarius walk out to the nearest cafeteria exit, Gemini Yang asked a question. ''I should be heading back to class too, right?'' 

Watching the entrance doors close after Sagittarius, he answered. ''Not quite yet'' He looked ahead of him, at Gemini Yang. It was just the two of them in the cafeteria.

''Capricorn I really can't make my appearances on the spot'' Gemini Yang said, and she started to feel herself become stressed.

''I know, and I'm not going to push you to do so''

''Then what's happening here?'' The most definitely stressed out shapeshifter asked, and Capricorn went awfully silent. He looked away in thought and with doubt. ''I would like Yin to help me'' He finally answered with. ''If she's able to make her own appearance then it shouldn't be hard for her to shapeshift a new appearance''

He's not being serious right? Gemini Yin asked, being as surprised as her sister. Not responding to her, Yang asked another question. ''You really can't show up to Mr Watkins' office as yourself?'' With this question, he returned his eye contact with her. ''One of the angels has seen me before, and the reason why they've seen me before is to do with Aquarius so no I can't''

''I see'' Gemini Yang had quietly responded back with, and looked down at the floor as she thought to herself and her sister. 

''I know she doesn't want to help but-'' 

''I'll help'' Gemini Yin interrupted, and she was quick with it. The moment Yang gave over control to her, she spoke. Shapeshifting into her appearance, she continued to speak. ''I owe you, and not only that but I can't have anything happening to my friends'' 

''Thank-'' He tried to thank her but was once again interrupted by her.

''Don't, there's no need''

''Alright'' He simply responded, and with that his eyes moved off from her.  

''You should get back to the girls'' Gemini Yin heavily suggested. ''You don't need to worry about me pretending to be you'' She said, and he was ready to give a response back but she had continued to speak. ''I know enough about you, and I have a perfect image of what I'm shapeshifting into'' He lowered his gaze, and a small soft smile appeared on his face. As he thought about everything she knew about him. She didn't know a lot about him during that period but enough to pass as him for a few hours.

''If that's the case I wish you good luck'' Capricorn then lifted his head, and revealed his purple glowing eyes. Opening up a portal, he was leaving the cafeteria and it wasn't till he left that she shapeshifted into 'him'. 

Are you sure about this Yin? Her sister asked.

''Yeah I am'' She thought out loud, and from there Yin focused on her shifting. Shapeshifting, her figure changed to a boy and her hair got shorter. The shapeshifter kept her red eyes, and kept her hair black. Joining the masculine figure and short hair, she created demon horns, a tail and a scar under her eye.

As for the clothing, it stayed the same as it wasn't an actual person she was shapeshifting. ''Now this might be problem'' She thought as she looked at the skirt that Yang picked out for them today. Though thanks to a thinking ahead demon it wasn't much of problem then they thought it was. Capricorn had opened a small portal and dropped a pair of his clothes on a table. The portal closed quickly not giving her anytime to say anything to him but she didn't really care. 

''We can finally leave'' Yin happily complained, after picking up the clothes and swiftly went over to the nearest cafeteria exit. She was in a rush to get changed in the girls toilet as there was no chance in hell that she was getting changed in the cafeteria where anyone could walk in on her. So with that idea in mind, she left the giant room and in her mind she thought she was the last student to leave the place but she wasn't...

Terra was.

A student that no one realised was in that giant hall, and in the way she technically wasn't because she was in the the Chef's kitchen. Though she heard everything because the kitchen's metal shutter wasn't down. She heard and saw everything, and she was able to get unnoticed by a simple invisible spell. She removed the spell as soon as Gemini Yin left the place, and stopped a recording on her phone. She had every conversation that happened with the group recorded.

I can't believe none of them sensed me here She thought. I suppose that means they all have their guard down when things are chaos especially Capricorn. Though his guard being down may just be because of his worriedness and fear for Aquarius... 

Being worried for someone now that's something I've not experienced for a while now...

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