House of Mikaelson and Potter...

By JasonKelly7

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Based on I am Creative's Old Daisy Potter and the Originals and Watching Legacies. What if Gaea seeing the fu... More

Cast look
Chapter 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Powers and Abilities of the Originals

Chapter 1

2.6K 19 1
By JasonKelly7

Summary: Based on I am Creative's Old Daisy Potter and the Originals and Watching Legacies. What if Gaea seeing the future (AU) finds that even though they defeated the threats to much harm was done to nature. To closely together causing Nature to become unbalance. To fix things Nature changes Vampire nature and allows those capable of fixing the world the chance to watch the future.

Relationship: Caroline Forbes/ Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson/ Katherine Pierce, Kol Mikaelson/ Danielle Potter, Rebekah Mikaelson/ Marcel Gerald, Davina Claire/Nevile Longbottom, Harry Potter/ Susan Bones/ Daphne Greengrass/ Fleur Delacour/ Narcissa Malfoy/ Nymphadora Tonks, Ron Weasley/ Hayley Marshall, Ginny Weasley/ Stefan Salvatore, Finn Mikaelson/ Sage, Freya Mikaelson/ Bill Weasley, Remus Lupin/ Carol Lockwood, Liz Forbes/ Sirius Black, Hermoine Granger/ Theodore Nott Jr, Blaise Zabini/ George Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/ Fred Weasley, Lillian Moon/ Charlie Weasley

Characters: Caroline Forbes, Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Kol Mikaelson, Danielle Potter, Rebekah Mikaelson, Marcel Gerald, Davina Claire, Nevile Longbottom, Harry Potter, Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass, Freya Mikaelson, Ron Weasley, Hayley Marshall, Ginny Weasley, Stefan Salvatore, Finn Mikaelson, Sage, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, Alaric Saltzman, Damon Salvatore, Tyler Lockwood, Carol Lockwood, Liz Forbes, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Mikael Mikaelson, Esther Mikaelson, Dahila, Theodore Nott JR, Blaise Zabini, Astoria Greengrass

Tags: Bashing Damon Salvatore, Bashing Elena Gilbert, Bashing Alaric Saltzman, Bashing Tyler Lockwood, Klaroline endgame, Caroline is a Spectral Beast, Caroline was born from a line of Dryads, Malivore hunts down Spectral Beasts, Caroline Spectral beast unbound, Watching the Show, Damon and Elena does not get a happy ending, BAMF Mikaelsons, Good Mikael, Evil Esther, Grey Dahila, Core Wielders (Harry Potter magic) can have children with Vampires, Not Canon, Twins who Live, Sirius and Remus Live, Nymphadora live, Evil Dumbledore, Evil Death Eaters, Harry is Lord of 5 Houses, Danielle is lady of 3 Houses, Mikaelsons worthy of living 1000s years, Smart Mikaelsons, Powerful Mikaelson

Gaea's Future show

Series 1 of 2

Gaea's Watching the show

Klaus Pov

Watching the guests enter the room I sigh in annoyance at the Ball my mother was forcing me to attend turning to the door my Jaw Drops as entering the Room was a goddess in human form slowly getting up, I walk over and ask '' Miss. Forbes may I have this dance ''?

Caroline stares at Klaus then turns and heads to the Bar for a drink making me laugh as I follow her.

As Caroline sits down a Light flash over the two.

Appearing in darkness Caroline and Klaus land on a bed made of the softest material.

As the two appear so does 11 more couple rooms and 35 single rooms.

The Dark place transforms into a mansion with 74 Rooms with 56 Bedrooms, 1 Kitchen, Library, Dungeons, Thrall, Ball Room, Wand Crafting, Potion Lab, Dueling Room, Dining Room, Living Room, Entertainment Room, Game Room, Gym, Pool Room, Sports Room, Bowling Alley, Quidditch Pitch, and Art Studio.

A Man and woman appear the Man speaks '' Are you sure about this love ''.

The Woman smiles '' Yes, dear our lines will need this ''.

Appearing in flames 6 More men and women step out then another man speaks '' It is done we must Hope we are able to stop Magic's destruction ''.

Bowing their head, the Man and Woman got to work setting up a theatre to watch the future.

(I will not do The Vampire Diaries of season 3 instead I'll make mentions we start season 4 of The Vampire Diaries then move on.)

Gaea's plane

Seeing their mother fall back to sleep after having brought them to the new world, making it impossible for anyone to stay dead, stopping time outside the world, and stocking it.

Aether the Primordial of Light and Upper Atmosphere, Hemera Primordial of Day, and Phusis Primordial of Nature and Beasts all look at each other than Aether states'' I believe we should aid mother ''.

Phusis agreeing replies '' Agreed I'll bring Ansel Niklaus's Father back from death and make him an Immortal Werewolf which will allow him to shapeshift at will. His weakness shall be Wolfsbane mixed into Platinum during the Forging process. Along with the Bennetts Shelia and Ayanna. And I'll allow Vampires magic allowing them Animal Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, and Elemental Manipulation based on age and power. With only the Originals having all the powers and elements along with Necromancy''.

Aether hearing that nod pleased then he states '' I shall make it where once vampires reach 600, they shall not be burned by the sun and an immunity to all Magic cast dealing with Fire and Light including Magic that is not considered Dark like the linking spell''.

Please with the gifts Hemera in a serene filled voice state'' I Shall make all those in the prison world capable of bearing 3 children each and those children can only die from being ripped apart and then burned''.

'' Nicely done nephews and niece ''.

Heads snapping up the three were surprised as the Primordials Chronus, Eros, Nyx, and Pontus appear.

Hemera is the first to bow '' Uncles... Aunt ''.

Nyx smiles at her daughter who still refuses to call her mother after the whole her killing Hemera's 2 Godly children.

Nyx speaks '' Oh daughter do not deny me I'm here to offer something as well... For all vampires in the world, they will gain Sin sight and Sin Confession which will allow them to see the crimes and plans of all but their family and Force the Sinner to admit to their crime. My last gift is the gift of Sinner Blood which will make all sinner's blood taste and smell like Ambrosia to the Vampires''.

Hemera raises her eyebrows then she vanishes in a burst of light not interested in listening to her mother.

Sighing Nyx hopes that sometime during this viewing her and her daughter could make up.

With Hemera finally allowing her to explain why she killed her 2 grandchildren.

Looking out towards the World her younger sister created Nyx waves her hand increasing the powers of the Mikaelsons and all under their power in connection to the night with Vampires becoming 5x then what they were, Werewolves without the full moon became equal to a newborn vampire in strength before they are activated and when they are activated, they equal a 200-year-old vampire in strength, senses and speed. In their wolf form they are equal to a Hybrid in speed, senses, and strength.

For Witches who work for the Mikaelsons any dark spell done in the Mikaelson's service is 4x as powerful and they are 2x as powerful.

For the Mikaelsons she improved on their original spell making it so that they are 5x better in matters of their Vampiric abilities and physical abilities such as their strength, speed, senses, Healing, Mental Abilities, and Physic abilities for each year they have been alive. Plus, everyone they have or will drink they will gain their memories and knowledge.

Nyx her work done turns back into the shadows vanishing.

Chronus sighs and states '' Gaea has already called on my power but I hereby gift this all Witches can live up to 300 years while Werewolves can live 250 years. Vampires shall have the ability to manipulate their own shape in small ways such as making themselves appear older by 4 Years and make any imperfections disappear''.

Problems solve Chronus Vanishes.

Pontus and Eros look at each other than Eros begins '' I hereby gift all True mates and True Lovers with a Lovers connection which means they shall share Abilities and be able to speak through their minds, Strength, and Immortality.

Meaning for example Caroline is now an Original Hybrid like Klaus Mikaelson.

And Like Klaus in order to kill, link or trapped him they both must be Trapped, Kill, or Linked at the same place and time or they could escape.

Kol has his Magic while Bonnie has Kol's Original status.

Hayley shall have Tyler's Hybrid status and so on and so forth.

The Sire line is remade thus that the original powers the vampire's magic making it where should the sire line break the vampires die same if the original dies. But the Original can gain power from their sire lines.

And has a degree of command over their childe beyond that of a sire bond nor can their childe harm/work with someone trying to harm their sire.

Eros pleased teleports in a cloud of love perfume.

Pontus amused states '' I'm hereby making it impossible for anyone in this newly created world to be Desiccate as their blood is instantly refilled from the water in the air and ground. But should they not feed or be spelled desiccate they shall be weaker by 20% until they have new human blood entered into their system''.

Pontus's gift dealt he vanished in a water tornado.

The Primordials still in the room look at each other in surprised then Aether states '' I think this may be more important than we thought ''.

Teleporting away the 3 decide to keep a close eye on the world.

As Hemera leaves she decides to call the world Terra's world.

Terra's world

Feeling a surprising degree of tiredness Niklaus slowly wakes up giving a quiet grunt his mind explodes as knowledge and memories not his own are implanted and sorted in his mind.

Instantly plans and mistakes that he's made become abundantly clear along with the ability to control his emotions and deal with any mental issues he once had.

Eyes snapping open Niklaus felt someone on him.

Flashing up and looking down Niklaus's jaw drops as he looks at the beauty that is Caroline.

Staring at her Niklaus realizes that he was wrong before she was 5:9 with D+ breasts, Wide ass, and Wide Curves, and according to his senses she was a Hybrid too.

Shaking the lust away Niklaus closes his eyes as he felt his wolf howling in lust and pleasure at being near her.

With his new knowledge Niklaus knew why Caroline was his True Mate and according to his senses the process has already started with Caroline being an Original Hybrid too.

Knowing that his wolf will force him he climbs back into bed pulling Caroline over to him.

Instantly his wolf calms and Niklaus's mind starts to go over everything as he remembers the light.

Quickly he realizes he was kidnapped and where usually that would make him enrage for some reason his kidnappers appeared to have made him better than ever and made certain he was comfortable.

With his new knowledge and mind, he knows he has to find out how and why before he decides anything.

Feeling hunger Niklaus sniffs the air slowly putting Caroline back on the bed Niklaus follows the smell of blood downstairs noticing the Mansion and house they were in Niklaus's jaw-drops as he sees nothing outside the mansion.

Worried deeply about that Niklaus makes it down to the Dungeon instantly he growls as he knows these prisoners, they were all Rapists, Child Abusers, Child Molesters, Pregnant killers, Child Killers, and Torturers.

Allowing his darkness out Niklaus enters a room marked Child Molesters and stands in wait as 100 cells holding 100 Child Molesters are teleported into the room.

Appearing in the room the Child Molesters all smile in their hands appear knives and Bats.

Niklaus smiles at not only the meal but the hunt.

Flashing forward Niklaus was a blur as his new Military experience and combat abilities allow him to within 30 Minutes defeat each of the Child Molesters leaving them with broken arms and legs.

Grabbing his first Niklaus drains his first Child Molester and moves to the next.

Caroline's Pov

Feeling empty Caroline's eyes open panting Caroline pants with fear and sadness. The Fear from not knowing what's happening and Sadness as whatever she was connected to wasn't here and she wanted it back.

Hearing the sound of screams and blood.

Caroline drags herself out of the room picking her dress up a little as she flashes downstairs, she felt overwhelming fear seeing the window and nothing outside.

Quickly flashing downstairs, she notices she was in a dungeon and sees Klaus's fighting.

Feeling her sadness disappear Caroline goes to shout when she notices who Klaus was fighting growling at that Caroline enters the door to Rapists and fights and eats as well.

The Martial Arts lessons that her father and Mother force her to take and gain black belts from allowing her to make quick work of the rapists.

Snapping a rapist's arm of Caroline lifts the arm and drinks the blood from its socket.

Her Vampire side for once in control.

She barely notices the sounds of fighting having disappear from the other occupied room.

Caroline dancing smiles as she takes her Karate, Muay Thai, Judo, and Aikido lessons and destroys the Rapists in ways that allow her to feast on her enemies.

Klaus's POV

Killing and draining his last enemy I look behind me noticing the fighting and felt a burst of lust and desire as I watch my mate completely diminish the Rapists.

Letting out a quiet groan I shift my pants as Caroline lets go of her last meal.

Turning she felt something inside howl with lust and love as she sees Klaus staring at her with Lust and Desire.

Walking out of the cell Caroline felt it the overwhelming need to be with Klaus fighting it as much as she could she turns and tries to force herself to move.

I noticing her leaving quickly pull Caroline into my arms making Caroline moan and the both of us close our eyes.

Unseen by us a Bright gold light appears representing the true mate bond which would force us to be no less then 50 FT apart at least hours a day.

Feeling ourselves calm we slowly let go of each other until only our hands were teaching and together, we walked up from the dungeons up to the Theatre room where the feeling was commanding us to go.

Making their way into the theatre Caroline and Klaus raise their eyes as they notice the few humans sitting in the room laughing.

Coming to a small couch with enough room to seat them both they both sit and speak to Liz, Carol, Alaric, Jeremy, Matt, and Elena.

Well Caroline speaks to her mother, Matt, Carol and Alaric with Carol and Alaric looking at her with sympathy as she explains Tyler's crime and the feeling she had. Liz was enraged and swore revenge on Tyler.

Matt just looked at Caroline with sadness and pity.

Jeremy and Elena were speaking quietly with each other with Elena looking at Caroline with betrayal and rage while Jeremy looks at Caroline in curiosity and slight worry.

Jeremy unlike Elena was willing to admit that Klaus has only ever react and completely honest Jeremy blames Elena for Jenna being used as Elena knowingly attempted to stop the ritual even knowing she would be come back to life.

Which is why when Klaus was going to use him as incentive against Elena to get back his coffins. Jeremy went to him and offered him a deal if he finds his siblings coffins and lets Klaus know he'll be left out of any revenge/payback unless he is involved.

Klaus agreed and within 4 hours Jeremy managed to let Klaus know where the Coffins were sadly the Bennett ancestors Emily, Beatrice and the majority against the Mikaelsons managed to hide Esther's coffin long enough for her to be awaken.

As punishment Abby Bennett and her new family were killed and Lucy was forced to swear a blood oath of Familial service to the Mikaelsons.

Lucy undid the Linking spell within 2 hours of finding Finn.

That was 3 hours ago and it was only 1 hour ago that Finn was Un daggered and Sage had arrived.

With the only reason Sage and Finn were allowed to leave is he took with him 40 Hybrid guards all of whom were handpicked from Werewolves who have served and followed the Mikaelsons for 200 years with Training from Klaus.

Plus, Finn swore a blood oath to never surrender and always fight to protect the family and himself.

Because of the oath Finn got to be with Sage and his Daggered was destroyed.

Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah forced Klaus to give them their daggers after each swore their own oaths.

With Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah agreeing to handle anything dealing with the Business world and numerous contacts/Allies.

Finn and Sage were given the task of Training the family's forces and leading the armies as Generals in battle.

Kol agreed to start up a swerve of Supernatural businesses and safe places.

Elijah along with Businesses was given the task of aiding him in starting up Supernatural communities around the world.

Rebekah will handle only the business world and the family's various Properties with Kol.

(Klaus plans on changing that to Caroline and Rebekah once she gives in. With Rebekah and Caroline working close together with Rebekah dealing with Properties and Business outside the country and Caroline inside the country.

With Kol only handling the various Supernatural businesses and Communities with Elijah which would cause Kol, Finn, and Elijah to meet and gather more allies while destroying the Mikaelsons many enemies.

Finn will of course put his Viking brain to use and eliminate the Mikaelsons enemies.)

Caroline noticing, I went silent whispers '' What are you thinking ''?

Smirking I look at Caroline giving her a smile and whisper '' Well, love I'm planning on where to move here''.

Hearing the Theatre door open again I turn towards the door barely noticing everyone else doing the same as 14 people enter the room talking.

Noticing us they stop and then a man and woman steps forwards both have brown messy hair and green eyes but where the Man was wearing a Necklace with 5 Rings along with a Snakeskin-like looking cloak and a Suit and tie.

The Woman was wearing a beautiful dress and had 3 Rings on a bracelet.

At the man's side was a Sword Sheathe complete with a sword while the woman has 2 Long Knives.

Harry but wearing suit and Coat with green eyes.

Danielle but with green eyes and black hair.

Stepping forward the Man speaks '' Hello, I'm Harold Jefferson Potter-Peverell or Harry Potter''.

Surprised everyone felt the power from the boy who sensing that he needs to go further states '' I'll introduce myself and the others fully when everyone arrives''.

Nodding Harry bows to everyone and heads to his seat meanwhile Niklaus's jaw-drops Caroline seeing that asks '' What is it ''?

Smiling gently, I look down at Caroline and whisper '' I was told Harry was dead and I'm one of Harry's 3 Godfathers ''.

Jaw-dropping Caroline looks up slightly more interested as everyone heads to their seats.

Frowning I murmur to Caroline'' It seems, you will have to learn more about the world Caroline ''.

Confused Caroline stares at me as I smirk and point at the 26 people sighing Caroline leans back annoyed at not learning everything.

Leaning back in my seat I start thinking about my godchildren and the fact that this means that Dumbledore lied.

Outrage at believing him and what my godchildren must have gone through I look at the two of them again and smile as I see they have the rings.

(Timeline Harry and Danielle were born 1990. Went to school at Hogwarts 2001 to 2008. Harry was a Slytherin while Danielle was a Ravenclaw. It is 2010. Dumbledore is a dark lord as is Voldemort neither side is with Harry.

Voldemort is still alive as is Dumbledore both of them have joined forces against Harry. All are at war but Harry is the only one legal and can appear in public without being called evil or fear spreading over everyone.

Narcissa Malfoy is the only good Malfoy as Draco isn't even her son.

Lucius cheated on Narcissa which allowed Sirius when he was set free to Dissolve the marriage and gained 80% of the Malfoys wealth. Draco is a sadist fucker while Lucius is a Rapist.

Theodore Nott Jr. Blaise Zabini, Greengrass sisters, Lillian Moon, and three other families are not Death eaters.)

Astoria Greengrass

Daphne Greengrass

Lillian Moon

Narcissa Malfoy

Smiling I state '' That is okay Lord Potter ''.

Seeing the surprised on everyone face I sigh as I lean back into couch further with Caroline setting into my shoulder sighing in both happiness and annoyance that she couldn't resist.


Closing my eyes, I murmur'' Good... Rebekah is awake ''.

Listening I sigh as I realize Rebekah had woken up everyone giving a tiny smile, I give a chuckle as I recognize the couples were given the same rooms.

After 30 Mins the doors open once again and as they close the room darkens and a voice speaks '' Hello, all we the primordials have gather each of you as Nature is at risk and each of you are the only ones that can save it.

To aid you we have created this small mansion for you to watch the future and gather everything you need.

To aid you we have given gifts and boons to each of you and this mansion will help you learn and gain control of said gifts. Please introduce yourself and the show shall begin''.  

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